Fun, Fab and Fearless!
The Editor’s Note
Type of Woman that Employers Want to Hire Immediately!
Kristie Kennedy Ward
Charlene Rhinehart
Fear to Fearlessness
Your Purpose Is Waiting On You!
Alix Greer
Montrieal Alls
How to Manage Energy Vampires
The Beauty of a HeartCentered Life
By Kenyonn Demps
Clara Freeman
14 cover photo by Elizabeth Baker
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FINDING YOUR VOICE Marshawn Evans Daniels
THE BEAUTY OF A Heart-Centered Life Clara Freeman
THE POWER OF AN IDEA Kimberly C. Menchion, Esq.
There Is Leadership In You! Chakita Hargrove, PhD
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Letter from the Editor Many are called to be a ton of greatness yet due to fear settle for being a cup of goodness. Let me ask you this question, have you received the call to be more, see more and do more but refuse to answer the phone? Until you find out what you are really afraid of and are willing to face it head on, remaining stagnant is inevitable. You possess the power to create your dream life by design and not default. How are you showing up on the stage of life? Are you presenting yourself as a wallflower or a centerpiece? Do you desire time freedom in your everyday living? Until you boldly declare what you desire, embrace the fact that you deserve better and are determined to diligently pursue it, you may find yourself rocking in the same boat of obscurity year after year! Recently, I was in Corpus Christi, Texas to deliver a keynote message and while sitting on the balcony overlooking the water I began to reflect how different my world is today than it was yesterday. In the past, there were days I felt as if I were a trapped lioness pacing back and forth. Daily I was waiting for the opportune moment to break free from the prison walls of an 8 to 5 j.o.b. I was underpaid, undervalued and overworked to the point my stress levels would rise sky high until I broke out in hives. Internally, I knew there had to be a better way of living and I did not stop until I discovered it. During my time of quiet meditation I began to put things in proper context and I realized that I earned more for a one hour message than I would have for an entire month working for someone else. That would be the equivalent of 160 hours! Daily dreading the toxic environment, cantankerous bosses, creatively stifled behind a desk, completely disconnected from my purpose, power and potential. I have tasted the sweet nectar of freedom and know unequivocally that what lies ahead is much brighter than all I had to leave behind. My personal goal is to make the rest of my days the best of my days! In order to move from one place to the next you must cultivate a thriving mindset. A magnetic life blossoms in the
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garden of a magnificent mind. I am extreme when it comes to vision forecasting. Currently, I have 7 vision boards on my office wall as a powerful reinforcement of who I am and where I am going! If you plan to become a larger version of yourself you must be willing to eradicate erroneous beliefs systems that are a destructive recipe for self-sabotage. The moment you decide to align your mind, it becomes easy to shift into your next dimension of ascension. Soaring at new heights will require the ability to fight in flight against old mindsets that desire to pull you down. The number one reason many individuals fail to excavate their full potential is due to self-doubt that anything is possible! It requires an uncommon belief and unwavering focus to shatter faulty thought patterns. As you move forward on your brand new journey to greatness the moment you hear the voice of negativity speak in your ear, say these words out loud, “STOP, that is the old me and that is no longer my truth I AM FREE TO BE!” Lastly, in the words of Cecil Beaton, “Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary.” Many are called to be a ton of greatness yet due to fear settle for being a cup of goodness. What are you afraid of? What are you waiting for? Pick up the phone!
HOW TO BECOME THE TYPE OF WOMAN THAT EMPLOYERS WANT TO HIRE IMMEDIATELY! Are you a woman on the move who is ready to transform her online profile from invisible to irresistible? Here are some tips on how you can enhance your professional profile and become a highly sought after candidate for your dream career opportunity. 1. Provide “Bait” for the Recruiter If your written presence doesn’t mesmerize the employer within 6 seconds, your chances of receiving an interview date are slim. Make sure that your online profile exudes professionalism and portrays a meaningful taste of personalism. Identify valuable buzzwords by examining organizations’ websites, reviewing LinkedIn profiles that share your targeted job title, and scheduling informational meetings with prospective colleagues. When an employer sees items of interest on your resume, you have successfully lured them in and will have a chance to influence their hiring decision.
