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Windsong’s Official Newspaper published by Krenek Printing Co.

WINTER WONDERLAND Come and join your friends and neighbors at the Windsong Winter Wonderland on Saturday, December 17th from 3 PM – 5 PM at the Club House. Immerse yourself in the festive sounds while enjoying cookies, hot chocolate and a special visit from Santa. Don’t forget your gloves!

ALL OF US WHO SERVE THE WINDSONG COMMUNITY WISH YOU AND YOURS A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON WCIA Board of Directors – Dennis Shook, Chad Vowell, Steve Zunker, Brenda McCullah and Johnny Luttrell Windsong Clubhouse Manager – Rhea Prevost Windsong Community Events Coordinator – Michele Spees Windsong Swim Team – Board of Directors HCMUD #183 Board of Directors – Jeff Zarse, Rudy Alvarado, Brenda McCullah, Dody Bradford and Jerry Langley Cypress Creek Pest Control – Suzanne Ivey FN Landscape – Froylan Nino Harris County Sheriff’s Department – Deputy Mike Murphy Houston Recreation Management – Bill Cholewin Krenek Printing Company Royal Disposal – David Hanna SCS Management Services, Inc. – Nancy Callaway, Shirley Barnett, Ashley Martin and Chris Sharp Simach Law Firm, PC – Tamara Simich Willis of Texas, Inc. – Mark Conner

HOLIDAY DECORATING CONTEST Don’t forget, our Holiday Decorating Contest will be held in December. We will be awarding 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners. So get your plans and ideas started and be ready to take the prize! Michele Luttrell, YOTM Committee Chairperson

Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649

December 2011 Windsong email: for articles • for business ads • for classified ads


WINDSONG COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION october Minute Briefs CALL TO ORDER: The October meeting of the Board of Directors of the Windsong CIA was held on October 27, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Board Members: Dennis Shook, Chad Vowell, Brenda McCullah and Johnny Luttrell. Also present was Tu Tran, Certified Christmas Lighting and Nancy Callaway, SCS Management Services, Inc. HOMEOWNERS/VISITORS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD: Tu Tran of Certified Christmas Lighting addressed the Board regarding a Holiday Lights Decorations Proposal. Included in the project are lights, garlands, wreaths and bows and electrical for the clubhouse and sign at the Holly Forest Recreation Area and the entrance monuments at Windsong Trails, Grand Forest, Garden Manor and River Sage. Decorations will be installed and taken down. Mr. Tran advised that he offered his labor free of charge to install and take down the decorations since he is a resident of Windsong. The decorations are owned by Windsong and will be stored at the clubhouse. The Board reviewed and approved the proposal at a cost of $1,947. MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board held on September 22, 2011. COMMITTEE REPORTS: CLUBHOUSE * The Board reviewed a written Clubhouse Report from Rhea Prevost, Clubhouse Manager. COMMUNITY EVENTS * The Fall Festival is scheduled on Saturday, October 29, 2011, from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Signs have been placed at the clubhouse and all entrances. The Winter Wonderland is scheduled on Saturday, December 17, 2011 from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The Board voted to hire law enforcement from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM for the event.

GROUNDS AND PARKS * Director Zunker reported two dead trees along Grand Forest. MUD #183/SHERIFF * The activity reports for the month of September 2011 were presented in written form for the Board’s review. Director McCullah also gave a brief report on the 2012 Contract Deputy Patrol through MUD #183. DEED RESTRICTIONS * The Deed Restriction Violation Summary and the Board Referral List for the month of October were presented in written form and reviewed by the Board. Director McCullah advised that she inspected the properties on the list and made recommendations on further disposition of the properties. The disposition of the Board Referral List as authorized by the Board will be processed by SCS. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW * The written Architectural Review Report for the month of October was reviewed. MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL REPORTS: * Nancy Callaway presented the Management and Financial Reports for review and consideration of the Board. Mrs. Callaway also presented a five-year comparison from 2004 through 2011 indicating a consistent collection rate. * The CAMI Report date October 17, 2011 was presented in written form and review by the Board. The Board requested SCS to solicit a proposal from FN Landscape to repair/replace the damaged rock border at the Garden Manor entrance. Director Shook advised that Primeco will come back out to re-enforce the top cap on the perimeter fence along the Holly Forest Recreation Area and the bayou. OLD BUSINESS: ACTION ITEM LIST * The Board addressed the Action Item List. Updates are as follows: Tennis Courts Perimeter – Director Shook reported that FN Landscape has completed the project.

“I’m In PAIN” Can Chiropractic Help ME ? We are often asked, “What’s the best way of finding out whether or not a doctor of chiropractic can help my problem?” We believe the answer can be found in a complete chiropractic consultation and examination, including x-rays. And to help find out for sure, we will do a complete consultation and examination, including x-rays, if necessary, (procedures that normally cost $187.00 or more) for $25.00. We will make this special program available through DECEMBER. The only exception to the offer involves personal injury cases (workers’ compensation and auto accidents) in which there is no charge directly to the patient.


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December 2011


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Tennis Courts Nets Center Straps – Director Shook advised that he has completed the installation. Shower Tower – Director Shook reported that the tiles have been delivered. The project will begin this month. Windsong Trails Recreation Area Parking Lot – Directors Shook, Zunker and Vowell met with Primeco to address the construction. A plan of action was proposed as follows: 1) A Texas Civil Engineers Company will be requested to draft plans. 2) An Arborist will be consulted to address the affect construction might have on the live oak trees adjacent to the parking lot. 3) The Board to solicit bids and award contract for the renovation of the parking lot. Windsong Trails Recreation Area Marquee – A bid is pending from Houston Recreation Management to add an enclosure to the marquee utilizing the excess rock from the pool buildings, a roof, lights, Plexiglas doors, etc. 2012 Windsong Swim Team Agreement – The WST Board will be invited to the January 2012 WCIA Board Meeting to address the agreement.

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NEW BUSINESS: * 2012 PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET – The Board reviewed the 2012 Proposed Annual Budget. A general question and answer session took place. Revisions were made by the Board. The Board adopted the 2012 Proposed Annual Budget as revised. * NEW STATE LAWS POLICIES AND RESOLUTIONS – The Board reviewed and adopted the Policies and Resolutions required by the new state laws for Association’s Policies/Guidelines regarding Flags, Flagpoles, Solar Panels, Solar Energy Devices, Storm Roof Shingles, Solar Roof Shingles, Energy Efficient Roof Shingles, Rain Barrels, Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Religious Door and/or Entryway Displays and Political Signs; Collection Rules and Installment Plan Guidelines; Records Retention Policy; and Records Production and Copying Policy. Mrs. Callaway advised that the documents would be filed in the real property records of Harris County. * CRIME STOPPERS – The application for the annual membership to the Crime Stoppers’ Safe Neighborhood Program was reviewed by the Board. The Board approved the annual membership fee of $100. * NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING – Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the Board agreed to re-schedule the November Board Meeting to Thursday, November 17, 2011. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

December 2011



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For Month October ACCOUNTING SUMMARY: (For MonthEnding Ending October 31, 2011) 31, 2011 2011 Budget: Income Expenses: Increase/Decrease

$433,435.00 $443,475.00 ($ 10,040.00)

Current Year Assessment Income: Total Billed: $ 408,240.00 Total Income: Year-End Budgeted: $ 433,435.00 Expenses: Year-End Budgeted: $ 443,475.00

2011 Assessment Rate: 1134 @ $360.00 = $408,240.00

Year-To-Date Collected: $389,043.82


Year-To-Date Collected: $439,754.57


Year-To-Date Incurred:


Annual Net Increase/Loss in Fund Balance:




*The Board of Directors has adopted the following collection policy for 2011:




November February

Due by January 1st 10% Late Penalty

1134 322

March May June August As processed

Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge

property property property property property

back back back back back

cost cost cost cost cost

to to to to to

143 40 33 12

All late penalties and collection fees are charged to the delinquent property and become a part of the assessment amount due.

2012 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENTS The 2012 annual assessment was invoiced in the month of November. If your mortgage company notified SCS Management Services, Inc. of funds available in escrow, bills will be sent to them directly. If you do not receive an invoice by December 1, 2011, please call SCS at 281-463-1777. The assessment is due on January 1, 2012. A late penalty of 10% is charged to delinquent accounts effective February 1, 2012. Payments go directly to a lockbox at our bank. SCS interfaces daily, via computer, with the bank to record payments. This guarantees maximum efficiency when posting your payment. Please mail your payment to the bank’s address on the statement. Should you need to communicate with SCS, please write them separately at 7170 Cherry Park Drive, Houston, Texas 77095.



