VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1 2014
BAY AREA Resource Guide
How the Transbay Hub will transform our region
TITLE 24 Making sense of a complex code
HEAR FROM THE LEADERS Find out what some of the Bay Area’s leading professionals have to say about our future
SPECIAL REPORT: PwC US and Urban Land Institute’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Forecast $3.95
publisher’s message..................................................... 6 proFessional advice ..................................... 11-17 Fuel cell Tchnology............................................... 12 ca Building energy efficiency standards update........ 14 2014–2015 el niño watch ................................16-17
special reporT: emerging Trends in real estate ..... 19-25 proFessional proFiles................................... 27-33 kurt wilhelm–electronic arts ................................... 28 kirk Thompson–rocket Fuel ..................................... 30 maja henderson–square, inc. ................................. 32 rick Friedman–sandisk corporation ......................... 33
FaciliTies Focus.......................................... 35-44 Transbay Transit center ..................................... 36-38 square, incorporated headquarters ....................40-42 sunpower campus................................................ 43 sandisk .............................................................. 44 resource guide............................................ 47-72
on the cover BUILDING: Transbay Center Architects: Pelli,Clark & Pelli Architects and Hines Architecs
2 BAY AREA Building MAnAgEMEnT guidE WINTER 2014
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Advisory Board Members Mark Burriss, MS, Certified Building Operator Environmental, Health, Safety and Sustainability Manager Pentair Thermal Management George Denise CFM, CPPM, FMA, RPA
Director of Operations, Facilities—REW Oracle Kevin Klink
Vice President Cornish & Carey Commercial Bob Kraiss, CFM Sr. Director of Corporate Real Estate & Facilities ADPT, Inc. Dan Orloff
Principal Orloff/Williams Partners Jay Park, PE Data Center Engineering Architect Facebook John Lucas
Vice President of Global Real Estate & Workplace Services Juniper Networks Sharon Refvem
Senior Associate Hawley Peterson & Snyder Architects
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BAY AREA BUILDING MANAGEMENT GUIDE Published by Bay Area Building Management Group 5136 Northlawn Dr. San Jose, CA 95130 www.babmg.com Publisher Kris McFarland kris@babmg.com Art & Production Terry Price Graphic Design terry@terrypricedesign.com 408.568.6282 Account Managers Kim Carson Collier Granberry Advertising Inquiries: 408.205.4728 advertising@babmg.com
Publisher’s message
The cranes remain mainly on the plaNe Commercial construction demand continues to rise
f there’s one question that I’m asked the most frequently as publisher of an industry trade magazine, it is “What do you hear out there? Is this positive growth going to continue?” The answer is great news, according to the 2014 UCLA/ Anderson Forecast Commercial Real Estate Survey. This study is the leading indicator of future commercial construction in California. It analyzes the three-year outlook for real estate development activity and provides insights into new, not yet on the radar, building projects. According to this study, new commercial space is expected to increase through 2017. What does this mean for the industry? It means a continued optimism fueled by a lack of sufficient building supply and supported by strong job growth. Office development is going to remain steady and the uncertainty about the 2012-2013 fiscal cliff has proven unfounded. Cautious, developers in the Bay Area view the existing stock—as well as new construction in the pipeline—to be sufficient to meet demand. However, the latest survey indicates that nearly one-half of the panel plan to start one or more new projects in this market within the next 12 months, concluding an expectation of continued improvement in the market. As we contemplate our future here in the Bay Area, the most significant concerns become: how are we planning for this growth, how will the job growth and increased density impact housing demand, and is the current public transportation plan sufficient. Are we planning an infrastructure that can support the boom, and is this commercial construction demand creating supplementary industry explosions? It all remains to be seen, but if you ask me today, “Is this positive growth going to continue?” my answer is a resounding YES! We encourage your feedback. To participate in our short industry survey go to: www.surveymonkey.com/s/YF78XYP
Kris McFarland Publisher
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Professionaladvice PublicSERVICE
Shark’s ICe Thank you to Bauers Transporation for making it possible for more than 5,000 at-need students to experience ice skating at Shark’s Ice at San Jose annually.
he Sharks Ice at San Jose Free Use Skating and Transportation Program was created in an effort to transport at-need San Jose area students to the Sharks Ice at San Jose facility for ice skating sessions. The program was created and developed by the San Jose Arena Authority in collaboration with Bauer’s Transportation and Sharks Ice at San Jose.
Bay area Facility
Fuel cell technology pays off Corporate Campus’ investing in energy generating technologies
A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and useful heat as its byproducts. Fuel cells offer a unique combination of benefits that make them a vital technology ideally suited for a number of applications. Fuel cells are complementary, not competitors, to other electricity generation technologies, including renewable ones.
Fuel Cell Benefits No other technology offers the combination of benefits fuel cells allow: • Fuel flexible - operation on conventional or renewable fuels • High quality, reliable power • Exceptionally low/zero emissions • Modularity/scalability/flexible installation • Can operate independent of the grid • Extremely quiet • Lightweight • Rugged • Can be used with or instead of batteries and diesel generators • Can partner with solar, wind, and other renewable technologies • Increased productivity • Cost savings via high electrical and overall efficiency Fuel cells are operating in several market segments today, with major customers making large volume and repeat purchases. To learn more about fuel cells, please visit www.fuelcells.org.
orporate customers have discovered that investing in fuel cells pays off – saving money on fuel and labor costs, reducing emissions, and yielding substantial savings through increased efficiency and reliability. Many companies have become repeat customers, purchasing additional, and in many cases, larger, fuel cell systems for their facilities. The fuel cell industry is growing, attracting customers from a wide range of market sectors. Fuel cells are now operating in stationary and motive power applications to provide: • primary power to material handling equipment, resulting in improved efficiency and cost savings at warehouses and distribution centers • reliable, resilient primary power for high-volume data centers; • high-efficiency, low-emission power for corporate headquarters; • backup power to crucial computer and communications networks; • clean, reliable power that keeps retail stores open even when grid power goes down; and • megawatt-scale power feeding directly into the power grid. New industries are coming into the fold. Major corporate data centers (Apple, eBay, Microsoft) have started to bypass grid power, using fuel cells with renewables to generate their own power onsite. Some energy providers (Delmarva Power, Dominion, NRG Energy) are building up grid resiliency by adding megawatt-scale fuel cell power generation to deliver reliable power to their grid networks. Source: Sandra Curtin and Jennifer Gangi of Fuel Cells 2000
California Building Energy Efficiency Standards update 2008–2014: Making sense of the code As we all know, in order to build anything larger than a tool shed, we need a permit. While at times a burden, one of the most interesting parts of new construction code compliance are the energy conservation elements of Title 24.
he permit authorities are guided by Title 24 Regulations for energy conservation and they are generally a good idea. The Energy Commission reports that we have saved Californians $66 billion in electric and natural gas since 1978 and that the new standards will increase efficiency by 25% in our homes and 30% in non-residential buildings. California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards are updated approximately every three years. The new 2013 Standards went into effect July 1, 2014, and improve upon the 2008 Standards for new construction, additions, and alterations to residential and non-residential buildings. The California Energy Commission contends that the standards drive cost effective energy efficient design as well as make buildings more comfortable while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs. Sounds great but what does that mean? It appears that rebates previously allowed for energy efficiency elements of new construction will no longer be eligible unless part of stand-alone projects. With that bad news nugget, the area many professional are focusing on is lighting. Some of the key lighting changes include: • Lighting power densities – Watt/sqft. Office >250 sqft- 0.9 to 14 BAY AREA building MANAGEMENT GUIDE WINTER 2014
0.75 in 2013 (0.5 best in class), • If more than 10% of fixtures worked on it triggers T24 requirements, • Acceptance test technician – Owner pays to have them ensure lighting controls work, • Controlled outlets required in office space, • 0.05 watts – unoccupied space lighting - VERY LOW • Dimmable fluorescent -getting cheaper “Title 24 Part 6 –– Kelly Cunningham, California Lighting Technology Center” Of course more detailed information is available on the California Energy Commission website. There are also opportunities to participate in the next round of updates to the Codes through the Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) initiatives. More efficient use of daylight (free!) and user interface controls for lighting and heating will make our homes and workplaces more comfortable and better places to live. Check out the Design lights consortium – an approved products list, In addition, these skills will bring new jobs to the industry as the need for integrated BMSs grows this could be the place for further career development. Contact the Energy Commission’s Energy Standards Hotline tollfree at (800) 772-3300 or (916) 654-5106 or email us at title24@ energy.ca.gov. Additionally, the Energy Commission’s Blueprint newsletter is available at: www.energy.ca.gov/efficiency/blueprint. Source: Mark Burriss, EHS—Pentair Thermal Management
We mean business
Do you have a plan? Bay Area Building Management Resource Guide: The only targeted publication distributed directly to the people you want to reach: facility managers, project managers, property managers, architects, corporate real estate executives and more. It’s the most comprehensive resource directory in the industry, and the most strategic way to reach people who are already looking for your services Strategic, targeted marketing can make the difference between slumping sales and business growth – especially in a thriving competitive market. Find out how we can help you with the most affordable and strategic way to support sales in the Bay Area Building market.
Give us a call: 408.205.4728
Targeted and affordable services include: Advertising Email Marketing Direct Mail Programs Industry Trade Shows Customized client events and tours
WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MAnAgEMEnT guidE 15
2014/2015 El Niño watch Could it keep facilities managers and roofing specialists running for cover?
What is the outlook for the remainder of the 2015 winter season? California is now in the midst of its 3rd year of drought and one of the worst on record. Property owners and facility & property managers have been able to defer roof maintenance and apply those capital funds to other projects as a result of the lack of rain.
ronically, it is because of the drought many roofs are deteriorating faster than usual - the damaging effects of the sun are what cause roof membranes to shift and buckle; crack and fail at penetrations; seams to split; leak around drains; nails to back-out; and flashing to separate from edges. Owners and tenants learn of the roof’s true condition when it eventually rains. The odds are increasing that El Niño, the powerful climate phenomenon that alters precipitation patterns across the globe, will develop in the Pacific Ocean this year, U.S. government forecasters say. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center activated its alert system on Thursday to issue an alert. The alert means that conditions in the eastern tropical Pacific are favorable enough that El Niño has a more than a 50% chance of forming by the summer or fall.
Though it’s too early to predict with much confidence, if El Niño re-emerges it could produce wetter weather in the southern United States next winter, bring more rain to California, temper the Atlantic hurricane season and push up global temperatures in 2015, experts say. The El Niño cycle begins every two to seven years when weak trade winds in the Pacific allow warmer water to build up along the west coast of South America. El Niño conditions often result in higher rainfall in California, but not always. Typically, they cause the jet stream to dip south over North America, directing storms to the California coast and across the southern U.S. La Niña, the cycle’s cool-water counterpart, is associated with drier weather in those regions. If El Niño returns this year it would be the first since 2009-10, a moderate episode that was followed by the next season by La Niña. For the past two years the eastern tropical Pacific has remained in neither a cool nor warm state some experts have referred to as “La Nada.” Thursday’s forecast by the Center for Climate Prediction and International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, gave a 52% probability of El Niño developing by the fall, compared with a 41% chance of conditions remaining neutral. Mike Halpert, acting director of the Climate Prediction Center, said scientists have observed a warming of sub-surface waters that has been “fairly impressive.” “We’re seeing a fair amount of evolution towards El Niño below the surface and we’re getting some confirmation from a number of our computer models,” he said. “It looks pretty good at this point.”
Thursday’s El Niño watch follows several months of forecasts based on observations from satellites, buoys and floats and computer models that have shown increasing signs El Niño could return later this year. Halpert cautioned that El Niño forecasts before spring are notoriously unreliable because of volatile ocean and atmospheric conditions. Predictions made this early in past years, he said, have sometimes failed to play out. The last major El Niño, an unusually powerful episode in 199798, brought rainfall more than 200% above normal to Southern California. Powerful storms hit the coast, triggering destructive landslides and floods.
With California still in a drought, the state might be more open to the risks posed by El Niño if it meant an influx of needed rain, Halpert said. “For the folks in California, this might be a case where they would welcome that,” he said. “You might take a bit of the bad to refill your reservoirs.” Whether the El Nino comes or not it may be a good time to inspect your roof and perform maintenance. Most damage to roof comes from extensive dry periods and UV damage from the sun which we have had plenty of the last couple years. Source: Platinum Roofing
Bay area Facility
Improving Fundamentals and Robust Investor Appetite Fuels Sustained Performance of U.S. Commercial Real Estate Industry PwC US and Urban Land Institute’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Forecast
The sustained performance of the U.S. commercial real estate industry is expected to continue in 2015, fueled by improving fundamentals and robust investor appetite – both domestic and foreign. “
nlike previous reports and previous cycles, we are seeing sustained growth,” said Mitch Roschelle, partner, U.S. real estate advisory practice leader, PwC. “In the past several years, we reported that real estate market participants’ main fears revolved around the uncertainty with the economy. Now, the trepidation in their eyes has more to do with the ability of the growing real estate markets to adapt to a series of mega trends impacting society and the global economy. These mega trends include accelerating urbanization, demographic shifts and the impact of disruptive technological advancements.” ULI Global Chief Executive Officer Patrick L. Phillips pointed to the continued rise of markets other than the largest coastal cities as top choices for overall real estate prospects. Houston and Austin, which are ranked first and second, respectively, topped San Francisco as favorites for 2015; Charlotte N.C., in seventh place, is rated higher than Seattle and Boston; and Nashville, ranked at 13, tops Manhattan. “Investors are looking closely at opportunities beyond the core markets. These cities are positioning themselves as highly competitive, in terms of livability, employment offerings, and recreational and cultural amenities,” Phillips said. PwC and ULI outline the top trends in real estate for 2015: • The 18-hour city comes of age The urbanization of America has given life to cities that had been historically nine-to-five. According to interviewees, no longer is it accepted that only the great coastal cities can be alive around the clock and on weekends. Downtown transformations have combined the key ingredients of housing, retail, dining, and walk-to-
work offices to generate urban cores, spurring investment and development and raising the quality of life for a roster of cities. Buyers have more markets to consider now that the 18-hour centers are putting the elements in place to ratchet up their investment capital flows. • The changing age game The millennials are an even larger cohort than their parents – the baby-boom generation. While the tendency of millennials to postpone homeownership and rent longer will affect the apartment sector over the next several years, many survey interviewees noted that investors should consider how the housing preferences of millennials could change in the 2020s. Looking beyond the millennials, the report anticipates further industry changes resulting from the emergence of the smaller “Generation Z.” Planning for a nation with lesser household formation, fewer new consumers, and a meager number of workforce entrants is the challenge ahead for a real estate industry with its eye on the 2020s. The report also notes that baby boomers—as workers and retirees—will continue to have a significant impact on real estate development and investment for at least two more decades. • Labor markets are trending toward a tipping point The report states that forward-looking businesses are waking up to a realization that while we were worried about the “jobless recovery,” longer-term labor market trends were moving in exactly the opposite direction. Retirements will accelerate while | continued on page 22 | WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE 21
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the peak of millennial labor force entrants has already passed. Within a few years, the talk will be about labor shortages, not surpluses. The notion that “jobs are chasing people” will morph into a primary rule of the labor market. Survey respondents place job growth at the top of the list of most important issues for real estate, closely followed by the related concerns of wage and income growth. • Real estate’s love / hate relationship with technology intensifies No form of real estate is exempt from the exponential expansion of technology. Interviewees see technological disruption as providing new business tools and environments, opening new business paths, and cycling forward as a source of user demand in an era when more traditional industries may be sluggish. Technology is pushing change in space use, locations, and demand levels at an accelerated pace. It is now the norm to anticipate, strategize, and respond to new technologies before they are mainstream. Overall, the fear factor about technological disruption is easing, according to surveyed respondents. E-commerce and crowdfunding, for example, are being viewed as an adaptation challenge, as retailers become “omnichannel distributors” and e-tailers begin to open brick-and-mortar stores. 22 BAY AREA building MANAGEMENT GUIDE WINTER 2014
• Event risk is here to stay There is nothing new in seeing investors along the continuum from “core” to “opportunistic,” but the trend will be that such distinctions are heightened over time, and 2015 looks to be a year when this will be especially evident, interviewees note. The reason is that the concern about “event risk” is troubling the minds of more and more interviewees (geopolitical risks, global unrest, and natural disasters). This is why international investors are considered to be the best prospect for increasing investment volume in 2015, according to the survey. • A Darwinian market keeps the squeeze on companies Competition is unrelenting, and the need to have a clear “brand identity” is important as firms seek to navigate in the swift stream of capital. The recent spin-off activities in the retail, office, and hospitality real estate investment trust (REIT) sectors sound a theme that will echo as a trend in 2015. The drive for efficiency and effectiveness in both service delivery and cost will filter from investor expectations down to the service providers, the report states. • A new 900-pound gorilla swings into view Emerging Trends 2014 alerted readers to the establishment of the Defined Contribution Real Estate Council to help plan
sponsors and their participants achieve better investment outcomes through the use of institutional quality real estate. With a combined $12.6 trillion in capital, individual retirement account (IRA) and defined contribution (DC) funds will be identifying and taking advantage of the benefits of having high-quality commercial property in a mixed-asset portfolio. • Infrastructure: time for the United States to get serious? For all our vaunted technological innovations, the foundation of our commerce is eroding around us. It’s not just bridges and roads – since 2009, spending on educational buildings and health care facilities (by both public and private sectors) is down by one-third in real-dollar terms. • Housing steps off the roller coaster Housing seems to be putting the excesses of the bubble and the ensuing collapse behind it. The trend in residential real estate, according to interviewees, looks to be returning to the classic principles of supply and demand. As this major segment of the economy returns to textbook fundamentals, confidence in the residential sector should continue to rise.
