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About Stemaid

Stemaid specializes in the production of Embryonic Stem Cells (referred to as ESC). Many companies throughout the world offer Adult Stem Cells or Umbilical Stem Cells. It is globally known that Embryonic Stem Cells are the most potent cells for they are undifferentiated. Seven years of research, three years of treatment by Stemaid’s staff confirmed that Embryonic Stem Cell are the ones to give best results. We then chose to specialize and offer no less than the best for our costumers. Please keep in mind that because they are derived from a blastocyst, Embryonic Stem Cells are very controversial and not FDA approved. *for more info on the making of ESCs, go to ‘About Embryonic Stem Cells’ Stemaid will provide ESCs for your treatment to the clinic of your choice, providing that the laws of the country of the said clinic agrees to it. Please note that we do not sell ESCs in the United States.

If you are looking for a clinic or a doctor to follow you through ESC treatment, we can facilitate your quest by recommending a clinic and Dr who frequently uses ESCs and specializes in treating your condition. Please email us at and our patient coordinator will help you throughout the steps from understanding stem cells to setting up the details of your trip. For best results with any ESCs treatment, Stemaid’s specialists recommend to follow a minimum of a week of Biotech’s detox treatment prior to injection. *For more info about Biotech’s detox got to ‘Your Next Step’ You will soon find out that Stemaid is not only a company that provides its costumers with the most advanced and cutting edge technology, quality products and great results, but also a staff who care to see you heal and revive! We hope that with us you will rejoice at the life change that ESCs will bring into your daly lives.

About Embryonic Stem Cells A Embryonic stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that has the potential to divide and differentiate into any of the 220 types of cells in the human body. How ESCs are made: Within 24-hours of a sperm fertilizing an egg, the egg begins dividing into 2, then 4, and so on exponentially (those are Embryonic Stem Cells). The fertilized egg is called a zygote. The Zygote continues to divide until it becomes a solid ball of cells, then it becomes a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst. It is only 3 weeks later in a standard pregnancy that the blastocyst cells begin differentiating, starting with nerve cells. The cells from the moment of conception to the eighth week of pregnancy are called embryo. After the eighth week and until the moment of birth, it is called a fetus. Depending on where/when they are harvested, the healing potential of Stem Cells will differ. `Stemaid harvest Embryonic Stem Cells after 4 to 5 days of divisions from a blastocyst left over from in vitro fertilization. The blastocyst of 30 or so cells is extracted and cultured in petri dish.

The 30 cells will divide into millions of ESCs, each with the capability of becoming any type of cell. They remain pluripotent. The cultured ESCs are then mixed with plasma and ready for injection. The Standard Line versus Autologous Stem Cells: Stemaid offers a standard line of ESCs as here above described. Stemaid’s specialists recommend a maximum of 5 Million ESCs per injection. Injections should be given via IV or Lumbar Puncture depending on the application. S temaid also developed and refined the production of Autologous Stem Cells using cloning techniques. Specific cells will be sampled on you, the costumer by our lab technicians. When the ESCs are harvested, the lab technician will removes the DNA from the cells and will replace it with your DNA. The line that will be develop will then have your genetic make up. Autologous Stem Cells can be injected directly into the costumer’s organs to repair damage cells. They make the best ‘body repair kit’. Why choosing ESCs instead of Adult Stem Cells or Umbilical Cord Stem Cells:

Some tissues contain stem cells that can replace cells that die or restore tissue after injury. Adult Stem Cells are harvested from grown organs such as bone marrow, blood or fat tissue of the patient, and re-injected. Studies have concluded that adult stem cells are only able to develop into a limited number of cell types related to the tissue that the stem cells originally came from. They are multi-potent. Umbilical Stem Cells are adult stem cells taken from a Baby’s Umbilical Cord. Risks are usually greater to experience rejection when using Umbilical cord stem cells. ESCs are the only pluripotent Stem Cells. Autologous cells are the best Stem Cells available, the ultimate healing and rejuvenating option. The technology to produce the later is time and labor extensive and requires highly skilled techniques. Stemaid’s lab technicians have refined the procedure and follow rigorous protocols to ensure best quality product. Our Embryonic Stem Cells are grown without animal feeder layers and thus do not present any contamination danger. The Stem Cells will be developed just prior to the costumer’s injection and injected live (the cells are only frozen for the time of transportation to the clinic).

Why Detox

Our latest studies are pointing out that when entering your body, ESC first remove toxins and then trigger the body to repair itself. Doing a detoxification prior to injection, allows for a better use of the cells, which is to help repair the damaged organs.

2 mL of Na2 EDTA at 150 mg/mL

Patients who followed the Biotech Detox prior to ESC treatment have seen the effect of ESC more than doubled. The Detox treatment is offered at the biotech clinic, in Tijuana, Mexico.

Several natural anti-parasites are as well prescribed during the 3 weeks that target specific parasites usually found in cancer patients.

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These natural products include Black Walnut tincture, cloves, wormwood.

The Biotech Detox protocol includes metal removal by chelation: This chelation follows the protocol of the ACAM, American College for Advancement in Medecine: The patient receives every day an IV of 500 mL with glucose at 5% and : 10 mL ascorbic acid at 500mg/mL 5 mL of Sodium Bicarbonate at 8.4% 5 mL of procaine at 2% 2 mL of proparin at 1000 ui/mL 5 mL of B Complex 5 mL of Cyanocobalamine at 1000mcg/mL

The targeted metals to remove ( mercury, cerium, nickel) are analyzed regularly in our clinic so that we can stop the chelation as soon as we don’t find any trace of these metals.

We also use IV of Vit B17 if we find the two parasites Fasciola Hepatica and Fasciolopsis Buski that are usually involved in liver cancers and are the most difficult to reach. IV of Sodium Bicarbonate are also given every day.

Next Step

If you think that ESC treatment is for you, call or email us at: 1-800-277-3132 A You already have a physician and wish to have ESCs delivered to the clinic of your choice. Please have your physician contact us and our patient coordinator will arrange for delivery. B if you wish to know about ESCs and how they can help reverse your condition. 1- Our patient coordinator will email you paperwork ‘The Welcome Package’ consisting of a basic medical history questionnaire and non disclosure agreements. you can fax it back to (650)641-8088. Feel free to send any extra medical information via fax or email as well. It will help us guide you better.

2- Upon receiving your fax, our patient coordinator will set up a phone appointment for your to discuss your condition and how ESC can help you, with Stemaid’s ESC specialist. Stemaid’s ESC Specialist can guide you through your choice of ESCs, whether to chose the standard line or the Autologous Stem Cells, the quantity of cells and the number of injections that you may need to reverse your condition. Please note that Stemaid’s ESC specialist is a PHD researcher, not and MD and can not replace a consultation with your physician. 3- Our patient coordinator will send you a quote that reflects your ESC choices and will recommend a Physician who frequently uses ESC treatment and specializes in treating your condition. 4- Our patient coordinator will schedule a date for your ESC delivery and will help with your travels arrangements.


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