Enchantment E X P E R I E N C E
ISSUE NO. O3 Â | MAY 2020
Faith Experiencing The Holy Spirit
Thriving in Quarantine
Tea Parties to Video Games
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04 Faith 04
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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19 Many of us feel some extra burden right now with this global pandemic going on. Just know that God is here for you and he will help you through it. For me, going back to homeschooling my daughter was quite a challenge. I had been counting down to the day she would start Kindergarten and I would have the house all to myself for part of the day. As an introvert, having all three of us (my daughter,my husband, and I) under the same roof 24/7 is a bit much. I am constantly turning to the Holy Spirit and asking for Peace, Patience, and Kindness. This magazine is all about the Holy Spirit because we all need a little more of him in our lives right now. Sincerely, Kristi Verde CEO and Founder ExperienceEnchantment.com
One of the first introductions to the Holy Spirit I received was at a young age while attending a church service. It was time for a musical selection. I suddenly noticed that there were no instruments in sight. They believed that your voice was your instrument. It was also my first time experiencing a choir singing a cappella. I couldn’t believe the sound came from four individuals. If my eyes were closed, I would have assumed that there was a full choir singing. It sounded heavenly; so much that I felt compelled to stand and raise my hand to the sound only for the moment to be shortlived by a church mother who pulled me down and pinched my side with a slow twist as she spoke through her teeth, “Sit down! You’re going to go to hell if you even think about acting like a fool in here.”
Some years passed by before I learned exactly what the church mother meant. I gathered that there were and are people who believe that any outward expression that appears to be uncontrolled, was believed to be silly and not of God. Over the years, I’ve learned through studying the bible and by way of experience, that there’s nothing neither foolish nor strange about the Holy Spirit. A more recent memorable experience with the Holy Spirit happened last fall, during a threeday fast. During this time I was determined to be more intentional about how I spent my time with God throughout each day. That meant taking time to incorporate prayer, meditation, confession, reading the word of God and worshipping. On the first night, after meditation, I began to pray.
The Holy Spirit brought the name of a near and dear person to mind and I spoke her name. As I prayed, I became overcome with emotion and the Holy Spirit began to pray on my behalf for her as I spoke in my heavenly language. I, then, began to worship the Lord. During worship, my phone began ringing; it was the very person I had just prayed for. She received shocking news about a sudden death and had become overwhelmed about the “extras” that come with managing funeral arrangements. In the past, I’ve had experience managing funerals; and I’m certain that others would agree when I say that managing funeral arrangements doesn’t simply begin and end with resources and documentation. So, I didn’t hesitate to share what helped me could possibly be of assistance to her. I commended her for offering to support during such a time and also encouraged her not to take anything personally as the family of the deceased may react in various ways to the sudden loss. I shared tips on how to navigate a few of these personalities before, during and after the day of the funeral. She also mentioned that she was faced with having to answer a question about life and death.
I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to minister to her. Before having an opportunity, she noticed the time and needed to get prepared for an early morning. I promised to check on her following the funeral. After the call, I thanked the Holy Spirit for his presence. My desire is that Christ continues to live in me and through me by His Spirit. This cannot be bought nor sold. A few weeks later, I followed up after the funeral with the sister who called me and shared the gospel of Christ and how much Jesus loves her. I thanked God for the opportunity to share Jesus with His people. Here are a few things that I would love for you to know about the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is a very precious gift for everyone who receives Christ as their Lord. It is a gift; and what do we do when we’re given such a great gift? We receive it (and hopefully say, “Thank you,” to the Source who promised it). The word of God states that it was Christ who instructed his apostles (who had already received the gift of the Holy Spirit) to not leave Jerusalem until they’ve received the gift his father promised and they’d receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:4-5).
