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Exam Code C1000-118 Full Exam Name IBM Certified Professional Architect - Cloud v5 Number of Questions 61 Practice Exams IBM C1000-118 Certification Practice Exam Passing Score 63% Time Limit 90 mins Books / Training IBM Cloud Professional Architect IBM C1000-118 Exam Detail Enjoy success with
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IBM C1000-118
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Option. a) Round-robin b) Fixed Weighting c) Least connections d) Weighted Response Time e) Resource Based (Adaptive) Q 1) When using Application Load Balancer for VPC, what two methods are used for distributing traffic across the back-end application servers? Enjoy success with
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a) Round-robin c) Least connections
Q 2) A company is looking to transform their three-tier application to cloud. The stack uses physical servers on-premises and will use virtual server instances (VSIs) on IBM Cloud. The company has also added global load balancing through Cloud Internet Services and a pair of Gateway Appliances to the environment. What benefit does the global load balancer provide during transformation? Enjoy success with Option. a) Allows traffic to simultaneously flow to both the on-premises bare metal servers and oncloud VSIs b) Client can distribute traffic using weights to ramp up to the new environment c) Balances traffic across multiple clouds d) Provides secure network connectivity between the existing environment and the new environment
b) Client can distribute traffic using weights to ramp up to the new environment
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Q 3) Which IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions shared component has visibility to backup VMs from any Virtual Data Center in the organization? Enjoy success with Option. a) Veeam Cloud Connect b) Veeam Availability Suite c) Veeam Backup Essentials d) Veeam Availability Orchestrator
b) Veeam Availability Suite Enjoy success with
Q 4) A CIO is concerned about a major regional disaster. Which IBM Cloud Code Engine deployment architecture ensures workloads are resilient to such events? Enjoy success with Option. a) Deploy workloads across multiple MZR regions and use Cloud Internet Service b) Deploy workloads across multiple data centers and use Citrix Netscaler c) Deploy workloads across multiple VPC and use the Load Balancer for VPC d) Deploy workloads across multiple zones in a region and use Load Balancer for VPC
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Deploy workloads
Internet Service
across multiple MZR regions and
Q 5) What responsibility related to incident and operations management for VMware Solutions Shared is owned by IBM Cloud? Enjoy success with Option. a) Provision virtual data centers in each multizone region and deploy workloads b) Monitor and respond to application failures c) Remediate environmental issues d) Plan and provision VMware infrastructure according to availability requirements
c) Remediate environmental issues
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