Kritika sha_concise portfolio-2012 2016

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p o r t f o l i o a selectio n o f pro fessio nal and academic wo rks a rc hite c ture & urb a nism 2012- 2016

k rit ik a

s h a

p r o f i l e Current EDUCATION MSc Urbanism 2015 - 2017 TU- Delft, The Netherlands Chief Editor at ATLANTIS; Urbanism & Landscape architecture publication; TU Delft

U n d e r g r ad u a t e E D U C A T I O N 5 year Bachelors in Architecture 2007-2012 (GPA 8.56) Bengal Engineering & Science University, Howrah, India

interNSHIPS M/s Continuity, Kolkata, India; May - June 2010 Cortesi Architects, Parma, Italy; May - August 2011 M/s Pragrup, Bangalore, India; August - November 2011

P r e v io u s E m p l o y m e n t Project Architect; M/s Abhikram & Panilka; Ahmedabad, India; August 2012 - July 2014 Research Assistant, Snehal Shah Architects; August 2014 - May 2015

C O M P ET I T I O N S Urban Re-design competition, December 2009; National Association of Students of Architecture, India Transparence, ETHOS, India; (Second Runners-up)

WORKSHOPS & Conferences Building with Arches, Vaults & Domes, Auroville Earth Institute, India; June 2012 International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Tomar, Portugal ; Sharing Cultures June 2011

Further Details at: Detailed Profile:Linkedin Detailed Portfolio: Issuu E-mail: Tel no.: 31 - 619 342 349

c o n t e n t s Li v i n g u n d e r t h e Li n e Re-organisation of jute mill workers’ colony Case Study: Titagarh, West Bengal, India Undergraduate B.Arch thesis; January - June 2012

La n g u a g e La b & To m a t is Th e r ap y C e n t r e Professtional Project; Auroville, India (Abhikram / Panika); August 2012 - July 2014

D o r d r e ch t : A ci t y a t l as A city of Atlas: Mapping potentials of the city Individual Studio Project; TU Delft; September - 2015

t h e n o t - so r o u t i n e An experiment in Everyday Urbanism in Rotterdam Individual Studio Project; TU Delft; November - 2015

P ow e r scapi n g F l e v o l a n d Preparing a strategy for energy transition of Flevoland by 2050 Group Studio Project; TU Delft; February - 2016

W o r kshops , C o n f e r e n c e s & o t h e r s

Li v i n g u n d e r t h e l i n e Re-organisation of jute mill workers’ colony; Case study: Titagarh, India Undergraduate B.Arch thesis; January - June 2012


l oc a t i on

t h e m ills in t it a g a r h

a ba n don e d j u t e m ill

u n o r g a n is e d g r o w t h

Titagarh is set along the banks of the river Hoogly, where the entire stretch had a flourishing industrial belt from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century which attracted migrant workers. The area surrounding the Empire jute mill premises has seen unplanned and unorganized growth over the years since the closure of the mill. The hutments have expanded as the families have expanded. There is a lack of public open spaces or congregational space.

Li v i n g u n d e r t h e l i n e Re-organisation of jute mill workers’ colony; Case study: Titagarh, India Undergraduate B.Arch thesis; January - June 2012

e m pi re J u t e m ill, t it a g a r h

e xpl ori n g t he la y e r s

se qu e n t i a l g r o w t h

s t r e et p atter n

Relocation of the local bazaar which encroaches on the already congested BT road. The informal shops and cart sellers on the edge of the road need to be reorganized and a coherent road edge is to be developed. The desired result is to create a space which belongs to the local populace and therefore encourages community building activities.

Li v i n g u n d e r t h e l i n e Re-organisation of jute mill workers’ colony; Case study: Titagarh, India Undergraduate B.Arch thesis; January - June 2012

e xi st i n g re si de n t i a l f a b r ic

propose d fa bri c

l i t e ra c y c e n t re

h e a lt h c e n t r e

r es id ential ar ea

E xpe ri m e n t s i n i n c re m e n t a l h o u s in g

The clusters are so arranged so that the open area remain shaded during the day. The hierarchy of open spaces, from larger to smaller and back to large again has been implemented. A typical house cluster as illustrated has a variation in the level of terraceswhich are interconnected to provide a “second ground space”. A running plinth or an “OTLA” acts as a transition between the private house inside and the public court. The Literary Centre/School functions serves as a community centre in place of the abandoned cinema building, acting as a congregational area. The health centre is placed along a main vehicular road to provide an ease of access for its users.

La n g u a g e La b & To m a t is Th e r ap y C e n t r e Professtional Project; Auroville, India (Abhikram / Panika); August 2012 - July 2014

aur o v ille

l oc a t i on

i n n e r c ou rt ya r d

air inlet

c o o lin g t o w e r s

Apart from preparing the construction drawings, I was involved in developing the conceptual design of the of the air-towers in this passive-cooled building. The pre-cooled air will come from three wide air-inlet towers located outside the main building, distributed throughout the building to every room through a network of wide underground air tunnels and vertical air shafts/stone ducts.