December 2011

Our Association DID NOT require an assessment increase this year. The Board has prepared the 2012 proposed budget based on an assessment of $360. Our assessments provide a multitude of services such as pool, tennis courts, playgrounds and clubhouse maintenance; management and deed restriction enforcement; grounds and irrigation maintenance for all common areas and entrances; legal; utilities (water & sewer, electricity, gas and telephone); street lights; community events; routine corporate expenses such as insurance and taxes; capital reserves and other miscellaneous services to the residents. All of these services are provided to you at a cost of only $30 per month. The Association has a collection policy to ensure everyone pays equally and promptly, keeping costs down for all. The Board has adopted an aggressive collection schedule for delinquent accounts. Our Declarations and the Texas Property Code provide for these actions and charge the cost to the property. We know you will agree that Windsong is a wonderful place to live. Please help your Board of Directors meet the budgetary needs of the Association by paying your assessment in a timely manner. Thank you for your support.

December 2011


DEED RESTRICTIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Reminder: Please submit an Architectural Review application prior to commencing any exterior changes to your property. An application is included in the “Windsong Whistler” for your convenience.

DEED RESTRICTION/home improvement SCS Management Services is contracted to enforce our deed restriction guidelines in an effort to continuously improve our community and keep property values up. We would like to ask everyone to refer to their deed restrictions on issues that might pertain to our community. Citing (if applicable to your guidelines) could result from one or more of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Garage door paint should match your house or trim. Houses/garages should be clean of dirt and mildew. House, garage and trim in need of repainting (i.e. - fading, peeling or poor quality of paint). Trim boards, garage doors, shutters or gutters in need of repair. Oil stains in the driveway or street. Flower beds, shrubs or trees that need weeding or pruning. Yard Decorations should be repaired/maintained as needed.

Compliance with our community guidelines is greatly appreciated.


On inspection of the community in October following violations were logged: Architectural Control Lawns Vehicles TOTAL Violations cleared

8 106 15 231 153

Clean-Up Repairs Miscellaneous

41 50 11

The purpose of the inspections is to bring about an improvement in the appearance of our community. Let’s all make an effort to reduce the number of violations each month. We want our community to look good and to maintain our property values. It is up to each of us individually to accomplish this.



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Please be aware that if you have a basketball goal in street view it must be maintained at all times. Basketball goals are permitted subject to the prior approval of the ACC and the following: * A net shall be maintained on the rim at all times. The net shall be replaced in the event that it becomes frayed or torn. * A rim shall be affixed to the backboard at all times. The rim shall be repaired or, if necessary, replaced in the event that it becomes broken or bent. * The backboard shall be repainted, repaired or replaced in the event that the surface of the backboard becomes chipped or cracked or the backboard becomes warped or unaligned. The backboard shall also be kept clean of mildew or mold. * Basketball goals that are visible from the street shall be attached to the front of the garage or freestanding. * In no event shall a basketball goal be placed at any curb either temporarily or permanently. * The pole and all mounting supports must be maintained in an attractive condition. The pole shall be removed if the basketball goal is no longer functional.


October 2011 Statistics 911 Hang Up 2 Accident Major 2 Accident/FSGI 3 CONTRACT Accident/Minor 1 DEPUTY PATROL Alarm Local 12 The Harris County MuAlarm/Sil/Pan/HU 1 nicipal Utility District Animal/Aggressive 1 #183 has a contract Arson/Fire 1 through Harris County Assault 1 for one Deputy from the Burglary/Business 1 Sheriff’s Department to 3 Burglary/Habitat patrol the District. The Burglary/In Progress 1 MUD has also hired Check Park 1 five part-time off duty Child Custody Dispute 1 police officers to patrol Contract Check 69 the District as needed. 1 Credit Card Abuse Their jobs are to watch 2 Criminal Mischief out for suspicious perDisturbance/Family 2 12 sons and/or activities Disturbance/Loud Noise and report any incidents Disturbance/Other 4 to the Sheriff’s Depart1 Disturbance/Weapon ment for further action. Domestic/Prevent 1 The Deputy Sheriff and DWI 1 the part-time off duty Follow Up 3 police officers patrol the Information Call 3 Windsong and WindMeet the Citizen 9 song Place communities Meet the Officer 1 as well as any commer6 MUD Building Check cial properties within the Open Door/Window 1 District. Parking Lot Check 6 Robbery/Agg 1 Robbery/Business 1 Runaway 1 Subject Stop 1 Theft/Other 1 Traffic Hazard 1 Traffic Stop 17 Vehicle Repossession 3 Vehicle Stolen 1 Vehicle Suspicious 1 Welfare Check 1

Harris County Alarm Detail Please be aware that it is a requirement for you to obtain a permit for operating an alarm system within unincorporated Harris County. Obtaining the required permit will avoid the issuance of a citation and excessive false alarm fees. Should you require a copy of the permit application form or would like to review the regulations regarding



December 2011

permit requirements, you may do so by visiting the Harris County Sheriff’s Office website at The application can be printed from the website, then completed and mailed to our office with the applicable fee. Should you have any questions, please contact the Alarm detail office at 713-755-4600 during normal business hours.

Putting Happy Back into Holidays Resident Safety during the Holidays Residential communities in the Houston area have been the subject of many preventable crimes, particularly during the holiday season. Vehicle thefts, vehicle break-ins, home burglaries and casual theft from homes have all been recorded events of residential communities, gated and non-gated alike. The holiday season appears to be a preferable time of the year for thieves for a variety of reasons, not the least of which are distracted residents and opportunities that are more profitable for thieves.




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December 2011

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Vehicle Safety: If you can park your car in the garage, do so. Parking on the curb or in the driveway calls out “take me” to thieves! Remember, the more accessible your vehicle, the more likely a thief will break into or take it. Vehicle & Home Security: Always lock your vehicle and keep your home secure! Several reported cases strongly suggest that thieves have been working from easy access, usually unlocked car doors and open garage doors. Thieves also try to play on resident distraction and generally being unaware of activity around the home. The point here is to be alert and vigilant, even at home. Lighting Your Home: If you can provide exterior lighting to your home at night using light or motion sensors, do so. Thieves work best in the shadows. The fewer the shadows, the less of a safe haven they have in which to work. Removing Temptation: If you have valuables inside your vehicle, remove them, all of them. Never assume that a theft will not find any value in a particular item. Thieves will keep coming back to the community if they find anything that has any profit margin. If there is nothing to take, your community will likely have fewer thieves. Timely Reports: If you see or hear something of a suspicious nature, do not hesitate to call the law enforcement immediately. Timely reports of suspicious activity or crimes in progress have a better chance of preventing criminal activity from spiraling out of control. Law enforcement will investigate any reports of suspect activity even if it turns out to be a false alarm. Most police officers will tell you that it is far better to call and find nothing rather than not call and have something. Avoid Panic: Under all circumstances, DO NOT PANIC! When making any report of crime of suspicious activity, take a quick moment to gather your thoughts first, get control of your emotions and then make your report to the 911 Operator. You should provide the basic information of your circumstance. Police dispatchers will have a defined list of questions to ask you about the incident you are reporting. Let the dispatcher “walk” you through the list to determine what emergency services your need and where to send them. If you keep your wits, together you and the dispatcher can work the problem effectively. If you panic, the thieves gain control of the situation and you only delay emergency response from getting to you quickly. Contact the Sheriff’s Office: If you plan to be away from your home at any time during the holidays, stop by or contact Harris County Sheriff’s Office and fill out a house watch/vacation watch request. These request checks allow the Sheriff to focus attention on areas of specific interest in the community. House or Vacation Watch Requests: A House or Vacation Watch request usually identities the home address and family that will be away from the community for a specified period. Simple forms usually ask the most basic of questions such as name of resident,



Several common issues have been identified that would have likely prevented holiday theft crimes of homes and vehicles from occurring. Because thieves usually make their best profits from victims during the holidays, here is a list of several measures to help protect residents from holiday thieves.