• Keeping an eye on the bubble – emerging concerns The generally positive outlook flowing from this year’s Emerging Trends interviews and survey does have a dark side. Upcycles breed optimism, but excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns. However, in most cycles, overbuilding and excess leverage would likely have already started building momentum by now. To the degree that hasn’t happened, the industry looks like it has learned some lessons in self-regulation and self-correction.
Markets to Watch Real estate investors continue to be willing to pay record prices for assets in the major markets due to the fact that these markets offer less volatile returns of capital that can only be found in a limited number of markets across the globe. This year, interviewees reflected a desire to take on a measured amount of new risk in search of higher yields. Two strategies mentioned repeatedly with interviewees focused on moving to more opportunistic-style investments in the major markets or in markets close to a major metropolitan area, or looking for the best assets in markets outside of the core major markets. This year’s market rankings reflect the attractiveness of markets for both of these strategies. | continued on page 24 |
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A snapshot of the top five markets ranked by survey respondents and their outlook for each market: 1. Houston – Houston offers a significant amount of investment opportunity. Investors believe that the energy industry will continue to drive market growth and that will support real estate activity in 2015. Houston was ranked number one in both investment and development expectations for next year; housing market expectations are ranked number two. 2. Austin – Interviewees like the industrial base, the appeal to the millennial generation, and the lower cost of doing business in Austin. The market was a top choice for both the office sector and the single-family housing sector and the number two ranked market for retail. Interviewees are also attracted to Austin’s diverse employee base, and the market is an example of “jobs chasing people.” 3. San Francisco – The decline from the number one spot last year, according to surveyed participants, is due more to growth in the other cities than any identifiable flaw in the San Francisco market. The strong local economy and 24 BAY AREA building MANAGEMENT GUIDE WINTER 2014
improved domestic and international travel have made San Francisco the number one choice for hotel investment in 2015. Respondents ranked the office market number three and the retail market number four. 4. Denver – Denver joins Austin and San Francisco as markets popular with the millennial generation. Denver’s industry exposure to the technology and energy industries has also attracted investor interest. The results of the survey put Denver retail at number five and office at number six. 5. Dallas/Fort Worth – Interviewees raise the possibility that despite being ranked lower than Houston, the economic diversity could make the current growth rate more sustainable in Dallas/Fort Worth. The market continues to be attractive to real estate investors because of its strong job growth, which benefits from the low cost of living and doing business. Single-family housing in the market is the highest ranked property sector – and it also has the highest ranked industrial sector (number four) among the top five markets from this year’s survey.
Property Types • Industrial Since 2010, the industrial property sector has enjoyed a rising demand trend and supply additions that have not kept pace. Come 2015, however, industrials are entering a period when projected construction is accelerating, but demand is anticipated to decelerate, according to surveyed participants. Last year, many interviewees really liked industrials – a feeling that has not changed for many. The industrial sector stands atop the sector rankings for investment. • Hotels The prospects for liquidity in the hospitality sector shape up as excellent for 2015. Remarkably, and in distinct comparison with most other property types, the survey shows no expectation of any alteration in cap rates for hotels. This year’s Emerging Trends survey shows hotels rated strongly in participants’ 2015 prospects for investment and development, especially in the limited-service category. • Apartments The opinions of the Emerging Trends survey respondents seem sharply divided. For high-end multifamily, nearly half the respondents (48 percent) felt it would be smart to divest in 2015, while 30 percent consider it worthwhile to hold for a longer period. Only 21 percent suggest this is a good time to buy. At the more moderate income level, that relationship was reversed. Only 28 percent recommend selling while holding and acquisition are more attractive, with 37 percent and 35 percent recommending these as opportunities in the year ahead. • Offices One of the more powerful trends for offices – the live/work/ play theme – is not just hype, but statistically significant. The resurgence in downtown living is bolstering secondary office markets around the country. In addition, the drive toward space compression in office use is about at its end, and in the coming years the quality of the office environment will be used as a marketing tool to recruit talent. The millennial generation will not put up with the space cram-down much longer, especially as it gains seniority in the workforce. Greater flexibility and variety in office space design will be superseding cost-cutting as a prime imperative. And if the millennial generation’s impact is still evolving, so too is the boomers’. Survey respondents grasp the inexorable path of demand growth for medical offices – which is seen as a “buy” for 2015 by 36.3 percent of respondents, and a “hold” by 40.6 percent, with only 23.1 percent advising “sell.”
• Retail Investment and development strength in the retail sector ranks the lowest of all the major property types in the survey. Just as the slow recovery in jobs has hindered many other economic growth indicators, so too has the jobs recovery made real estate professionals wary of calling a bounce back in retail. Optimism has seemed premature – or even unrealistic. It’s time to question that as the story for retail for the second half of this decade should be of expectations exceeded. • Housing Housing is well on the way back, according to survey respondents, and they rank urban/infill as the top opportunity for 2015. Yet, the after-effect of the housing bubble has not fully dissipated, and this will partially shape demand for the next several years. Even with jobs on the rise, doubling up in either parents’ homes or with several roommates is an accepted norm, even if temporarily, for millennials. This version of a “new normal” is not forever, but it will linger because of the combination of high student loan indebtedness, meager wage and salary growth, and inadequate savings. Now in its 36th year, Emerging Trends in Real Estate® is one of the most highly regarded annual industry outlooks for the real estate and land use industry. It includes interviews and survey responses from more than 1,000 leading real estate experts, including investors, fund managers, developers, property companies, lenders, brokers, advisers, and consultants.
About the Urban Land Institute The Urban Land Institute (www.uli.org) is a nonprofit education and research institute supported by its members. Its mission is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in sustaining and creating thriving communities worldwide. Established in 1936, the Institute has nearly 30,000 members representing all aspects of land use and development disciplines.
About PwC US PwC US helps organizations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a member of the PwC network of firms, which has firms in 157 countries with more than 195,000 people. We’re committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at www.pwc.com/US.
Source: © 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the US member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see www. pwc.com/structure for further details. WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE 25
Are your clients reading this?
If they’re in the Commercial Real Estate Industry they are Bay Area Building Management Resource Guide The only targeted publication distributed directly to the people you want to reach: facility managers, project managers, property managers, architects, corporate real estate executives and more. It’s the most comprehensive resource directory in the industry, and the most strategic way to reach people who are already looking for your services
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Bay area Facility
CURT Wilhelm
Vice President, Global Real Estate, Facilities & Corporate Services
Electronic Arts What are some of your biggest opportunities today? Creating flexible work space, implementing new and creative services, create work environments that meet the demands of the world best game creators, managing 67 sites globally and work towards consistent, culturally sensitive work space, new and creative amenities and in the defined budget. Staying ahead of the curve as it relates to the changes in technology and our players of our games. How are you measuring/determining employee density? Our goal is to be consistent across our portfolio and ensuring we have the proper power, cooling based on the density of the office. We do not create a standard globally as it relates to density as we need to be culturally sensitive as well as have the appropriate space required for the specific job a person does for EA. How has density changed in your company/industry? Power and bandwidth are a key to our success in our offices 28 BAY AREA building MANAGEMENT GUIDE WINTER 2014
and we need to make sure the buildings can supply our game developers with the appropriate cooling and power. That is more important than squeezing people in to reduce real estate rental costs.
What are the most significant changes to the industry that you’ve seen in the past decade? Similar industries competing for the same talent, employees have more input into final site and build out and are requesting space that is comfortable, casual and has the computing power for the increased electronics that are at everyone’s desk tops. What are your business/career goals for the next decade? Stay connected, be flexible, progressive, implement change where it has positive impact on the end product for the “player/ consumer”, and remain in the global market.
What is your single most current challenge today? Enough space in time for all our new hires – 2014 we are on track to hire over 400 new employees What are some of your biggest opportunities today? Building out efficient, user friendly, collaborative enhancing workspaces What are the most significant changes to the industry that you’ve seen in the past decade? Much more focus on energy conservation and environmental factors being integrated into the workspace. Customers requiring as part of our response to an RFP that we include our environmental statement or policy to ensure we align with their environmental policies. How do you view the trend of mobility in the workplace? Is this a model in your company? It is growing. More and more meetings are held via Video Conference or even Face Time allows work from anywhere and
distant team members are much more easily engaged. Less travel greatly improves productivity
How are you measuring/determining employee density? We use a standard model and work to be <200 sq ft per person (which is actually on the high side). More important is, flexible, casual meeting spaces versus traditional conference rooms How do you compare the Bay Area climate to that of other regions? The Real Estate market in the Bay Area changes weekly. You need to really keep up with it on an ongoing basis. I need to have a weekly call with our Broker just to keep up. Other areas of the country the markets are much more “normal” and not nearly as volatile as the Bay Area. Even N.Y. does not seem to be as crazy. We have huge Real Estate players that we are competing with like Google, Apple, Face Book these types of companies concentrated in a fairly small area put a huge strain on the overall Real Estate Market. You do not see that in other markets in the country.
Director Real Estate / Facilities
Rocketfuel ProfessionalProfile
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Stand Out in the Crowd Bay Area Building Management Resource Guide: The only targeted publication distributed directly to the people you want to reach: facility managers, project managers, property managers, architects, corporate real estate executives and more. It’s the most comprehensive resource directory in the industry, and the most strategic way to reach people who are already looking for your services Strategic, targeted marketing can make the difference between slumping sales and business growth – especially in a thriving competitive market. Find out how we can help you with the most affordable and strategic way to support sales in the Bay Area Building market.
Targeted and affordable services include: Advertising Email Marketing Direct Mail Programs Industry Trade Shows Customized client events and tours
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Maja Henderson
Global Facilities Manager
Square What is the most pressing item on your “to do” list? We continue to move into markets outside of North America and standardizing our office expansion processes is pertinent. What are some of your biggest opportunities today? It’s been incredible to meet other professionals in the commercial real estate and workplace industry. It’s invaluable to have a network of allies to learn, compare notes and share best practices. What are the most significant changes to the industry that you’ve seen in the past decade? Instead of a one size fits all model, spaces are designed for users—tailored to their individual work styles and business needs. This helps with efficiency and collaborating. What trends do you see in these areas: Lease vs. own? 32 BAY AREA building MANAGEMENT GUIDE WINTER 2014
Tech companies tend to prefer short term leases, which provide them necessary flexibility. We’re seeing companies experience such rapid growth that they run out of space less than 12 months after occupying a new office.
Energy Efficiency The recent Title 24 change to the California Energy Code is an example of how both vendors and clients are becoming more aware of energy efficiency. Before, energy efficiency was only discussed if the client was pursuing LEED certification. Now, it’s part of the everyday conversation. Do you see growth or expansion within your company? Industry? We’ve seen exponential growth within our company and industry over the past few years. The rapid growth has been incredible to watch and experience.
What is your single most current challenge today? Keeping up with changes in the business and integrating new acquisitions. What are some of your biggest opportunities today? Being an important part of driving the business forward, providing the facilities that are needed for the company to be able to develop new products to capture greater market share in the commercial and enterprise sectors, is one of our key strategic initiatives as a company. What are the most significant changes to the industry that you’ve seen in the past decade? The pace of change continues to increase, we need to be adaptable as the company’s business strategy evolves and develop real estate and facility strategies to complement and support those business’ goals
What are your business/career goals for the next decade? Become more highly integrated with the company’s strategy and planning process How do you view the trend of mobility in the workplace? Is this a model in your company? It’s very important. Availability of wireless everywhere in all facilities and more availability of key functions on mobile phones such as the ability to approve POs and Invoices is critical. How do you facilitate effective partnerships with your vendors We rely heavily on outsourced vendors due to our lean internal staff and we try to establish global preferred rela-tionships where possible, for both real estate and project management.
Rick Friedman
Sr. Director, Global Real Estate
Sandisk Corporation ProfessionalProfile
Bay area Facility
FacilitiesFocus FacilitiesFocus
Moving Forward The new Transbay Transit Center to be the “Grand Central Station of the West”
The Transbay Transit Center Project is a visionary transportation and housing project that transforms downtown San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay Area’s regional transportation system by creating a “Grand Central Station of the West” in the heart of a new transit-friendly neighborhood.
he Transbay Transit Center Project will replace the Transbay Terminal in downtown San Francisco and create a new, multimodal Transit Center that will eventually serve more than 100,000 passengers per day and become the new hub of economic life in San Francisco. The project will also create a transit friendly neighborhood with new homes, parks and a retail main street surrounding the new Transit Center. The Transit Center and its neighboring Transit Tower are designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects and include an exciting 5.4 acre park on the top of the Transit Center roof named “City Park”.
This park will provide a new downtown amenity for residents, commuters and visitors alike and will double as a “green roof” for the building. Additionally, the Transit Tower will incorporate green building strategies including passive solar shading, high performance glazing, geothermal cooling and wind power. As a critical component of the Bay Area regional public transportation network, the Transbay Transit Center Program contributes greatly to the regional sustainability goal of alternative public transportation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Caltrans defines Transit Oriented Development (TOD) as a transportation related land use strategy that can be used in large urban and small communities in coordination with bus, rail and/ or ferry transit systems. TOD is an alternative to the predominant pattern of low-density sprawl that results in dependency on automobile travel. The Transbay Program is a national model for TOD. The new Transit Center will bring 11 different public transportation systems under a single roof. The Transit Center will be the centerpiece of a new transit-oriented neighborhood where people live, work, visit parks, and shop within walking distance of public transportation. TOD will slow global warming; reduce energy and commuting costs, resulting in increases in household incomes; reduce traffic congestion and commute times, thereby increasing productivity; conserve land, particularly sensitive natural areas, by reducing suburban sprawl; improve health as more people walk and ride bikes; increase mobility; and provide new recreational opportunities through development of urban parks, such as the 5.4 acre rooftop park on the Transit Center. The Transbay Program is a leader in the drive to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. The Downtown Rail Extension alone is projected to eliminate 36,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually; the full high speed rail system will reduce emissions by another 3.4 million tons per year when completed in 2030.