2. Do Not Become a Walking Cliché Let me guess. You have excellent communication skills. You are a team player. Your weakness is that you are a perfectionist. You
think ABC is a great company to work for because their earnings potential is high and the opportunity for growth is available. Welcome to the, “I’m the same as every other job seeker in the resume pile” club.
4. Avoid Negative Associations Avoid the temptation of focusing on your misfortune or how others have negatively impacted you. You become what you focus on the most. Attract
If you want to stand out from the crowd, reveal your personality in a unique way. Need help? What are three words that you use to describe you or what are three strengths that allows you to positively contribute to organizational goals? Your accomplishments should highlight instances in which you have been successful in performing the traits that you want to be known for.
3. Use Language that Displays Confidence Many women unintentionally use language that displays uncertainty. When verbal and non-verbal cues convey doubt or fear, you diminish your credibility
in the workplace. For example, writing or saying that you “hope” implies that you are chasing an opportunity and “hoping” things will work out in your favor. It subconsciously creates the image of a person who is begging for an opportunity versus being the creator of opportunities. Projecting confidence starts with the resume. When writing your resume accomplishments, don’t be modest. There is no need to downplay your impact. The interviewer wants to know your success stories. Share your accomplishments in a way that show how you can support the organization with their current challenges.
Charlene Rhinehart Managing Director, CEO Unlimited LLC
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the opportunities that you DO want by appearing to be a professional, fun-loving, and reliable person. At the end of the day, the most impactful companies are attracted to positivity, not women who come across as disgruntled and jaded. Employers quickly hire people that are self – confident, optimistic, energetic, passionate, and engaging people because they will have a positive impact on the organization.
5. Flip the Script. You are not the only one being interviewed. It is your job to interview the employer too! Approach the conversation as if there is a valuable exchange taking place. You have the right to get to know the company beyond what’s presented on the company website. The website is just a resume for the employer that is used to lure you in.
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You must come prepared with thoughtful questions that convey your interest in the company. It is your job to make sure that the company is a good fit for you and the culture provides an environment in which you can thrive in. Tap Into Your Power. A woman on a mission never stops learning, growing, and building meaningful relationships that expose her to new possibilities. This is why she is always in high demand! You can never become bored by watching her because she is always on a journey to tap into the unknown while fully embracing the presents that she is unwrapping in the moment. She is a true leader that many admire and trust. These are traits that never go out of style. And as long as she maintains this goddess demeanor, the phone calls from prospective employers will keep coming!
When we are being pulled in so many directions based on the expectations, suggestions and recommendations from others, we are not able to focus on ourselves. We begin to ignore that little voice in our head that seems to always have the right answers
Charlene Rhinehart Managing Director, CEO Unlimited LLC “When you are exposed to the CEO that is hiding inside of you, your heart won’t be satisfied with anything less than your full potential”
to go from Fear to Fearless with an Empowering Mindset
t can be all exciting at the beginning when you start your business. You have great ideas; you want to serve and help others. You write down ideas of what you would like to do in your business, but then something is holding you back from getting yourself out there. You begin to doubt that what you have to offer isn’t good enough, you’re scared what others may think, wonder if anyone would be interested in what you have to offer. It makes you think why should I do this when there are more professional and experienced people out there doing the same thing? This feeling is called the “fear wall” which
all of us have gone through at one point or many times starting out and during our business. It comes down to fear; fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of committing, and fear of the unknown and so on. We can listen to fear and let it take the steering wheel and rule what we do and how to run our business, or we take action steps, listen to our heart and intuition for guidance on what is best for us. It is choosing to listen to the mind chatter inside or to your heart, going with it and seeing what will happen. Easy said than done, right? Well, I want to invite you to take a moment to think how much of what you tell yourself is truth or reasons or excuses. We convince ourselves those thoughts are so real and make up stories in our head why it won’t work and before we know it we have a created a mini film of why it won’t work and get stuck in that moment. Fear and doubts can come in an
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inner voice critic that tells you to stay put and freezes you from moving forward and taking action. It serves us to have “warning signs” to know when things don’t seem to work or doesn’t seem right. However, our brains are trained to give us this information no matter how good the situation maybe. As it is new territory for us, it is stretching our comfort zone by doing something new. We can come across this a lot when we run our business as most of it is new.