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address of home, time starting and ending the watch request and contact numbers for the resident while away. The form may also ask for a neighbor’s name and number who will be checking in on the home. An improvement on that arrangement would be for you to designate a key holder; a trusted and capable person who has been given detailed instructions on resetting the alarm system and given a key to the home in the event of an emergency. Included in your request should be any relevant information about the home while you are away. Such services or persons would be pool services, lawn care service, maids, pet nannies, houseguests or family who might enter the home during the house watch period. Lastly, it would be useful to have a neighbor or key holder check on the home to collect mail, newspapers and any package deliveries to the home. Accumulations of newspapers on the lawn or packages at the front door are dead giveaways that the residents are not and have not been at home. Thieves look for such evidence when searching for potential target homes. Home Alarm Systems: Home Alarms should be inspected and serviced routinely for faulty circuits of devices in the overall system. Update your alarm company with any changes in resident contact information. It is best to have the system serviced and the alarm company updated before the holidays begins. Be sure all members of the household are familiar with the alarm system for arming and disarming the system. Remember, fewer false alarm calls to your home can mean the police will take each alarm call seriously. Adopting these precautions and remaining alert should make you less of a target for thieves during the holidays. Remember, it is your home and your community. Protect them, always. And have a happy holiday season. CIA/Facets Article - November/December 2010


Christmas Trees: • It is recommended that you purchase an artificial, fire-proof tree. • If you buy a real tree, make sure it is as fresh as possible, not brown, no needles falling, etc. • Put a fresh diagonal cut, about an inch off the bottom, so water will flow through. Place in a secure base and keep water or wet sand in the base or use products designed to keep trees fresh. • Make sure the tree is far enough away (at least 3 feet) from any heat source (candles, fireplace, etc.). • NEVER try to burn a tree yourself in the fireplace to dispose of the tree. • Dispose of your tree as soon as the season is over. Store your tree away from your home and allow for pick up. Lights: • Make sure they are UL listed. • NEVER use more than 3 strands on a run (follow manufactures instructions). • Make sure there is no frayed wiring. • It is preferable to use smaller bulbs with less heat. • NEVER use the lights when you are not at home or when you are asleep. Purchase timers for extra security. Fireplace: • Use a screen at the base of the fireplace and a flash arrester at the top of the chimney to keep sparks off the roof. • NEVER use any paper or flammable liquids in the fireplace. • Make sure the damper is open before building the fire. • Use aged wood and an approved product designed for igniting a fire in the fireplace or a gas fired log lighter that has been installed by a licensed plumber and purchased though a reliable company. Holiday Driving Safety: • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, on New Year’s Eve 2000, 40% of traffic accidents involved alcohol resulting in 32 fatalities.



December 2011

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• Be alert to possible drunk drivers especially during the hours of 10:00 PM - 4:00 AM. • NEVER drink & drive! • Have a Designated Driver. A Message from the Houston Fire Department CAI/Facets Article – November/December 2010

TRASH SERVICE INFORMATION Royal Disposal collects our trash. The homeowner’s maintenance fee does not pay for trash pick-up. Residents are billed quarterly in advance on an individual basis. A letter regarding this service was mailed to all residents in January and articles were published for the first few months of 2011 in the “Windsong Whistler.” Information is also published on a monthly basis on the inside back cover. If your trash is currently not being picked up, please call Royal Disposal to start service at 713-526-1536.

BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR We would like to address one of the items that the Windsong Community Improvement Association gets the most complaints about. We receive many complaints from homeowners about vehicles parked on the street blocking the flow of traffic. The reason for that is because the roads were not designed with a parking lane. There is not enough width to allow for a parking lane. More seriously, when an emergency vehicle is unable to obtain egress and ingress to a street, precious minutes are lost that could mean loss of life/and or property. The problem becomes intolerable in cul-de-sacs where emergency vehicles or others cannot turn around due to vehicles parking inappropriately and not parallel to the curb. The neighbors of these improperly parked vehicles are inconvenienced when they have to go out of their way to get around them. Be aware that Law Enforcement can and will ticket vehicles parked too far from the curb, parked the wrong way on the street, parked facing in on a cul-de-sac instead of parallel to the curb or parking too close to a fire hydrant or a traffic sign.

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Everyone can “look the other way” and tolerate a vehicle parked temporarily for a visitor. We are referring to vehicles parked overnight, day after day. Please try to think of others and be a good neighbor. Don’t block your neighbor’s ability to enter and exit his driveway safely or block his/or her mailbox. We know that the homes in Windsong have two car garages. If you have multiple vehicles, please try to park them in the driveway and/or the garage overnight and whenever possible. Your neighbors will thank you! WCIA Board of Directors

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SPECIAL PROJECT COMING UP? 1. First things first…an Architectural Control Application needs to be completed and submitted to Windsong CIA c/o SCS management Services before any work is started. 2. Include samples of paint, shingles, etc. with the application. 3. Once submitted, SCS Management Services will forward the application to the Architectural Control Committee for review. 4. Wait for a written approval from the ACC before beginning any work. Contact SCS at 281-463-1777 if you need an application. The Board of Directors and the Architectural Control Committee are concerned that residents are completing projects without prior approval. Did you know that if you complete any project that does not meet architectural guidelines you are in violation of the deed restrictions? The association has the right to take action to enforce the deed restrictions and request the removal or modification of your improvement. We want you to know before hand so that you do not spend money on improvements that may not be approved. Remember, that the deed restrictions and the architectural guidelines are in place to protect neighborhood harmony and maintain everyone’s property values.

WINDSONG CIA RESIDENT DEED RESTRICTION COMPLAINT FORM The Board of Directors receives resident complaint forms on a monthly basis. We thank those who take the time to send them. The forms are reviewed at the monthly Board meetings and then referred to SCS Management Services to process. SCS verifies the report during their next drive-by deed restriction patrol of the community. Many times we receive complaints such as disturbing the peace, animal smells coming from a house or yard, barking dogs, neighbor to neighbor disputes, etc. We want to let you know that the association cannot enforce these types of reports. Violation: __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Address of Violation: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Date of Reported Violation: __________________________________

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EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT COLOR SELECTION The WCIA provides many opportunities for the residents to obtain approval for exterior painting prior to commencing the work. Each new resident is mailed a New Resident Welcome Packet that contains among other things a copy of the Architectural Guidelines that is recorded in the real property records of Harris County. Article VIII of this document tells you the guidelines for painting and the locations for you to view the approved color chart (SCS Management Services, 7170 Cherry Park Drive, Houston, TX 77095 and Sherwin-Williams, 5814 Highway 6 North, Houston, TX 77084). An Architectural Review application is also included in your packet. If you misplace your application or need another one, you can access, click on forms to print one. You can also contact SCS at 281-463-1777 or stop by our office to request one.




December 2011


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Are you having a celebration or a special event?

The Windsong Community Center is available for rental to residents of Windsong. To use the Community Center, you must reserve it in advance. Call the Windsong Resident Line at 281-550-7996 for availability and requirements (you will need to leave a message for the WCA Manager, messages are returned in 2-3 days). ALL FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL TO RESERVE THE WCA.


All residents are encouraged to submit suggestions or comments to the Board of Directors of Windsong CIA. Please complete this form and mail it to Windsong Resident Suggestion Box, 18150 Holly Forest Drive, Houston, Texas 77084. The Board welcomes your input. Your suggestions and comments will be reviewed for consideration of the Board. Name___________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Home Phone____________________________________________________________ SUGGESTIONS OR COMMENTS: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


Residents: Please be sure your home is properly identifiable with house number either on the house, curb or mailbox. In the event of an emergency (ambulance, fire or police), this will make it easily located.

December 2011


Street lights

Street lights are an essential part of safety. If you notice a street light out within the Windsong community, please report it to the following number immediately. 713-207-2222, opt 1, opt 4 or Please make sure that you obtain the 6-digit light pole number and nearest address to the pole when reporting a light out. It is also important that you turn on your garage/ driveway lights at night. Encourage your neighbors to do so also. Effective home lighting can be an effective deterrent to crime.

Pet Hotline News Kittens and puppies are being dumped in Subdivisions and shopping strips. They will not find good homes. Most will be taken by the pound or shelter and those are overflowing with pets. They cannot help but have to euthanize some. You, as a responsible pet owner can be of great help by having your cat or dog spayed or neutered and not worry about finding homes for the offspring. You will have a healthier and happy pet. Another and very important thing you can do is have a collar with some form of ID and your phone number on it. Pet stores have special ID’s for your pets. Many pet owners are now “chipping” the pets. If found and taken to a vet they can scan chip and find the owner. If your pet has a rabies tag, the vet has your name and #. The first thing I ask a caller is “does the pet have ID on it.” If it does, I will help contact the # on the ID and get the pet to it’s owner ASAP. Or, the owner can pick up their lost pet. Having an ID on a pet makes life easier for all. Marie Nugent - 281-859-1104


WINDSONG TEENAGE jobseekers If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 or email to Must have parent(s) permission. Kelvin Slaven - P, L Nathaniel Perez - PP, B Sierra Zunker - B, T (k-6), CPR, SS, FAC, RCC, SL Christian Wakefield - C, PP, L, H Christina Garcia - B, PP, CPR Alex Lovelace - P Sarah Summers - B, H, P Ashly Kirk - B, PP, T, SS, FAC, RCC, CPR Joseph Gallaway - PP, L Cynthia Gallaway - PP, H, B Daniel Matthews - C, L, H, P Heather Corson - B, PP Jesseann Monsqueda - B, SS Sakina Bhinderwala - B, H, T Katie Young - B, PP Alexandria Barber - B, H, PP Katie Brown - B, SS, SL, CPR, FAC, RCC, PP, H

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281-859-7135 281-859-4409 281-463-8442 281-723-9985 832-274-9010 281-463-7456 832-289-8810 281-793-0024 281-861-5068 281-861-5068 281-656-2285 281-861-6135 832-782-0668 713-349-3732 281-861-6741 832-894-9143 281-550-9075


Please place my name on the Job Seekers List

(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in all information Job(s) _________________________________ q B -Babysitting Name _________________________________ q SS -Safe Sitter

q SL -Swim Lessons

Street _________________________________ q CPR -CPR Certified

q FAC -First Aid Cert. q RCC -Red Cross Cert. Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ q P -Pet Care (only) q PP -Pet/Plant Sitter Age ______ Yr HS Grad________ or Gr ________ q H -Housecare Phone _________________________________ q L -Lawncare q T -Tutor Subd__________________________________ q C -Car Detailing

Email _________________________________

I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 email:



December 2011

Register online or on campus NOW HCC offers BOTH university transfer and career and technical courses.

