Enchantment E X P E R I E N C E
ISSUE NO. O2 Â | FEB 2020
Faith Graceful Gladiator: be a woman who walks in her softness and her strength.
Getting Help: There is no shame in getting the help you need.
Capsule Wardrobes: Take the hassle out of getting dressed.
Join The Lens Lifestyle!
Even if all you have is a camera phone, you can still learn to take great photos for your business!
Join the Course!
36 Family 18 GETTING HELP
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 Winter is not my favorite time of year. That is why I decided to dedicate this issue to fighting battles. After that decision was made I was swallowed by a huge spiritual battle. My physical and mental health were depleted and this magazine was delayed. However, God is good and I'm happy to finally release this issue. I hope it is a great comfort to you in whatever battles you are facing today. I want to thank each and every woman who contributed to this magazine. There are some very vulnerable stories shared in this issue with the hopes of helping you on your current journey. Sincerely, Kristi Verde CEO and Founder ExperienceEnchantment.com
by Hannah Place
I could become the Graceful Gladiator He designed me to be: a woman who walks in her softness and her strength. A woman with quiet confidence, bold assurance, and purpose that surpasses my current understanding.
In elementary school on career day, while other girls in my class dressed up as veterinarians or astronauts, I brought a stroller full of baby dolls. All I could dream of was growing up, getting married, and having babies. I couldn’t wait! While my college girlfriends were exploring, traveling, and partying, I was taking academic overload so I could graduate early and get married. And, my plans worked out- I did it. The dream I had since I was a little girl came true and at 20 years old I graduated university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and walked down the aisle to the man I was sure I’d share the rest of my life with. So imagine my surprise when just a few short years later, I ended up heartbroken, depressed, and DIVORCED. I never saw it coming.
I was a sheltered, Christian girl and the word divorce wasn’t even in my vocabulary. Not only that, I was also a Pastor’s daughter getting a divorce. I was humiliated, full of shame, and convinced that I had disappointed God and that because of this great failure God could never, ever use me again. Any plans He had for me were officially over, and I was destined to a life full of second best, with my past haunting me. Can you relate? In the years that preceded the divorce and the months following, I would wake up every morning and before my eyes would open I would think, “please God, don’t let this be my life.” But it was. It was lonely, full of fake smiles, and I had lost any strength to hope. Even though I was successful in my corporate career, drove my dream car, and experienced financial success, I believed I was destined to live in the haunting shadow of my pain.
I’ll never forget moving back into the guest room at my parents’ house... Talk about an utter LOW. I closed the door behind me, fell to my knees and with tears streaming down my face I looked up to heaven and said, “I don’t think You even want to use me anymore God, but if there’s anyway You do, please use this mess and use me. This story is Yours.”
Other women I know who have been through devastating moments, hardship, and trauma, experience something similar- they let their Graceful nature die. Being soft and open feel horribly vulnerable and they learn to build a wall, and get aggressive so no one can ever hurt them again. Which one do you identify with?
I didn’t know it then, but that was step one. And over the next months and years, He began to rebuild my heart and show me His great, redeeming love for me. And as He worked on unpacking the baggage, lies, and fear I had been living in, He showed me that I had given up my Gladiator spirit… The nature He had built into me that was strong, independent, a valiant warrior. In the years that broke me down I had begun to believe the lie that standing up for myself was scary and resulted in pain. So I started living small, acting small, believing small. Have you ever been there?
In the process of healing God took me through a process of bringing my Graceful and Gladiator natures back together: of understanding that both of these natures were built into me for a purpose, and then when they are in alignment is when I can make my highest contribution to myself, my family, and the world. I learned that I can embrace and lean in to even the parts of me that I had once disregarded as weakness, and that through this process I could become the Graceful Gladiator He designed me to be: a woman who walks in her softness and her strength. A woman with quiet confidence, bold assurance, and purpose that surpasses my current understanding.
And so in the past 2 years, Graceful Gladiator has become a movement that daily equips and empowers women to live in alignment with every single bit of the beauty that God built into them.