Alix Greer Mindset and Success Coach Empowering heart-centered Entrepreneurs to find the power from within.
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5 ways to move you from fear to fearless •
Lead with your strengths and what comes naturally to you. If you love talking, make videos. If you enjoy writing, write blogs. If you are creative, design or make something. Use your strengths and let them be the driving force behind your goals.
Listen to your heart for guidance. We can get caught up with what is around us and not take real notice of what it is we truly want. Rather than listening or observing what others do, why not feel, hear and see what is right for you? Put your head down to your heart and listen, by asking yourself what it is you want.
See it as an experiment. Enjoy in trying new things, learning and putting yourself out there. We could build our minds of how scary it is but in actual fact if we made a small step forward towards our goal we would realize it wasn’t as bad as we made it out to be. What small steps can you take to move from where you are now to where you want to go or do?
If your inner voice is loud that it is sabotaging you and stopping you move forward. Tell it you hear it; you thank it for its “warning signs” but you are ready to take the next step. It can be very powerful to take control of your mind and realize it’s only you that’s in the way of your true potential.
Outline the steps you need to take to get to your goal/ project/launch. Break it down further. Then plan out what it is you will do this week to move you forward into action! Find yourself an accountability partner that can hold you to accountable and do what you do best, and shine.
Your Purpose
Is Waiting On You!
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No one exists without reason. If you’re alive you then have a purpose. There’s a plan for your life. God told Jeremiah this, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” (Jeremiah 29:11). He’s saying the same thing to you. God knows the reason you’re here. And because He knows, you should want to know. You must ask Him…God what is my purpose? Why do I exist? Why am I here? Who am I? Show me what you see. Everything that you’ve gone through, every hard trial, every mistake, every bump, every wrong turn, God is going to use it all. None of what you’ve gone through will be wasted. When you spend time with God, through prayer and communing with Him, He’ll begin to show you how to use everything you’ve gone through to bless yourself, your family, and other people. You’ll find yourself operating in your purpose by using what you’ve gone through and being creative. God has no respecter of person; it’s about the hunger in you. How hungry are you to know why you exist? Are you willing to pray, set goals, plan, sacrifice, and sow into your vision to make it come to pass? You’re not waiting on
God, rather God is waiting on you to pursue, position, and proclaim.
Pursue – You have to be a go getter, especially when you know the area where God will use you. If you don’t know the area in which God wants to use you, spend time with Him and He will begin to show you. When you are in pursuit of something, you’re moving in the direction of what you are trying to obtain. Begin to surround yourself with like-minded people who will help you stay focused on your goal. When you are in high-pursuit, nothing by no means should stop you or alter your direction.
Position – You have to get in position. Picture yourself being on a track team. Right before you take off, you and your teammates have to get in position. You have to know your lane assignment! Once you are in position you will hear, “On your mark, get set, go!!!” When you get in position you are saying, “I’m ready and prepared.” Question: What are you doing to prepare yourself? Whatever you’ve been called to do, you must prepare for it. I call it practicing before the call. Get your business plan together, start on obtaining 501c3 status, schedule a professional photo shoot, begin your marketing campaign, draft your budget, build your
team, and et cetera. All of this won’t be easy. You must have a solid plan to get it all done. So, as you write down your plan make sure to prioritize what you need to do to reach your goal. Make sure to keep people around you to help you stay focused. Now, you’re well on your way to the market place; where souls can be touched and where revenue begins to generate. While in position, you must be patient.
Proclaim – Now it’s time to proclaim!!! Make a public announcement of who you are, what you have to offer, and where you’re going. At this point, you should be fueled up; like a freight train – Unstoppable! Now is the time you tell your testimony of what you’ve gone through to get to this point. Now is the time you see the vision manifest and watch doors open for you. Now is the time you reach back to help others overcome the pitstops of life. You’re a winner, an over-comer; you’re an eagle. SOAR into heights unknown; in to your Purposeful Life.
