Secopa poster k young 2013

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prevalent social and health issue in the rural regions of many developing countries is the capacity of education systems

to provide proper health education, leadership opportunities, or critical thinking skills to youth in high-poverty areas.

A Case Study of the non-governmental organization Creativity and Community Development:

In the past decade King Muhamed VI has supported legislation to form a Secteur Associatif (Moroccan Civil Society). As a

Morocco Inc. conducted by Kristen Young, Master of Public Administration candidate at the

result, the creation of thousands of associations and development projects have been fostered on the local level.

College of Charleston.

Creativity and Community Development: Morocco Inc. (CCDM) is a newly formed NGO in Ouauizerth, Morocco that uses INTRODUCTION

the peer education method of disseminating information regarding health and environment, leadership, and community empowerment to young people. CCDM is promoting an in-country, sustainable solution to these important issues.

Although young people in Morocco make up 30 percent of the total population, a recent World Bank survey finds that an overwhelming 49 percent of Moroccan youth are neither working nor in

This case study outlines useful recommended strategies for NGO development and program implementation and applies

school. Furthermore, idleness contributes to high-risk behaviors among youth (World Bank, 2010). The villages in the High Atlas Mountain region are truly among Morocco's poorest, with extremely high rates of illiteracy and unemployment. In Morocco, the literacy rate is 51% for males and 42% for females. Compulsory education in Morocco should last through

these to CCDM’s unique circumstances to assist the organization in improving and enhancing its performance.

The Research Process

primary school (age 15), but many children in rural areas do not attend school. Illiteracy rates in these areas can reach as high as 90 percent among girls (Marseli, 2009; Rural Poverty Portal, 2012).


Photo Sources: Far Left, World Bank 2010; Middle, Photos taken during field research in Ouaouizerth; Far Right, High Atlas Foundation, 2013.


DATA AND METHODS Almost all current research and policy initiatives in rural mountain regions stress the need for sustainable development.

Following the review of literature on NGOs in Morocco, field research to collect primary data was conducted in the community of Ouaouizerth in May 2013. During this time, 13 respondents were successfully interviewed.

Selection criteria for the interviews included that the respondent should

The interview findings present topics in accordance with the model of community development grounded in systems framework.


Figure 1. Systems Framework Conceptual Model for Development NGOs

Living Standards

data and relate interacting systems to the theoretical framework.

Drinking Water

Policies and Projects

Education Health




Resources, Demands and Supports

Work with local associations to pool resources for community development projects.

Create contract guidelines with local associations to ensure project success through exchange of resources.

are run by volunteer work. This restricts the domain of operations because volunteers need to live locally to work with an organization.

Explore all possible funding streams for project development.

Anticipate adequate facilities, Create a comprehensive supplies, and organizational budget to outline all logistics prior to anticipated project costs. implementation.

Respondents from five associations said that they had trouble with

Hold community meetings to Avoid internal or external gather input on local issues, to politicking among social assess problems and needs. systems, in competition for volunteers or funding.

Create policies to maintain accurate and transparent recordkeeping, and relay official documents promptly to avoid slow turnaround.

Provide comprehensive, bilingual marketing information on CCDM promotional materials and create a sponsorship package for recruiting charitable donations.

Create a long-term strategic development plan, paying special attention to international and cultural issues that may affect project implementation.

Sanitation Electricity

securing and maintaining funding for projects. With so many associations housed in the main douar, there is competition for project funding from small grants through the office of the Ciad (Mayor).

Nutrition School Attendance

Respondents noted the importance of using direct interaction and

Years of Schooling 0.0%





Percentage of Population who are Poor and Deprived of Each Indicator Source: Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative Data

Policies and Projects

Use volunteer recruitment and training methods to form a support base.

All of the organizations that are founded and operated by local citizens,


placed within a matrix to help identify patterns and interactions among the

Supports and Demands

Create policies to ensure that invested members maintain mission focus.

Figure 2. Morocco Deprivation Indicators

with interview notes, field notes were collected, simplified, and

Securing Resources

Incorporate influential local community members to help serve on the executive board and staff.

specializing in a number of services from health and sports, to tutoring.

Through personal interaction, using a snowball sampling method.

Table 1. Strategic Recommendations for NGO Development

Form relationships with locals as well as government officials, to gain trust and cooperation.

There are at least 13 local associations in the Ouaouizerth community,

have some involvement with a local association. Respondents were recruited


participation by citizens in the planning and execution of association projects. All respondents said that their associations determined problems in the community by listening to the problems of local people.

Use a translator or cultural liason to communicate sensitive issues between systems.

Source: Strategic recommendations derived from literature review and interview findings.

The study will be used by CCD Morocco, Inc. In to mobilize support, raise awareness, and expand funding prospects.


Source: Tamas, 2000; Luhman, 1995.

Shukran Bisef to Dr. Jo Ann Ewalt, MPA Director; College of Charleston MPA Program; the Kingdom of Morocco; and Creativity and Community Development Morocco, Inc. Contact me at

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