Disclaimer: This story is not about a Place. It is the story of a journey; of an experience; of discovery. All quotes taken from Mr. Ruskin Bond’s books. Sketches by krithika.
CHAPTER 1: THE PREP All glory comes from daring to begin.
25.11.2015 Wednesday
CHAPTER 2: ROADS TO MUSSOORIE The adventure is not in getting somewhere, it is on-the-way experience.
28.11.2015 Saturday
CHAPTER 3: THE FEELING It’s courage, not luck that takes us through to the end of the road.
CHAPTER 4: DESTINY It (adventure) is not the expected; It is the surprise.
CHAPTER 5: MOMENT Happiness is a mysterious thing to be found somewhere between Too little and too much.
CHAPTER 6: RUSKIN BOND On books and friends I spend my money; For stones and bricks, I haven’t any
CHAPTER 7: LIFE It is always the same with mountains. Once you have lived With them for any length of time, You belong to them. There is no escape.