Montrieal Alls Motivational Speaker Your Purpose Awaits You Today!
You have to be a go getter, especially when you know the area where God will use you. If you don’t know the area in which God wants to use you, spend time with Him and He will begin to show you.
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is so crucial to stepping into your destiny … and if you can’t hone in on it, it will feel likeyou’re holding yourself back. Do you feel like you’re missing out on knowing your voice? Like something’s standing in your way? Or that you can’t feel, hear or see what you need to know your voice? Believe me, you are not alone. Here are 5 of the most frequent factors that I’ve seen holding back my clients and causing them to lose the battle for the single most important thing they have… their voice.
1. Stop paying attention to your competition. God does not compete. Sometimes you simply have way too many things competing for your attention and because you jump from one to the other, and you don’t spend time focusing on your purpose. You need to simplify. You can’t make sense of what to do next or find out what you need to say and share because there are just too many other voices and things and stuff and decisions going on in. Stop paying attention to your competition. It is a distraction. Focus on YOUR mission. 2. Clear the clutter. As miraculous, beautiful and wonderfully complex as the mind is, you may have cluttered it with more than it can handle. Also, what’s around you is a byproduct of what is going on inside of you. Feeling very cluttered inside often creates a cluttered environment around you—it’s almost like your voice is cramped in this space. The clutter might be… • junk • toxic people • the past
• your thoughts • your physical environment and space Take a look around you and your life. What feels cluttered and needs clearing out? After all, clutter creates confusion. In order for clarity to move in, you have got to remove the clutter.
3. Start making decisions. The unmade choices that are inside of you and around you easily can start overwhelming you. Sometimes having to make choices as a leader can clutter your mind because you are responsible for so much. One of the things I recommend is to simplify what you are deciding. Make some decisions; take what does not need to be thought about now off the table. Simplify what’s on your mind and all around you, so that you can actually have a clearer path to be able to hear your own voice.
4. Avoid staying TOO busy. When we take on too much, we often tend to “major in the minor”. What that means is that instead of taking on the one big thing that God gives us, we’ll take on a gazillion little things, and our hands become unnecessarily full. Our lives fill with putting out small fires and missing out on our big mission. This is where I find that most people bury their voice—behind and underneath busyness and all of the other things that “have to” get done and “have to” be done. In that process, doing begins to overtake the process of being. Busyness is simply a distraction. Distractions have a specific goal in mind: Distractions take you
out of your destiny. When you are trying to live your life with all of the above going on, feeling overwhelmed is a pretty natural by-product. And overwhelm is a surefire way to submerge your voice. It is impossible to be clear, divinelyinspired, or powerful when you are overwhelmed. 5. Don’t let your broken confidence keep you broken. Broken confidence comes from people, experiences, and lack of clarity — it shows up in feelings of doubt, worry, and anxiety. It often comes from the words of other people that seep in and become these little tape recorders whispering to you what you can’t do, who you are not, what won’t work, and what you shouldn’t try. Those whispers, more than you realize, become the core of your identity. The Bible says, “As a man thinketh, so is he.” We’ve all done it in one way or another, not even realizing that we are doing it. And we start to believe that the core essence, the divine thing, the beautiful thing that’s always been in your heart is not good enough– or we even forget what it was because it’s been buried so deep.
Marshawn Evans Daniels is a Global Mentor and Catalyst for Women looking to Launch Their Dreams and Live Their Purpose. She equips others to AMPLIFY their lives, their leadership and their legacy by teaching the principles of influence, branding, and divine purpose. Her weekly eZine goes out to thousands of subscribers. Are you ready to unleash your brilliance and align with your REAL destiny? Sign up for a FREE subscription at http://
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How to Manage Energy Vampires Energy vampires‌. They exist everywhere and sometimes, it’s someone you least expect. An energy vampire borrows, steals, or sucks your positivity right from under your nose. This person can be a close family member, a neighbor, a sibling, a friend, a naysayer, and honestly a complete stranger. Energy vampires do not discriminate.