Graceful Gladiator became my identity. I could identify simply in moments of pain what nature I was disregarding and make the conscious decision to stay in alignment and operate in the design God created for me. Using Graceful Gladiator became an instant reminder and recalibration to operate in His strength. After all:
Sister, I know life can be really hard and even ugly at times. I am praying that as you give your story back to Him that you will also reclaim your inner Graceful Gladiator, because that is the woman He created you to be.
“God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 Today I am a new woman- yes still in progress but I have discovered the glorious joy of submitting my will to my Heavenly Father and letting Him do what He does best. He never ceases to amaze me. Years ago if you told me that I would share my story openly- I would have told you that you were crazy! Yet, God took me up on my offer that evening in my parents guest room, and He showed me that I am not the only woman who has lost her Graceful or Gladiator nature. He opened my eyes to the hurt and shame that women are living inbelieving their strength is a weakness, fearing they aren’t strong enough to live with purpose, being haunted by their past, protecting their hearts with walls that really just keep God’s best away.
See you in The Arena, Hannah Connect with Hannah: @MrsHannahPlace (IG + FB) Join the movement: www.AmplifyYourPurposeNow.com Special Offering for a free month in The Arena, just click the box while signing up!
Hannah Place is a faith based speaker, podcaster, and Founder of Graceful Gladiator. A Pastor’s daughter with a dynamic, intuitive, and vivacious spirit, Hannah shares the trial and triumph she has experienced including battles with divorce, inadequacy, and worry—and invites other women to discover and boldly pursue their God-given purpose from a place of freedom. Finding continuous joy in cultivating safe, empowering spaces for women, Hannah brings her love of God’s word and intertwines it with proven psychological principles to create what she calls Battle Plans- practical, strategic action plans for women to walk forward with boldness and confidence. Hannah has spoken for church conferences, business conferences, women’s groups, and her podcast is heard internationally.
Alongside her husband, Mike, she lives in Scottsdale Arizona with their Dogo Argentino, Chance. They love long bike rides, finding the best local pizza, and reading outside on the porch swing.
Debt Free by Vasti Wilkins
College was my golden ticket to the good
Yet, I was this ambitious young mom who
life. I thought the only way to pay
had set out with every intention
for it was through student loans, so I
to change the history of her last name. I
bought into the idea of what seemingly
didn’t know if I would ever get
would afford me the experience of a
there but I knew I had to try because those
lifetime. It was simply my greatest
little bright eyes looking up at
effort to get my piece of the pie in this
me deserved so much more. In the midst of
American Dream that I had been
this I had made my home at a
sold into long before college was even a
local church that seemed to be filled with
people with incredible stories, careers, and aspirations all because of Jesus.
When I left college two degrees later, I had accumulated $231,457.08 in
I jumped in with both feet to start figuring
student loan debt. I was terrified and had
out what this Jesus thing was all
no idea how I would ever in
about. As my faith began to take its shape, I
my lifetime or my children pay off that
connected to one of the Titus
much money. I mean, how did
women of our house who disciple me. Ok,
this even happen. I had the debt of a doctor
let’s be clear. Finances was not
on the salary of a teacher.
a topic for me to discuss with her as far as I was concerned.
My salary already wasn’t stretching far enough for this solo parent living in Northern, VA and no other income sources. So, I ran from my debt. I felt hopeless and defeated in my finances. Just the thought of it would bring tears to my eyes.
10 That was totally separate from her helping me
moment my relationship with finances would
grow as a believer. Besides,
never be the same and everygenerational curse
I was taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace
attached would be broken. So, I linked arms
University course that Fall so
with theLord because I knew that if I wanted to
I was sure it was Gods answer for me. The
truly stand for Him it meant complete
tricky thing about walking
surrender of every area of my life.
with Jesus is the closer you draw to Him the more He seems to touch
Although my relationship with money was
on things that you don’t and in the way, He
completely transformed going
forward, I still wasn’t sure this debt would ever go away. I wasn’t afraid of it
That year had been the most turmoil in my
anymore. Little did I know, God loves to take
finances that I had ever
the impossible and show us ‘I
experienced. I was consistently having more
AM Possible’.
month than money every month. Even during my time in the FPU
During the first year of handling money on
course and trying to apply the
His terms I fasted every
principles I was spinning in this vicious cycle.
