6 minute read
from Get Started Guide
This, my friends, is where is all begins. Geniuses at Young Living have bundled 11 of the most used, most loved Essential Oils – the ones your home can’t be without – together with a beautiful dew drop diffuser to create THE perfect Premium Starter Kit.
Aside from the 11 incredible bottles of oil and the diffuser, you’ll find travel sized/sample bottles, information pamphlets, a bottle of Thieves Hand Purifier, a roller ball fitment lid to use on the oil of your choice AND two pouches of Ningxia red – an extremely high antioxidant juice supplement. We say it all the time but this kit truly is the best way to get oils into your life!
The following pages will give you a closer look into each oil and how you can use them.
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Diffuse to uplift and mood and promote feelings of well-being.
Apply on aging skin with Lavender and your choice of carrier oil morning and night.
Apply a few drops on cuts and scars to help reduce appearance.
Apply directly on spine to ease back discomfort.
Apply on neck and throat to soothe irritation.
Apply 1-2 drops on itchy skin to soothe irritation.
Apply on sore joints and massage to ease discomfort.
Apply on aging skin, scar tissue and stretch marks with Lavender and your choice of carrier oil morning and night to reduce the appearance of age spots and scars.
Take internally to support optimal immune function.
Add 1-3 drops of Frankincense in your favourite nut milk to support the immune system.
Diffuse (inhale directly or apply to bottoms of feet as well) to promote relaxation and restful sleep.
Diffuse during stressful periods of the day to relax muscles and ease tension.
Rub one drop on palms and smooth over pillow to help relax.
Rub on dry, chapped, or cut skin to help with irritation.
Rub several drops of lavender with pure aloe vera gel on sunburned skin to reduce pain, redness and irritation.
Apply on rashes to help calm the skin and apply to burns to ease pain.
Add to bath with Epsom salt to promote relaxation and peaceful sleep.
Apply over airways, chest, neck and under nose to help ease symptoms of hay fever.
Take internally as a dietary supplement. young living essential oils >> getting started 08
Diffuse while studying to help retain information.
Diffuse to help uplift mood.
Diffuse to feel energized.
Rub on feet and elbows to help smooth callouses, corns and bunions.
Use as a degreaser in cleaning and add to dishwasher to help remove hard water spots.
Use to remove gum from hair or carpet, sticky residue from labels on bottles or jars, and crayon marks on walls.
Use a drop in public water to help purify.
Drink 1-3 drops of Lemon in water to support the immune system.
* Citrus oils are photosensitive. Avoid direct sunlight with topical use.
Apply to alleviate stressed muscles and reduce swelling and inflammation.
Apply on temples, back of neck, and across forehead for headache pains. For a power-boost of additional relief layer with peppermint.
Apply immediately after and injury to help with swelling and bruising
Massage on sore muscles after a tough workout.
Apply 1-2 drops on location to ease joint aches and pains.
Rub 2-3 drops on the base of the spine to help with hip pain.
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Diffuse first thing in the morning to support high energy and alertness.
Rub a drop on temples, forehead, and back of neck to help with headache pains.
Place 1-2 drops of Peppermint on tongue and rub under nose to promote alertness and concentration.
Rub on joints to relieve aches and pains.
Rub on esophageal line to help relieve heartburn.
Place 1-2 drops on tongue to help relieve nausea, heartburn or indigestion.
Rub 3-5 drops on neck and bottoms of feet to lower body temperature during hot flashes or fever.
Rub on skin to relieve itchy or irritated skin.
Rub 3-5 drops over abdomen to support healthy digestive activity.
Drink a drop in distilled water or a cup of tea to help with stomach activity or upset
Diffuse to help clean the air and neutralize foul or stale odours.
Inhale during flights to promote health.
Add to washing machine to freshen laundry.
Spitz with water to repel insects.
Use several drops on cotton ball and place in air vents.
Apply on skin to promote healthy complexion.
Apply a drop on insect bites to help with itching.
Rub on outside of throat to ease discomfort.
Apply to blister to help cleanse and protect.
Use two drops on cotton balls and place in the toes of smelly sneakers to help stop odours.
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Diffuse to promote health, especially during winter months.
Apply a drop directly on teeth or gums to help with aches.
Put 5 drops in pedicure tub to support healthy toes.
Add to mop water or spray bottle with water to clean floors and counter tops.
Apply on location or directly to joints to help with pains.
Apply 1-2 drops diluted at the onset feeling of a cold sore.
Apply 2-3 drops onto the bottom of your feet for immune support.
Add 1 drop to toothbrush when brushing to support oral health.
Add 2-4 drops in water and gargle to help with throat discomfort.
Place a drop on your thumb and apply to the roof of your mouth to ease head pains.
Drink 1-3 drops of Thieves in your favourite nut milk to support the immune system.
Massage or use as a compress on the stomach to help with any type of digestive discomfort.
Apply to Vita Flex points on feet and ankles to help support stomach and intestinal function.
Take diluted in a capsule to support digestive ability and ease tummy troubles.
Take internally while abroad to support immunity and provide relief from food poisoning and diarrhea.
Place 1-2 drops on tongue to help relieve nausea, heartburn or any type of digestive discomfort.
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Diffuse or place on cotton balls in vents to promote normal sinus activity and respiratory function.
Add 2-4 drops in hot water, cover head with a towel and inhale the vapors.
Apply over chest, throat, and sinus area to support nasal action and respiratory health.
Create a compress by soaking a cloth in warm water with 2-4 drops and lay over chest or back.
Apply 1-2 drops on the bottom of feet to ease symptoms of allergies, asthma or colds.
Apply 2-4 drops directly on chest and back and massage.
Diffuse to support a calm environment.
Apply over affected areas to help with aches and pains.
Add to face routine to support healthy skin.
Apply to insect bites for itch relief.
Rub a few drops over inflammed areas to soothe.
Apply 1-2 drops directly on gums and jaw line to relieve tooth pain and teething.
Apply 1-2 drops layered on-top of other oil applications to magnify their effects.
Take in a capsule to maintain urinary health.
Add 1-2 drops in your favourite nut milk or a capsule to support normal digestive function.
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