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If you are wondering if you have ever encountered an energy vampire, then ask yourself these questions… • Have you ever been in a position where you were talking with a person and you felt yourself getting tired by every word they said? • Have someone in your life zapped your energy leaving you tired and down and out? • Have you felt exhausted during and after interacting with them?
If any of the above questions you answered yes to, then you may have been zapped by an energy vampire. Interacting with someone who drains you is quite frustrating. It can be a daunting experience and one that takes a lot of positivity and energy to rebuild yourself back to your `true’ self. Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes. There are whiners or drama queens who believe nothing is ever right. You may have experienced the doubters, who can and will disagree with everything and anything you say you can and will achieve, or maybe you have encountered the blamer who always believes it is someone else’s fault. These types of energy vampires seldom let up and as a result, they bring you down, down, DOWN, making your journey painful and uncomfortable.
So what do you do about it? First, ask yourself… what is important? Is it meeting your goals in life and following your passions or is it being surrounded by this negativity? Trust your instincts! If you have felt one too many times that you have been poisoned by an energy vampire, then take heed and implement your game plan by following these 5 recommendations: •
Recognize when the energy vampire has crossed the line. Listen to their words and watch their behaviors? Are their words and actions negatively impacting you? Keep in mind that it is important NOT to give the energy zapper permission to be in your positive
space. Stick up for yourself tactfully, and move on… •
Stay focused on your needs and goals. An energy vampire will distract you and as a result, your momentum flattens so do not act on impulse – Stop… Think… and Be Logical. An energy vampire is driven to bring you down, so stand up straight and keep your eye on the prize.
Affirm your value and self-worth. Remember, you are an awesome human being and YOU deserve better.
If the energy zapper is close to you, understand that the process of isolating yourself and managing an energy zapper is difficult. Talk with the person once you have decided the best way to approach the situation. Keep in mind that how you speak to this person may be a task in itself, so be prepared!
After dealing with an energy vampire, you will be tired so it is important to make time for yourself. By doing this, you can rebuild your energy and re-focus your time on what’s important to you.
Energy vampires are all around us and that is okay as long as their long term efforts are turned away from you. Your job is to recognize who `your’ energy vampires are, block or confront their efforts, and maintain your inner strength. This may sound like a lot to do and you’re right it is, but you are worth the challenge. YOU are an awesome being and one deserving to claim your rewards. Don’t let anyone deplete your joy so zap those energy vampires before they zap you!
By Kenyonn Demps Founder A Seasoned Affair, Inc.
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THE BEAUTY OF A Heart-Centered Life
I’m an optimist who would rather see the glass half full as opposed to half empty. Life never turns out the way we expect it to and because we are spiritual beings living a human existence, stuff happens beyond our control. In 1999, two weeks after my divorce, a co-worker called to tell me that the hospital I worked at for twenty years was closing and I’d better get down there to sign papers for my severance pay and pick up my last paycheck. When a longtime friend unexpectedly passed from a brain aneurysm that same year, I broke down from the pressure of it all. I cried for the ending of my marriage, for the friend I’d never again have those girlfriend telephone conversations with and from the reality that we never know when it’s our last time to be among family, friends and loved ones. When my son enlisted in the Navy and my twenty year old daughter
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announced she’d be moving out to share an apartment with one of her girlfriends, I felt beaten down; like the universe had dealt me an ugly hand. I was in the throes of remorse, reliving the loss of a younger brother and my dad, years earlier. I was a wreck. Within the blink of an eye, I had become an unemployed middle-aged, divorced woman, suffering from loss, grief, a fear of the unknown and I was suddenly an empty-Nester. Sometimes we don’t seek comfort from others, because we’re embarrassed or fearful of what they might think, say, or do. We’re at a vulnerable stage in our lives where trust becomes an issue and personal pride a deterrent to seeking the help we need to get back on track and find clarity through the fog of depression and anxiety. Life is about choices and we’re always told to choose wisely. I remember thinking that I could lay in my bed, consumed by pity, grief and remorse or I could get up and began to live again. I chose the latter. I asked God to keep my children in the bosom of his protection and to please help me get through the darkness for my own sake. In 2000, I took a job working with senior citizens and geriatric patients in a nursing facility. I reclaimed my life and started going out with friends.
