Official Falcon Ranch Newsletter- Published by Krenek Printing Co.
Important Info
Tuesdays & Fridays - Garbage pickup Tuesdays - Recycle pickup Mon., Feb. 27th - HOA Board Meeting
Stay up-to-date with Falcon Ranch news and information! The Falcon Ranch community website is Check this site for up-to-date community information and to easily communicate with the property management company.
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BULLETIN FROM THE BOARD As we celebrate another new year, the HOA Board would like to thank the residents for their support. As you may know, the members of the Falcon Ranch HOA serve the community without any compensation. We volunteer because we care about our community; but we cannot do it alone. We desperately need residents to give a little of their time on our various committees. We need volunteers for the ACC, Community Improvement, Landscape, Security and Social committees. If you are interested, please send an email to board@falconranchhoa. com or contact Cindy Nghiem of Principle Management Group at 713-329-7160. We have two large projects for 2012: landscaping the medians along Westheimer in front of our subdivision and a splash pad. Both projects should be completed by spring. If you have any ideas or suggestions to help improve our community, please contact the board via email or Cindy. From the Falcon Ranch HOA, we hope you have a very prosperous and healthy new year.
HoA Board Meetings The HOA Board will be meeting on Monday, January 23, 2012, at the Willow Fork Fire Station on Westheimer; the February meeting will be on Monday, February 27, 2012. Regular meetings begin at 6:30 PM and residents are welcome to observe. If you would like to address the Board, please call the PMG Customer Care Line at 713-329-7171 to be placed on the agenda. The Board which is made up of solely Falcon Ranch homeowners - wants to hear resident concerns, but due to time constraints, open-session discussions must be limited. If you plan to attend, please call the Customer Care Line or check the website (www.falconranchhoa. com) to confirm meeting location or for more details.
Newsletter Deadlines Residents are invited to contribute to this local newsletter. Articles and Brag List items should be submitted to Natalie Boyd ( no later than the 20th of the month BEFORE the newsletter is printed, which is the month before distribution. Please make note of these deadline dates: February 20th - April newsletter March 20th - May newsletter April 20th - June newsletter We need volunteers to help write articles and share information with Falcon Ranch residents. If you would like to help with the newsletter, please contact please contact Natalie Boyd at
Spring Garage Sale It is time to begin preparing for the Falcon Ranch Spring Garage Sale Day. This year, the date is set for Saturday, April 21, 2011. Please remember that deed restrictions limit garage sales to days approved by the HOA Board. There is no rain date scheduled for this event.
Your newsletter can now be viewed online at (Newsletters - Katy Area - Falcon Ranch)
Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 February 2012 Falcon Ranch email: for articles • for business ads • for classified ads