Sustainable Design In addition to its role on the forefront of Transit Oriented Development, the Program will incorporate many sustainable design and green building features, including the following: • One of the most visible sustainable | continued on page 38 | WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE 37
Moving FOrward Transbay Transit Center | continued from page 37 |
features is the 5.4-acre roof top park. “City Park” will serve as a living roof on the Transit Center, reducing the urban heat island effect common in dense city environments and helping to filter the surrounding air. The park is being designed with efficient irrigation and drainage systems and will incorporate climate appropriate plants. • The new Transit Center will take advantage of natural daylight to offset the need for electric lighting during daylight hours while the Light Column feature in the Grand Hall will bring natural light into the internal areas of the station. The Transit Center will natural ventilation in the Grand Hall and on the bus deck level. • The Transit Center will help support San Francisco’s aggress-ive recycling goal of reaching 75 percent diversion (and eventually zero waste) by providing three-stream waste separation that includes compost and recyclables. During demolition of the former Transbay Terminal, TJPA recycled over 7,500 tons of steel and over 92,000 cubic yards of concrete, enough to fill 28 Olympic size swimming pools. In addition to supporting progressive recycling and composting during transit center operations, the project intends to meet the LEED requirements for construction waste management while the new Transit Center is being built. • The project will also earn several LEED credits for storm water runoff reduction, water conservation and irrigation water use reduction. The current water system design will reduce total potable water use in the Transit Center by half and will address all aspects of water conservation including building uses, irrigation, water reuse and more. The Transit Center will include storage tanks for grey-water as well as storm water runoff from the rooftop park. As a result of these and other sustainability features, the Transit Center is on track to earn a LEED gold rating.
SUSTAINABILITY FEATURES OF TRANSBAY TRANSIT CENTER The Transbay Transit Center is a modern regional transit hub connecting eight Bay Area counties and the State of California through 11 transit systems: AC Transit, BART, Caltrain, Golden Gate Transit, Greyhound, Muni, SamTrans, WestCAT Lynx, Amtrak, Paratransit and future High Speed Rail from San Francisco to Los
Angeles/Anaheim. The new Transit Center will accommodate up to 45 million riders annually, including bus, commuter rail and high speed rail passengers, of which many will walk or ride their bicycles to and from the Center. The Transbay Transit Center will be a gold certified LEED building development, which will incorporate the use of natural lighting, geothermal regulation, and grey-water recycling. All of these elements help reduce Green House Gases. The project design incorporates many sustainability elements. • Rooftop Park: Instead of a five-acre roof absorbing and radiating heat, the 5.4 acre rooftop park will absorb carbon dioxide from bus exhaust, absorb and filter storm-water, and provide a habitat for local wildlife. • Extensive Use of Natural Lighting: Lighting is the biggest energy use in the Transbay Transit Center building. Light columns and skylights will be used extensively to bring natural light into the building and reduce energy costs. Additional lighting controls will allow dimming of electric lighting in response to the presence of daylight, and lighting will be completely shut off in much of the Transit Center during “off-peak” hours. • Grey-water/Storm-water Reuse: In order to minimize potable water consumption and substitute other non-potable water, the facility incorporates dual drainage piping so that grey-water is collected from select plumbing uses and then recycled back for flushing toilets and urinals. Grey-water and storm-water reuse, combined with water-conserving fixtures, will save over 12 million gallons of potable water each year. Water reuse also reduces energy consumption associated with transporting water to the site. • Geothermal System: To significantly reduce the energy required to cool the building, a geothermal system will harness the relatively low temperature of the ground to chill water passively. Pipes will be coiled under the building footprint, circulating water deep below grade. The geothermal cooling system contributes to water conservation efforts by reducing cooling tower use by approximately 350,000 gallons per year (60% less than a typical cooling tower system). Source: Transbay Joint Powers Authority
Think YOU aren’t at risk? Think again. It’s not always the usual suspects.
Because Every Heart Matters
In an unexpected turn of events, Dean Dupuy died suddenly of a heart attack when plaque ruptured in his artery. The non-profit No More Broken Hearts hopes to bring about awareness, knowledge and testing to help prevent these occurrences.
ean and Victoria met in November 1991. Together they created an amazing family with two wonderful children. They had a beautiful home, jobs they loved, friends they cared for and a bright future together. That all changed with no warning at all. He was ONLY 46 years old. Dean was a seemingly healthy, young man with an incredible zest for life. He was very active and health conscious, running
races, mountain biking, skiing and playing in an adult hockey league. He did not fit the profile of someone at risk of a heart attack. On September 29, 2013, after completing a Muddy Buddy race with his daughter, Dean took the kids and went off to play hockey. He was on his first shift, four minutes into the game, when he collapsed and shortly after he was gone. That was it! 12 hours after seeing him with that huge grin, so proud with his daughter and his son—he was gone. Soon after, Victoria immersed herself in learning all that she could about heart disease, plaque and noninvasive testing. She noticed that there were many stories just like hers. It’s because of these stories and her passion to save lives that she created No More Broken Hearts, because for her, every heart matters. Not only the one who suffers the tragic event but all that are left behind, spouses, kids, family, friends, co-workers. Every one of these hearts matters. The non-profit No More Broken Hearts was launched in September 2014 in memory of Dean Dupuy. The mission is to create awareness in the community of the value and urgency of early detection for heart disease and stroke through simple CT scans, such as the Coronary Calcium Score Scan and the Carotid Intimal Medial Thickness Ultrasound; especially those individuals who are considered asymptomatic and considered no risk or low risk. Heart screenings and Carotid Artery Ultrasounds are available to predict heart attacks and strokes years before a tragic event happens; yet they are rarely done or recommended even though they have been proven to save lives. At No More Broken Hearts, we want to see a world where these screenings are a routine part of annual physicals, just like mammograms and colonoscopies. So many of us think we are doing all the right things and living a healthy lifestyle but the truth is, no one is immune to heart disease. For more information, visit www.nomorebrokenhearts.info Facebook: nomorebrokenhearts2014 Email: nomorebrokenhearts2014@gmail.com WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE 39
FacilitiesFocus Professionaladvice
Square, Inc. Headquarters
San Francisco, California
programmatic needs while anticipating future expansion. The company’s mission is to foster an open and fully transparent corporate culture in keeping with its startup roots; to accommodate flexible growth; and provide a variety of spaces and amenities to compete for and retain talent in a highly competitive labor market.
n total, the project encompasses 175,000 square feet of usable space over four floors and aims to connect with Square’s brand at both aesthetic and functional levels, highlighting the company’s core values of modern and functional design to create a refined, seamless experience. Responding to both the large scale of the floor plate and the client’s request for an open workplace, the design scheme is organized using an urban metaphor. The main office floor measures the length of a city block and 100,000 square feet in area; by taking cues from urban planning, the design creates clear circulation routes with visual landmarks that break down the scale of this expansive space. Furthermore, bringing elements of the city into the office creates connections with Square’s culture and brand, as their products and services foster transactions and commerce in the urban marketplace. A central boulevard serves as the organizational spine for this main office floor. Lined with communal tables and cabanas, and 40 BAY AREA building MANAGEMENT GUIDE WINTER 2014
punctuated by “civic” spaces, including a library, coffee bar, and gallery, the boulevard functions as the primary hub for team collaboration and social interaction. Individual departments are arranged into smaller neighborhoods clustered around transparent glass cubes along each side of the boulevard; conference, meeting, and phone rooms are organized into simple, sleek glass storefronts that run the length of the floor. This use of full-height glass in enclosed rooms reinforces the client’s desire for an open and fully transparent workplace. The perimeter zone against the windows is populated with lounge seating and communal tables that allow open and democratic access to natural daylight and views. A separate level on the upper floors houses of a full-service commercial kitchen and servery, with dining spaces also used for weekly companywide meetings. Additionally, two of the tower’s upper floors are designed as flexible teaming areas, each complete with open office workstations, conference rooms, and lounge areas with | continued on page 42 | panoramic views of San Francisco.
Square, Inc. Headquarters
| continued from page 40 |
Architect: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Construction Cost: Confidential
Project Consultants: CB Engineers | MEP Engineers Tipping Mar | Structural Engineers Banks Ramos Architectural Lighting Design | Lighting Charles M. Salter & Associate | Acoustical RLS: AV/Security/Telecom Presidio Design Group, Inc. | Food Service The Fire Consultants | Life Safety
Gregory R. Mottola, AIA, Design Principal Christopher Orsega, AIA, Project Manager Michael Kross, RA, Project Architect Peter Q. Bohlin, FAIA, Founding Principal Helene Gregoire Shawn Wood, RA Lena Shah Ashley Hinton, RA Alex Gregor Rosa Sheng, AIA Christina Cho Nicholas Ruiz Completion Date: September, 2013 Building Area: 173,450 square feet
General Contractor: BCCI Construction Construction Manager: Rockridge Group Photographer: Matthew Millman
Photography © David Wakely , © Romina Tonucci
SUNPOWER Campus Leading by Example
SunPower, a Silicon Valley based manufacturer of highefficiency solar cells, panels and systems, is a company whose commitment to renewable energy is seen as both a moral obligation and an economic driver.
owever, it was a commitment that was virtually invisible in their existing interior—a space built out for a Silicon Valley chip maker where the preferred color was a grey tone that in no way implied the power of the sun. Working on an extremely tight budget and schedule, a campus of three one-story buildings of roughly 186,000 SF was leased. The design assignment was to express the
commitment to renewable energy throughout the interior. But energy is invisible and PV cells are not animated objects; they are platforms for silicon wafers that convert the sun’s energy to electricity. Our strategy was to build the entire interior design around both light and the absence of light. Skylights bringing in natural sunlight have been added, and a variety of lighted coves, soffits and architectural fixtures “paint” the space with light as a visual expression of the energy the PV cells collect. The space consists of open office workspace arranged around meeting spaces, private and informal. The project visually connects the research and development of SunPower with the open office space by dividing the spaces with glazing. Large wall graphics featuring the company’s brand and photovoltaic cell installations from around the world were designed and installed in more than 50 conference rooms, the lobby, several break rooms and training areas. With the low-rise nature of the campus, an array of PV cells covers the roof and PVs cover large areas of the parking. On the exterior, these changes announce the commitment to renewable energy generating 2 Megawatts of power. Source: Valerio Dewalt Train Assoicates WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE 43
Sandisk’s energy savings go through the roof Maximizing environmental and cost savings through energy audits and tax incentives
hen it was time for a new roof system at the Headquarters of SanDisk the facilities team of Joe French and Rick Friedman reviewed several types of roof systems and accepted bids from multiple qualified contractors. One of the main drivers of the project was upgrading the roof system while maximizing the energy efficiency. SanDisk was in the process of finishing a campus wide upgrade to their lighting, HVAC and other energy related systems at the time. Eventually a Fluid Applied Membrane with high reflectivity was chosen. The Fluid Applied Membrane provided multiple benefits to the facility including lack of disruption to operations, multi-phased installation and an increased energy savings. The reflective roof surface saves an average of 10% on the HVAC costs by not allowing heat to penetrate into the building, and there are also additional savings of increased efficiency of the HVAC systems due to a lower air temperature at the roofing surface. The increased efficiency of the HVAC means the system does not have to work as hard to lower the intake care. It also means less long term maintenance for HVAC compressors and motors. The Fluid Applied Membrane comes with a 10 Year NDL Labor & Materials Warranty backed by the manufacturer. The
roof system also has the added benefit of allowing future roof installations without voiding the warranty or integrity of the roof. Due to its low reflectivity the existing roof will longer as it does not continue to break down from the suns UV. During the process Sandisk worked closely with Platinum Roofing, Waterproofing & Energy to maximize energy rebates. SanDisk was provided estimated energy savings calculations, tax incentive calculations and an energy audit. Platinum worked with Sandisk to help them realize a rebate of $1.80 per square foot by qualifying the project for a 179D Tax Deduction. Section 179 is one of the few incentives included in any of the recent Stimulus Bills that actually helps small businesses. Although large businesses also benefit from Section 179 or Bonus Depreciation, the original target of this legislation was much needed tax relief for small businesses - and millions of small businesses are actually taking action and getting real benefits. The 179D Tax Deduction is expected to expire at the end of 2014 but may be extended. Recent completed upgrades in 2014 or prior may also still qualify for a 179D Tax Deduction. Source: Platinum Roofing
Accountability. Commitment. Experience. The qualities we cultivate under our roof make all the difference on top of yours. Our principles and practices produce long-lasting roofs and long-lasting relationships. In fact, 98% of our customers call us back for additional projects. We have a reputation for quality and fairness that stems from supporting our employees, honoring our commitments and performing top-notch work. These are the qualities that make working with us easier for you. Call us today for a competitive bid.
Avalon Bay Apartments, Diamond Heights, San Francisco
Berg & Berg Enterprises, Optical Court., San Jose
Lam Research Corp., Cushing Parkway, Fremont
Bay area Facility Management Guide
Resource Guide
ACOUSTICAL Archoustics West 5722 Lonetree Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95765 877-799-2644 866-890-1473 Fax www.archoustics-west.com Bay Area Noise Control 415-386-3344 www.bayareanoisecontrol.com
ADVERTISING/ PROMOTIONAL Bay Area Building Management Group 320 So. First St. San Jose, CA 95113 408-205-4728 408-927-5038 Fax www.babmg.com Orloff Williams 66 East Santa Clara St., Ste 230 San Jose, CA 95113 408-293-1791 408-293-1927 Fax www.owsite.com
APPLIANCES Colin Gordon & Associates P.O.Box 2070 Brisbane, CA 94005 650-358-9577 650-358-9430 Fax www.colingordon.com Colin Gordon & Associates is recognized nationally & internationally for its work in the design of low-vibration buildings for the microelectronics industry, and the research & medical communities. We also work extensively in the more conventional areas of building & environmental noise and vibration studies. Staff members include technical experts in architectural acoustics & noise control, industrial & environmental noise studies, structural dynamics & building vibration, computer modeling techniques, and dynamic measurements. The staff of CG&A has a proven record of success in developing cost-effective solutions for a wide variety of noise and vibration problems. Acoustical Specialities 2230 Wool Dr., Ste 118 San Jose, CA 95112 408-298-6712 408-298-6714 Fax
Standards of Excellence 476 Rohnert Park Expwy. Rohnert Park, CA 94927 707-586-9750 707-586-9767 Fax www.standardsofexcellence.com
University Electric 1500 Martin Ave Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-496-0500 408-980-8058 Fax www.universityelectric.com In 1919, while a student at Santa Clara University, Jacob Heintz started wiring homes for local residents and supplying them with lighting fixtures and electrical appliances. Today his family continues to serve the Bay Area as its largest, most complete distributor of kitchen and laundry appliances. A professional staff serves the needs of many of the area’s most distinguished builders and remodelers. With the West’s most complete display from the world’s best appliance manufacturers, and a large inventory from which to choose, University Electric is uniquely positioned to best supply quality appliances at the most competitive prices.