When my mom passed in 2001 and my sister died in 2008, I refused to go back to that place of darkness and isolation. I sought out the comfort of my siblings, friends and co-workers. My remaining siblings and I had made a pack in a group meeting we held in our deceased mother’s bedroom after her burial. We vowed to continue the Southern tradition of our annual family reunions in honor of our loved ones memory. When your heart is heavy, allow your faith to bring you back to the core of your heart center and keep pushing forward to fight another day. A trusted friend recently reminded me that we can’t do it alone. I’m not a martyr and I’m certainly not trying to be. After three decades of helping to serve others, I take time to care for me. I have a conversation with God and lay my burdens down. An introvert, I’ve also opened myself to accepting the bridge of comfort from people in my life who are kind and who offer authentic support.
Clara Freeman~ Motivational Author, Lifestyle Strategist and Women’s Advocate
In the midst of your troubles, you have to keep going, keep praying and keep believing. You can live a heart centered and happy life. It’s your choice.
THE POWER OF AN IDEA 7 Women Who Changed the World
he richest place in the world is the graveyard because it’s full of the unrealized dreams of those who had great ideas but never acted on them. We as women often have great ideas for new business ventures, products, services, leadership initiatives, non-profits, movements, music, stories, or a better way of living but these ideas go unrealized. The most common problems are the lack of belief and strategies to transform those ideas into reality. The first step is to understand that there is enormous power in an idea, for ideas shape the world. In order to help you realize the power of an idea, I’ve compiled a list of 7 women who took action on an idea and had a tremendous impact on the world. Some of them will be familiar and others you may have never heard of but feel the impact of their idea.
• Oprah Winfrey: Showing us how to live our Best Life Now The idea was that television could be used to show us how to live our best life now. From that idea she revolutionized media, spun other successful people called the Oprah effect, created millions of readers through her book club, gave millions to charity, and changed little girl’s lives in Africa through her school. Oprah is one of the richest and most influential women in the world.
• Wendy Kopp: Education for All Americans The idea was born through her senior thesis at Princeton – a plan to create a corps of desperately needed teachers for schools in low income neighborhoods. The plan became the catalyst for Wendy becoming the founder of Teach for America. The corps has trained more than 24,000 teachers and reached millions of children.
• Rosa Parks: Paving the Road to Civil Rights The idea is that she and other Negros were equal and deserved equal treatment. This woman is famous for not
The idea was born through her senior thesis at Princeton – a plan to create a corps of desperately needed teachers for schools in low income neighborhoods. giving up her seat to a white man. Her arrest sparked the Montgomery bus boycott, led by Martin Luther King, Jr. – a turning point in the civil rights movement.
• Marie Curie: The Fight Against Cancer The idea of radiation to treat cancer was born from Curie’s co-discovery of two elements, radium and polonium, and the coined term “radioactivity.” She was
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• Maya Lin: Honoring Veterans through Architecture The idea was to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Controversial at first, but now one of the capital’s most visited sites. Her idea proved there can be healing power in art.
• J.K. Rowland: Turning kids into advent readers The idea came to her during her everyday life of whimsical stories that children would love. She took these stories and created the Harry Potter series. She has millions of kids around the world loving to read. Your idea may not change the world, but it can have a tremendous impact on your part of the world: your city, school, company, industry, or family. I had an idea to transform the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday into a time of remembrance and inspiration for youth and the young hearted by having an annual city-wide festival in the capital city of Florida complete with sound stage, historical exhibits, kid’s zone, and vendors. The festival has thousands of visitors each year. One of my favorite components of the festival is the inspiration zone which is a huge wooden structure where participants write out their goals for the future. one of the first to suggest radiation to treat cancer and she won the Nobel Prize. She also pushed the idea that women should not be discriminated against.
• Madam C.J. Walker: Pioneer of Beauty and Business The idea was to market beauty and hair products to black women. She became the first female self-made millionaire in America. She has inspired many entrepreneurs and is a pioneer in beauty and business.
When you mix a great idea with faith and strategies you can have a tremendous impact on others and success in your chosen endeavor. Are you ready to transform your vision into reality? Download a Vision Casting worksheet by visiting VisionCasting.
