~ Texas Red Angus Bulls ~
LOT 33
PCC R2R Harvey
Born: 10/23/19
Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4217490
Sire: PCC DC Cliff
Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CFL Alvin
Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
B.Wt. 63 85% -2.6
YW: +68
Milk: +31
LOT 34
PCC R2R Hank
Born: 9/23/19
Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4217524
Sire: PCC DC Cliff
Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
B.Wt. 53 111% -4.1
205 Day Weight 441 98% +35
Overall Rating: ***
Adjusted Off Test Weight 761 101% +48
Milk —— —— +27
Fleshing Ability: ****
Forage Test Index —— 105% ——
Hair Coat: **** Udder: ****
LOT 36
Born: 9/5/19
Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4219900
Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
B.Wt. 56 114% -3.7
205 Day Weight 506 96% +36
Overall Rating: **** Disposition: ***** Longevity: **** Comments:
Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4217912 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC D-7 Amazon Adjusted Off Test Weight 880 101% +60
205 Day Weight 504 101% +39
B.Wt. 49 106% -4.5
Milk —— —— +26
Scrotal Circ:
Frame: S/M
Disposition: ****
Fleshing Ability: *****
Longevity: ****
Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: ***** Comments:
Forage Test Index —— 102% ——
Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ****
Cow Age: 2
Udder: *****
Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 9% Impressive 5-star grass efficiency and fleshing ability Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST
Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CFL Zane Adjusted Off Test Weight 951 104% +56
Milk —— —— +26
Scrotal Circ: Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: *****
Born: 9/19/19
Overall Rating: ****
Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Delfino Garza (TX) for $5000 4+ calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 12% 4+ thickness — with 4-star grass efficiency, muscling, masculinity and fleshing ability
Sire: PCC OH Care Free
PCC ACT Graford
Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
Calving Ease: ****
Cow Age: 4
Udder: *****
LOT 35
Sire: PCC OH Care Free
Frame: S/M
Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: ****
Cow Age: 2
Base Price: $3500
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: **** Longevity: ****
Mat. Grand Sire: Beckton Epic D404
Base Price: $2500
Hair Coat: ***
Comments: Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in top 10% High-performance bull — with 4 and 4+ ratings for grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating
MGS: PCC Hanky Panky
WW: +41
Calving Ease: ****
Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: ****
Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Frame: S/M
Fleshing Ability: ****
Longevity: ***
BW: -4.7
Milk —— —— +30
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: *****
Sire: PCC DC Harvey
Adjusted Off Test Weight 862 113% +65
205 Day Weight 531 114% +44
Overall Rating: ****
PCC DC Cliff
Cow Age: 4
Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Frame: M
Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *****
PCC OH Care Free
Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Russell Robertson (TX) for $5750 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 17% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 3% 5-star grass efficiency — with 4+ rating for thickness
Sire: PCC Kaycee Hobo BW: -5.0 23
WW: +28
MGS: BTF 037 M178 YW: +39
Milk: +28
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