Two locations in West Houston Katy Campus

1550 Foxlake Drive (I-10 & Fry Road)

Spring Branch Campus

1010 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. North (I-10 & Beltway 8)

For campus tours call 713.718.5707

Spring classes begin January 17, 2012 713.718.5700

Join us on Follow HCC on twitter @hcckatycampus @hccspringbranch

BOY SCOUTS Boy Scout Troop 61 Young men between the ages of 11-18 are encouraged to visit Boy Scout Troop 61 at 7:00 PM Wednesday nights at Peace Community Church, 5151 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, Texas, 77084. They will get a hands-on experience of what Scouting has to offer and have the opportunity to visit with the Scouts and their adult leaders to learn more about the things the troop has done during meetings and activities. Scouting activities include camping, fishing, archery, rifle/shotgun shooting, hiking, first aid, wilderness survival, community service, citizenship, swimming, leadership, white-water rafting and much more. Troop 61 camps each month and has a group that goes to High Adventure Camp and to Merit Badge Camps each summer. Boy Scout Troop 61 meets from 7:00 to 8:00 PM every Wednesday in the Activity Room at Peace Community Church. Contact Mike Viator with Troop 61 if your son is interested in joining a local Boy Scout Troop. Cell: 713-409-1934,

HOMESCHOOL CUB SCOUT PACK 164 Attention home school families!!! Homeschool Pack 164 is a Christian Homeschool Cub Scout Pack chartered by West Houston Home Educators ( that serves the Greater West Houston/Katy area. Our Pack promotes God, Country and service! We are a part of the Sam Houston Area Council (www.shac. org) and Texas Skies District ( If you have a boy entering 1st grade (age 6) through 5th grade (age 10), we invite you to please come join in the fun! Visit our website for more information about our Pack registration and meeting times.

December 2011



FREE Christmas Gift Wrapping at Katy Mills Mall!!!!!4 Dec. 17th & 18th 10 AM – 6 PM

After a long day of shopping at the mall, let the talented members of the Cypress Lakes High School Color Guard festively wrap and label your purchases, at NO charge! Just bring your gifts to our gift-wrapping table near the food court and we’ll transform them into Christmas magic while you wait. Any questions or just need more info, please call Sylvia Contreras at 832-894-9683. Thanks for supporting Cy-Lakes Color Guard!

cy-fair independent school district CY-FAIR IMPORTANT DATES

Dec. 21st – Student Holiday (Inclement Weather Day if needed) Dec. 22nd – Jan 3rd – Student Holidays Jan. 16th – Student/Staff Holiday

Cy-Fair ISD vOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE We are looking for community members who want to become Global Volunteers in order to be a part of our “team” and make a difference in the lives of children. If you are not the parent, grandparent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in the school at which you volunteer, you would be considered a Global Volunteer.


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If you have some free time and would like to learn more about becoming a Global Volunteer, please contact Kim Nash at or call the CFISD Partners in Education Office at 281-894-3950. And remember: “TEAMWORK IS KEY”

Cypress Hoops Invitational The Cy-Fair Educational Foundation will host the Cypress Hoops Invitational on Thursday, December 8th - Saturday, December 10th. As a partner with the district, our goal is to create a successful high school basketball tournament that engages the entire community. Profits from the tournament will benefit our “Donate to Educate” program. This program provides college scholarships for district students as well as staff development grants to CFISD for innovative and creative teacher training. North Cypress Sports Medicine Center has generously agreed to underwrite the event for the second year. The tournament will have twenty-four teams including the ten CFISD boy’s varsity teams and fourteen out of district teams. Games will be held at the Berry Center, Cy-Lakes High School, Cy-Ranch High School and Langham Creek High School. Tickets can be purchased at the Berry Center during normal business hours. Ticket prices are: $20 for a 3-day tournament pass, $3 for an adult single game ticket and $2 for a student single game ticket. For more information about specific game times and locations visit the Berry Center’s web site at or contact the Cy-Fair ISD Athletic Department at 281-894-3980. For information on CFEF please visit or contact Marie Holmes at 281-807-3591.

CFISD – SALUTE TO OUR HEROES Saturday, February 11th at The Onmi Westside Houston. Salute to Our Heroes will honor the brave men and women who have served to preserve our freedom and liberty. Proceeds from this event will go to an endowment, enabling graduating students from CFISD to attend college. Inspirational speakers, entertainment, live and silent auctions will highlight this special evening. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available.


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GUEST SPEAKER: Keni Thomas. Army Ranger Involved in “Black Hawk Down” Mission Keni Thomas, Bronze Star for Valor recipient, is an engaging speaker whose story captivates audiences from beginning to end. The highly successful movie “Black Hawk Down” is based on his Army Company’s mission in Mogadishu, Somalia. In addition to speaking, Thomas is a recording artist with two critically acclaimed projects.

Largest Recognized District in Texas - Once Again For the fourth consecutive year, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD is the largest Recognized school district in Texas. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) confirmed that an appeal was granted and CFISD’s accountability rating was changed to Recognized. The increase in rating came as a result of an appeal to recalculate the TAKS science passing percentage for Dean Middle School. The decision changed the campus’ accountability rating to Academically Acceptable.

STAAR TEST TO REPLACE TAKS TEST STAAR, State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, has replaced TAKS. As the Texas Education Agency distributes information to the district about this new assessment program, we will post on the website at www. TEA may not finalize all information until the beginning of the spring semester, so we encourage you to revisit the website throughout the school year. Be assured, we will post information as soon as it is available to the district. You can access information in several ways: 1. STAAR information will be posted on each campus’ web page. 2. STAAR is accessible from Quick Links on the homepage of the district website. 3. A STAAR resources link is posted on the homepage of the district website under District News. 4. Campuses will include information in parent newsletters. If you have any questions, please contact your school principal, CFISD curriculum and instruction team or TEA.


December 2011

CHRISTMAS SERVICES BEAR CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS SERVICES AND EVENTS Wed., Dec. 7th - New Community Lord’s Supper: 7:00 PM Sun., Dec. 11th - Children and Preschool Christmas Party Sun., Dec. 18th - Christmas Concert: 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM and 11:30 AM Sat., Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Services: 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Sun., Dec. 25th - One Service Christmas Day: 11:00 AM. No children or adult Bible Studies

Covenant Lutheran Church “Blue Christmas” Worship Service Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may trigger some other sadness; it may be a time that has always been difficult. The constant refrain on the radio and television, in shopping malls and churches about the happiness of the season, about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of what they have lost or have never had. The anguish of broken relationships, the insecurity of unemployment, the weariness of ill health, the pain of isolation - all these can make us feel very alone in the midst of the celebrating and spending. We need the space and time to acknowledge our sadness and concern; we need to know that we are not alone. Our spirits sink, as the days grow shorter. We feel the darkness growing deeper around us. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us.

You want options, flexibility and affordability? We’ve got it! Try online classes, Friday only courses or Weekend College! Catch up or get ahead this holiday season with a December mini-mester class! Jump start your college career while in high school with Dual Credit!

Registration is now under way!

LSC-CyFair 9191 Barker Cypress Cypress, TX 77433

LSC-Fairbanks Center 14955 Northwest Freeway Houston, TX 77040 affirmative action/eeo college

For these reasons, Covenant Lutheran Church, 3785 Barker Cypress Rd, Houston offers a special “Blue Christmas” (also known as “Longest Night”) service on December 21st at 7:00 pm. Come out and join in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is for those who mourn, for those who struggle - and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. Everyone, regardless of church background (or lack of it) is welcome. The short service will be followed by a brief time for light refreshments and fellowship for those who care to linger.

St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church Christmas Services St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to come celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ during our Christmas Eve services on Saturday, December 24th at 5:30 PM with a Christmas Pageant and at 9:00 PM. There will also be a service on Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th at 10:30 AM. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road in Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Visit us at

Family of Faith Lutheran Church CHRISTMAS SERVICES You and your family are invited to celebrate Christmas with us at The Family of Faith Lutheran Church, 16710 FM 529 Road. Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 7 PM and Christmas Day service will begin at 10 AM.