Kimberly C. Menchion, Esq. Attorney/Speaker/Consultant
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There Is Leadership In You!
orthouse (2010) suggests that leadership is not a characteristic or trait, but rather a process that occurs between a leader and his or her followers. With leadership being seen as a process it allows everyone a chance or opportunity to learn how to be a leader. This means that leadership is an observable behavior rather than an innate ability or talent. A leader (or leadership) is not only portrayed in mega companies and professions; leadership is a visible set of abilities
and skills that are valuable (Kouzes & Posner, 2007) in any field, environment, or situation. A researched description of what leadership means is provided to give evidence that all persons serve as a leader; the difference is that people serve in the role of a leader on different levels, in different sectors (faith-based, governmental, international, and et cetera), and in different manners. The premise of this article is to inform you that YOU ARE a leader and that your
leadership style is different because your situation demands a leadership style or skill that is different from others. So, when you begin to question yourself on whether you are leadership material or not…the answer is simple, “Yes, you are!” Paul wrote it this way, “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all” (I Corinthians 12:4-6). You weren’t
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created to operate exactly like another person; you have your own way of leading. The roadblocks that many leaders face is: 1) trying to lead like someone else; 2) not using wisdom when leading; and 3) refusing to be teachable (a student, mentee, or follower of another). At this juncture, my question to you is, “What roadblocks have you encountered while leading?” There are four supportive and directive behaviors when it comes to situational leadership: Telling (Directing), Selling (Coaching), Participating (Supporting), and Delegating (Hersey & Blanchard 1981; Northouse, 2010). In order to be an effective leader,
No one wants a loud noise of chaos; neither does anyone want to be led by an unstable leader. You have to exercise, learn, and go through a process to be a skillful and effective leader.
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from a situational perspective, it is important for you to be able to adapt your style to meet the demands of different situations and environments. You have to clearly tell what you want. You have to communicate at the level of your audience in order to effectively coach them. You have to be willing to support others and be an active participant in projects that aren’t about you. You have to know how to delegate and relinquish authority to another person; it is okay to have someone to help you! Become aware of what your leadership skills are and hone them. It is written in Psalm 33:3 “Sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” The key word is skillfully. No one wants a loud noise of chaos; neither does
anyone want to be led by an unstable leader. You have to exercise, learn, and go through a process to be a skillful and effective leader. A lot can be said about leadership, but you are left with this: When you lead, lead by example. Be a positive representation of leadership; one who operates ethically and with morale.
Chakita Hargrove, PhD CEO & Human Resource Program Analyst
hysical fitness is not the most thrilling experience for a wide spectrum of people. It was only two years ago that I was severely anemic. I often express how challenging my days were as it relates to my energy level. Often the task of walking a few steps up a flight of stairs would leave me gasping for air. Fast forward to this year, I almost have to pinch myself in amazement at how different life is now! I typically work out for 2 hours straight with my husband or alone during my cardio classes. I believe it is important to have your spouse on board when you are seeking to establish new patterns of wellness.
However, if your spouse chooses not to be supportive do not allow the lack thereof to deter you from the pursuit of your fitness goal.
rise above my personal comfort level. As a team, we motivate each other to excel in all areas of life. Training with my mate is a powerful time of bonding where we grow together as one.
A lifestyle change is not to be taken lightly. Nothing massive ever occurred by being passive! I believe it is important to have a strong support system, a community of cheerleaders that will champion you to new realms of greatness, realistic goals and trusted accountability partners.
The benefits of training with my companion such as increased physical attraction, sexual intimacy, feel good hormones, heightened self- confidence and internal fulfillment far outweigh the discomfort of working out.
I know emphatically that my mind, emotions and body are stronger because my husband sees the best in me. When I miss the mark he challenges me to
Kristie Kennedy Ward Women’s Worth and Wellness Expert
Magnificent Living Magazine | 19
Kristie Kennedy Empowerment Enterprises, LLC DBA Magnificent Living Magazine “Delivering You the Keys to Limitless Possibilities� P.O. Box 6464 Tallahassee, FL 32314