The Lakes
Serving Heatherwood Park, Highland Trail, Kingsland Estates, Krystal Lakes, Lake Forest, Lakes of Buckingham, Parklake Village, Stoneledge, University Park, Westside Forest, Windsor Park
June 2012 CinCo RanCh high SChool CougaR StaRS DanCe team
DanCe CliniC
Looking for a new and unusual summer camp? Do you have a child that prefers dance over other sports? Or would your child like to try dance without the commitment of an entire year-long program? Do you have a child that would love to hang out with some Awesome Katy, Texas Teenagers? Spend the mornings with the award winning, super fabulous Cinco Ranch High School Cougar Stars Dance Team. The Cougar Stars will be holding a dance clinic June 18th - 21st from 8 Am-12 pm at Cinco Ranch High School - Show off begins at 11 Am on Thursday, June 21st. Go to their website at for more information and to download the registration form.
hoSting a foReign exChange StuDent iS eaSieR than you may think During the 2012-2013 school year, students from all across the world will have the opportunity to travel to Houston and surrounding communities to spend the entire school year in the United States, learning and working with American Families. In order for the students to come to the U.S. they must have proper host families lined up. Now is a crucial time of year for the Ayusa program as local staff coordinators to find local host families for the upcoming school year. The Ayusa program is celebrating its 30th year this year and is responsible for more than 60,000 students from 75 different countries spending the school year in the United States. With the current school year quickly coming to an end Ayusa’s local staff is busy looking for families for students for the 2012-2013 school year. many families are needed and with the schools having deadlines and limits for foreign exchange students, the earlier
Happy Father’s Day! Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"
, June 2012 Lakes email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &