1 minute read


Just as they make excellent jam, so damsons also make remarkably good ices: gooseberries are also especially recommended for their full flavour.

With damsons, 6 oz/190 g sugar is needed; for gooseberries, 5 oz/150 g; for bilberries and blackcurrants, 4 oz/125 g. The mildness of the yoghurt also helps to take the edge off these high-acid fruits.


1 lb/500 9 fruit

4-6 oz1125-190 9 caster sugar

1f4 pintll50 ml Greek or other mild yoghurt


I Pick over the fruit, removing any green or mouldy bilberries or currants, and wash. Leave to drain.

2 Put with the sugar (no water) over very low heat and sweat until the sugar has dissolved and the juice has started to run; turn up the heat slightly and stew for 5-6 minutes or until the fruit is soft and submerged in liquid (damsons will take 7-10 minutes). Allow to cool.

3 Pulp through a sieve and add to the yoghurt, not vice versa: yoghurt will not mix in at all well if it is added to the juice. Mix and for best results sieve again.

4 Turn into a freezer container or pudding basin and freeze for 2-21f2 hours or until the edges are frozen but the centre still soft (freezing times vary according not only to the temperature of the freezer but also to the size and shape of the container -a flat, rectangular one will freeze quickest). Whisk or beat with a fork until homogenous and refreeze (this will give a slightly smoother result than without beating but is not essential). For immediate consumption, the ice will be ready after a further 11/2-2 hours.

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