Wednesday for His wisdom and direction. I paid off over $26K in that year
So, I finally got the memo and through tears,
on my teacher's salary as a solo parent.
pain, regrets, and more I
Consumer debts were gone and
surrendered my finances completely to the
now I was face to face with this mountain.
Lord. I brought my finances to
Student loan debt. All I knew to
my next discipleship meeting. Impromptluy
do was pray and believe that He would
during that meeting, two other
miraculously wipe it away. In faith, I
Titus women showed up. They circled around
wrote the amount down, placed it on the wall
me and prayed that in that
in my prayer closet, and circled it in prayer every time I looked at it.
Four years later I started dating my
away with overflow. Whoa! My
husband. We had the money
heartsoftens every time I remember
conversation throughout marriage
this. I couldn’t believe it. My husband
counseling. Along the way in our
hadbeen saving for years. His beloved
datingseason we had a rough patch of
grandfather had shared with him in
not seeing eye to eye on finances and
thebeginning of his endeavors to not
itwas concerning. I grew so concerned
touch that money, as he believed
that He didn’t have a heart to
Godwanted him to hold it until He told
providethat I almost walked away from
him to use it. We were both in awe of
the relationship.
I figured I already had too much debt to
Five months into marriage and on my
work out, I wasn’t going to add the
birthday, we became debt free. My
stress of someone who doesn’t want to
doubt had been delivered into an
provide. Well, we both realized we
incredible life of faith. We both wanted
couldn’t go anywhere because we knew
God had told us that we were to
be completely free to do whatever and
be husband and wife. We learned how to
go wherever God leads us in this life
work through and got on one
with him. We chose to anchor ourselves
accord. We entered marital bliss and
in God and see what He does
within one month we had combined
despite what it looks like in the natural.
all of our finances. We are all about
God wrote the ending to my years
being in alignment to God’s word.
of prayer, discipline, and hope while simultaneously writing the beginning of
As we unpacked the fullness of where we stood financially, together we looked at our savings and there before our eyes was the money we needed to completely wipe the student loans
our story with Him as one.
Vasti Wilkins is a Jesus Lover, Wife, Mom, and widely known as the Lifestyle Renovator. She delivers a complete blend of being a Certified Corporate Consultant and Certified Personal + Executive Coach. Vasti brings her corporate structure and strategies to help her clients build scalable, profitable business’ using their unique gifts. She pairs that with her Positive Psychology based coaching techniques to dismantle client mindset barriers to live the life they desire in wholeness. It brings her joy to teach ambitious new entrepreneurs who know they have a divine purpose but are spinning in cycles trying to fulfill it to gain courageous clarity in their purpose, release their gifts into the world aligned with the legacy blueprint they are created to live, and continually expand to make their incredible impact.
Barbara Lockhart: Overcoming Depression INTERVIEW BY KRISTI VERDE
Barbara (cont'd):
Hi Barbara! I'm so excited to talk to you today about your brand. I think you have an amazing story and I would love to share it with some other people. So I was reading on your website that you started in 2014, turning your love of jewelry into a passion for creating it. You also mentioned that you were dealing with a lot of depression and anxiety can you tell me a little bit about that?
So I started researching some schools and I found the New York Institute of art and design and I started looking into the program. Thats when I was like, let me look further into this and give it a try and see how I like it. I turned out to really like it and it was something that helped me not feel as depressed or think about it or feel anxious. It made me feel like I was heading in a direction of having a career and getting better.
Barbara: In 2014 I would say that was a time when I was going through depression and anxiety. A couple years before (like 2012 ) that's when I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder. In 2014 I had recently come out of a treatment facility for depression and anxiety. When I was there I didn't have the best experience. It wasn't a very healthy environment for people that had depression and anxiety. So that year I had recently just came home and I was trying to find out what was next for me. How was I going to get better and what was I going to do with my life? When I was at the treatment facility I saw a lady making jewelry out of the few materials that they gave us. It was some beads, some Crystals, some string, and I was like that's really cool. I would love to do that. So when I got home (I would say Thanksgiving of 2014) I was still thinking about this lady making jewelry by herself and I was like, you know maybe I should start trying to do something like that.