This isn’t just any gift. This is the gift that provides power to the recipient. The power to do what exactly, you say? “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.” Acts 1:8 AMPC The Holy Spirit is very presence of God. The spirit of God will lead and guide you into all truth. What is the truth? The truth is Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6) Wait, wasn’t it Jesus who sent his spirit to dwell with man? Just who’s spirit is this, Jesus’ or God’s? Jesus is One with God (John 10:30). And those who accept Him become One spirit with Him (1Corinthians 6:17). Jesus, the Christ, is the word of God that became flesh. God is a Spirit and is Holy. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and He is the doer of God’s works.
So, you may be asking, who am I to receive such a gift? You were created in the image of God:“God said, Let Us (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness…” Genesis 1:26 AMPC You are a spirit, who possesses a soul that lives in a body. It is my hope that you come to receive Christ and be inseparably one with Holy Spirit so much that others who may not know Him, are drawn to the spirit of God in you and desire to know more about Him. Santasha Williams Perception Pathway info@PerceptionPathway.com
Don't Give up! by Candace Hutson
Two weeks after I started as a freshman in college, my house burned down. My family made it out safely, but everything we owned was gone. My family was scheduled to bring the rest of my belongings to campus the following week. But there was nothing left to bring. When my cousin called me to give me the news, my heart sank. At first, I thought I lost my family. Knowing that everyone was ok trumped the loss of material things. But my most overwhelming thought was, I’m going to have to drop out of school. I was a first-generation college student, attending my dream school and now I’m going to have to give that up. I survived my freshman year. By the time May came around, I had a home to go home too. Soon after I would encounter what seemed like another setback. As a sophomore in college, I became a teenage mom.
I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and know He is my savior. At age 17, I began to have some of the first encounters with the Holy Spirit that I was aware of. Dealing with the loss of our home, my family living in a shelter, and becoming a teenage mom lead me to experience the Holy Spirit as my helper. Comforter…. One of the first ways I’ve experienced the Holy Spirit has been my comforter. Guilt and depression riddled me during the fire and when I found out I was pregnant. In each instance, I wondered, why me? I actually made it to college, something no one has done in my family yet. Why does it seem that everything that can happen is trying to prevent me from being here? I was a good girl.
How could I be so irresponsible and become pregnant? I would pray to God about these things. And His answers would come in the most miraculous ways. He sent me people to support me in ways I couldn’t even imagine. My school expenses always seemed to get paid although it had become challenging to manage our finances now starting over. He sent me angels to encourage me through my tough days. My mother embraced me and in each situation reminded me of how intelligent and strong I was and I was going to stay in school and finish. There was this still voice that would come to me during my darkest nights when I had no one to speak to. I would hear everything is going to work out, you are going to be okay.
Strengthener…. People would say to me, “Candace you’re so strong!” I actually began to despise hearing it. I didn’t want to be strong. I wanted to be like every other teenager who seemed to be having the time of their lives while I was making adult decisions and scared out of my mind. Like how in the world am I going to raise this child and go to school? My mother refused to allow me to take time off school in fear that I would never return. In the spring semester of my sophomore year, I made an agreement with my professors. It allowed me to come home, do my school work remotely, give birth to my son and go back to school to finish my spring semester. I have no idea where the strength came for me to execute this. One of the strongest things I ever did was leave my son home while I went back to school to finish the semester. I lived in NY and my school was in Washington, D.C. I came home every weekend to spend time with him until May. It took so much to focus in class.
All I could think of was how fast can Friday get here so I could go to NY to be with him. When I finished the semester I did feel strong. It was then I knew that my strength wasn’t me, it was supernatural. The Holy Spirit strengthened me beyond what I was capable of. My family did bounce back from the fire. I finished school and obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. I did it in 4 years with my 2-year-old son watching me. I now have 3 amazing children 18, 13 and 7. My oldest, my son that spent the first 2 years of his life on Howard University’s campus is now a college freshman. He finished his first semester of school with a 4.0. I now have an Academic Success Coaching business where I mentor students and parents through the college planning process and journey. I couldn’t see back then what it was all for. Your test and trials aren’t just for you. God uses it for His glory. And don’t give up, you have help. The Holy Spirit lives inside you and will do the supernatural through you.
