Folleto astana

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in collaboration with European Union


The West Eurasia Regional Roadmap was launched back in 2008 in Shiraz (Iran). Over time and following the FMD Global Strategy, the targeted region has been further divided into two different clusters of countries. The first cluster includes: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazkahstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The second cluster is made of countries of the Arabic Peninsula. Countries of both clusters belong to FMD virus pool 3. This meeting will be the 5th Regional Roadmap of countries belonging to cluster 1. Since 2008, evidences have been built on how FMD virus transmission can easily spread from countries closer to South Asia (namely Afghanistan and Pakistan) to Iran and Turkey. Since 2012, some changes have occurred and several of those countries are now lacking international support in continuing their efforts to combat FMD as some of the international projects that supported activities have come to an end. There is a need to assess where countries are in their PCPFMD stages progress and stimulate formulation and implementation of harmonised national and regional programmes and activities.


The first objective of the meeting is to share information on FMD virus circulation within the West Eurasia FMDV ecosystem and to review the progress of each country along the Regional Roadmap towards the vision identified at the Shiraz Meeting in 2008, of a ‘West Eurasia region free of clinical FMD by 2020’. The second objective is to assist countries preparing national control programmes, project proposals for increased investment on FMD control and submissions to the OIE for control programme endorsement and possible FMD status recognition for countries and zones.

Outcomes and outlook

The Report of the Meeting should assist the national and international organisations to better prepare national control programmes and project proposals and to plan FMDV preventive measures in 2014-2015 and to identify gaps of international support to be addressed in the coming year. The Report should also assist in preparing mid or long term action plans which would include possible submissions to the OIE for official control programme endorsements and country or zones status recognitions. The Meeting should improve the time-tabling (1-2 years) of supportive actions in the coming year. The Meeting should assist additional donors/partners to co-ordinate and programme their actions, in line with the Progressive Control Pathway/Roadmap.


The meeting is held under GF-TADs umbrella. The meeting is hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan with organisational support from the OIE Sub-Regional FMD Coordination Office in Astana, the FAO and OIE Headquarters and the GF-TADs FMD Working Group and in collaboration with the EuFMD secretariat.

Meeting Venue Duman Hotel 2 A Korgalzhinsky Highway Astana, 010000 Kazakhstan Phone: Reception: +7 (7172) 79-15-00 Reservation: +7 (7172) 79-15-51 Sales & Marketing: +7 (7172) 79-15-50 E-mail:


ANNUAL WEST EURASIA ROADMAP MEETING Astana, Kazakhstan 23-24 April 2014

Day 1. 23 April 2014 Annual West Eurasia FMD CONTROL Roadmap Meeting 08:00-08:30



Opening / Welcoming Remarks

Chair / Facilitators

Representative of Republic of Kazakhstan International Organisations (FAO, OIE) 09:00-09:15

Objectives and Adoption of Agenda


Session 1: FMD situation and regional road map – Overview of global and regional FMD situation- WRL – FMD-PCP principles and assessment procedures – Links/complementarities between PCP and PVS – Presentation of provisional roadmap based on self-assessment questionnaires




Session 2: Country reports Country reports - 10 minutes / country (14 countries) (justify PCP Stage assessment, as per template provided)




Interviews with countries to review their PCP-FMD questionnaires and control activities




Session 3: Specific issues – Socioeconomic analysis and guidelines – A new tool for improving national disease reporting – Post-vaccination monitoring – Updates on recent GF TADs Regional and Global Steering Committees and on GF-TADs


Closure of day 1


Closed Session: Regional Advisory Group meeting

Chair: Kazakhstan WRL G. Ferrari (FAO) N. Leboucq (OIE) G. Ferrari (FAO) and J. Domenech (OIE)

Chair: Turkey


Chair: OIE J. Pinto (FAO) J. Pinto (FAO) S. Metwally (FAO) J. Domenech and L. Weber-Vintzel (OIE)


ANNUAL WEST EURASIA ROADMAP MEETING Astana, Kazakhstan 23-24 April 2014

Day 2. 24 April 2014 Annual West Eurasia FMD CONTROL Roadmap Meeting 09:00 -11:00

Chair / Facilitators

Session 4: Regional Epi and Laboratory networks and specific needs

Chair: EuFMD

– Report from WELNET

WELNET leader EPINET leader All participants

– Report from EPI-network – Round table discussion on needs for epi and lab support for countries and the region 11:00 -11:30



Session 5: Seminar on National FMD Control Programmes and project proposals and OIE official submissions – Preparing a national control plan and a financing project proposal (including representations from some selected countries)

Chairs: FAO and OIE

– Submission to the OIE for the endorsement of national Official Control Programmes and for the official recognition of FMD status for countries and zones

L. Weber-Vintzel (OIE)

– Roundtable discussion: viewpoints from countries

All participants

G.F. (FAO), M. McLaws (EuFMD) and K. Sumption (EuFMD)




Session 6: Roadmap conclusion – Presentation of roadmap based on post-assessment by the Regional Advisory

Chairs: FAO and OIE

– Roundtable discussion: viewpoints from countries

All participants




Session 7: Final Discussions and Report – Conclusions on Regional Priorities


Closure of meeting

Regional Advisory Group

Chairs: OIE and FAO

in collaboration with European Union

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