Kristi: Thats awesome! So would you say there were certain things that triggered your anxiety and depression?
Barbara: At that time I was definitely depressed and anxious because of triggers. I grew up with a very traumatic childhood, lots of abuse and neglect. Also, I want to say around 2012, when I started feeling really, really depressed, I wasn’ t doing as well as I was before in school. I was doing really well in college. I had a 4.0 gpa, I was inducted into some honor societies, and then I took on a job, my first job I ever had, and I think it was too much. Like I had this job and I had school. I would be really tired. I think I started experiencing burnout and it triggered the depression and the anxiety. So it was a combination of new stressors and things that I never actually got to deal with from my childhood.
Barbara :
So you had counseling and things like that which helped you deal with it better then?
When I was still depressed and anxious I was taking, I was on quite a couple of different medications and I remember the last thing I took was something called Wellbutrin. It was working pretty good. I was taking it, I wasn't experiencing side effects like I was with other medications.
Barbara: It wasn't until I started talking to my mom and saying I think I should see someone. I started having suicidal thoughts. It's like I didn't really have a desire to do much of anything and I couldn't find out why I was feeling so down. I never experienced that before. So when I started experiencing that I had suicidal thoughts, that's when she was like ok, let's start looking into some counseling. We tried a lot of different things, psychologists, psychiatrists, hypnotists, and then we started going to treatment centers, and then some group therapy.
Kristi: Yeah. I have a history with depression and anxiety as well. I see a counselor, I'm on some anxiety medication. I thought it was amazing reading your story because I love how you took something that is so painful and then you turned it around and made it into something wonderful by creating your jewelry. I just want you to share a little bit about the idea, the inspiration, what exactly about this painful experience brought about your business?
Also, that's the time when I recently had joined a new church. I started talking Bible study classes and I made a big step. I was baptised that year as well. I noticed after I was baptised, I think it was the medicine too, but I think overall it was taking a new step in faith that is what really helped me overcome it. After I was baptised then taking the right medications the depression felt like it was lifting off of me. When you are depressed your senses are muted. You can't see colors as brightly, you can't taste things and that's when I started looking up at the sky a lot and I noticed it was so blue. I had never seen it that blue before. When I looked up it made me feel at peace. It made me feel like everything was going to be ok. That became the theme of my line. I had learned about testimony. It used to be very hard for me to talk about depression and anxiety because of the things you experience when you are talking about it with other people. It's not really a positive thing that you experience, but I have learned that sharing your testimony sets people free.
I've seen healing in myself, in my husband, and people all around me, just having those conversations. That is why when I read your story I was like, I want to reach out and see if she is open to having this discussion and having it in my magazine. Especially, your faith is a big part of you and your brand. I've seen you online talking from a real place of authority, just a couple of days ago, you talking about not worrying. Knowing your struggles with anxiety I feel like that is part of what empowers you to talk so strongly, so boldly, about standing firm and how God says don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. When you've been through the pain it really changes the meaning of those words for you. You're like, oh that's why.
Barbara: Yeah, and I really wanted to do that for other people. I noticed when I was at group sessions and things of that nature once you share your story it makes the people want to share as well. You never know, just saying the smallest things to someone about what you've been through it really awakens stuff in other people. It could be something small, something you didn't even think would change their day, it changes their day. It starts activating them to be positive and taking a new step.
Kristi: I feel like it was very bold for you to share your story of depression and anxiety on your website. I'm in Michigan. Mental health and depression are still a bit taboo. I'm all about talking about it and bringing it into the light. I know that that doesn't feel comfortable doing it.
Barbara : No.
Barbara : Right.
Kristi: I'm curious. Can you share a little about your post on not worrying. You talked about the number of times that is in the Bible. Just share where your heart was and why you brought this topic up.