ARCHITECTURE Anderson-Brule Architects 325 S. First St., Suite 4 San Jose, CA 95113 408-298-1885 408-298-1887 Fax www.aba-arch.com CAS Architects 1023 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043 650-967-6600 650-967-6616 Fax www.casarch.com DES Architects & Engineers 399 Bradford St. Redwood City, CA 94063 650-364-6453 650-364-2618 Fax EHDD Architects 500 Treat Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110 415-285-9193 415-285-3866 Fax www.ehdd.com Field Paoli 150 California St., 7th Fl San Francisco, CA 94111 415-788-6606 415-788-6650 Fax www.fieldpaoli.com Hawley Peterson & Snyder 444 Castro St., Ste 1000 Mountain View, CA 94041 650-968-2944 650-968-1357 Fax www.hpsarch.com HDR Architects 560 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94104 415-243-0555 415-882-7763 Fax www.hok.com Perkins + Will 185 Berry St., Suite 5100 San Francisco, CA 94107 415-896-0800 415-896-0802 Fax www.perkins+will.com Steinberg Architects 60 Pierce Ave San Jose, CA 95110 408-295-5446 408-295-5928 www.steinberg.us.com
resourceDirectory resourceDirectory
ZGF Architects LLP 1223 SW Washington St., Ste 200 Portland, OR 97205 503-863-2234 503-224-2482 www.zgf.com ZGF Architects LLP is a national practice offering services in architecture, urban design and interior design with offices in Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, DC. The firm has received over 650 awards for design excellence, including the Architecture Firm Award, the highest accolade given to a company by the American Institute of Architects. We transform the needs and aspirations of our clients into inventive, sustainable built environments that enrich communities and inspire people.
ART/ART CONSULTING Art Concepts 2121 N. California Blvd., Suite 305 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-930-0157 925-930-0710 Fax www.artconcepts.com White-Sheff Associates 108 Lois Ln Palo Alto, CA 94303 650-321-7775 650-321-7775 Fax
CCS Presentation Systems 2051 Junction Ave., Ste 110 San Jose, CA 95131 408-545-0555 408-545-0550 Fax www.ccspresentationsystems.com
You can rely on CCS Presentation Systems for planning, designing, and integrating facilities such as boardrooms, conference rooms, training centers, educational facilities, control centers, and more. We’ll serve as your consultant, reviewing and suggesting the right package for the ultimate balance of cost and performance. We work in tandem with architects, consultants, facilities managers, IT staff, and corporate management to customize every system. From the highest-resolution video to sound so clear you can hear a pin drop, we’ll deliver the perfect presentation package. And, from start to finish, we pay attention to detail to complete your job on time and on budget.
VMI 211 E. Weddell Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 408-745-1700 408-745-6721 Fax www.vmivideo.com VMI provides complete audio and video solutions from concept to finished systems, product and system upgrades, and installation. We specialize in systems that include board rooms and conference rooms, training and production facilities, digital signage and visual messaging, and surveillance systems. VMI maintains in house service and rental departments. Our facilities are located in Sacramento, CA, Los Alamitos CA, Edmonds WA, and Spokane WA, with a corporate facilities in Sunnyvale, CA
BUILDING AUTOMATION CONTROLS Johnson Controls 843 Auburn Ct. Fremont, CA 94538 510-770-7700 510-770-7711 Fax
Brilliant General Maintenance, Inc. 954 Chestnut St. San Jose, CA 95110 408-271-6677 408-271-6679 Fax www.brilliantincorporated.com We offer you one point of contact for all your Building Maintenance Needs! Together with our sister company Reliable Concepts Corporation, we can offer a single point-ofcontact for any building and facility project. You will no longer need to fumble for phone numbers and waste valuable time we all know you do not have. Our expertise and experience in Building Maintenance, Janitorial and Landscaping Service provides you with the industry experts you require for your projects. Over the years, we have been providing experienced, responsive, and reliable industry professionals for bay area building managers. The innovation we deliver is unmatched in our industry; let us show you why! BSM Building Services Maintenance, Inc. 2575 Stanwell Dr. Concord, CA 94520 925-688-1234 925-521-1239 Fax www.bsminc.com Classic Clean, Inc. 22062 Hutchinson Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95033 408-268-7050 408-353-4894 Fax www.classicclean.biz Diversified Maintenance Services, Inc. 3137 Skyway Court Fremont, CA 94539 510-656-9400 510-656-9434 Fax www.dms-services.com Diversified Maintenance Services, Inc., (DMS) is a leading provider of building maintenance and integrated facilities WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE 49
services solutions in California in the Western United States. DMS began as a regional provider of janitorial services and has grown to become a national leader in the industry, providing integrated maintenance solutions that span the entire list of customer needs. We offer the most comprehensive maintenance solutions from commercial cleaning to building engineering, from landscaping to information technology. Our performance-based agreements promise, that we will meet your service and cost expectations. Over 45 years of proven experience and a remarkable rate of customer retention speaks to our success.
Service by Medallion 455 National Ave. Mountain View, CA 94043 800-427-2250 650-625-1043 Fax www.servicebymedallion.com Service by Medallion is celebrating 30 years in business. We provide responsive and comprehensive building maintenance services throughout the greater Bay Area. We pride ourselves in the highest customer retention rate in our industry. Our services include Full Janitorial, Green Consulting, Handyman, Floor & Carpet Care, Window Cleaning, Supplies, and Construction Cleaning among others. Known as the Green Cleaning Experts, our staff has the training and experience required to service a variety of Class A building and facility settings. Contact us if you would like a cost-effective and environmentally friendly maintenance program customized for your facility or property needs.
BUILDING REPAIR/ RESTORATION Architectural Resource Group (ARG) Pier 9, The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94111 415-421-1680 415-421-0127 Fax www.argsf.com
ARG is an architecture firm specializing in historic preservation and new design in historic settings. Headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Pasadena and Seattle, the firm has a staff of 50 architects, materials conservators, and historians. ARG provides evaluation and repair services, utilizing an in-house laboratory to develop cost-effective solutions for materials such as terra cotta and brick. San Francisco projects include the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel and the Brooks Brothers building. Belfor Property Restoration 1620 Berryessa Rd., Ste D San Jose, CA 95133 408-929-3473 www.belfor.com Service Master Restoration 344 E. Middlefield Rd Mountain View, CA 94043 650-965-1003 www.svmrecovery.com
R.F. MacDonald Co. 25920 Eden Landing Rd. Hayward, CA 94545 510-784-0110 510-784-1004 www.rfmacdonald.com R.F. MacDonald Co. has been in the business of supplying and servicing boilers and pumps to industrial and commercial customers in California and Nevada for over 50 years. We represent the highest quality equipment manufacturers in the industry to ensure the most efficient and environmentally clean equipment available. Our experienced sales staff can evaluate your needs and provide custom equipment solutions with reliability and process improvement in mind. We maintain offices in a number of strategic locations and provide full field service capabilities from all of our facilities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer many special services for customers such
as parts, Mobile and Rental Boilers, Boiler and Pump Training and a growing Ultra Low NOx knowledge bank on our website at www.rfmacdonald.com.
BUSINESS RECORDS DataSafe P.O.Box 7794 San Francisco, CA 94120 650-875-3800 650-875-7495 Fax www.datasafe.com
ch reynolds 1281 Wayne Ave San Jose, CA 95131 408-436-9280 408-436-9289 Fax www.chreynolds.com Founded in 1983, CH Reynolds provides turnkey solutions for Electrical, Data Systems, Managed Services and now Power Management Solutions. Data Centers, Office Environments, Healthcare and Educational facilities are just a few of the many areas we specialize in. We provide customers with the knowledge, service and value that have enabled us to be successful in all of our core competencies. As a customer-centric company, we pride ourselves on the long term relationships we’ve built with our clients. Our dedication to our customers through unparalleled service and our strong value system is how we continue to grow. Your next job is our speciality. Data Line Cabling 2424 Whipple Rd. Hayward, CA 94544 510-475-0900 510-475-0953 Fax
resourceDirectory resourceDirectory
McMillan Data Communications 1515 South Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110 415-826-5100 415-826-0142 Fax www.mcmillanco.com McMillan Data Communications is a highly motivated systems cabling installation contractor, supported by knowledgeable management personnel that work closely with our factory trained and certified technical staff to ensure nothing less than 100% satisfaction. As a premier contractor we apply the latest technologies of connectivity solutions., We partner with the leading manufacturers to assure your installation will exceed industry standards.
RK Electric 42021 Osgood Rd. Fremont, CA 94539 510-770-5660 510-770-5684 Fax www.rkelectric.com
Telecommmunications Management Solutions 570 Division St. Campbell, CA 95008 408-866-5495 408-866-5589 www.yru.com
CAD/FM SERVICES Barker Blue Digital Imaging 363 N. Amphlett Blvd. San Mateo, CA 94401 650-942-9753 650-696-2199 Fax www.barkerblue.com East Bay Blue Print 1944 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925-932-3113 925-932-7699 Fax www.eastbayblueprint.com San Jose Blue 835 W. Julian St. San Jose, CA 95126 408-295-5770 408-971-3299 Fax www.sjblue.com
CARPET AND FLOOR COVERING Conklin Bros Flooring 2250 Almaden Expwy. San Jose, CA 95125 408-266-2250 408-266-0151 Fax www.conklinbros.com Couristan 101 Henry Adams St., Suite 449 San Francisco, CA 94103 415-861-3595 415-861-1237 Fax www.couristan.com Florida Tile Service 1479 Doolittle Dr. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-632-0887 510-+632-4956 Fax www.ftcc.com Mannington Commercial P.O.Box 12281 Calhoun, GA 30703-7004 John_kane@mannington.com www.mannington.com Shaw Contract Group 350 California St. San Francisco, CA 94104 415-955-1920 415-955-1933 Fax www.shawcontract.com
Concrete/ Decorative
Bay Area Concretes 5637 La Ribera St. Livermore, CA 94550 925.245.8900 925.245.8901 Fax www.bayareaconcretes.com Bay Area Concretes has over 15 million square feet of various types of site concrete and decorative concrete scopes installed in Northern California alone. BAC is the concrete resource for architects, building owners, property managers, general contractors, builders, and developers interested in top quality site concrete, concrete walls, seat walls, structural, decorative and stamped Bomanite concrete, stained concrete, interior cementitious Microtopping style overlays and concrete surface renovations, all forms of colored concrete, street sections, sidewalks, curb & gutter, pervious green build style paving types, Grasscrete, and diamond polished interior concrete surfaces. BAC will work through all design challenge issues, find corrective or alternate solutions, and complete the job correctly the first time—guaranteed. BAC will become part of your award winning team, as we are the best! BAC was awarded the BEST concrete cast-in-place site package award for 2008, throughout America—per Concrete Products Magazine! Call Michael Price at 925.245.8900 or email at mp@ bayareaconcretes.com.
CARPET AND TEXTILE MAINTENANCE Corporate Care 951 Linden Ave. So. San Francisco, CA 94080 650-871-0306 650-827-3891 Fax www.corporatecare.com The Dry Guys 6 Commercial Blvd, Suite 1 Novato, CA 94949 415-883-4407 415-883-6517
Ghilotti Bros 525 Jacoby St. San Rafael, CA 94901 415-454-7011 415-454-8376 www.ghilottibros.com Ghilotti Bros., Inc. (GBI) roots go back to 1914, when its founder, James Ghilotti, performed concrete work for local residents. GBI specializes in curbs, gutters, decorative and stamped sidewalks, driveways, and retaining walls. GBI also provides various types of paving, including commercial parking lots, and residential
driveways. GBI is known for its high customer satisfaction, as demonstrated by its Diamond Certification, rated highest in quality and satisfaction through an independent source of Diamond Certified. Please visit www. diamondcertified.org for more information. Trusted for All Size Jobs. Residential & Commercial Asphalt & Concrete. Free Estimates. Call Al Dalecio at 415-454-7011 ext. 2252. privatework@ghilottibros.com
CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS Hilti 136 98th Ave. Oakland, CA 94603 510-879-8000 510-382-0426 Fax www.hilti.com USG Building Systems 125 S. Franklin St. Chicago, IL 60606 800-874-8880 Ext 6754 925-833-2750 dwakaluk@usg.com
CONTRACTOR-GENERAL BCCI Construction Company 185 Berry St., Suite 1200 San Francisco, CA 94107 415-817-5100 415-995-6026 Fax BCCI Construction is the Bay Area’s premier builder, focused primarily on high-end commercial interiors. Our projects begin by collaborating with our clients in a process of shared vision and insight. Pinpoint planning leads to the seamless execution of that vision, with a final, flawless deliver of the site – the ultimate criteria for satisfaction.
Brett Construction Company Commercial Construction & Interiors
1711 E. Bayshore Road, Suite B Redwood City, CA 94063 650-364-0456 650-444-0228 fax www. Brett-Construction.com
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Brett Construction has provided superior general contracting and construction management services for more than 20 years. We strive to be among the best in our industry by consistently delivering the very solutions clients want: Uncompromising quality, an onbudget, on-time completion with no surprises and minimal disruptions to a company’s business. We specialize in Tenant Improvements, and have highly technical expertise and experience building a diverse range of projects including high-end office interiors, Medical/Dental Office, R & D Facilities, Bio Tech Labs, Data Centers, Clean Rooms, Manufacturing Facilities, Food Service, New Office Buildings, Self Storage Facilities. You can depend on Brett Construction to work through challenging design issues, propose efficient and costeffective solutions, and do whatever it takes to complete the job right the first time—that’s our promise.
DCI Construction 100 Montgomery St., Ste 1200 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-670-9890 www.dciconst.com DCI (Dettaglio Construction, Inc.), offers comprehensive general contracting services designed to provide our clients the confidence to execute their business plan without having to agonize over details surrounding the project. Dettaglio is an Italian word which translates in English to: detail, particular, itemize; “the art of detail”. From concept through completion, DCI’s initiative revolves around attention to detail. With construction, development and real estate experience spanning four decades serving the greater Bay Area, DCI has established deep relationships by simply doing what we say we are going to do. The executive team is led by industry veterans, Todd DiMartino, President/CEO, and Gary Wells, EVP. DCI’s strongest relationships and history of repeat business are a direct result of the time commitment invested in preconstruction services, culminated by
Lyncon Construction, Inc. 2055 Junction Ave., Ste 138 San Jose, CA 95131 408-715-9545 408-715-9547 www.lyncon.com Serving the Bay Area since 1985, Lyncon Construction is a full service commercial general contractor specializing in new construction, interior improvement, data center, cleanrooms, and industrial installations. Lyncon Construction also provides our clients with preconstruction services, cost analysis, conceptual budgeting and Design/Build services. Whether a project is 240 or 250,000 square feet, we approach each project with the same commitment to quality, safety and customer service that has been the hallmark of our practice since inception. We deliver the value and expertise that is essential for successful projects and lasting client relationships.
closing out projects with full satisfaction. The pre-construction consulting provides a full range of services from site/construction feasibility and due diligence studies, to early budgeting and scheduling in order to determine the economic feasibility of any given project. It is this investment of time that allows for accurate budgeting, collaborative design development, value engineering, identification and procurement of critical materials, and detailed scheduling. Typical services include: Professional turnkey project delivery, Project feasibility and constructability review, Conceptual budget review and analysis, Estimating & scheduling, Pre-lease analysis and consultation, Design/build project delivery and Multi-dimensional building information modeling (BIM) When value, schedule, reliability and relationships are important, DCI is the answer. EXPECT EXCELLENCE. APPRECIATE THE DETAILS.
Gordon Prill, Inc. Your Source for Integrated Services 1245 Pear Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 650-335-1990 www.gordonprill.com We are unique in offering quality Architecture-Engineering-Construction services under one roof. Our integrated design build delivery fosters an unparalleled team approach through daily interactions. We take great pride in providing efficiency & value through a seamless process. Our architectural, mechanical & electrical engineering plans & specifications are of the highest quality. With 30+ years of experience we excel in tackling sophisticated work space requirements while meeting budget & schedule demands, a recipe for client satisfaction. Our expertise includes corporate T.I.s, aerospace, clean room & manufacturing, biotech, university, teaching/research labs, data centers & LEED. Design and construction begins and ends with people - understanding their needs and delivering their vision.
