Grand Oaks • Windsong Place • Brenwood Park • Brenwood • Cypress Falls • Barker Village
November 2011 NOVEMBER GARDENING TIPS LAWN/GARDEN CARE November is Epilepsy Awareness Month Many people are surprised to find out that Epilepsy is as common as breast cancer and takes as many lives each year. It is a terrifying and potentially fatal disease that carries tremendous stigma. Epilepsy affects approximately 150,000 people throughout the greater Houston, Dallas and Ft. Worth areas. • Epilepsy and Seizures affect almost 3 MILLION Americans of all ages - more than Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease combined! • 200,000 new cases of Epilepsy are diagnosed every year. • 10% of Americans will experience a seizure at least once in their lives. • Each year in the U.S. 45,000 children under the age of 15 develop Epilepsy. • A patient’s first seizure will occur without warning. • EPILEPSY IS NOT CONTAGIOUS. • Medications do not cure epilepsy, but they may help control or prevent seizures. Medications help between 50-70% of patients. • In Texas, if you are diagnosed with Epilepsy, your doctor must certify that you are seizure free for a period of 6 months before you can drive again. • The color for Epilepsy Awareness is Purple. • THERE IS NO CURE FOR EPILEPSY… YET! You can learn more and help find a cure at
Finally we have cooler weather upon us to enjoy the cool evenings and mornings we have missed all summer long, and we are a little less dry than we were 2-3 months ago. However, the effects of this year’s drought are still upon us. Insect and fungus damage should still be part of your main considerations as we are moving out of the intense heat and into cooler times. • Insect Control - chinch bugs can still be working to destroy our lawns if we haven’t fully eliminated their presence. Continue to monitor and treat any areas you may suspect chinch bugs may be present. Ortho “Max” or Spectricide “Triazicide” are both good liquid products to utilize. • Fungus Control - November is when Brownpatch fungus will really start to take its toll if we fail to treat our lawns properly and scale back on the amount of water applied. Remember, when evening temperatures fall below 60 degrees, this problematic fungus will likely re-appear where you have had it before. The best strategy for limiting and controlling Brownpatch; • Change your watering schedule by eliminating any evening watering sessions. Leaving the lawn wet in the evening is an open invitation for Brownpatch to appear. • Alter your fertilizer in use to limit the amount of nitrogen to only a “slow-release” combination. • For treatment, Fertilome liquid systemic, Daconil or a double dose or Terrachlor should help stop any apparent signs from growing or increasing. • Don’t wait until the famous “rings of death” appear - treat before you see the telltale signs and avoid the breakout altogether. It is much easier to prevent Brownpatch than it is to control/eliminate it. • Trees - Do not forget to continue to deep water trees at least as long as overnight temperatures stay above 70 degrees. Magnolias (if you still have one) were especially battered this summer and need to be nursed during the fall season also - just because it is cooler doesn’t mean they do not require attention. • Fall is for Planting - with the cooler months and the chance for new trees and shrubs to become better established before warmer weather is back, now is the time to consider planting new trees or ornamentals. Many of us may have the need to replace anything that may have been lost during the summer drought or just may wish to add to the beauty of our yards.
Be Thankful, Happy Thanksgiving! 1
Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 Connections November email: for articles • for business ads • for classified 2011 ads