I brought that up because recently I've been talking to a lot of friends, family members, and even sometimes myself. A lot of people are worrying about things they can't change. Like my mom for example, I live with her. This past weekend she was so worried about stuff that she didn't even get to enjoy her days off. She was so worried about finances, and selling her house. Just different things that she wasn't able to enjoy herself. Then when she comes home from work she's always talking about how she doesn't get enough sleep. She's not having fun. My siblings are always begging for her attention. That is really why I made that post. I want everybody to know that worying about things, if you really think about it worry isn't changing your life, it's not making it better. It's just making it worse and you have to focus on what you have right in front of you. You have to focus on the good things. I know that the enemy uses things like that to make you not enjoy what you have right in front of you. If you keep focusing on that you're not really going to get to ever live your life and be happy and positive or have the things that you really want to have.
I want my jewelry to serve as a reminder of their dreams and the things they hope to accomplish. I want it to also serve as a reminder that you can be happy, that you can be positive. Especially if you are depressed and have anxiety, you start to feel like maybe you are never going to get out of that or overcome it. I always wanted to be a fashion designer and start my own business. I want my jewelry to be a reminder that I was a pwerson that was depresssed and anxious and I’ m living my dream. I started my business. I overcame depression. I want everybody to see that they can do it too.
Kristi : I think you are incredibly brave. Talking about the uncomfortable stuff. I thank you for doing that.
Barbara: No problem Kristi. I really want to help people.
Kristi: Kristi: What do you hope your jewelry does for other women?
I can see that.
Barbara: I’ m getting better at it. I have to be strong every time. I had to pray before I did this interview.
I can see that it’ s hard, but you are doing it, and I can see the love in it. You really do want to help other people. That is why I wanted you in my magazine. I wanted to share your story because we all deal with terrible things in our life. Whether that is emotions or a hard truth in your past. You can change it around if you get the help that you need. With the right attitude and choosing to put God on your side and turn towards him and not away. I see all of that in you and I’ m so grateful that you came and did this interview with me.
I’ m so happy I got to do it. Thank you so much for this opportunity! I really appreciate it.
Barbara Lockhart Owner & Designer of Barbara Lockhart Jewelry Website: iambarbaralockhart.com
I am a jewelry designer and so much more.. I'm a dreamer, a doer, an artist, a fashionista, a lover of God, a daughter, a big sister, a D.I.Y.er, a cook and a loud laugher! I love all things creative. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself personally and professionally. I'm calm but loud in how I express myself, and about the things I'm passionate about.I believe in using my gifts, talents, and testimony to serve others and glorify God. I love to empower people to go after their dreams and identify their talents and gifts and use them for good.
I was the girl who always dreamed of having a family of my own. I mean people thought I was weird because I was so serious about it from a young age. I got married at 22. Turns out I didn't know the first thing about what it takes to have that happy family I had always imagined. My husband and I have been married for a rocky 9 1/2 years. We didn't start getting counseling until about 2 years ago. We both wish we had started much sooner. Our communication skills were not very good and it's still a struggle. There is a ton of baggage (and bad habbits) from our past to sort through that has led to both of us being super neurotic. However, counselors are trained to help you through all of that.
Our relationship is way better than it was two years ago. It's even way better than it was one year ago. However, it takes work and we still see counselors on a regular basis to help us get to where we want to be. We all have our own individual counselors, including my 5 year old daughter who sees a play therapist. She loves her therapist and it's great seeing her learn the tools to deal with her emotions and the tough things in life from a very young age. It is my hope that if you are struggling with your marriage, parenting, or just life in general that you won't wait as long as I did to get hel!p. There should be no shame attached to getting your needs met!
The other morning, I woke up, rolled out of bed, and pulled on yoga pants, a long tee, and some cozy socks. I threw my hair up in a bun and ignored all of the makeup on the wall behind me. It felt glorious to be able to wear cozy clothes, pour myself a cup of coffee, and then sit down for my quiet time and get to work after that. Entrepreneur life has so many benefits, right? You get to work from home, you have the freedom to make your own schedule, and that freedom allows you to prioritize your family. But there are also struggles, too.
Midway through that day, I noticed that while I was cozy, I wasn’t exactly feeling productive. In fact, my cozy clothes were making me feel “nappish” and sluggish. What started off feeling wonderful had me wishing I was in power clothes and had taken the time to actually get ready. This is a pretty common feeling for me—especially during the short winter days. I love comfy clothes, but they don’t always leave me feeling like the #bosswoman I am. I’m ALWAYS more productive and focused if I’m feeling put together.