Novo Construction 608 Folsom St. San Francisco, CA 94107 415-576-1800 415-576-1801 Fax www.novoconstruction.com Building relationships through integrity, hard work and good old fashioned customer service; Novo takes great pride in consistent repeat business with its loyal customer base. The Menlo Park office is largely focused on the high tech, bio tech and campus projects, and the San Francisco office specializes in high-rise corporate interiors, seismic upgrades and urban retail. Richlen Construction 115 Aspen Drive Pacheco, CA 94553 925-674-8850 www.richlen.com Richlen Construction is a commercial general contractor specializing in high end corporate interior projects throughout the greater Bay Area. Richlen has continued to successfully meet our corporate clients’ needs no matter complexity, scope or schedule for more than 27 years.
Sausal Corporation RN Field Construction 515 Folsom St. San Francisco, CA 94105 415-648-8140 415-369-0474 Fax www.rnfield.com Specializing in tenant improvements, building renovations and retail construction for over thirty years. • We care for our clients. • We assist our clients in achieving their visions and work to exceed their expectations. • We value high quality at a fair price. • We strive to deliver the best value for each construction dollar spent • We invite creative solutions. • We implement great design in interesting ways that satisfies everyone involved. • We offer experience. • We’re stronger team members through our understanding of the entire process.
Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. 1600 Seaport Blvd., Suite 350 Redwood City, CA 94063 650-216-3600 650-599-9030 Fax www.rsconstruction.com Rudolph and Sletten is one of the leading general contracting firms on the West Coast. As a pace setter in the construction industry, Rudolph and Sletten has provided quality-oriented general contracting and construction management services for over four decades. Rudolph and Sletten’s expert professionals manage each job comprehensively, from site selection and preconstruction services through project completion. With its new corporate headquarters in Redwood City, the company also has regional offices in Roseville, Irvine, and San Diego, California.
422 Whitney St San Leandro, CA 94577 510-568-6600 510-632-9769 Fax www.sausalcorp.com Sausal Corporation is a general contractor and construction manager with over thirty years of experience. We specialize in commercial, industrial and institutional construction with the object of completing our work on time and on budget. Customer service is our goal and our success comes from lasting relationships with our clients. Swinerton Builders 260 Townsend St San Francisco, CA 94107 415-421-2980 415-984-1363 Fax www.swinerton.com
TEAMWRKX Construction, Inc. Silicon Valley Headquarters: 1691 Old Bayshore Hwy, San Jose, CA 95112 408 -287-2700 (SJ) 415-651-2001 (SF) 408-287-2800 Fax Los Angeles Region: 17701 Cowan, Suite 160B Irvine, CA 92614 949-477-1065 O 949-477-1048 F www.teamwrkx.com TEAMWRKX, Construction is specializing in statewide commercial general contractor services including corporate interiors, building renovations, clean room and lab modifications, hospitality, medical and customized facilities management programs throughout the state of California. Services include: estimating, project management, budget analysis and customized facilities management programs.
World Priority Construction 14850 Highway 4, Ste A #248 Discovery Bay, CA 94505 925-420-6210 925-420-6381 www.worldpriority.com World Priority Construction is a family owned company that specializes in all market ready TI construction. The success of World Priority is the result of our focus on building long term relationships with our clients. World Priority provides construction services for commercial, industrial, municipal & private sectors. Our Project Managers & Facility Engineer experts have been on your side of the business. As a result they understand & have an excellent knowledge of the specialized processes & systems that must remain in place (life safety, HVAC, ADA & exhaust etc). Our professionals apply this intricate knowledge to ensure a clean buildout that conforms to all building codes & regulations - with minimal facility disruption for a stress free project. We pride ourselves on having continuing relationships with our clients by completing jobs on time & budget. We provide exceptional quality & constant communication of progress on all projects.
COPIERS/COPY SERVICE IKON Office Solutions 7677 Oakport St., Suite 900 Oakland, CA 94621 510-383-3480 510-383-3480 Fax www.ikon.com Konica Minolta Business Solutions 1051 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Ste 510 Foster City, CA 94404 650-345-2800 650-345-4190 Fax www.konicaminolta.com Lanier Worldwide 701 Gateway Blvd., Suite 270 So. San Francisco, CA 94080 650-875-3513 650-875-3513 Fax www.lanier.com
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UBEC 7042 Commerce Circle Pleasanton, Ca 94588 925-225-2000 925-225-2021 Fax www.ubec.com For over 40 years UBEC has been providing Northern California businesses with superior office technology and document solutions, one customer at a time, year after year. Our employees possess a strong focus on customer service. We understand that our customers are why we are in business. From our Pleasanton headquarters, UBEC provides outstanding service and support to our customers throughout the Bay Area.
BaySport, Inc. 14830 Los Gatos Blvd., Ste 101 Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-395-7300 408-395-7350 Fax www.baysport.com With over 15 years of experience and 18 centers under management, BaySport can help support your specific corporate fitness center needs – fitness center design program development, equipment purchase, facility operations and more. Clients include Adobe Systems, Aspect Communications, Maxtor Corporation, National Semiconductor, Sun Microsystems, Silver Creek Valley Country Club and VERITAS.
KVA Power Services, Inc. P.O.Box 1867 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741 530-823-7722 530-823-7733 Fax www.kvapowerservices.com At KVA we specialize in the service repair of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) and associated equipment. We service UPS systems up to 3,000 Kva, UPS Batteries, PDU’s and related Data Center/ IT equipment. We have factory experience and training from some of the leading UPS manufacturers. We offer a service plan customized to your facility. OUR STANDARD MAXIMUM RESPONSE TIME IS LESS THAN 4 HOURS, 24 HOURS A DAY, FOR EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR, however, we can customize our response time to your requirements. KVA Power Services, Inc., can be reached at 800-766-4874, or on-line at www. kvapowerservices.com
Magnum Interior 42027 Boscell Rd. Fremont, CA 94538 510-979-0420 510-979-0484 Fax www.magnumdrywall.com Since 1991 Magnum Drywall has been dedicated to providing customers with the most professional approach to drywall, acoustical T-Bar ceiling and painting needs. Magnum Interior is the most recent addition to the Magnum Drywall family and is made up of personnel who have specialized in the supply, coordination, and installation of Ultrawall ® Demountable Partition Systems, doors, frames and hardware for over 25 years. We strive to be the premier supplier of products and service in our industry. Let our expert staff help streamline your next construction job.
Vortex Industries, Inc. 3311 Edward Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-588-0890 www.vortexdoors.com Vortex is a family-owned door repair and replacement company started in 1937. We guarantee Same Day Service with 24 Service Centers and over 240 Service Trucks! We currently cover the Bay Area, Sacramento, Central Valley, Central Coast and all of Southern California. Vortex is highly experienced in all types of doors including: Roll-ups, Sectional, Hollow Metal, Glass/ Entrance, Fire Doors, Dock Levelers, Roof Hatches, Hangar Doors, High Speed Doors, Motor Operator, Closers, Panic Devices, Fire Door Certifications, ADA Compliance Modifications, etc.
Worksafe Technologies 573 University Ave. 888-370-8838 888-858-1410 www.worksafetech.com Worksafe Technologies is your single source provider of non-structural seismic mitigation solutions. Services include: audits, design, installation and maintenance. We have stringently tested and developed innovative methodologies to protect the mission critical elements of a business, ensuring business continuity and rapid operational recovery. Worksafe has been in business for over fifteen years, working with clients in the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, Turkey, Mexico and the Philippines.
EARTHQUAKE Safety Products QuakeHold! Industrial 22113 Queen St Castro Valley, CA 94546 800 2 FASTEN (232 7836) www.quakeholdindustrial.com See the value of non-structural interior mitigation by having the BIG SHAKER at your employee safety event. It’s the world’s biggest mobile earthquake simulator and the demos are extremely realistic. For more than 20 years we’ve provided Fair Prices, Good Service and GREAT RESULTS. Our custom design fasteners are thoroughly tested. We’re licensed and insured and experienced in code compliance. We stock 3-day emergency kits, offer FREE risk assessments and provide ongoing maintenance. Call us today!
ELECTRIC MOTOR & SWITCHGEAR Koffler Electrical Mechanical ApParatus Repair, Inc. 527 Whitney St. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-567-0630 510-567-0636 Fax www.koffler.com Koffler Electrical provides various services to its customers; Machining, Testing, Mechanical repairs, Winding, Balancing, Laser Alignment, Switchgear, Babbitt bearings, and Circuit Breaker work. All work is completed with the highest levels of quality and service either in our shop or in the field. We provide our customers 24-hour emergency service, 7 days a week.
ch reynolds 1281 Wayne Ave San Jose, CA 95131 408-436-9280 408-436-9289 Fax www.chreynolds.com Founded in 1983, CH Reynolds provides turnkey solutions for Electrical, Data Systems, Managed
Services and now Power Management Solutions. Data Centers, Office Environments, Healthcare and Educational facilities are just a few of the many areas we specialize in. We provide customers with the knowledge, service and value that have enabled us to be successful in all of our core competencies. As a customercentric company, we pride ourselves on the long term relationships we’ve built with our clients. Our dedication to our customers through unparalleled service and our strong value system is how we continue to grow. Your next job is our speciality. Cresci Electric 50 Pier B-16 San Francisco, CA 94158 415-357-1950 415-357-1914 Fax www.crescielectric.com Crown Electric, Inc. 85 Columbia Sq. San Francisco, CA 94103 415-621-7756 Cupertino Electric 1132 N. Seventh St. San Jose, CA 95112 408-808-8000 408-275-8575 Fax For 50 years Cupertino Electric has helped make Silicon Valley the most fertile ground for technological advancement in the world today. We were here for the semiconductor, the biotech, and the telecommunication revolutions, providing the electrical infrastructure that’s been needed. We’ve been there and done that and we plan to keep on keepin’ on. Elcor Electric 3310 Bassett St. Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-986-1320 www.elcorelectric.com Rosendin Electric 880 Mabury Road San Jose, CA 95133 408-286-2800 www.rosendin.com Sprig electric 1860 South 10th St. San Jose, CA 95112 408-298-3134 www.sprigelectric.com
W. Bradley Electric, Inc. 90 Hill Rd. Novato, CA 94945 415-898-1400 415-898-5991 Fax www.wbeinc.com For 29 years WBE has completed projects in single building, high-rise, industrial, and campus environments with the concentration of work in the San Francisco Bay Area. WBE is a sixdivision company which includes electrical, telecommunications, networking, security, audiovisual & traffic signals. Each sector of WBE works in partnership or independently to best serve your needs. Through diversification WBE performs at the highest level when it comes to experience, education customer satisfaction and quality.
ELEVATORS Amtech Elevator Service 250 E. Grand Ave., Ste 87 So. San Francisco CA 94080 650-616-8161 www.amtechelevaator.com Otis Elevator 470 Lakeside Dr, Suite D Sunnyvale, CA 94085 408-328-0330 408-738-2655 Fax www.otis.com Schindler Elevator Corp. 555 McCormick St. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-382-2205 510-382-2250 Fax www.us.schindler.com Thyssen Krupp Elevator 2369 Lincoln Ave. Hayward, CA 94545 510-476-1900 510-476-1919 Fax www.thyssenkruppelevator.com Thyssen Krupp Elevator 2140 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 408-894-0978 408-392-0920 Fax www.thyssenkruppelevator.com
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ENERGY MANAGEMENT Applied Power Technologies, Inc. 470 Vandell Way, Suite A Campbell, CA 95008 408-342-0790 408-378-0797 Fax www.apt4power.com
Mach Energy P.O.Boc 10248 Oakland, CA 94610 650-948-0566 925-215-2369 Fax www.machenergy.com MACH Energy provides office building owners and operators with a web-based energy monitoring service that saves up to 10% on the cost of electricity – the largest single operating expense. Our MACHAlert subscription service automatically identifies operational savings by continuously analyzing and interpreting electrical usage data and then emails alerts when energy is being wasted. Included is access to MACH’s Enterprise Management Suite, where users can track performance at the portfolio level. Founded in 2001, we serve more than 100 Bay Area commercial and corporate properties in over 20 million sq ft. Customers realize savings that are 4 times our fees, which are fixed and quarterly. Please contract us at 866MACH NOW or www. Machenergy.com
Affiliated Engineers, Inc. 123 Mission St., 7th Fl San Francisco, CA 94105 415-764-3700 415-764-3701 Fax www.aeieng.com Affiliated Engineers, Inc. (AEI) is a technical consulting, design, and engineering firm providing innovative solutions
for complex and large scale projects worldwide, supporting the excellence of a diverse clientele. Practicing since 1927 and formally incorporated into its present state in 1978, AEI is owned by 22 principals who develop and maintain client relationships and provide project leadership. Based in 12 offices throughout the U.S. and abroad, the firm’s staff of 576 includes 175 LEED® Accredited Professionals. We built our practice with equal commitments to technical expertise and market knowledge, within a culture of interdisciplinary discourse and critical idea exchange. Solutions in each market specialty are informed by expertise in many markets, just as a project in any given location benefits from experience in that project type around the world. Our standard is the highest level of responsive service, providing feedback, offering alternative solutions, and effectively implementing client decisions.
CARTWRIGHT ENGINEERS 4600 Northgate Blvd. Suite 207 Sacramento, CA 95834 (916) 834-2850 www.cartwrightengineers.com Cartwright Engineers is more than an engineering firm. Our engineering, architectural and project management services provide a turnkey experience for our clients. For years we have worked closely with owners, contractors, developers, facility managers and other consultants to complete projects in a way that keeps our clients coming back. Our main project types in Northern California have been seismic evaluations of existing buildings, retrofits, energy efficient upgrades, re-roofs, re-models, alterations and parking lot rehabilitation projects. We have completed these projects for clients in the private, government, industrial and institutional sectors. Degenkolb Engineers 235 Montgomery St., Ste 500 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-392-6952 415-981-3157 Fax www.degenkolb.com
Rutherford + Chekene (R+C) 55 Second St., Ste 600 San Francisco, CA 94105 415-568-4400 415-618-0684 Fax www.ruthchek.com Established in 1960, Rutherford + Chekene (R+C) is one of California’s foremost engineering practices providing structural and geotechnical engineering. We are dedicated to providing creative engineering solutions that enable our clients to realize their visions. R+C has a 49-year history of working with universities beginning 1963. Today, R+C works with the University of California, Stanford University, the California State University, and Bay Area community colleges providing structural and geotechnical services for projects from seismic renovations to new advanced energy facilities. With a staff of 100, half of R+C’s licensed engineers are LEED accredited professionals. The firm’s portfolio includes numerous Platinum, Gold and Silver LEED-certified projects. Therma 1601 Las Plumas Ave. San Jose, CA 95133 408-347-3400 408-347-3418 Fax www.therma.com Founded in 1967. The company focus is mechanical contracting for industrial, commercial, electronics and biomedical users. The needs of these users are multi-faceted; design/build, HVAC wet/ dry, engineering, clean rooms special exhaust systems, process piping, plumbing, refrigeration, acid neutralization, energy conservation, environmental and process controls, extended service and specialty manufacturing of skids, process piping assemblies, gas sticks and gas cabinets.
ENVIRONMENTAL AIR QUALITY ActivTekUSA 800-676-1421 www.activTekUSA.com Active Non-Chemical Purification of Air Water and Food Our products are designed to easily install into your exiting facilities to control ODORS, to kill airborne and surface BACTERIA, Viruses such as TB-MRSA-SARS, effective in eliminating VOCs and even controls MOLD and MILDEW. This new product line has peer reviewed scientific studies verifying 95% reduction in 2 hrs. Go GREEN with our non-chemical process. Call today for free consultation.