Meeting the Holy Spirit by Allyson A. Robinson
Most people call it a conscience. That small voice that says “Don’t do that!” or “Go left.”
Just then, I felt a small nudge on my right shoulder. “Okay, I’m going!” I said. I sat there a bit longer. The nudge came again. “Okay
I call it the Holy Spirit. That voice on the inside that leads and guides in times of trouble, confusion, and clarity. From a young age, I was raised in church. Choir rehearsal on Tuesdays, my dad’s choir rehearsal on Thursdays, some kind of youth activity on Saturday, and church on Sunday. I was learning about God through music, dance, and children’s church lessons. But I had never experienced Him. I never felt Him moving and helping me make decisions.
Okay!” I whispered, trying my best not to look crazy. What’s so surprising about this encounter was that I wasn’t afraid when I felt the tangible touch of the Holy Spirit. I just “knew” who it was; the Holy Spirit. He and I both knew it was time to make the decision and give my life to Christ. Since that time, I’ve consistently been intrigued with the Holy Spirit. I wanted to know more about Him. I wanted to know how He operated. When did He come around? Why did he show up? What did He want with me? He became my constant companion, especially
Until one day... I was 12 years old and children’s church was dismissing. At the end of every service, they would always open the doors of the church for people to accept Christ and for baptism. Each Sunday, I would sit and clap for those that made the decision to accept Christ into their heart. It wasn’t that big of a deal to me at the time. I was ready to get upstairs, talk to my friends, grab my cookies and juice, and go home to relax before school the following day. But this Sunday, after they dismissed, I couldn’t get up from my seat. All my friends had left. The chapel was clearing out. Normally, I would’ve been gone by this point. But this time, I could not move. Although there were people still inside the chapel, I felt as if the whole room had cleared out, and it was me and God.
in moments when I honestly wanted Him to look the other way and say nothing. While I appreciated Him being there to keep me safe from headache, heartbreak, and harm, there were times that I fought against Him... hard. I can remember one night, walking across campus in the middle of the night going to hang out with my boyfriend. Less than 100 feet from the door, the Holy Spirit says “Don’t go.” So I turned around. But my flesh said “No, you have to go!” So I turned about around and walked back towards his dorm. “No, don’t go.” So I turned around again to go back to my room. But then I started to think about how I didn’t want my boyfriend asking questions about why I didn’t show up. I started to feel guilty about saying I would show up and then not showing up. To be honest, I didn’t want to feel alone that night. So I fought against that still, small voice, and went anyway.
To this day, I regret that moment. I wish I would’ve been obedient. I wish I could’ve been stronger than my flesh.
The Holy Spirit is such a valuable, caring, and loving companion. I’ve learned to cherish Him even when it’s not convenient for me.
But the beautiful side to that story? The Holy Spirit didn’t rub His hands together and say “I’m done with you Allyson.” He didn’t walk away from me the same way I walked away from Him and into the arms of my boyfriend.
The following quote helped me truly understand the value of what we carry on the inside of us on a daily basis.
He stayed. He continued to love on me and through me. He never stopped warning me. He never gave up on me. To this day, He still speaks in a still, small voice (sometimes, a strong voice when he needs to get my attention) and continues to guide my steps when the road seems strange.
“When we get to heaven, we’ll see Moses and Noah. We’ll rush up to them and ask “What was it like to walk with God.”” “Their response?” “What was is like to have God living in you?”
When The Unexpected Happens by Teri A. Cox
There are times in life when everything is rolling along as smoothly as possible, then out of nowhere the unexpected happens and tests your Faith. Five months ago, I lost my sister. We were very close, talked about everything from living to dying. I always thought that she would be around forever. Losing your parents, uncles, and aunties, is so different from losing a sibling. Your sibling is or can be so much of what helps shapes you as you are growing up. My Faith was tested on November 2, 2019, at 10:00 am. Just the day before, I was getting ready to attend an event my sister was hosting. We had talked the night before just to be sure that everything was checked off the to-do list. I was really excited to attend the event. That morning I received a call from her husband. Ruth is gone. I heard the words, but I couldn't process the meaning. Gone. Through my screams & tears, I am saying to God, I know that this did not catch you by surprise, and I Thank you for the time that you gave me to enjoy and learn from her. You said to ask anything in your name, so I am asking for you to help me walk this journey without my sister because the loss is unexpected and unbearable for me right now.