December 2011



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Texas Christian School OPEN HOUSE

Texas Christian School will hold their annual Open Houses: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 - 6:30 PM: “Meet and Greet,” tour the campus, visit classrooms, refreshments. Thursday, March 1, 2012 - 6:30 PM: View Science/Art Fair projects, tour the campus, visit classrooms. Educating 2-year-old - 12th grade for over 20 years using challenging Curriculum, character development and sports. Contact us at 281-550-6060, 17810 Kieth-Harrow Blvd., Houston, TX 77084 or visit

9191 Barker Cypress Rd.

L.I.F.E. Lessons Continue through December

The Learning, Inspiration, Fellowship and Enrichment (L.I.F.E.) programs are free and held Wednesdays at 10 AM in the Lone Star College-CyFair Branch Library (Room 131.) Programs in December are: “The Courageous of Pearl Harbor” Dec. 7th and “Shrinky Dinks with Tracy and Rose” Dec. 14th. Programs will resume Jan. 11, 2012. Call the library at 281-290-3214 for L.I.F.E. program information.

Look What’s in the Center for the Arts

In December are a choral concert featuring the LSC-CyFair Symphonic Band “Carmina Burana” Dec. 2nd and Jazz Ensemble concert “JazzExpress” Dec. 7th. For tickets and event information, go to In the Bosque Gallery will be the Student Art Show Dec. 1st through Dec. 8th with a reception and awards ceremony set from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM Dec. 1st. For gallery information, go to

Spring Semester Classes

Spring semester weekday classes begin Jan. 17, 2012. For information, call 281-290-3200 or 832-782-5000 or go online to


Christmas & holiday events First Christian Church of Katy 5th Annual “Living Nativity” Join us on Saturday, December 10, 2011, from 6:30-8:00 PM. There will be three (3) live representations of the Nativity Scene lasting approximately 30 minutes each. Refreshments will also be provided in the fellowship hall throughout the evening. First Christian Church is located at 22101 Morton Ranch Road, Katy, Texas 77449. For more details, call the church office at 281-492-2693 or visit our website:

The Christmas Revels: Musical Theater in Celebration of the Winter Solstice The darkest time of the year casts a powerful spell over nearly every culture in the northern hemisphere, and has given birth to countless ways of celebrating the winter solstice. Many of the present-day holiday rituals in our country originate in the Nordic/German traditions and come flavored with the spices of Europe. We invite you to take a little journey to early nineteenthcentury Bavaria and the surrounding regions to explore the roots of modern Christmas. As always, this interactive family friendly show will include superb music, lovely costumes, and traditional dances. Our adult and children’s choruses will add to the warmth, as will performances by accomplished guest artists, including an Alphorn duet and yodlers, who are genuine interpreters of Bavarian culture. A keepsake booklet containing information about the Bavarian celebrations and songs featured in the show is included with the ticket. Don’t miss this heartwarming event and join in with our nationwide family of returning Revels fans. The 2011 Christmas Revels takes place December 10th-11th & 17th-18thSaturdays 2:30 PM & 7:00 PM · Sundays at 2:30 PM


December 2011

Wortham Theater, entrance 16 from Cullen blvd. at the University of Houston Campus, Houston, Texas. Ample parking space available. Tickets are $17.50 - $40. For Tickets & Information 713-668-3303 or www.revelshouston. org, a non profit organization Revels Houston, Inc., P.O. Box 66829, Houston, TX 77266-6829, tune in to KUHF or call the Valk family at 281 398 0774.

Houston Repertoire Ballet Celebrates 10 Years En Pointe with “The Nutcracker”

Covenant Lutheran Church (3785 Barker Cypress Rd.) is presenting its annual “Las Posadas” on Saturday, December 10th at 7:00 pm. Bring your friends and family to experience this symbolic journey by Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Las Posadas is a Mexican tradition carried out by a group of people who get together to honor the birth of Jesus. This outdoor event will feature drama, scripture readings, prayer, carols in English and Spanish, and a candlelight processional, followed by traditional Mexican food for everyone! All are welcome!

What is Christmas without Handel’s “Messiah?”

Sell-Out Performances Set for December 10th & 11th The Houston Repertoire Ballet (HRB), the premier pre-professional ballet company in Northwest Houston, proudly presents the 10th annual “The Nutcracker” performance series on Saturday, December 10th at 2 pm and 7 pm and Sunday, December 11th at 1 pm and 5 pm at Tomball High School Auditorium, 30330 Quinn Road, Tomball, Texas 77375. This year features guest artists from two of the world’s premiere ballet companies: Jared Matthews, soloist with New York’s American Ballet Theatre and HRB alum, and Karina Gonzalez, soloist with the Houston Ballet. For ticket information, call 281-940-HRB1 (4721) or visit Ticket prices range from $15 to $18. The Houston Repertoire Ballet (HRB) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), founded by Victoria Vittum and Gilbert Rome, both nationally acclaimed teachers and choreographers who served as its co-artistic directors. Today, Ms. Vittum oversees training and programming with an equal eye to serving the needs of the community. Although Mr. Rome is now retired, he maintains his interest and affiliation with HRB, performing as Drosselmeyer in “The Nutcracker” and as a guest teacher. The program attracts and develops some of the finest young dancers in the greater Houston area, with many of the dancers advancing to professional ballet companies throughout the country. Major funding for HRB is provided by Houston Endowment, Inc. and ConocoPhillips. Additional support comes from ExxonMobil and Marathon. School Outreach Program is generously sponsored by Target.


Covenant Lutheran Church Las Posadas

To many people, Christmas is just not Christmas without singing or hearing Handel’s Messiah. The Chancel Choir of St. Peter’s United Methodist Church in Katy will host the fifth annual “Messiah Sing Along,” with full orchestra, again this year. The event will be held in the Sanctuary of the church (located at the corner of Shillington & Kingsland) Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 7:00 pm. For information, call 281-492-8031 or go to Please join us as either a singer or a listener. Loaner scores will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis; however, given the limitations of available scores, you are encouraged to bring your own music. There will also be scores for sale.


December 17, 2011 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Free Admission & Free Food!! University Center, University of Houston, Main Campus Houston, TX 77581 Hamara Desi Christmas Celebration is intended to celebrate Christmas with people of different religions and faiths from India.The celebration is non-denominational. Please come and enjoy the celebration. Of course, Santa Clause will be there to give free gifts!!


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December 2011



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Let us enjoy the Christmas season with friends, great food, drama, songs, skits and Christmas cheer... Please RSVP through Questions call: 713-423-5029; 832-275-8810; 281-686-4135

The EmPowerment Center’s Annual Christmas Toy Drive Join us for a Ho! Ho! Ho! weekend beginning Saturday, December 17th at 9 am with food, fun, entertainment and special guest Santa and friends with toys for the girls and boys. Then on Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 9 am, come see, hear and enjoy the splendor of the Christmas Story by our Drama & Fine Arts Team in our Holiday Production along Santa and friends who will be giving out more toys to the kids. Everyone is welcome. For additional information, visit us online at or call our office at 281-578-3535.

St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church

Blood Drive

On Sunday, December 11th starting at 8:30 AM. St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church will be hosting a Blood Drive with a mobile unit set up in their parking lot. Registration and donor forms will be available in the Parish Hall. To donate you must be at least 17 years of age, at least 110 lbs. and in good general health. Remember, it takes about 15 minutes and one pint of blood to save three lives. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Visit us at

SPORTS Holy Covenant UMC Soccer What: Upward Soccer Where: Holy Covenant UMC 22111 Morton Road, Katy TX 77449 When: Evaluations are on January 14th and 21st at 9:00 AM. Who: Children ages 4 thru 5th grade Fee: $75, which includes a uniform Check out for more information or call 281-579-1200.

ATTENTION LADY GOLFERS Please join us for a different golf outing every Wednesday morning. We are a small, fun group playing mostly around the west Houston area. Please contact or call Nancy at 281-550-2043.

Cy-Fair Sports Association Cy-Fair Sports Association is having baseball, football, cheerleading, drill team and wrestling sign ups right now. Check out the website for more information

Westside Golf League Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more information, contact Sue Crookson at 281-392-4913 or Yana Dommert at 281-394-2481

Men’s Drop-In Roller Hockey Bear Creek Roller Rink is the new home of Men’s Hockey. If you are new to hockey or have played for years, we would love to have you join us. All ages and abilities are welcome. We play every Sunday from 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Come on out and give hockey a try!!! For more information, please call David Bradford at 281-855-2615.



December 2011

Houston Fire Fighters Making Houston the City with the Biggest Heart FOR MDA

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For more than 50 years fire fighters have helped MDA by filling their boots with donations from the citizens of their community. Houston Professional Fire Fighters Local #341 will begin their 2012 Fill-theBoot fundraising campaign for the Muscular Dystrophy Association on Saturday February 11, 2012 during the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. Fire Fighters will also be out March 10th, April 14th and May 12th to collect funds for the campaign.