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING MS Environmental Solutions 1900 Bates Ave. Concord, CA 94520 925-685-1376 925-685-5894 Fax www.mses-inc.com MS Environmental Solutions is a safety, health and environmental management turnkey services and consulting firm. We have proven expertise in providing multimedia environmental and occupational safety and health, hazmat handling, and hazardous waste management programs services. We provide technical and regulatory support to construction management firms, general contractors, and abatement companies dealing with asbestos, lead and mold. Weiss Associates 5801 Cristie Ave., Suite 600 Emeryville, CA 94608 510-450-6000 510-547-5043 Fax www.weiss.com
EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTALS Peterson Power – CAT 2828 Teagarden St. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-895-8400 510-352-2064 Fax www.petersonpower.com
Peterson Power provides sales and service for Caterpillar clean diesel and natural gas generators We are the dealer for the innovative Cat UPS and CatSwitchgear. With immediate availability, our rental fleet is ready to provide over 200MW of portable power. Rental chiller (5-800 tons), Sullair oil-free compressors, cooling towers, and load banks complement our state-of-the-art equipment and industry expertise. Ask about our 2 Hour Response Guarantee!
Facility Management
Valley Facilities Management Corporation 636 Newhall St. San Jose, CA 95110 408-279-8362 408-289-8362 Fax www.vfmc.com VFMC is a complete provider of facilities services. As an outsource service provider we offer several different programs tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers. VFMC can provide task sourcing, so-sourcing or complete turnkey outsourcing all designed to cut costs, shorten cycles and improve service and quality. Services include: Project management, facilities management, permitting, auditing/ benchmarking, budget development/ analysis, CAD/drafting and space planning/ space management.
FIRE DETECTION/ PROTECTION Ace Fire Equipment & Service Company 1870 W. Bayshore Rd East Palo Alto, CA 94303 650-321-7440 650-321-1063 Fax www.acefireinc.com
Bay Alarm 60 Berry Dr. Pacheco, CA 94553 800-610-1000 925-947-1020 Fax www.bayalarm.com We offer the following services: intrusion alarms, access systems, fire detection, video surveillance, industrial monitoring, and cellnet. Since 1946 Bay Alarm has grown to be the largest independently owned and operated alarm company in the United State, protecting over 75,000residential and commercial customers. We have created a distinct line of products and services designed to provide our customers with a full range of solutions. Let us show you the Bay Alarm difference! Bay Area Fire Extinguisher Company 2001 Rumrill Blvd., San Pablo, CA 94086 510-232-5136 510-233-2682 Fax Beacon Fire Safety 946 N. Seventh St San Jose, CA 95112 408-2192-8851 408-292-8319 Fax Diversified Fire Products 502 Vandell Wy., Suite E Campbell, CA 95008 408-370-3770 408-370-0654 Fax www.dfp4fire.com Securitas 188 Spear St., Ste 640 San Francisco, CA 94105 415-808-1722 415-974-1367 Fax www.securitasinc.com
Flooring Systems BT Mancini 876 S. Milpitas Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 408-942-7900 408-945-1360 Fax www.btmancini.com
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FOOD SERVICE Aramark 2600 Camino Ramon, Rm 1D012 San Ramon, CA 94583 925-823-5400 925-355-9233 Fax www.aramark.com Bon Appetit 100 Hamilton Ave., Suite 300 Palo Alto, CA 94303 650-618-3100 650-326-1582 Fax www.bamco.com Guckenheimer Three Lagoon Dr., Suite 325 Redwood Shores, CA 94065 650-+592-3800 650-592-3415 Fax www.guckenheimer.com
Corporate Interior Solutions 25546 Seaboard Lane Hayward, CA 94545 510-670-8800 510-786-2801 Fax Corporate Interior Solutions is an award winning commercial furniture installation company. Dedicated to creating lasting relationships through our strong commitment to excellence. Combining experience and craftsmanship enable Corporate Interior Solutions to deliver superior quality through out our
industry. Our services include installations, storage, delivery services, repair, moves, modifications and more. Call us today to setup a personal presentation and experience the difference of excellence Petrini Van & Storage 100 East Grand Ave. So. San Francisco, CA 94080 650-827-1580 650-827-0161 Fax www.petrinivan.com
FURNITURE NEW/USED Contract Office Group 1731 Technology Dr., Ste 100 San Jose, CA 95110 408-213-1790 408-392-0933 Fax www.cog.com COG is a premiere provider of architectural solutions and the largest Preferred Haworth
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dealer in Northern California. From technology platforms, access flooring, walls, doors, glazing, sound masking and lighting COG offers a full compliment of products and services. Additionally, COG also provides full general contracting services through well established locally based partners.
One Workplace 2500 De La Cruz Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95050 669-800-2500 669-800-2501 Fax www.oneworkplace.com
Progress Glass 251 Patterson St. San Francisco, CA 94124 650-494-7000 650-494-7087 Fax www.paloaltoglass.com
Pivot Interiors 2740 Zanker Rd., Ste 100 San Jose, CA 95134 408-432-5600 www.pivotinteriors.com
Skyline Contract Glass 1975 Marina Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-352-9055 510-352-1626 Fax www.skylineglass.com
Resource and Design 747 Front St. San Francisco, CA 94111 415-777-0202 415-777-0941 Fax www.resourceanddesign.com Resource and Design is a full-service contract furniture dealership servicing the business community, healthcare and public sectors since 1976. RDI provides services and products for individual furniture orders as well as turnkey projects involving design and specification, interior finishes, installation and accessories. Family owned, we enjoy employee longevity unsurpassed in the industry. Our success derives from longstanding client and partnering relationships, a highly skilled staff, and providing quality products in the most cost effective manner. We invite you to use us as a resource.
East Bay Glass Company 295 Sixth Ave. Oakland, CA 94606 510-834-2537 510-834-2539 Fax
GRAFFITI REMOVAL Graffiti Control Service 1000 San Mateo Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 650-355-5016 650-839-7905 Fax
CORT Furniture Rental 447 Battery St. San Francisco, CA 94111 415-982-1077 415-982-5049 Fax www.cort1.com
Lynn & Associates 2250 Morello Ave. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 800-436-6201 925-609-6446 Fax www.lynnandassociates.com Occupational Health Performance 45379 Littlefoot Pl. Fremont, CA 94538 510-651-5180 www.ohp-inc.com The Safety Guys P.O.Box 725 Hayward, CA 94543 510-727-0652 510-727-0652 Fax thesafetyguys@sbcglobal.net
Moreno & Associates 148 E. Virginia St. San Jose, CA 95112 408-924-0353 408-924-0373 Fax www.morenoclean.com
Air Systems Inc. 940 Remillard Court San Jose, CA 95122 408-280-1666 www.airsystemsinc.com If you dream it, Air Systems will make it a reality: Whether building quality work environments, valuable relationships or community ties, we never cut corners. Our speed, flawless execution and teamwork will save you time and money and engineer the results your business needs. Success is full of Promise: That’s why our promises made at the beginning of a project are promises kept. Our promise is to guarantee your satisfaction and exceed your expectations. Our goal is to build a strong relationship with you, and to earn your confidence to be a Customer
FURNITURE RENTAL Brook Furniture Rental 500 Washington St. San Francisco, CA 94111 415-956-6008 415-956-9390 Fax www.bfr.com
help support your specific corporate fitness center needs – fitness center design program development, equipment purchase, facility operations and more. Clients include Adobe Systems, Aspect Communications, Maxtor Corporation, National Semiconductor, Sun Microsystems, Silver Creek Valley Country Club and VERITAS.
BaySport, Inc. 987 University Ave., Suite 12 Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-395-7300 408-395-7350 Fax www.baysport.com With over 15 years of experience and 18 centers under management, BaySport can
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for Life. For peace of mind, comfort and reliability, Air Systems is the partner you can trust. For all that we do, please visit our website. Paragon Mechanical, Inc. 2460 De La Cruz Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-727-7303 408-566-5190 Fax www.paragon-mech.com Paragon Mechanical offers a wide variety of services: HVAC Service, Repairs, Maintenance, SheetMetal, Plumbing, Design Build. Commitment to our customers and our highly skilled personnel allow us to make you our #1 priority. One call will meet all your HVAC requirements.
R & R Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. 1775 Monterey Hwy., Suite 66A San Jose, CA 95112 408-297-0383 408-453-5853 Fax www.getcooled.com R&R Refrigeration is a mechanical contractor that provides complete environmental technology solutions for the full spectrum of HVAC and industrial refrigeration. During our nearly five decades of serving clients, we have established a reputation for excellence and integrity. At R&R, we know the difference is our people. By taking care of our own, we increase our ability to deliver top notch solutions to our clients. So, if you want your next service or construction job to be done right the first time, on time and within budget; call R&R.
& Repair • DDC Controls
United Mechanical Inc. 2185 Oakland Rd., San Jose, CA 95131 408.232.9000 408.433.5203 Fax www.umi1.com United Mechanical was founded based on the philosophy that there is no client more
important than you and no project more important than yours. In the Commercial HVAC and Commercial Plumbing industries, clients expect quality projects delivered on time and within budget. From day one, our goal is to always go above and beyond what’s expected and to deliver our absolute best... every time. Collectively, UMI has an extensive amount of years’ experience which are all ready to work for you. Whether you have a new Commercial HVAC or Plumbing construction project, tenant improvement, commercial HVAC service or maintenance; United Mechanical Inc can handle all of your Commercial HVAC and Commercial Plumbing needs. Make United Mechanical Inc the contractor of choice for all your HVAC Construction, Commercial Plumbing and HVAC Service needs.
INTERIOR DESIGN BCA 505 So. Market St. San Jose, CA 95113 408-588-3800 408-588-3505 Fax www.bcaarchitects.com IA Interior Architects 350 California St., Ste 1500 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-434-3305 www.interiorarchitects.com RMW Architecture and Interiors 160 Pine St. San Francisco, CA 94111 415-781-9800 www.rmw.com
Pacific HVAC Depot 3029 Teagarden St. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-346-6500 510-346-5700 Fax www.pacifichvacdepot.com Pacific HVAC Depot is a Heating, Venitilation, Air Conditioning and Sheet Metal Supply Company. We offer a lot of products for your indoor comfort and building envelope needs. We have a LEED AP on staff to offer advice on Sustainable Building practices. We are also members of the U.S. Green Building Council and charter members. We do care about the environment and have products to help achieve your goals for a Green Building, such as Energy Star equipment, Indoor Air Quality products which includes Merv 8 & 13 filters, and so on. We are also Small Business Certified with the State of California and we are woman owned with the distinquished WBEC designation. We hope our website will help educate you on the products we sell at www.pacifichvacdepot. com. If you are interested in our GREEN HAND LEEd Compliant products catalog, just email us at pacifichvacdepot@aol.com and we will send you one.
Interior Plant Company 1950 Monterey Hwy. San Jose, CA , 95112-6118 408-286-1367 408-286-0705 www.interiorplantdesign.com
JANITORIAL SUPPLIES All Chem Supply 1468 Wendy Wy. San Jose, CA 95125 408-241-0444 408-248-0156 Fax www.allchemsupply.com All Chem Supply is a full line janitorial supply company with products ranging from restroom supplies and cleaning chemicals to equipment sales and service. We are distributors for 3M, Georgia Pacific, Host, Rubbermaid, and Brulin Chemicals. Our helpful and knowledgeable sales staff has been serving the Bay Area for the past 42 years. Our showroom is open to the public Monday to Friday from 8:00AM to 4:30PM. We are closed for lunch from 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Clean Source 650 Brennan St. San Jose, CA 95131 408-954-1234 408-954-9595 Cole Supply Co., Inc. 531 Getty Ct., Ste A Benecia, CA 94510 800-762-2653 877-329-2653 Fax www.colesupply.com Ecolab 3160 Crow Canyon Pl. San Ramon, CA 94583 925-215-8008 925-417-8171 Fax www.ecolab.com Georgia-Pacific Corporation 133 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, CA 30303 800-477-2737 www.gp.com Georgia Pacific is the world’s premier designer and largest producer of dispensing systems that help reduce usage and waste of towel, tissue and napkin products. To Georgia Pacific, being an environmental leader means using natural resources wisely and operating within high environmental standards. It also means promoting environmental stewardship and awareness throughout and beyond the communities where we operate. Our business depends upon a healthful environment and we are committed to keep it that way. Waxie Sanitary Supply 901 N. Canyons Pkwy. Livermore, CA 94550 800-299-9964 925-454-2911 Fax www.waxie.com
LANDSCAPING ALLBAY Landscaping, Inc. 804 Monte Vista Ln. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 650-726-0438 650-726-5685 Fax A full service landscape maintenance company, offering complete interior and exterior maintenance of your properties. Our clients include Class A office towers, hotels, shopping center, and private estate.
AUTUMN Landscape Maintenance CA LIC # 904719
Autumn Landscape Maintenance 3375 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite 30-405 Concord, CA 94520 925-372-9050 925-372-9052 Fax Autumn Landscape’s highly-trained landscape maintenance teams put their stamp of professionalism on every property we serve. In fact, our commitment to employee training is a big reason for our success. Autumn account managers, field supervisors, crew leaders are setting the standard each day in: landscape maintenance, landscape installation, fertilization/pest/weed control management, problem solving and irrigation/water management. When you take pride in your work like we do, people notice. Cagwin & Dorward Landscape Contractors P.O.Box 1600 Novato, CA 94948 415-892-7710 415-897-7864 Fax www.cagwin.com Coast Landscape 239 Commercial St. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 408-733-3330 408-733-3376 Fax Professional…Aggressive…Efficient. That’s how our clients describe us. This is because we serve them with a quality product—with true visual appeal—and we keep our clients on schedule. We interface with Clients, Developers, Owners and Architects to cut down on time and dollar consuming delays, and our “team effort” approach can pay off for you. D&H Landscaping P.O.Box 57 Pinole, CA 94564 510-223-6597 510-223-7854 Fax www.dandhlandscaping.com For three decades, D & H Landscaping has delivered superior landscape maintenance services. Our blueprint for success is found in a dedicated team that is knowledgeable and experienced with credentials in water management, pest control and arbot care. We excel at our craft and the result is a landscape presentation that you can be proud of. D & H Landscape…Committed to being the very best!
GACHINA LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT 1130 O’Brien Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-853-0400 main office 650-853-0430 fax www.gachina.com Gachina’s team of landscape experts manages corporate campuses, retail centers, homeowners associations and public spaces. Gachina ensures property owners that the value of their landscape investment appreciates through our proper care, maintenance and on-going enhancement. Gachina delivers award winning attention to detail enabling our customers to have beautiful and environmentally sound landscapes. Goodland Landscape Construction 21080 Mountain House Pkwy. Tracy, CA 95391 209-835-9956
Landscape Management Services 1071 N. 13th St San Jose, CA 95112 408-277-6390 408-277-6391 Fax www.landscapemanagement.com Landscape Management Services is the premier provider of competitively priced quality landscape care in the Greater Silicon Valley. A client retention rate of over 92% is compelling testimony to the value of long term relationships our firm cultivates every day – and the reason more real estate professionals prefer the advantages of a locally based, quality driven firm. For nearly 20 years Landscape Management Services has been delivering extraordinary service. The mega-regional and national companies simply don’t compare. Partner with Landscape Management Services and experience the difference. Maniglia Landscape Services 1556 Old Bayshore Hwy San Jose, CA 95112 408-727-2555 408-727-2543 Fax www.maniglialandscape.com
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Maniglia Landscape Services, Inc. has been building and maintaining award winning commercial and residential landscapes in San Jose and neighboring communities since 1970. Founded by Leo Maniglia, a celebrated landscape designer, Maniglia Landscape has since become a cornerstone of the landscaping community. Each year Maniglia Landscape Services is recognized and awarded for its excellence by its peers and the CLCA community. Maniglia Landscape Services specializes in water features and hardscapes working with stones and boulders to set the tone for the garden’s transformation. From waterfalls that dazzle to old stone walls flowing with plant life, Maniglia Landscape Services will make your vision blossom and increase the value of your property. TruGreen Landcare 1995 E. Bayshore Rd. Redwood City, CA 94063 650-261-2161 650-261-2163 Fax www.trugreen.com
appreciates through proper care and sustainable enhancements. Contact ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance for a LEED evaluation of your building’s landscape.
Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance 825 Mabury Road San Jose, CA 95133 408-453-5904 408-437-1817 Fax www.valleycrest.com ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance is recognized throughout the Bay Area as the leader in landscape maintenance and horticultural services. From grounds maintenance and water management to seasonal color and tree care, we can handle every aspect of landscape management, drawing upon our deep experience to serve a wide range of customers. Our goal is to ensure that the value of your landscape investment
LIGHTING Amtech Lighting Service 420 Taylor St., Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94102 415-351-4513 415-351-4581 Fax www.abm.com Architectural Lighting Design 370 Brannan St., Suite 2 San Francisco, CA 94107 418-495-4085 415-495-4660 Fax
BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPES DRIVE VALUE. When you work with ValleyCrest, you enjoy the personal service and proven expertise of a local, dedicated team backed by the strength and resources of the nation’s largest and most experienced landscape services company. We are committed to understanding your needs, creating a customized plan, and following through with flawless execution day in and day out. We invite you to partner with us for the expert care and professionalism you demand, and your property deserves.
825 Mabury Rd San Jose , Ca 95133 408-461-0991
www.valleycrest.com Exterior Landscape Maintenance | Sustainable Landscapes | Tree Care | Turf & Ornamental Maintenance | Weed & Pest Management | Irrigation & Water Management | Landscape Enhancement | Seasonal Color
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MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ICOM Mechanical 477 Burke St. San Jose, CA 95112 408-792-2292 408-792-9590 www.icominc.com Marelich Mechanical 24041 Amador St Hayward, CA 94544 510-785-5500 510-785-7711 Fax www.marelich.com
multi-faceted; design/build, HVAC wet/ dry, engineering, clean rooms special exhaust systems, process piping, plumbing, refrigeration, acid neutralization, energy conservation, environmental and process controls, extended service and specialty manufacturing of skids, process piping assemblies, gas sticks and gas cabinets.
Metal Supermarkets TM n 2301 Industrial Pkwy.W., Suite 4 Hayward, CA 94545 800-700-2839 510-259-1958 Fax R & R Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. 1775 Monterey Hwy., Suite 66A San Jose, CA 95112 408-297-0383 408-453-5853 Fax www.getcooled.com R&R Refrigeration is a mechanical contractor that provides complete environmental technology solutions for the full spectrum of HVAC and industrial refrigeration. During our nearly five decades of serving clients, we have established a reputation for excellence and integrity. At R&R, we know the difference is our people. By taking care of our own, we increase our ability to deliver top notch solutions to our clients. So, if you want your next service or construction job to be done right the first time, on time and within budget; call R&R. Therma 1 Las Plumas Ave. San Jose, CA 95133 408-347-3400 408-347-3418 Fax www.therma.com Founded in 1967. The company focus is mechanical contracting for industrial, commercial, electronics and biomedical users. The needs of these users are
n 705 Comstock Street, Suite A Santa Clara, CA 95054 877-700-2839 408-654-9669 Fax
Advanced Moisture Control, Inc. 17865 Sky Park Cir., Ste H Irvine, CA 92614 949-788-1490 949-788-1595 Fax www.advancedmoisturecontrol.com Vapor-Guard protects floor covering and coating installations from bondfailure caused by damp, alkaline concrete substrates. Vapor-Guard offers all the strength and performance aspects of epoxy systems, but is environmentally safe and may be applied in working environments with no concern for harmful fumes or vapors. All installations are performed by certified applicators and warranted 15 years. Vapor-Guard is made in California and carries over 25 years and 100 million square feet of successful history. Please contact us for free consultation.
n 999 Spring Street Redwood City, CA 94063 866-700-2839 650-299-9859 Fax
We carry most standard sizes of sheet, plate bar and tube in stainless, aluminum and steel. If we don’t have what you need, we’ll source and special order it for you. You wouldn’t go to three or four supermarkets to get your groceries, so why should your metal purchasing be any different? We have been serving the maintenance and construction business in the bay area for over ten years. Whatever your metal requirements may be, Metal Supermarkets has the answer. Give us a call, we won’t let you down. We also offer fabrication, production cutting, precision shearing, welding, and hole punching. Remember, we are your one stop shop for any metal, any size, cut and ready FAST!
Graebel Commercial Services 2020 S. 10th St. San Jose, CA 95112 800-397-2601 408-719-7428 Fax www.graebel.com
Crown Worldwide Moving 14826 Wicks Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94577 510-614-4199 510-614-4100 Fax www.crownwms.com
Nor-Cal Moving Services Allied Van Lines 2001 Marina Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94577 800-543-4668 510-543-6111 Fax www.nor-calmoving.com Locations: San Jose, Brisbane, and San Leandro. We are the number one mover of corporate offices and facilities in Northern
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California. Awards include: Two-time Allied Val Lines National Agent of the Year for Interstate Moving and Three-time Allied Van Lines International Agent of the Year for International Moving. We handle modular furniture installation, space planning, and component inventory. For your storage needs, we offer web-based software which gives you access to storage inventories with photographs from your desktop. Nor-Cal sets the performance standard for the relocation industry.
OFFICE PRODUCTS/ ACCESSORIES Boise Cascade Office Products 1315 O’Brien Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-327-0918 650-846-6719 Fax www.boiseoffice.com California Envelope Company 23385 Foley St. Hayward, CA 94545 510-670-0160 510-670-0166 Fax www.ceprinting.com IKON Office Solutions 1900 Webster St. Oakland, CA 94512 510-839-6399 510-839-7834 Fax www.ikon.com Office Depot 2510 Channing Ave. San Jose, CA 95131 408-434-0300 408-434-6673 Fax www.officedepot.com Office Max 39116 Fremont Hub Fremont, CA 94538 510-745-6125 510-745-8169 Fax www.officemax.com Staples 300 California St. San Francisco, CA 94104 415-394-6648 415-394-6657 Fax www.staples.com
Xerox Corporation 201 Spear St. San Francisco, CA 94105 415-227-1770 415-926-1828 Fax www.xerox.com Zee Medical 2748 Cavanagh Ct. Hayward, CA 94545 510-783-8250 510-783-5517 Fax www.zeemedical.com
PAINTING Fred J. Schmidt & Associates 225 Gravatt Drive Berkeley, CA 94705 415-273-5771 415-540-9418 Fax ffstpnut@aol.com Established in 1981, FRED J. SCHMIDT & ASSOCIATES is a leader in interior/ exterior painting, waterproofing and solar clastomeric cool roof applications for the commercial, industrial and residential marketplaces throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California. We have served IFMA national account clients such as EBMUD, AT& T Services, Inc., BCBG, PEET’S COFFEE & TEA and WALGRENS STORES. Known for our professionalism in important areas such as trade craft, courtesy, promptness and client communications, FRED J. SCHMIDT & ASSOCIATES is also price performance sensitive! We provide free estimates within twenty four hours upon request and we have never completed a project behind schedule in our entire twenty eight year history. It would be a pleasure to serve you. George E. Masker 887 71st Ave. Oakland, CA 94621 510-568-1206 510-638-2530 Fax www.maskerpainting.com Madden & Nelson 50 So. Linden Ave. So. San Francisco, CA 94080 415-647-6305 415-206-1637 Fax
Schaper Painting Co., Inc. 1177 North 15th St., San Jose, CA 95112 408-437-0337 408-437-0339 Fax www.schaperpaint.com Schaper Painting specializes in all phases of commercial and industrial painting. Our 20 years of experience has generated numerous referrals and repeat customers. We now offer three new services parking lot striping, seal coating & steam cleaning. When you contract Schaper Painting rest assured our experience has prepared us to deal with whatever needs your company may have. Whether it be painting, steam cleaning, parking lot stripi8ng, graffiti removal or seal coating, we have you covered. Have your property managers give us a call and we’ll send professional estimators from our two locations in San Jose and Sacramento. We will see to it that you are taken care of from start to finish.
PARKING Ace Parking Management Inc. 1700 Montgomery St., Suite 220 San Francisco, CA 94111 415-398-1900 415-398-4482 Fax Ampco System Parking 600 Harrison St, Ste 600 San Francisco, CA 94107 415-351-4467 415-351-4499 Fax www.abm.com Central Parking System 71 Stevenson St. San Francisco, CA 94108 415-495-7017 415-277-0405 Fax www.parking.com
Pacific Park Management, Inc. Merchant Exchange Building 465 California St., Suite 473 San Francisco, CA 94104 4105-434-4400 415-434-4455 Fax www.pacificparkonline.com Pacific Park Management is a local, responsive and innovative provider of parking services in the Bay Area. We oversee all aspects of managing a parking facility and provide numerous parking related services to our clients. Clients include City and County of San Francisco, SFO, and property managers. We manage a range of facilities from surface lots to complex multi-level structures. We operate under management contract, lease and profit sharing arrangements. Our Passion for ParkingTM and financial savvy provides quick revenue growth, well managed costs, and first class customer service. Call us to lean how we can improve profits at your location. Standard Parking 104 Park Center Plaza San Jose, CA 95113 408-293-6115 www.standardparking.com
Alaniz Construction Inc. 7160 Stevenson Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 510-770-5000 510-770-5070 Fax www.alanizpaving.com Alaniz Construction has quietly provided the Bay Area with the finest in pavement maintenance since 1989. Our quality paving and sealing services and extensive knowledge of the industry have proven worth of many customers, large and small. With our free responsible estimates, detailed surveys, thoughtful proposals, and top quality performance, Alaniz Construction is the first choice of discerning owners and managers. From patch paving to overlays, ADA upgrades to re-striping
parking lots, cold milling to sealcoating, Alaniz Construction strives for flawless execution and customer satisfaction. Discover the Alaniz difference today!
American Asphalt Repair & Resurfacing Co., Inc. 24200 Clawiter Rd. Hayward, CA 94545 510-723-0280 510-723-0288 Fax www.americanasphalt.com For nearly twenty years American Asphalt has been delivering superior pavement solutions and workmanship, creating an enviable list of satisfied customers across Northern California. Making “Every Job Our Best Job” takes an unusual combination of quality products, state of the art equipment, today’s technology, sound engineering, and people in work teams committed to performance excellence. You need only to contact any one of our knowledgeable estimators for a free, accurate Estimate or to request a Pavement Evaluation Survey for your properties or upcoming projects. Black Diamond Paving 41550 Boscell Rd Fremont, CA 94538 510-770-1150 510-770-1151 Fax www.blackdiamondpaving.com
PEST CONTROL A-Pro Pest Control 75-C Cristich Ln. Campbell, CA 95008 800-959-BUGS 408-371-6255 Fax www.a-propestcontrol.com We at A-Pro Pest Control recognize that it can be very difficult when selecting a pest management firm for your building. We pride ourselves at being an extraordinary service company and industry leader at Integrated Pest Management (IPM). What you can expect from A-Pro Pest Control as a customer? Since 1985, we have demonstrated the following at all times: integrity, professionalism, commitment to
quality, fair pricing, and safety first. The following is a list of services we provide: general pest control, wildlife control, bird control, stinging insect control, and tree spraying. One time or scheduled contract services available. Excellent references. Clark Pest Control 1500 N. Fourth St San Jose, CA 95112 408-848-6696 831- 422-1988 Fax www.weneedyou.com
Crane Pest Control 2700 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 415-922-1666/800-592-7777 415-922-1789 Fax www.cranepestcontrol.com Crane was founded in 1930 and has become one of the largest and most highly respected regional companies in the country. This growth is not due to mergers or acquisitions but instead to steady referral from existing customers. Crane specializes in providing pest management services for commercial and industrial facilities. Services include protection against rats, mice, cockroaches, ants, pigeons and other pest birds, fleas, flies, spiders and miscellaneous ground insects; regulatory compliance for foodhandling and other regulated facilities, LEED-certified/green properties and sanitation consultation. Dewey Pest Control Company 6300 Third St. San Francisco, CA 94124 415-468-6660 415-468-5160 Fax www.deweypestcontrol.com Orkin Exterminating Company 1811 S. Seventh St., Suite B San Jose, CA 95112 408-942-6879 408-294-8674 Fax www.orkin.com
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PHOTOGRAPHY Bernard Andre Photography 12 Medway Rd. Woodside, CA 94062 www.bernardandre.com 650-851-4630 Mert Carpenter Photography 202 Granada Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 408-370-1663 408-370-1668 Fax www.mertcarpenterphoto.com Lepori Photography 61A Victory Lane Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-569-6708 www.leporiphoto.com
PLANTS/PLANT CARE Decorative Plant Service 1150 Phelps St San Francisco, CA 94124 415-826-8181 415-826-2157 Fax www.decorative.com
Greenworks Plantscape Management 408-353-1236 www.greenworks.com jen@greenworks.com Greening the Silicon Valley built environment since 1979.Clients include: Chevron, Google, You Tube, TiVo, National Semiconductor, Wells Fargo, NVIDIA, Nintendo, Akamai, RIM.Design installation • Maintenance • Lease or purchase • Price competitive • Sustainable practices • Award winning color rotation • PLANET certified • WBENC certified • Diversity supplier • LEED points available • Spreadsheet inventory • Annotated floor plans • Ariba capable • Metrics Plant Décor 3330 Vincent Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 925-933-2862 925-933-2770 Fax
Rentokil 551 Eccles Ave. So. San Francisco, CA 94080 650-873-1125 650-873-1208 Fax www.rentokil.com
PLUMBING Associated Plumbing 90 Leavesly Rd. Gilroy, CA 95020 408-847-4406 408-847-1640 Fax Ayoob & Peery Plumbing 975 Indiana St San Francisco, CA 94107 415-896-1931 415-550-0915 Fax Concord Plumbing 4831 Pacheco Blvd. Martinez, CA 94553 925-228-7527 Consolidated Plumbing 3732 Charter Park Dr., Suite D San Jose, CA 95136 408-978-3093 408-978-3096 Fax Falcon Waterfree Technologies 1593 Galbraith Grand Rapids, MI 49546 866-275-3718 www.falconwaterfree.coom Hellwig Plumbing & Heating 1301 Laurelwood Rd. Santa Clara, CA 95054 408-727-5612 408-727-4382 Fax www.rlhellwig.com KDS Plumbing, Inc. 2087 Ringwood Ave. San Jose, CA 95131 408-435-1685 408-295-9975 Fax Specializing in plumbing installation of commercial, industrial, biotech, and life science projects. We are a union contractor based in Santa Clara County.