As I am helping with her going home service, I am listening for the quiet whispers from the Lord. I have learned that during quiet times and stressful times if we get still and quiet, the Lord will whisper words of encouragement and support. Anyone that knows me, knows that I Keep God In the First Place. This is how I show respect and honor giving all the Glory to him. I share my story because I have since discovered that there are no support groups for when you lose a sibling. It’s a different type of loss. What I do know is that trusting your Faith, can help with the loss, but it’s something that takes time. If any of the many readers of this article have experienced this kind of loss, just know that if you believe in the Lord and ask in his name, get still and listen for his whispers of Love, Kindness, Mercy, And Grace, your days become lighter. During my days of loss, I have found comfort in the 23rd Psalm.
A Spirit lead move by Amber Gayle Goettman
It’s easy to be at the end of a chapter, look
I was single and living about 150 miles from
back, and see where every disappointment
the big city. So close, yet so far. I started
pushed you toward the place God wanted
updating my house and making
you to be.
preparations to relocate. I backed off the aggression of my side hustle –an event
But, what about the time at the beginning
planning business that I had poured my
of a new chapter? The time where you may
heart into for seven years, I updated my
feel restless or unsettled. You can’t quite
resume and reached out to my contacts.
put your finger on it but something doesn’t
“I’m trying to get to San Antonio. It’s time!
feel right. Maybe you feel led to something
I’m going to be a “Miss” forever if I don’t
but there is no clear path to get there.
leave here, by the way!” I’d often joke.
Back in early 2016 this “feeling” happened
My efforts paid off. By February I had my
to me. I strongly felt that it was time to
first interview in the San Antonio area and
move to San Antonio. For years I
in March, I had my first interview for a job
mentioned I wanted to move to the Texas
on my goal list! Another job vacancy and
Hill Country, even applying randomly for
interview in April. Then another! Four
positions through my employer to San
vacancies and interviews between February
Antonio locations, but never really pursued
and July 2016. After my first interview I
it full force. Then, in 2016, I felt it in my
learned I was the “second alternate” –third
gut... it was time. I was convinced it was
place. The following three interviews? The
coming, and it was coming with a
second choice. Only one person beat me
out each and every time!
18 Now, as much as I believe in things working
Late August, I was browsing up-coming
out the way they’re supposed to, I do not like
vacancies and saw that a brand new division
being the second choice. As summer was
had stood up in San Antonio with my company
coming to a close, the San Antonio promotion
that came with a brand new “goal job” position
options dried up and my earthly mind had a
as well as five new positions identical to the
lot to say. There really seemed to be no way.
one I was currently occupying. My eyes were
The Holy Spirit, however, was relentless. It
in disbelief. This type of expansion never
was planted in my gut, in my heart. It was for
happens; it certainly hadn’t happened in the
me. I was going to San Antonio. So, with the
past fifteen years.
help of my family reminding me to stay in peace, I kept taking the steps to move to San
I reached out to the hiring official and
Antonio and reminding myself that God would
expressed my interest. Her response was that
work all things for my good.
she heard great things about me but wouldn’t consider me for the promotion with a paid
Other things were happening, too. In May, I
move but would love to have me and would
came home from a business trip and had water
offer me a transfer. I received that job offer
all over my guest bathroom floor. The roof
on December 23rd and officially moved to San
had leaked, but that leak resulted in a nice
Antonio in February of 2017. Since my
upgraded roof and guest bathroom, with my
brother had out of the blue relocated to San
insurance paying the bulk of the tab. In early
Antonio, I was able to move in with him while
August, my brother called to tell he was taking
finishing up my house updates and packing.
a job in a suburb north of San Antonio. I was in
My realtor, who I met through another Godly
shock. He had never wanted to live in the
ordained connection, knew my taste from my
area. I was happy for him but secretly trying
party planning business, knew I had a great
not to be slightly disappointed since I still
home for a first-time buyer and had been
didn’t seem to be making any headway on
talking my house up for weeks. As soon as I
getting to the Hill Country. I started to wonder
signed the paper making him my realtor
if I had heard the message wrong and San
another realtor from his firm brought a client,
Antonio was for my brother, not for me.
and we were under contract. My house sold instantly.
