reek Bend
Official Subdivision Newsletter COMMUNITY WEBSITE www.creekbendestates.com
It’s that time of year again. Here is the schedule for the collection of the Association’s Assessments: November 30th: Initial invoices are mailed out by the end of November. Please make sure the management company has your correct mailing address. January 1st: The Assessment is due on January 1st every year. January 31st: Unpaid Assessments become delinquent. February 1st: Late fees and interest begin and Late Notices are mailed out for all delinquent accounts. March 1st: A Warning Letter is mailed out on all delinquent accounts. April 1st: A Final Notice is mailed (via certified mail) on all delinquent accounts. There is a $35 charge to the delinquent account at this time. May 1st: If payment still has not been received or a payment plan has not been entered, delinquent accounts are sent to the Attorney at this time. The Attorney can file a lien and all legal fees will be billed back to the delinquent account. PAymeNT OPTIONs: If you are unable to make payment in full, please contact KPm management so that you can make payment arrangements. You will still pay interest on the unpaid balance, but you will not be sent to the attorney. Statements will be mailed the first of every month for accounts making payments. Quite a few homeowners have started making monthly payments ahead of time, so that when the assessment becomes due they are already paid. meTHOds Of PAymeNT: CHeCK OR mONey ORdeR: Cash is not accepted. Please make payment with check or money order made payable to your community.
ONLINE: You can now make payments online using Visa, MasterCard, Discover or with a checking account. There is a service fee of $14.95 for one time payments or $2 per transaction if you set up recurring payments. Go to www.KPMCommunities.com.
Animals that are not properly restrained pose a threat to all our residents. While you may know your pet is friendly, an animal running at someone who is walking by is very scary for that person. Many children are afraid of animals and become frightened, which could result in the child getting hurt trying to avoid the animal. Harris County Animal Control advises, “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat, nor to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.” Restraint is defined as “the control of a dog or cat under the following circumstances: 1. When it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being, who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question 2. When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle 3. When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk or street.” While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained. Let’s all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet.
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(Newsletters - Katy - Creek Bend Estates)
Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649
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