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Official Newsletter of



Copper Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Maintenance Fees are due and delinquent after January 31, 2012. Copper Village HOA meetings are the first Thursday of each month. The March meeting will be March 1st and the April meeting will be April 5th. The meetings are held at 7 PM in the West Houston Church of Christ at the corner of Queenston and West Road. Recycling: Just a reminder that items to be put in the recycle bins are paper, plastic and aluminum only. Please, NO GLASS! Thanks to everyone who participated in the holiday decorating contest. The winners were displayed on the Copper Village web site. We ask that everyone please remove the holiday decorations in a timely manner.

Weather Information for Copper Village

Ever wish you could have access to weather conditions right in your backyard? Now you practically can with an individual weather reporter right in our neighborhood. Find it at this website: asp?ID=KTXHOUST159.

Monthly Board Meetings

The Board meets monthly, usually the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at West Houston Church of Christ (at the northwest corner of West Road and Queenston). Please check the Copper Village website ( for possible schedule/ location changes. If you have something to bring before the Board please call AMI at 713-932-1122 to be placed on the agenda. We welcome your attendance and participation at the Board meetings.

Have You Returned Your IRIS Registration Form?

If not, what are you waiting for? The Immediate Response Information System (IRIS) will be used to send reminders to residents of upcoming community events as well as distribute emergency information such as boil water notices, evacuation information or other public safety issues. Thus far approximately 50% of Copper Village residents have returned the registration form. All residents are encouraged to register. If you’ve misplaced your form, please contact Trinh Basarabescu (713-984-7217) at AMI.

Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 Copper VillagePublished by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen February 2012 1 email: for articles • for business ads • for classified ads

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