3 minute read

Inspired to Instruct

Jaz’s past experiences + open heart enable him to help others on their fitness journey.

Overcoming Obstacles


Having been a member of The Kroc Center and working as a fitness and gym attendant for two years, Jazmyne (Jaz) James is no stranger to most Kroc patrons. However, he is a fresh face to our group fitness instructor lineup. In a short time, Jaz has taken on new responsibilities. He decided from the time that he began work as a fitness and gym attendant that he wanted to grow within his role at The Kroc Center. “I am the type of person who always wants to progress in any atmosphere that I’m in. When I was hired as a fitness and gym attendant, it was perfect because I knew all of the machines that people can use and how to assist them. But I was already looking at how I could grow within The Kroc Center. I thought of instructing or personal training. Once the opportunity became available to become an instructor, I was all for it!”

Jaz became an aquatic group fitness instructor in September 2018 in addition to his duties as a fitness and gym attendant and rock wall attendant. As if three jobs aren’t enough, he is going to school and studying exercise science. Staying in shape and working out has been an important part of Jaz’s life since he started playing football at the age of 12. Through the years, he has had many sports-related injuries. While no one enjoys the downtime that an injury requires for healing, Jaz took advantage of his time injured to learn various forms of strength and conditioning to remain healthy and active.

“The time I spent learning alternative ways to stay healthy and active made me want to help people who are trying to get in shape. I know the struggle of trying to get and stay in shape. So many people think that I’m in such good shape, but they don’t realize what I’ve been through. Having gone through those injuries, it helps me to relate better with other people who are struggling to overcome obstacles on their journey to become healthier.”

Becoming an Instructor

While Jaz had been interested in becoming a fitness instructor, he was still nervous to start his new position. “Even if you go into a situation with fear or concern there is always room for growth and improvement. Once I started training to become a group fitness instructor, I picked it up quickly and learned a lot. If its something that I’m passionate about, I’m determined to work at it,” stated Jaz. Jaz constructs his entire group fitness class, from choosing the music for each track, to creating the choreography. Training to teach his class was made easier with the help of Group Fitness Instructor Maria Bichsel. Maria worked with Jaz to help him understand how it felt to be a class participant in the water in contrast to being the instructor on dry ground. “Training with Maria greatly affected how I teach my class. It was a great learning opportunity from a great mentor.”

“I know the struggle of trying to get and stay in shape. So many people think that I’m in such good shape, but they don’t realize what I’ve been through.”

Open Heart, Open Mind

Jaz may have his hands full with school and his job duties at The Kroc Center, but he has no regrets in adding group fitness instructor to his job title. “I enjoy learning new things and growing. I’m at a place in my life where I used to be young and cocky, but now I can humble myself and know that you’re never too old to learn something new.”

We can all learn a lesson from Jaz. Pursue your goals, always be willing to learn, and don’t let fear or the chaos of life stop you from helping others if that is what you are gifted at doing. The Kroc Center is blessed to have group fitness instructors who love what they do, invest in our members, and are each inspired to instruct.

Are you interested in becoming a group fitness instructor? Just take a piece of advice from Jaz. “Relax! Don’t over think it. Be yourself. Don’t try to be anyone else and feel like you have to be perfect. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are just a part of life. Just go into instructing with an open heart and an open mind, be humble, and you will be able to help others.”

Meet more of The Kroc Center’s Group Fitness Instructors in the Winer / Spring Program Guide!

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