D o r d r e ch t : A ci t y a t l as A city of Atlas: Mapping potentials of the city Individual Studio Project; TU Delft; September - 2015

The existing infrastructure spine provides a potential to involve more functions, and hence creating a opportunity to densify the area The strongly segregated Industrial belt will generate space in the near future, which enables us to integrate it with the new city spine

A Tertiary dike outlines the city edge, further strengthening it

Linking the existing recreational facilities to the larger structure, by creating avenues to draw out the movement of people along the spine.

city vision for dordrecht

The Landscape is filtered into the urban fabric at strategic locations, integrating it with city structure

This Atlas is an attempt to capture the essence of Dordrecht, The Netherlands in a few simple visual guides like maps, sketches and impressions. This approach is to see and observe the city through various ‘frames’ and present a different image of the city in each case, and draw a conclusion of a possible future, and trying to find an answer to: “Is it possible to integrate the city with the landscape enabling a new spine, which integrates the dynamic landscape with the city structure?”

D o r d r e ch t : A ci t y a t l as A city of Atlas: Mapping potentials of the city Individual Studio Project; TU Delft; September - 2015

c i t y for t h e pu bl i c

c i t y a s l a n dsc a pe

c i t y a n d u rba n i t y

Dordrecht was explored through various themes and scales, leading to an understanding of its potentials. The broad essence of the city is categorized as:the historical center; the variable landscape of the agriculture and Bies Bosch; the infrastructure lines which connect the city to other parts of the country. Dordrecht’s future potential lies in the integration of all of the above, which will strengthen their inter-relationship, thus improving the quality of the existing urban fabric.

t h e n o t - so r o u t i n e An experiment in Everyday Urbanism in Rotterdam Individual Studio Project; TU Delft; November - 2015

Shopping for groceries in

Z wa a n s h a l s

A rt w o r k o n t h e wa l l.. o n t h e way h o m e

Z wa a n s h a l s,

this is a nice bar! So close to the house

R ot t e r d a m

out with friends

M y favo u r i t e P l ayg r o u n d!

In this studio project, I explored what everyday public space is, and what are the activities that occupy it. Zwaanshals, Rotterdam has a mix of residential area, with commercial spaces on its ground floor. On observation, we see several elements which interact and enhance human activities with its spatial surroundings. This study of narratives and storyline is a crucial step towards determining the people who would be occupying the space and how. This understanding of the daily routine, lead to realization of the chance of a pause within a routine.

t h e n o t - so r o u t i n e An experiment in Everyday Urbanism in Rotterdam Individual Studio Project; TU Delft; November - 2015

Exploring affordances in Zagmolenkade

The experiment in creating affordances results in creating different ‘levels’ of platforms leading to the water. This opens up the water to be considered as part of the public domain. The flexibility of spatial input would result in varied usage by the people involved, adapting it further as time progresses. The purpose of a proposal of this nature, is also to ensure its adaptability. It derives from the belief that, this system of providing affordance would also work in other areas along the Rotte, changing its functions as per the needs of the community it caters to.

P ow e r scapi n g F l e v o l a n d Preparing a strategy for energy transition of Flevoland by 2050 Group Studio Project; TU Delft; February - 2016 biomass power plant railway main roads energy grid biomass land cities - mobility transition alternative energy production wind turbine clusters greenhouses - industries no go areas





18 km




































gl obal m ar k et

global solidarity

caring region

se c u re re g i o n

The development of the strategy on a group of 5 shows how Flevoland could take a leading role in this transition, due to its already big share in renewable resources and opportunities for the future. This strategy, explored through scenarios, is a research into the spatial demands that an energy transition will require. It is an illustration of how an energy transformed Flevoland could look like and how its landscape will transform with it. Research Question: To what extent can Flevoland transform itself into a sustainable energy landscape?

P ow e r scapi n g F l e v o l a n d Preparing a strategy for energy transition of Flevoland by 2050 Group Studio Project; TU Delft; February - 2016

a heterogeneous energy based agriculture in 2050

program of transition: the individual; the collective and the company

This strategy was supported by 5 individual crucial interventions. I explored on how the transition of agriculture into biomass producing crops could occur, and the resulting spatial impact of this transformation. The program could be either run by individual farmers, a co-operative of a agricultural company, and each scenario is explored near the existing biomass plant of Lelystad. This transformation would lead to a heterogeneous landscape with a mix of agriculture and energy farming.



#26.2 DECEMBER 2015





#26.3 APRIL 2016

Part of the editorial team of ATLANTIS (a publication by the Urbanism and Landscape architecture faculty at TU-Delft since September 2015, and as the Editor-in-chief from January 2016. Completed a hands-on course on building with Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) and Arches, Vaults, & Domes (AVD) at Auroville, India in June 2012 During my internship, I assisted Architect Isotta Cortesi on her paper on “The intangible heritage of Mattanza. Ceremony, action and oral tradition in ritualistic slaughter of tuna in Sicily” an attended the conference of Sharing Cultures in Tomar, Portugal in June 2011

Tha n k y o u

For more information Detailed Profile: Linkedin Detailed publications: Portfolio at Issuu E-mail: Tel no.: 31 - 619 342 349

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