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16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084, 281-550-0885 Our hours are: Monday - 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Wednesday -10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday - 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sunday - Closed. Holiday Closings - The library will be closed at 5:00 PM on Dec. 22nd and all day December 23rd - 26th for Christmas and Dec. 31st - Jan. 2nd for New Year’s.


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3055 Bear Creek Drive • 281-859-1566 Please call for more information or to register for any of these classes ASAP. All classes are FREE OF CHARGE and are suited for adults, unless otherwise noted and are open to the public. ONGOING SENIOR DAY - Every Wed. at BCCC, join seniors for a day of fun and games. Bridge, Canasta, Pinochle and 42 are played starting at 9:00 AM. We also have afternoon bridge at 12:00 PM. WALKERCISE - BCCC offers walkercise every day at 8:00 AM. this is an indoor class that’s equivalent to a two-mile walk. Classes are free. STRETCH AND TONE - Stretch and Tone is designed to improve flexibility, strength and endurance. You will see better body composition, improved strength and range of motion. This class is geared for

December 2011


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The Fire Fighters rely on support and donations from the community for the success of the campaign. Proceeds raised during the street-side campaign will help support MDA services and research programs, including MDA’s outpatient clinics at Texas Children’s Hospital and The Methodist Neurological Institute. Money raised from Fill-the-Boot also sends young people ages 6-17 to MDA summer camp, held in Burton, Texas. For more information, please contact MDA Director of Business Development Carrie Dalton at 713-522-3679 or

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all fitness levels. Bring a mat or towel and join us Tues. and Thurs. from 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM. Classes are free. AEROBICS - Aerobics combines muscle toning exercise and lowimpact mid-intensity aerobics. Benefits include increased metabolic rate, which promotes efficient fat loss and improved body composition. Classes are free. Call BCCC for more information. NEEDLEWORK GROUP - The ladies of the BCCC Needlework Group are looking for new members. If you enjoy embroidery, cross-stitch or creative sewing, please join us Tues. mornings at 10:00 AM. FUN TIME ART GROUP - Every Thursday morning from 9:00 AM to noon, would like to extend an invitation to adults to visit and join this no fee art group. Painting is in all mediums of your choice and help is available from all members. Come have fun together! Call for more information. BEAR CREEK GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY & LIBRARY INC. - Welcomes all genealogical researchers, novice to expert, to join us. Meetings: second Thursday of each month, september through may from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. Casual attire and pre-meeting lunch at the Omni Hotel. Genealogical research trips, speakers, workshops, special events and genealogy Library. More info: Gary at 281-3980333, email: or Alan at 281-579-0480, email CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH - BCCC offers anyone who has the basic knowledge of the French Language the opportunity to meet with others in a conversational French class held every Wednesday at 11:00 AM. CLASSES BEGINNERS TAI CHI - BCCC is offering a beginners Tai Chi Class Mondays and Fridays which will start on Monday, January 9, 2012. No new participants will be able to attend after the third week is in progress. You must be able to attend both classes each week. The class is not limited at this time, although you must preregister in order to participate. Registration for this class will begin December 1, 2011. If you are interested go to BCCC to sign up or for more information.



Join us for Fashion with Passion a Dinner, Silent Auction and Fashion Show benefitting Jordan Merecka Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:30 to 10:00 PM Enchanted Cypress Ballroom 12603 Louetta Road Cypress, Texas For sponsorship, volunteer, and ticket information contact:


December 2011

Teri Quance at Susie Pipkin at Terri Cesnik at Julie Saunders at Cynthis Gill at Visit our Facebook page - “Fashion with Passion Fundraiser.” Tickets can be purchased at Quane Design Studio. Jordan Merecka was born with multiple congenital heart defects, including Dextrocardia (his heart was on the wrong side of his chest). As a child, he experienced two open chest surgeries, several surgical revisions and an implantable defibrillator. For many years after his early surgeries, Jordan was able to live an active childhood. As a teen, he enjoyed hunting and fishing with his father and at school, he participated in FFA (Future Farmers of America). But, in September 2010, Jordan’s heart began to fail and he was placed on a waiting list for a heart transplant. With medical treatment, he was able to attend school as he waited. At the start of 2011, the senior at Cypress Woods High School was looking forward to three major milestones in his life: his prom on May 27th, his eighteenth birthday on May 29th and his graduation on June 5th. In April 2011, his health took a turn for the worse and he was admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital with heart failure symptoms and kidney insufficiency. He critically needed a heart transplant. Over the weekend of May 21st, all of his organs began to fail acutely and he could not breath on his own because his heart was so weak. On May 22nd, Jordan received the Total Artificial Heart that saved his life. Jordan missed his prom, but thanks to a diligent heart-failure team and the availability of the artificial heart, he celebrated his birthday at Texas Children's on May 29th - a week after his surgery. On June 5th, Jordan watched his graduation ceremony online while his 16-year-old sister walked across the stage to accept his diploma on his behalf. His class rose to their feet for a standing ovation. Jordan has been accepted at Texas A&M University Galveston and looks forward to studying marine biology. But for now, Jordan's focus is on gaining his strength and being ready for his new heart.

December 2011



"LAS VEGAS NIGHT" The Knights of Columbus Council 8096 of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church invite you to attend our 26th Charity Las Vegas Night. The event will be held on February 18, 2012, from 7:00 PM until 10:30 PM, at the church, 6646 Addicks Satsuma, in the Community Life Center. A prize auction will follow with fabulous items to bid on with the play money you win. Included will be a trip to Las Vegas, hotel stays, restaurant dinners, sports memorabilia, wonderful gift baskets, fantastic coupons and fabulous merchandise. We hope you will join us and promise you a fun-filled evening of Black Jack, Craps, Roulette, Poker, Slot Machines and other games. Snacks and drinks are included in the price. Donations appreciated. Bring your friends and neighbors. Tickets are only $15 per person and all proceeds will benefit local Knights of columbus Charities. For more information, please call Franklin Holub 281-463-6122, email

US Military K-9 Fund, Inc. US Military K-9 Fund, Inc. would like to thank our supporters, who are helping us send “care packages” designed especially for the military dogs deployed with our troops to the Middle East. We are so grateful to the Girl Scouts that have given some of their cookie money to us, Longenbaugh Vet Hospital, Rover Oaks Pet Resort, Animal Hospital Jones Road, Cypress Cares, Copperfield Women’s Club and others for enabling us to continue sending the “care packages”


Hate eating veggies? Acts like a salad; Tastes like dessert.

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Have questions? Call me at 713-443-9319 to the dogs that are saving lives. We are celebrating having been able to send over 150 boxes so far. And we have only just begun… With HELP from everyone who has dogs or loves dogs, we can make a difference in these dogs ability to keep our men and women safer by sensing what humans cannot. They go where machines cannot. They smell what machines cannot. And, they are a “force multiplier.” Help us send them dog boots, dog goggles, cooling/warming vests, toys, treats and grooming items. Their handlers get some things too! Go to to learn more.

Eat THIS, not THAT for the Holidays!


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‘Tis the season of over-indulgence in rich, delicious and unhealthy food. But panic not. You can still enjoy all the goodies of the season, thanks to sensible eating. Here are healthy eating tips for the Christmas season. • Feast for a couple of days, then return to normal. Buy less and don’t let the holiday season turn into an excuse for a month of bingeing. • Cut up a box of mini-sticks of celery and nibble on them when you need a snack. Celery keeps blood pressure low, and helps lower cholesterol too. • Keep reading the labels, but don’t be fooled. Are ‘lite’ potato chips or crisps really a great health option? Yes, you could save a worthwhile 20 calories on a packet - but they’re still a high-fat food, so go easy. • Out of sight is out of mouth. Hide away indulgent puddings, cream and other temptations in the salad drawer, so they don’t beckon every time you open the fridge door. • Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which improves mood and reduces anxiety. Eat just 3 a day. • If you’re used to working out, have a vigorous session the day before a feast and you’ll burn extra calories more efficiently. • Cinnamon balances blood sugar and reduces ill effects of sweet foods. Stir a little into tea or coffee. • Watch portion sizes like a hawk. Forego the extra spoonful, the second mince pie, never pile food high. Enjoy everything, say no to nothing - but do it all in moderation. • At the supermarket, avoid huge ‘bargain’ packs of special nuts, biscuits etc. Buy smaller sizes and cut the temptation. • Serve two vegetables with each meal (try not to smother them in cream sauce) and put salad greens in every sandwich.

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December 2011

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DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.


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DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.

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mail, fax or email: CLASSIFIED@KRENEKPRINTING.COM Affordable advertising across Katy & Hwy 6.



