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A Note from the Westgate Resident HOA Board Member Halloween Party Success!
Everyone seemed to have a great time at this year’s Halloween Party. I had so much fun organizing the Costume Contests. Thanks so much to the volunteers who helped with the party and people who generously donated prizes. Penny Collier Zaffino, Stephanie Lambert and her daughter and Kent McGaughy did a great job decorating the gazebo and helping with the kids!
Happy Holidays! December 2012
Prizes for the Costume Contests were donated by: Emily Mayfield Chambers for 4 “baskets” of cute, creative pens and paper pads etc. Kristen Kosola Govantes and Blessings Unlimited for a beautiful baby book Laura Lizette and her Juleyse’s Bowtique for her custom hair bow sets Kent McGaughy for 4 Hot Wheels sets, 2 Best Buy Gift Certificates and 2 Lego’s sets for 0-6 yrs. Cynthia Carter Miller and her custom hair bow sets Ian Mohammed and Track 21 for 4 Laser Tag Arena Passes Kema Ward (again!) and her Aaralyn’s Dresses for one item of choice Penny Zaffino for donating 2 Best Buy Gift Certificates What generous neighbors working together to make Halloween fun for the kids! And after the party, the party continued as groups of kids trick-or-treated on the way home! See more thank you’s from the social committee in the Committee Corner. Take a look at some of the photos from the party! You can see more on the Westgate Subdivision Facebook group; request to become a member and look for a message from me, requesting your address: www.facebook.com/groups/WestgateSubdivision/
Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 Westgate December 2012 1 email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads