Вакуумный гроб - описание изделия

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BAKYYMHbICI FPOB (omicarwe 143,LIeJ11131) BaxyymHmil rp06 ABRACTC51 agars 11011e3Hb1M H3o6peTewrem, HOCK011bAy 011 HmeeT mHorrte riperrmywecrsa HO OTHOIlleH1410 K Hcnorm3yemsrm B Hacrwurree spew' rpo6am. 3Aecs HMCCM B swky ero 4:13,HK11110HaAbH0Crb, 3K0.11011P4eCKHR H 3KOHOMH4eCKHi3 acnexTm, a TanKe 3KOHOMHIO 3HeprHn. co BpemeHem Tpe6yroT mo,,ItepHH3aw4H, BO3HHKIM HC06X0,11HMOCTb MOA14111414p0BaTb rpo66I B COOTBeTCTBHH C Tpe6oHaHHAmil cospemeHHorr ACH3HH. OCHOBHaA Imes' asTopa 3T01-0 H3o6peTeHm — H3FOTOBHTb TaK0r1 rpo6, B KOTOpOM MO/ARO awcyymnposaTs norcotimma. Ilp14BeaeM HCCKOJILKO nprmepoa, xoTopme noxawyr nogemy 3T0 BaNCHO H B gem COCTOAT npenmywearria BaxyymHsor rpo6os. Bo H360KaHHC mHorim rwo6nem H HerwHATHocreti saxyymgme rpO6M MO)KHO IICHOJI630BaTb B crrygaroc, ecall He HmeeTcR BO3MONCHOCTb 110X0p0HHTb ymepmero 3a KOpOTKHrl Cp0K (WO CerOAHA gacTo npoHcxowrr, HanpHmep, emn4 Her cpa3y cso60Aworo mecra AJIA noxopon, ecru4 0)KllaaeTC11 npoBepiewre HAeHT1441HKalAHH HRH ripH HeB03MO/KHOCTH 6mcrporo TpaHcnovra 03 3arpaHnual). TaKam cnoco6om 1436eratorca nenpnrrnme 3anaxo, HeT HC06X0,IIHMOCTI4 3amopaNuntaTb Tpynm (4To omenb Aoporo), oxpaHmercm oxpywarouram cpcaa, TaK KaK 836eraercK py6Ka ,aepeabers, HOCK0AbKy 3TH rpo6bl H3FOTOBASHOTCA 143 pamaraemoti mificpoopraHH3mamll rmacrmaccm (pacrirreasHoro IWOHCAMICAeHHA, T.e., 143FOTOBAReMOti 113 COH, xrcypy3m, KapT011IKH ), xffropari B Hacromitee spew' 110.11b3yeTCA 60116010H nonympHocTsio. 14C110KOH BeKOB Ha 3emme KaTaKAH3M1.1 H KaTacrporlom 60I1b11114X pa3meporr H, HumpHoe, K co)Kagennio, 01114 6yayi Hp0HCX0,1114Tb H B 6yayIlleM. OAHH H3 cammx CBMIGIX npramepoB — 3T0 o6pa3oBamre rrytramm B A3HH, xor,aa norn6no camme 200 000 nio,aert. Ecnn 6mTor.aa B 3anace 6buio ,aocTaTognoe KOJIHMIeCTBO BarcyymHmx rpo6ort, TO nocTpaAaannix mown() 6i1Ino naKyymnpoBaTb H HOTOM HAeHT1441HIHIp0BaTb, He onscarws nowleAcrsHrt pa3JIMICe111451 Tpynoe H pacrwocTpaHerna 3apa3Hmx 60.11e3HCH. 1103TOMy xopowo 6suro 661, eCAH 61.1 B KaNC,a011 crpalle HMCJI0Cb B pe3epHe 6011b1110e KOJIWaleCTBO TaKHX. rpo6os. 061,em nportyicrum H C6MT He AOJINCOM npeAcTarumrs rwo6nemy. Hocxonmcy see cosepureHersortamm



nycKa B 11p0MbIllUleHHOS 11p003BOACTBO 6y,I1eT neo6xo,anmo dwpm, TeM cammm 6mer OTKpbITO MHOF0 HOMAX pa6o4ax mecr. AAA 3anycica wort mo.rwmi B rwoH3HoiRcrso Heo6xo,rwmm 60JIMIIHe Ka1114TallOBRONCeHHA, HO MM cgriTaem, tITO 110Ab3a, KoTopyto BaKyymnble rp06m rwHHecyr ge.nosemecTsy, BO mHorom 11pCBMCHT CTOHMOCTb MX npornso,acTsa. AAA


VAKUMSKI KOVC- EG (Sutilov koveg)




Na poklopcu sanduka ugraden je ventil za vakumiranje. U 2ljebu na rubu sanduka fiksirana je dihtung guma na koju nale2e poklopac. U procesu vakumiranja, sanduk i poklopac se t'vsto priljubljuju jer ih medusobno privlaci vakum a dihtung guma obezbeduje hermetau zatvorenost na njihovom sastavu.Vakumiranje sanduka vrsili bi prodavci pogrebne opreme bez nadoknade, tako da ne postoji potreba da se kupuje pumpa uz svaki sanduk.Kov6eg bi se izradivao u 4 varijante: 1.) I uksuzna sa providnim poklopcem za gradane koji bi se sahranjivali u mauzolejima; 2.) standardna, sa poklopcem providnim u predelu glave, za gradane koji se sahranjuju u propisne grobnice; 3.) sa neprovidnim poklopcem ali ugradenim ramom za sliku pokojnika u predelu glave (predvideni su za pokojnike koji su stradali u tegkim nesre&ma zbog t'ega _ im je lik i telo n 1. /NA Wes -1-rn 4A 1 L-rs Ml_711 â– ../-1 AJI OLEO ClU I VG plastike za sahranjivanje u zemlju.

In the cover of the coffin is built the valve for vacuuming. In the channel at the edge of the coffin is fixed the rubber at which adheres the cover. During the process of vacuuming the coffin and the cover are adhering firmly because of vacuum inside, and the rubber assuring hermetic closeness at there joint. The vacuuming of the coffin would be done by the funeral services, without the necessity to provide the pump for every coffin. The coffin would be made in 4 shapes: 1) luxury coffin with the transparent cover for the citizens to be buried in mausoleum; 2) standard, with the window on the cover allowing to see the head of the deceased person, that is to be buried in standard burial-ground; 3) with nontransparent cover and the frame for the picture of the deceased person et the place of their head (recommended for the deceased per son injured in heavy accident, with deformed face and body); 4) coffins made by biodegradable plastic for burial in ground.






Sutilo Ivan Brdanska 249 a 11232 Ripanj, Bgd. Srbija tel: 064/4100-332 e-mail: vuckovicdjordje@yahoo.com

VAKUMSKI KOVC- EG ZA POKOJ NI KE (opis pronalaska) Vakumski koxteg za pokojnike je vigestruko koristan izum. Prednosti u odnosu na postojeCe sanduke su mnogobrojne pcdev od funkcije, ekokAkog aspekta, ekonomskog aspekta i u'gtede energije. Suยงtina pronalaska je da se naprave kovt'ezi u kojima bi se mogli vakumirati pokojnici. Navegeu nekoliko primera zafto je to va2no i koje su prednosti ovakvih sanduka. Kao gto se svi proizvodi vremenom usavrgavaju i modernizuju tako se javila potreba da se modifikuju postojed sanduci za pokojnike u skladu sa problemima i potrebama savremenog2ivota. Usled nemogidnosti da se pokojnici sahrane brzo, a to je danas veoma C'est (npr. '6ekanje na grobno mesto, C'ekanje zbog identifikacije nepoznatih osoba, nennogualost da se pokojnici brzo transportuju iz inostranstva...) upotrebom vakumskih kovC'ega bili bi izbegnuti nnnogi problemi i neprijatnosti. Ne bi bilo neprijatnog mirisa, ne postoji potreba za zamrzavanjem tela, gto je veoma skup postupak, sea ยงu ma bila bi izbegnuta jer je kov6eg od biorazgradive plastike (biljnog porekla, proizvodi se od soje, kukuruza, krompira...) koja je sve popularnija u svetu. Pokretanjem proizvodnje bile bi otvorene mnoge firme i omogLdeno mnogo novih rad ni h mesta. Oduvek je na svetu bilo raznih kataklizmi i katastrofa velikih razmera, a na2alost bite ih i ubuckde. Najsve2iji primer je cunami koji je u Aziji odneo preko 200 000 ljudskih 2ivota. Da je na lageru bilo dovoljno ovakvih sanduka, nastradala lica bila bi vakumirana i naknadno identifikovana bez bojazni od raspadanja tela i mogualosti 'girenja zaraze. Zato bi bilo dobro da svaka zennlja ima u rezervi yea( kolianu ovakvih sanduka. Plasman i obim proizvodnje ne bi trebalo da budu problem. Za pokretanje proizvodnje vakumskih koxtega potrebna su velika ulaganja ali smatram da je i to cena zanemarljiva ako sagledamo kolika bi to korist bila za covecanstvo.

ap rejg

VACUUM COFFIN FOR DECEASED (description of the invention)

Vacuum coffin for the deceased is a very useful new invention. The advantages of this coffin in comparison with the existing are many, starting from its function, ecological aspect, economical aspect and the saving energy. The essential part of this invention is to make coffins in which the deceased people could be vacuumed. Some example could explain why it is so important and what the advantages of these coffins are. As many products are being modernized and brought to perfection so it was necessary to modify the existing coffins for deceased in accordance with the problems and the needs of the contemporary life. Because of the inconveniences due to impossibility to bury the deceased person immediately, and today it is very often the case (for example: waiting for the burialground, waiting for the identification of the unknown persons, impossibility to transport promptly the deceased from abroad...), with the use of the vacuumed coffins could be solved many problems. It could be avoided the unpleasant smell even without very expensive procedure of freezing the body. The cutting or the wood would be avoided because this product is made in biodegradable plastic (made of plants, as soybeans, corn, potatoes...) that is being more and more popular in the world. For the production of this coffins will be established many new factories with a lot of new working places. Different cataclysms and catastrophes on large scale had been happening from the beginning of the world, and they are going to happen even in the future. The most recent example was tsunami in Asia, which took more then 200 000 human lives. If at that place would have been enough of this coffins, the deceased persons could be vacuumed and identify later, without fear of decomposition of the bodies and epidemics spreading out. For that reason it would be useful if every country could have larger quantity of these coffins. To start production and find a market for the vacuumed coffins, it should be done great investments, but that the price is nothing in comparison with enormous benefitexpected forthe humanity

VAKUMSKI KONtEG (utilov kovt'eg)

1. sanduk 2. poklopac 3. dihtung guma 4. ventil za vakumiranje

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