Mix condensed milk and coconut together and spread over crust. Bake 12 minutes at 350°F. Remove from oven. Sprinkle with real chocolate chips. Spread when melted. Cool and cut into squares. Source:

Ingredients: 1/2 cup butter 
 1 Egg 
 1 teaspoon vanilla

Praline Cookies 1 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 
 1 1/2 cup flour 
 1 cup chopped pecans

DIRECTIONS: Heat oven to 350°F. Cream butter, sugar and egg. Stir in flour, vanilla and pecans. Mix well by hand. Shape into balls about the size of walnuts, place on cookie sheets and flatten to about 1/8 inch. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, or until brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely and harden. 
 Source: DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with in this publication. All warranties and representations make in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX. 77095 281-463-8649 news

December 2011


DEADLINE:12th of preceding month.

Get prices online or call us 8:30a - 5p.


Ingredients: 2 cup crushed graham crackers 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1/2 cup butter 1 can sweetened condensed milk 8 oz. pkg. coconut (2 1/2 cups) 1 12 oz. package real chocolate chips

DIRECTIONS: Mix graham crackers, powdered sugar and melted butter and pat into 9 x 13 pan. Bake 12 minutes at 350°F.


(281) 463-8649 fax (281) 463-2425

7102 Glen Chase Ct. Houston, TX 77095 FOR SALE Yamaha flugel horn, silver, $500; Holton trumpet, silver, $500; Olds cornet, silver, $300; Roland arranger, $250. All OBO and in excellent condition with cases. Call 281-676-4176. Croscill queen comforter, w/accessories, $35; TV, JVC 27”, CRT w/ glass door stand, $60; kitchen sink, double, stainless, with faucet, $50. 281-463-4898. Doll house, $65; toy chest, $35. Both need TLC by Grandpa/Dad for grandchild. 281-856-9000. GE refrigerator, profile 23.6 cft., double door, water & ice dispenser, $350; Dot Matrix printer, XX-P1124, $50; modern computer table, $35; cable modem, Westell Wirespeed, $10; beveled glass coffee table, $30; old model fax machine, $10; water bed water cover, $10. Call 281-550-6308. Hutch with dinning table and 6 chairs, white wash finish, $700. Call 281-550-6308. 50 piece spade Christmas Tree china and crystal, 8 of each dinner plates, salad plates, cups, saucers, wine glasses, iced beverage glasses, plus 2 large candle holders. Many pieces never used, all look new, $375. Many serving pieces avalible, many never used. Call for prices. 713-983-6063. Beautiful brass and glass lighted display cabinet, 83 1/2” x 32” x 16,” $400. Carol 281-463-1094. Breakfast table with 6 chairs, $299; TV armoire, $275; lamps, $50; Lajos Markos “Remember the Alamo” framed, signed artist proof, $2,500; Duncan Phyfe dining table with 6 Bombay Company chairs, $850; pedestal globe, $30; 2 model cars, $49; model ship, $25. 281-814-7436. 48” round Formica top kitchen table with 12” leaf and 6 maple chairs. Recently refinished, very good condition, $150; solid pine twin head and foot board with side rails, good condition, $75; upholstered platform rocker, blue, needs work, $35. Call 281-948-9924. .


Golf balls for sale. Gently used, clean, ready for play. 40 balls per bag, each bag includes 10 Titleist, $20 per bag. Please call 281-799-3433. Giant road bike, small frame, fits 5’2”-5’6,” $400; Treadmill, $200. 832-643-9119. Lots of outdoor x-mas lights, $250; Two large white outdoor wire wreaths with white lights, $75 each; A gazillion Legos, some robotic and Lego books, $300. 281-550-8113 or Beautiful diamond platinum engagement ring; white gold diamond wedding ring; ¾ carat diamond stud earrings; set of 6 each Waterford crystal Elberon flute, beverage & wine glasses-most never used. E-mail for pricing and pictures. Upright 16cf freezer, $75; beautiful mahogany antique round table w/6 chairs and 18’ leaf, $200; stainless vent-a-hood, $25. All in great condition. Call 713-417-4821. Elegant pool table, builder Imperial International Pool Tables, in great condition, has only been used in rare occasions. Top cloth burgundy, side laminated cherry wood, two one inch thick slate pieces, top lamp and utility rack all included, plus accessories. Asking price, $900. 281-844-6896. Power lift recliner, brand new, never used, camel color, paid $1,200, asking $700 OBO. 281-858-1043. Rainbow Play System: 2 swings, 360 tire swing, 3 station swing beam, Jacob’s rope ladder, knotted rope w/ disc swing, slide, playhouse and more. Asking $1,400 OBO. Contact Joe 832-654-8886. Yamaha GH1B beautiful piano, polished ebony, like new, purchased in 2002, $7,000 OBO. 281-398-6870.

Bear Creek Animal Clinic Pet Wellness Fair Saturday, December 17th, (8am-11:30am) Ask about Senior and Dental Days

Recession Buster Savings!!! Same Great Packages, Greater Value!


Call for Information 4924 Hwy. 6 N. (South of Kieth Harrow)

Grooming/Boarding Available! 24

Prom dresses, both long and short dresses, various colors and sizes; white bridal gown used for NCL presentation. Prices negotiable. 281-392-6518. Omega Pro II Racquetball Racket with zip case, never used, $35; 8” animal gold trim/porcelain (some) plates, $15 - $20 each; Emmot Kelly clown, numbered/framed lithographs, $75 - $100 each. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Sliding mirror doors (one pair) for a wardrobe or closet, each door is 39 “W x 79”H, together the doors will be good for a 78”W X 79”H wardrobe or closet, comes with upper and bottom alum guide rails, the doors are similar to IKEA PAX MALM ward robe article # 900-745-72, picture available, asking $205. Contact

MOVING/GARAGE SALES Estate Sale: Duncan Phife dining table, $350; dark Rattan barrelback chair & sectional sofa, $750; Ancient Minnesota peddle sewing machine, $100; Florida light maple bedroom set, 2 night stands, headboard, vanity w/mirror, $350; Admiral Signature 21 cu.ft. frost-free refrigerator w/ice maker, $125; Roper heavy duty large capacity electric dryer, $85; solid oak dining table w/six chairs, 2 leaves, $350; white Fossil Rock 2 end tables, sofa table and coffee table w/glass tops, $400; blue/white country plaid sleeper sofa, $175; solid pecan credenza, $125; Florida dark maple bedroom set, 2 nightstands, headboard, vanity w/mirror, $350. 281-856-0765


December 2011

Give the Gift of a Smile $250 OFF TreaTmenT (Comprehensive orthodontic treatment only. Some insurance restrictions apply. Offer expires 1-15-2012.)

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AUTOMOTIVE Rare 1967 Pontiac Firebird convertible, re-built, under warranty, 400 Pontiac motor-not matching no., less than 400 miles, totally restored, yellow with black interior, new paint, new disk brakes, new suspension, new interior & new black top with cover, new custom sound system, $24,000. Firm. 281-455-5543. 1996 Buick Roadmaster Ltd: White, leather seats, 76K miles, good condition, $4,500. Call Richie Anderson 281-463-1712. 1998 Suzuki 1500 Intruder, $3,550. Call for details 281-726-4305 Pat. 17” Dodge Ram 1500 wheels and tires, 265/70/17, $650 OBO. Call 713-898-0912.

WANTED Wanted: Treadmill. 281-345-9364. Wanted: To buy Rolex watches. 281-414-3597.

HELP WANTED - CARE Mature female to live in and care for elderly female in Settlers Village. Duties include light cleaning and detailed personal care. 832-470-8045.

HELP WANTED Swimming pool cleaner: Needed experienced pool cleaner to help with route maintenance in Cypress and Northwest Houston. Must have dependable truck with 2” receiver towing hitch, English speaking, have cell phone and capable of lifting and carrying 100 pounds. If you meet these requirements please call 281-785-5939. A local State Farm agent is seeking highly motivated telemarketers to work in a fun, upbeat office environment. Applicants should have telemarketing experience and reliable transportation. Please email resume to for more information. Lease space available, upscale salon in Copperfield. Contact Leticia 713-898-4484 or Craig 832-483-0114. Salon Professionals - Experience hairstylist wanted for trendy salon in Copperfield. Lease space starting at $125 per week. Massage / facial suite also available. Call Dana 832-434-3644.

LL Hair Studio Salon is hiring experienced stylists! Visit our website at to learn more, or call us today at 281-550-5302. Now hiring Security Officers. Part time/full time on the job training. No experience necessary. Professional & reliable retired welcome. Must provide TDL, Soc. Sec. card, (clear criminal history). Excellent benefits, all shift available. Call today & set up interview. 281-759-1010. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston TX, 77079. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273. Michelle’s Salon is looking for good experience hairstylist, massage therapist, nail tech and esthetician, lease or commission. 832-878-1052.

About Hair Salon and Day Spa is seeking experienced stylists. Apply in person 15422 FM 529, Houston, TX 77095.

The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person.

Sandy’s Hair Studio is now hiring an experienced hair stylist; facialist and massage therapist. We offer great commission. Call 281-256-2279.

Dental Hygienist needed part-time, minimum 3 years experience, 2 days a week, 7 AM-4 PM, 9 AM-6 PM, days flexible, San Felipe/Voss. Fax Resume to 713-974-4760. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394.

