Westfield Community Katy, Texas
2011-2012 Westfield Board of Directors Jacque Freeman - President Rebecca Corwin - Vice President Patrick Beech - Secretary David Heller - Treasurer Juan Bruno - Director at Large Charles Lewter - Director at Large Kathy Herriage - Director at Large
Sheriff’s Phone Numbers
The non-emergency phone number for the Harris County Sheriff’s Department is 713-221-6000. The number for the Clay Road station is 281-463-2648. But if you actually have an emergency that needs assistance right away, please call 9-1-1.
Management Company
With the management company, there is also a website that provides a good bit of information for homeowners. An owner can go to the website, which is www.spectrumam.com and log in with your address. It will ask you to provide an email address as well. After completing the process, you will receive a password (within 24 hours) that you can use for future logins. This site will give you access to the governing documents for the association as well as a way to pay your assessments online and submit ACC requests for improvements to your property. Another advantage to being registered on the site is that the Board or the management company can send broadcast emails to owners when they need to get information out quickly to the neighborhood. The email addresses will not be provided to any other entity and will only be used for association business. Please register today! If you need to contact Spectrum for any reason, you can call them at 281-343-9178.
Westfield Neighborhood Crime Watch Report Jean Chevalier, Chairperson MONITOR YOUR CREDIT CARD CHARGES - DON’T BE A VICTIM
Credit card charges should always be monitored after every charge is made and at least twice per week. You can view all your charges on line easily through the issuing credit card web site. There are numerous ways for crooks to use your credit card accounts without your knowledge. The only way to protect your credit is to closely monitor all activity.
Published by: 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 1 Westfield Community February 2012 email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads Krenek Printing