But, oh my goodness who has the time to get ready, right? I love being a CEO and I love running my business. The idea of spending 30 minutes or more getting put together when my laptop is right there waiting for me to get started on all of my ideas….it’s not exactly appealing to want to pour all of that time into getting ready when I’m not even going to leave the house. What if I told you it didn’t have to be that way? That you could get ready, feel put together and confident, in less than 5 minutes? It’s true, it’s possible. Cozy clothes days are now a rare occurrence for me, and a special treat thanks to my capsule wardrobe. Most days, I wear “real” clothes and get put together without sacrificing precious time. If you’ve never heard of a capsule wardrobe before, it’s a cohesive wardrobe with only 30-50 pieces in it. And if you have heard of it, you probably got so focused on the numbers that you blatantly ignored the most important factor: cohesion. See, if your current wardrobe is busting at the seams, but there’s very little cohesion, you’re much worse off than if you had a capsule wardrobe. A wardrobe with 100 pieces that only match one or two other items has about 200 outfit combinations inside of it. On the other hand, a wardrobe with 30 pieces that all match each other has 225 outfit combinations.
If you’ve never heard of a capsule wardrobe before, it’s a cohesive wardrobe with only 30-50 pieces in it. And if you have heard of it, you probably got so focused on the numbers that you blatantly ignored the most important factor: cohesion. Having a capsule wardrobe saves you time, space, and mental energy. When everything is cohesive, you don’t have to think when you’re deciding what to wear (which, is why we usually tend to just grab yoga pants and t shirts— we don’t want to have to make those decisions about what to wear). You can literally grab any top and any bottoms and go.
Do I have you intrigued? If you’re ready to get started creating your own capsule wardrobe (and boosting your productivity while saving time), here are some tips to get
and it makes you feel confident, put it back in your closet. If you don’t love it, or it doesn’t make you feel confident, donate it or trash it.
you started: Don’t focus too hard on the numbers. This is important, so don’t skim over this. Don’t worry about the numbers. The most important part of your capsule wardrobe will be cohesion. Without creating cohesion, your closet will feel stale and repetitive.
After decluttering, you’ll want to decide on a color palette as well as take into consideration your body shape, lifestyle, and personal style in order to create that cohesion. A color palette should consist of one Know that your capsule wardrobe will always be a work in progress. Your lifestyle
The first step is to declutter what you already have. Pull everything out, put it on your bed, and try it all on. Don’t cheat here—you’ll only be cheating yourself. If you love something
will change, your personal style will change, your body will change. Your goal should be to get a solid baseline that you can work with, and then be open to fluidity.
One final tip: don’t go onto Pinterest and try
Wardrobe. It will walk you through creating
to copy someone else’s capsule wardrobe.
your own capsule wardrobes from A to Z —
There are people out there who will tell you
decluttering, understanding how to dress
that you need X, Y, and Z to have the perfect
your body shape, how to know what your
capsule wardrobe, but that’s not true. The
personal style and lifestyle means in terms of
perfect capsule wardrobe is one that will fit
cohesion, how to maintain your capsule
you like a glove, and that’s going to be
wardrobe for years to come, and so much
different for everyone. Copying what
more! A capsule wardrobe can bring you even
someone else has done will only cause you to
more freedom in your entrepreneur life by
feel frustration and stifled.
helping you save time, make less decisions, and boost your productivity. Are you ready
These are just a few tips to help get you started with your very own capsule wardrobe! If you’d like more help, you can always join my online course — Your Cultivated Capsule
to get started today?
Amanda is married to Russell, the funniest guy she knows. They are South Carolina natives living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and enjoy traveling, reading, cat snuggles, and all things Disney (okay, maybe that one is just Amanda). She's a recovering perfectionist turned simplicity lover, and spends a lot of her free time podcasting about organization, routines, and capsule wardrobes over on The Live Organized, Live Simple Podcast. Her mission is to help other overwhelmed women simplify their lives, create routines, and get organized, so that they can find rest.
Enchantment E X P E R I E N C E
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