December 2011



Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281-256-2286. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. A growing residential construction co. locally owned & operated looking for advancement minded English speaking individual w/truck & tools. Call for more information 713-591-7825 or 713-446-6989. Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker, experienced preferred, knowledge of Dentrix software and bilingual a plus. Must be state licensed; Front desk receptionist, bilingual preferred. Fax resume to: 281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500. Stylist position available at Salon Picasso Studios. Lease/commission. 281-861-9911. Paralegal - Katy area law firm looking for candidate with 5+ years experience. Ideal candidate should be proficient in Word and WordPerfect, be a self-starter, possess excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail and the ability to work in a fast paced environment. Send resume & salary requirements to 281-398-1380. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. 281-646-9928.

PETS FOR SALE Shih Tzu adorable puppies. 281-743-3500. Cavalier King Charles playful healthy little puppies for sale. 281-492-6763.

HOMES/CONDOS FOR SALE Bay House in Sargent, waterfront property with boat access to house, built in 2003. 2 BR’s, 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings, central AC/heat, storage shed attached to house, carport, enclosed stairway, water & sewer system. Call Bill at 979-429-6853.



Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to for more information.


Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – TS, RYF DMR, SR, HM


December 2011

Windsong Community Improvement Association Officers Dennis Shook - President Chad Vowell - 1ST Vice President Steve Zunker- 2ND Vice President Brenda McCullah- Secretary Johnny Luttrell -Treasurer PURPOSE OF WINDSONG COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION

Windsong Community Improvement Association handles the financial and legal affairs of the subdivision. Each lot owner is required to pay an annual maintenance fee which is used to pay street lights; taxes on and maintenance the common areas, such as the swimming pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, playgrounds, and entrances.; contract deputy patrols; and legal expenses incurred to enforce the deed restrictions, etc.

Windsong Team Members are as follows: • ASSOCIATION MANAGER Nancy Lee Callaway, AMS Ext.7132 E-Mail address: • SERVICE MANAGER Shirley Barnett Ext. 7133 E-Mail - • ACCOUNTING CLERK - Ashley Martin Ext.7118 E-Mail - • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CLERK Sharon Griffith, Ext. 7115 E-Mail - • DEED RESTRICTION COORDINATOR Chris Sharp, Ext. 7136 E-mail -

The Windsong Community Center is available for rentals through Rhea Prelost, WCC Manager. Please contact Rhea by leaving a message on the Windsong Resident Question and Answer Line @ 281-550-7996. She will return your call to make arrangements for your rental.


Harris County MUD #183 provides additional patrols for two Sheriff’s Deputies through a contract with Harris County. Please call 281-463-2648 to report any suspicious person, activity or for vacation watch.


Occasionally business of the association may require us to be out of the office for a short period of time. If we are out of the office when you call or if you call after hours, please leave a message on our voice message system and your calls will be returned as soon as possible.

The Board meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the meeting room at the Windsong Community Clubhouse. Residents are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to place an item on the agenda should call SCS Management Services, Inc. at 281-463-1777 at least 5 days in advance..


The Annual Meeting of Members is held on the 1st Thursday in May.


Board Members hold three year staggered terms and are elected. The election process is as follows: 1) Voting by proxy. Mail in proxies will be mailed with the Annual Meeting Notice. 2) Voting in person will be by attendance at the Annual Meeting.


The WCIA has a new resident package available which are sent once a month to the new homeowners once SCS Management Services, Inc has received transfer information.

Deed restrictions are strictly enforced by Windsong Community Improvement Association. Copies of the restrictions are available upon request by mail. Please call 281-463-1777. Complaint forms are included in every “Windsong Whistler” for your convenience. The association’s office verifies complaints and writes letters to violators. WCIA will initiate legal action when warranted, to enforce the deed restrictions.

Royal Disposal collects our trash. The homeowner’s maintenance fee does not pay for trash pick-up. Residents are billed quarterly in advance on an individual basis. You must call Royal Disposal to start service at 713-526-1536. 1. Trash pick-up days are Tuesdays and Fridays between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM. 2. Curbside pick-up for each home for a maximum of 6 cans per day. 3. All tree branches less than 3 inches in diameter and shrub trimmings should be cut in four feet lengths and bundled. 4. No pick-up is schedule on New Year’s Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; and Christmas Day. Pick-up will resume the next regularly schedule day. 5. Heavy trash pick-up is scheduled every Friday. 6. Excluded items include, but are not limited to, acids; batteries; car parts; car tires; chemicals; construction trash (to include concrete, large quantities or rolls of carpeting, fencing, construction material and debris); dirt; garage door openers; hazardous or toxic or radioactive waste; large pieces of glass (must be broken and placed in cardboard box and weigh less than 40 pounds); human or animal fecal waste; large sofas and sleepers and furniture with metal frames; metal items; paint; petroleum products or filers; refrigerators (if Freon is not removed and refrigerator tagged); rocks; sand. Resident may call Customer Service at 713-526-1536 and arrange for items to be picked up at a negotiated price.


Windsong CIA Office

Hours @ SCS Building, 7170 Cherry Park Drive, Houston, Tx. Office Phone: 281-463-1777; Fax: 281-463-0050 Office Hrs: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mon-Fri. Closed Weekends and Major Holidays WCIA employs SCS Management Services, Inc. to service the community. SCS Management Services, Inc. operates on a “Team Concept”.


You MUST submit any plans for improvements or modifications of your home to Windsong CIA for review. Your plans will be checked to insure that they comply with the deed restrictions. This includes re-roofing, play forts (8 ft limit), temporary storage buildings, etc. Please call SCS Management 281-463-1777 to obtain the necessary form. You may also access

Windsong Community Improvement Association is serviced by Harris County MUD District #183. Southwest Water Services was hired by the Water Board to manage the utility district and they can assist you if you have any problems. For new service or billing information call 713-405-1750. The office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If you are reporting a repair, please call the 24 hour assistance at 713-405-1750

IMPORTANT NUMBERS TO REMEMBER Emergency 911 Fire & Ambulance 713 466-6161 281-256-2266 Harris Co. Constable’s Office 281 463-6666 Clay Rd. Courthouse Annex. 281 463-2446 Harris Co. Sheriff’s Department 713 221-6000 Rabies Control 281 999-3191 Rape Crisis (24 hrs.) 713 528-7273 Suicide Prevention (24 hrs.) 713 228-1505 Supportive Outreach Service for Battered Women & Children 713 528-5785 Women’s Info. & Referral Exchange 713 528-2121 Cy-Fair School District Admin. 281 897-4000 Peggy Wilson Elementary (K-5) 281 463-5941 Watkins Jr. High (6-8) 281 463-5850 Cypress Lakes High 281-856-3800 Street Light Repair (Center Point) 713 207-2222 (To report non-working light, give address and pole number off pole)

Street Repair 281 463-6300 SCS Management 281 463-1777

December 2011


Lost Pets 713-999-3191 Harris County Animal Control 281 999-3191 Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation 713 468-8972 MTA Buses (Routes & Scheduling) 713 635-4000 Car Share/Van Share 713 227-0003 Alcoholics Anonymous (24 hours) 713 686-6300 Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse 713 520-8620 Legal Advise (9:00-4:00) Battered Women & Children (Wires 24) 713 528-2121 Overeaters Anonymous Hot Line 713 973-6633 Crisis Hotline (24 hours 713 228-1505 Harris Co. Children’s Protective Services (24 hours) 713 526-5701 Poison Control (24 hours) 1-800-764-7661 U. S. Post Office (Bear Creek) 281 855-2556 Southwest Water (HCMUD # 183) Water & Sewer Repair & Billing 713-405-1750 Center Point Energy 713 659-2111 To report gas leaks 713 659-3552 Reliant Energy 713 207-7777 713 207-2222 Reliant Energy Power Repair

AT & T Royal Disposal (Trash pickup) (Pickups Tues. & Fri./Heavy pickup on Fri.) Teen Hotline (M-Th 4-9 Sat.10:30-4:30) Swim Team - LISA RENFRO

1-800-559-7928 713-526-1536 713 529-TEEN 281-859-8432

• WINDSONG RESIDENT QUESTION LINE Call 281 550-7996 if you want to report association issues for general information or complaints/concerns to a Board member, Committee Member, or to rent the clubhouse. This is a message line only. Leave a message. Your call will be returned by a volunteer.

NEWSLETTER PUBLISHING/ADVERTISING Krenek Printing Company 7102 Glen Chase Ct. 281 463-8649 Fax# 281 463-2425 Articles Email: Business Ads Email: Classified Ads Email:


Can you hear Him? After 2000+ years ...

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Christmas at Bethlehem Inn Saturday, Dec. 24 @ 7 pm

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Candlelight Communion Service



for full details

Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 Windsong December 2011 email: for articles • for business ads • for classified ads

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