I moved to San Antonio and slept on my
aThe key here is knowing when it’s the
brother’s couch. I worked hard,
Holy Spirit, taking action, and staying the
officially assigned to the same position I
course. Is what you’re sensing calm and
had been in previously, met my coworkers and made friends. A few months after I arrived, one of them asked if he could date me. We were married a little over a year later. Two months after I got married, I was officially PROMOTED to the position that my boss said she wouldn’t consider me for originally. She has since told me she regrets not hiring me immediately as a promotion candidate, but I explained that it had to happen this way. I had to have time to date my (now) husband because otherwise, I would have been too busy for him! Everything lined up at the right time, and I’m thankful I followed my gut even when it didn’t make sense or when
constant? Are you able to stay in peace even though if you were to look at the situation with your natural eyes it would look crazy? For me, I always feel it in my gut, whether it’s good or bad. How does the Holy Spirit speak to you?
things didn’t look like they were lining up. I’m sure people thought I was a little crazy. I know I definitely had moments when I doubted what I felt in my spirit, but faith is a muscle. It makes me wonder how Noah felt building the ark!
I'm an entrepreneur and staying home with my daughter has always provided a challenge to my family/work balance. So this year was the year that I was going to be a full time entrepreneur with no distractions because my daughter would be in Kindergarten. She would get her daily dose of kids and I would get my daily dose of quiet. It was a win/win situation. The saying, " If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans," comes to mind. Things were going great until a global pandemic came and knocked everything on it's head. Life wasn't perfect before, but we each had more of our needs being met on a daily basis. Then the schools closed and my social butterfly was without her friends and I was wildly overstimulated.
Thank God for counselors! Our counselors helped us each come up with ways to manage our needs during this crazy time: My husband needs to go for walks outside since he spends most of his day in the basement. I purchased noise canceling headphones per my counselor's recommendation. My daughter is doing as many video chats with friends and family as we can manage. These are just a few of the things that are helping us manage some of the added stress of this time. I'd like to know what is helping you through this time. Let us know on our Facebook page.
My daughter was so excited to get all the
When Veronica came to the table she scarfed
makings of a tea party in the mail from my
down a little bit of all the different foods and
sister- scone mix, tea, chocolates, and
took a few sips of her tea before announcing
gummies. Veronica insisted we have a
she was done.
princess tea party and we both dress up. Tea
an eat and run situation. I was really
parties is our thing and it has been since my
No talking or playing- it was
daughter was a toddler. She wanted this to be an extra fancy tea party. So I spent time
It seems these days my daughter's interests
arranging all the gummies in colorful
have shifted and I'm learning to adjust. She
patterns. There were flowers and everything
doesn't want to do as much make believe as
looked great.
we once did but she is happy to sit and work on crafts and art projects. Veronica's favorite way to spend time with me now is tickle fights and snuggle watching. Her biggest passion at the moment is something I've never liked- computer/video games. Sometimes I'll sit and watch her play as she describes everything about the game. Ocassionally I'll even join in. While this is not my favorite way to spend time I enjoy that my daughter still loves spending time with me and wants me involved in everything she does. I think it is so important to not take that for granted.
I want to be close to my daughter. My goal is to always be thinking about how my choices will effect our future relationship. This is a balancing act. I don't always do what she wants but I try to make sure that I take an interest in her and what she cares about. Do you struggle with your child's changing interests? I'd love to hear more about your parenting goals and struggles. Leave me a message on my facebook page.
Enchantment E X P E R I E N C E
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