POWERWASHING Aquex Powerwashing & Power Sweeping 2700 Stony Point Rd. Petaluma, CA 94952 707-665-0822 707-665-0920 Fax
PROPERTY, FACILITIES & PROJECT MANAGEMENT Cushman & Wakefield of California One Maritime Plaza, Suite 900 San Francsico, CA 94111 415-397-1700 415-658-3640 Fax www.cushmanwakefield.com A leader in global real estate solutions. Valley Facilities Management Corporation 636 Newhall St. San Jose, CA 95110 408-279-8362 408-289-8362 www.vfmc.com
RECORDS MANAGEMENT Reliable Affordable Shredding 210 San Jose Ave., Ste 13 San Jose, CA 95125 408-438-1511 www.rashredding.com Security Shredding Company 1055 Commercial Ct. San Jose, CA 95112 408-452-5996 408-452-5999 Fax www.weshred.net Shred-It 1538 Gladding Court Milpitas, CA 95035 408-944-0900 408-944-0955 Fax www.shredit.com/sanjose WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE
Shred-It 446 Littlefield Ave. So. San Francisco, CA 94080 650-588-2227 650-588-1750 Fax www.shredit.com/sanfranciscco
and is highly qualified in the installation, maintenance and re-roofing of all major systems including: built-up, modified, fluid applied “cool roofs” and singleply systems. Committed to building relationships and reputation by providing the most positive roofing experience possible, 98% of Platinum Roofing’s work is completed on schedule. A team of experienced service personnel offers 24hour response to remedy any immediate roofing emergency, providing customers with peace of mind in any weather.
SECURITY/ALARM All Seasons Roofing and Waterproofing 1720 Smith Ave. San Jose, CA 95112 408-971-4455 408-938-4177 www.allseasonsroof.com All Seasons Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc. has been serving the Greater Bay Area for more than twenty-five years and is one of the most well established roofing contractors in Northern California. We have specialized divisions for each roofing department, new construction, commercial, industrial, residential and waterproofing. Services include maintenance, gutter cleaning/replacement, emergency repair services, re-roofing, new construction, and waterproofing. We believe in partnerships built on trust, integrity, and performance. Our approach is simple, put the knowledge, skills and professional standards of our team to use in solving problems in a practical, cost-effective way. Our objective is to serve our clients at the highest level they both expect and deserve.
Platinum Roofing, Inc. 1900 Dobbin Dr. San Jose, CA 95133 408-280-5028 408-280-5775 Fax www.platinumroofinginc.com Platinum Roofing specializes in commercial and industrial roofing projects
Camelot Private Security 236 West Portal Ave., Suite 343 San Francisco, CA 94127 415-722-5826 415-334-6280 Fax www.camelotsecurity.com Camelot Private Security provides comprehensive protection, risk assessment, and threat management services for personal, residential and commercial security needs. Camelot is owned and operated by law enforcement officers that are actively working in law enforcement and consistently engaged with cutting-edge security, threat and risk management methodologies. This unique perspective gives Camelot immediate access to the information and resources required to provide seamless security protection and allowing us to offer more comprehensive services more quickly and efficiently. Contact us at 866-322-6356 to find out how we can provide the services that will give you the greatest level of protection.
For white back ground_Gradated Full color
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies 6689 Owens Dr., Suite 200 Pleasanton, CA 94588 925-462-4777 925-846-5952 Fax www.irstnorcal.com Our premium brands include Schlage locks, Von Duprin exit devices, LCN door closers, Steelcraft doors and Glynn-Johnson door accessories. We specialize in security hardware, access control products- both networked and wireless- , biometrics, key and facility management software and
integrated security management systems. We have security solutions for commerce, education, healthcare, transportation and spectator sports facilities. We offer installation, training and ongoing service and support. Our goal is to provide you with a safe and secure environment.
McMillan Security Systems 1515 South Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110 415-826-5100 415-826-0142 Fax www.mcmillanco.com McMillan Security Systems is a highly motivated security systems integrator, supported by knowledgeable management personnel that work closely with our factory trained and certified technical staff to ensure nothing less than 100% satisfaction. McMillan Security Systems offers a number of customer support services including; Systems Design and Integration Central Station Monitoring Services, Access Control, Digital CCTV Recording, Intrusion Alarm, Bio-Metrics and Intercom Systems. Property Protection Services 305 Village Town Center, Suite 391 Morgan Hill, A 95037 877-310-2226 408-259-5423 Fax www.ppsservices.com Property Protection Services design installs and services access control, fire alarm, security, and closed circuit television systems. We provide 24 hour monitoring from a UL and California Fire Marshall Approved Central Station for all major systems. We can service systems that we did not install. We provide real 24 hour 7 days a week service for building owners and property managers. Our clients include CBRE, HP Pavillion, KLA Tencor, Pacific Stock Exchange, San Francisco Airport Authority and Woodmont Real Estate Services to name just a few. PPS is a member of BOMA, CAFAA, NFPA and the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Advisory Board. Our Service sets the standard.
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Protection One 562 E. Weddell Dr., Ste 1 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 800-GET-HELP www.protectionone.com 6691 Owens Dr. Pleasanton, CA 94588 408-251-9088 925-969-1051 Fax www.protectionone.com Protection One is one of the largest providers of monitored security services in the United States. The company provides fire and burglar alarm systems, including the installation, maintenance and monitoring of these systems, to more than one million residential and commercial subscribers. Protection One’s 200+ professionals service its customers from more than 60 branch offices and three state-of-the-art monitoring facilities across the country. Securitas Security Services 188 Spear St San Francisco, CA 94105 415-808-1722 415-974-1367 Fax www.securitasinc.omc Securitas is uniquely positioned to offer a full range of customized services to meet the specific security needs of any organization. Here are some of the customized services that we offer: Physical Security Services, Mobile Patrol, Systems Integration, Consulting and Investigation, Special Event and Crowd control Security. We work closely with each client, listening carefully and applying our expertise to offer a solution that meets specialized training and specific service needs. Call us today! Contact Person: Ron Kane, Business Development Manager Ron.Kane@securitasinc.com
SIGNAGE Artsigns Architectural Graphics 165 San Lazaro Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94087 408-245-7133 408-245-1389 Fax www.artsigns.net Artsigns Architectural Graphics is one of California’s leading architectural sign
companies. In business for nearly 50 years, we are known as a company you can depend on for creative, cost effective solution, on-time service, and long-lasting, good looking signs., See for yourself why property, corporate facility and real estate managers, architects, designers, health care providers, building owners, construction companies, and developers of multi-tenant properties
prefer Artsigns.
Corporate Sign Systems 1014 Timothy Dr. San Jose, CA 95133 408-292-1600 408-292-1673 Fax www.corporatesigns.com Corporate Sign Systems is one of the leading sign firms in Northern California, creating some of the most significant corporate architectural signage projects in the Silicon Valley. We are proud to be an industry leader in the art and science of sign design and fabrication. Whether your project is a corporate campus, mixed use development, medical, institutional or educational venue, Corporate Sign Systems is the right company for your project. For visitors with disabilities, we follow the most recent accessibility requirements to design signage that looks great, and functions great—for everyone. We have the expertise to help you transform an anonymous property into an area landmark. Let our experts with decades of experience design and craft the ‘jewelry’ for the structures you build.”
DSign Art, Inc. 3428 Hillcrest Ave., Ste 150 Antioch, CA 94531 925-933-9677 925-933-9784 Fax www.dsignart.com Express Sign Craft 375 Meridian Ave. San Jose, CA 95126 408-885-9900 www.expresssign.com
Sky Power Systems 3130 Crow Canyon Rd., Ste F 925-394-4340 925-327-0980 925-226-0628 Fax www.skypowersystems.com Sky Power Systems has been in the solar design and installation business since 2001. We have become a leading provider of turnkey solar electric and pool heating systems in the Bay Area. We use the very best products that are leaders in their market categories. We provide the very best service-we provide the highest levels of workmanship by skilled technicians with decades of experience, paying closest attention to the smallest detail. Your solution will be done right and look great, providing power for years to come. You will notice the difference. If there is a problem, we respond promptly and get your system back in order ASAP. The very best prices-you do not need to pay extra for quality! We will design, install and warranty your solar system at a very fair price and will match any competitors price for a like system. We handle all of the paperwork and finance the generous California Solar Initiative rebates. Sky Power Systems is a licensed, bonded and insured (to $2 million) General Contractor (Class B) in the state of California, License #800947.
TAB Sales of California 830 Burlway Rd. Burlingame, CA 94080 650-375-7140 650-375-7141 Fax TAB Sales of California specializes in space efficient storage solutions and document management solutions for businesses today. Whether you are storing active records, WINTER 2014 BAY AREA Building MANAGEMENT GUIDE
CACL# 765078 | © 2013 corpate sign systems, inc.
Signage that Speaks Volumes. Design + Build Site Branding Code + Wayfinding 3D Rendering Digital Signage LEED Compliant Materials
408.292.1600 corporatesigns.com
archival records, supplies, video tape, or DVD’s, TAB can customized a space efficient solution with your space in mind. TAB is the leader when it comes to active records management solutions and services, including records moves and records integration services for mergers and consolidations. Our mailroom furniture systems address the organization’s central mail room all the way satellite mail station in each department. Contact TAB for more information.
SWEEPING MArTiN’s sWeepiNG service P.O.Box 23314 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 925-672-2060 925-229-5343 Fax Martin’s Sweeping Service has been servicing Contra Costa and Alameda Counties for the past 27 years. We use trucks mounted with air sweepers for parking areas as well as hand and backpack blowers to clean debris from areas inaccessible to sweepers. Every truck is equipped with a broom and shovel for heavier items. Our company also provides the following services: hot pressure washing, exchanging trash can liners, hauling, removing debris from landscaping areas, and cleaning trash enclosures. Martin Sweeping Service is committed to customer satisfaction and offers competitive pricing. Our business is never subcontracted out to other parties and the personal relationships we provide to our clients ensures thorough and complete work. uNiversAl sWeepiNG Complete Property Maintenance Company P.O.Box 28010 San Jose, CA 95159 800-647-9337 www.universalsweeping.com
TRAINING NTT, iNc. 7337 S. Revere Pkwy Centennial, CO 80112 Sales Manager: Brian Dew 303-957-4389 bdew@nttinc.com National Technology Transfer is the nation’s leading industrial training provider. We provide
resourceDirectory resourceDirectory
industrial training in NFPA 70E, 2008 NEC®, Hydraulics, HVAC, PLCs, Troubleshooting, and many more. Our seminars are taught using lecture and hands-on methods by instructors who are industry experts in their fields. All of our training can be taught at your facility for any number of students.
Arborwell Professional Tree Management 888-969-8733 510-881-5208 Fax www.arborwell.com As Northern California’s leading tree care company, Arborwell can help you improve the appearance and value of your property with trees that are healthy, safe and beautiful. Our offices in Hayward, San Mateo, Sacramento and San Jose service the arboricultural needs for many of Northern California’s largest commercial and property management companies. Arborwell is a trusted leader when it comes to protecting and maintaining trees in all kinds of settings; including corporate campuses, parks, housing developments, shopping centers and individual estates. Whatever your arboricultural needs, our “certified arborists” are ready with the latest technology and impeccable customer service. To learn about how commercial and property management companies can take advantage of our no obligation assessment of your tree and plant health care needs, please call Arborwell at 888. 969.8733 or visit us on the web at www. arborwell.com to schedule an appointment. —Peter Sortwell, President
Bartlett Tree Experts 60 Hoag Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901 415-472-4300 415-472-8651 Fax www.bartlett.com
Bartlett has the most Certified Arborists and Board Certified Master Arborists in the Bay Area and has provided scientific tree and shrub care since 1907 with our one-of-a-kind Bartlett research laboratory. Our crews are highly skilled and trained tree care teams and Plant Health Care technicians. Services: Tree and Shrub Evaluations, Pruning, Cabling, Bracing, Soil Analysis, Root Collar Excavation, Natural Pest & Disease Management, Prescription Fertilization, detailed GPS/ GIS Inventories and Management plans. Bartlett Tree Experts has five offices throughout the Bay Area.
treatments to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. When you choose Davey, you choose a tree company that’s competitive in price and committed to developing a long-term, trouble-free relationship.
Wall Systems
Magnum Interior 1205 Ames Ave. Milpitas, CA 95035 408-570-0052 408-957-8947 Fax www.magnumdrywall.com
Davey Tree Expert Co. San Jose-South Bay 1055 Commercial Ct San Jose, CA 95112 408-453-3389 408-453-2940 Fax Davey Tree Expert Co. San Ramon-East Bay 500 Deerwood Rd San Ramon, CA 94583 925-855-9974 925-855-9973 Fax Davey Tree Expert Co. San Francisco 131 Industrial Way Brisbane, CA 94005 415-468-9180 415-468-9181 Fax Davey Tree Expert Co. Mid-Peninsula 119 Independence Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-475-5400 625-475-5408 Fax Davey Tree has been the preferred tree care provider on some of North America’s most prestigious grounds since our founding in 1880. Our four offices in the Bay Area offer a complete range of arboricultural services including pruning, deep root fertilization, removal and stump grinding and a full array of diagnostic care and
What can World Priority Construction do for your company?
Since 1991 Magnum Drywall has been dedicated to providing customers with the most professional approach to drywall, acoustical T-Bar ceiling and painting needs. Magnum Interior is the most recent addition to the Magnum Drywall family and is made up of personnel who have specialized in the supply, coordination, and installation of Ultrawall ® Demountable Partition Systems, doors, frames and hardware for over 25 years. We strive to be the premier supplier of products and service in our industry. Let our expert staff help streamline your next construction job.
World Priority is a diversified builder with experience in a wide range of property-use categories. We are experienced in all types of construction for commercial and residential from shell, remodeling of interior & exterior, build to suit improvements & market ready TI upgrades. Commercial Specializing in –Market Ready TI– –Build Out Construction–
All cheMicAl disposAl 21 Great Oaks Blvd. San Jose, CA 95119 San Jose, CA 95119 408-363-1660 408-363-3587 www.allcheminc.com Bfi WAsTe MANAGeMeNT 1995 Old Oakland Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 408-432-1234 408-383-9521 Fax www.bfisanjose.com NorcAl WAsTe sysTeMs 160 Pacific Ave., Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94111 415-875-1000 415-875-1124 Fax www.goldengatedisposal.com WAsTe MANAGeMeNT 1675 Rogers Ave. San Jose, CA 95112 408-392-3004 408-392-3051 Fax www.wm.com
WATER DAMAGE/ RESTORATION 925.420.6210 Fax: 925.420.6381
ideAl dryiNG 432 N. Canal St., Suite 16 So. San Francisco, CA 94080 800-379-6881 650-588-6945 Fax www.ideal1.com
72 BAY AREA Building MAnAgEMEnT guidE WINTER 2014
Solving the mold Problem: Why have mold losses been so difficult to control? One possible answer may be that a commitment must be made by all parties: the architect, construction company, building owner, manager and tenants. Everyone involved must be dedicated and this is difficult to achieve for obvious reasons. Our assertion is that water intrusion events should be addressed quickly and professionally! Ideal Drying has specialized in water loss, sewage backflows and mold remediation. We are a true 24/7 company.
WINDOW CLEANING BAy AreA MAiNTeNANce 1107 Shasta St Redwood City, CA 94063 800-941-0660 650-368-3458 Fax www.bayareaexperts.com Bay Area Maintenance has been serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 1951. We offer the following services: janitorial services, high rise window cleaning, carpet and floor maintenance, construction clean up, lighting maintenance, power washing and steam cleaning, and house cleaning and maid service 24 hr emergency service available.
WINDOW FILM cleAr-WAll 130 E. Sunnyoaks Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 408-378-8468 408-370-7490 Fax www.solarfilmnetwork.com WiNdoW Works 521 Charcot Ave., Ste 209 San Jose, CA 95131 877-677-0067 www.windowworksca.com
BAY AREA Resource Guide THE PROGRESSION OF BAY AREA TRANSPORTATION How the Transbay Hub will transform our region
Find out what some of the Bay Area’s leading professionals have to say about our future
Making sense of a complex code
SPECIAL REPORT: PwC US and Urban Land Institute’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Forecast