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The monthly Board of Directors meeting for Williamsburg Colony generally are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM, at the clubhouse located at 2315 John Crump. Anyone that would like to attend a meeting and address the Board should contact PCMI’s office 281-870-0585, at least a week prior to the meeting so that you can be included on the agenda. - WCMA

Safety Corner

Remember to keep all cars and trucks locked and windows rolled up. Call on any suspicious persons or vehicles. We need everyone’s help here. Please call the Constables at 281-463-6666.


Park hours have been posted. Park hours are 8 AM to 8 PM. Also, those wishing to play baseball in the park or street, please be careful. Any damage done to resident’s property is the responsibility of those parents of the children that cause it. Also it has been brought to the Board’s attention that use of foul language and trouble at the park must stop. If Constables report such behavior, individuals may become barred from park/pool area. Let’s all have fun and play nice. Older kids watch out for little ears nearby. Remember, $250 reward to anyone who provides information about damage or vandalism to the park. This reward will be paid and no one will ever know who reported such damage.

Articles from residents are needed for the newsletter

We need your help. Anyone who has won awards or received special recognition from club, school, church, etc., please let us know. We need updates from Clubs, Swimmers, Band, Choir, Dance, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Athletics, etc. Have a fundraiser? Let your neighbors know about it. We have over 975 families and 975 stories to tell each month. So come on and let us know. Articles can be emailed to news@krenekprinting.com.


Your Association pays for your streetlights from your annual dues, whether they work or not. If a light is out in your area, please call 713-207-2222 and report it. Each light pole should have a number on it. When reporting the out or malfunctioning light, give them the pole number and closest street address. We want all of our lights to work. A lighted area is a safer area.

Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649

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