33 minute read

Bull Delivery

We are offering 3 FREE Delivery Points and 10 very Afforda-BULL Delivery Points from our Missouri Sale. For $250 above the posted price, any bull purchased in our Missouri Sale can be delivered to any of the delivery points on Page 85. Those bulls will be delivered following the Colorado Sale. Contact Pharo Cattle Company prior to the sale for specific delivery instructions for your location. If you plan to take advantage of our bull delivery service, you must notify PCC before the sale or when you clerk out at the sale as to which delivery point you want to use. If you don’t, your bull will miss his ride and you will have to come get him. Delivery is scheduled to begin the day after the sale. We will call you when we have your transportation lined up. To address liability issues, we require that our Basic 30-Day Warranty be purchased on all bulls being transported to these delivery points. The cost of this coverage is 2% of the purchase price. See page 6 for more details.

FREE Delivery


MO — Cuba MO — Sedalia MO — West Plains

Afforda-BULL Delivery

AR — Beebe........................................$100 AR — Fort Smith .................................$100 IL — Salem.........................................$150 IN — Rushville....................................$225 KS — Winfield ....................................$100

Afforda-BULL Delivery

MO — Memphis..................................$250 MS — Fulton.......................................$225 OH — Zanesville .................................$350 TX — Sulphur Springs........................$200 VA — Wytheville ................................$400

wit h P ha ro C a ttl e C omp an y p rio r t o pur c ha sin g a bull . NO e xc ep tions !

PCC OH Care Free

Sire: PCC Kaycee Hobo MGS: BTF 037 M178

BW: -5.0 WW: +28 YW: +39 Milk: +28

LOT 1 PCC OH Gargantuan 6185G

Born: 9/12/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238456 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: Red Hill B571 Julian 105U

Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 57 482 839 —— —— Ratio: 100% 100% 101% —— 103% EPDs: -4.0 +35 +49 +29 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: **

Comments:  Maternal 1/2 brother sold to Stan Wallis (TX) for $6000  Impressive 5+ masculinity and overall rating — w/ 5-star muscling and thickness  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 2 PCC OH Got Talent 6254G

Born: 9/18/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238400 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: OH Cash Crop 273Z Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 50 492 810 —— ——

Ratio: 114% 103% 97% —— 91%

EPDs: -5.6 +35 +54 +26 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: ****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3%  4+ grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 3 PCC OH Galaxy 6171G

Born: 9/9/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238438 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: OH Cash Crop 273Z Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 59 512 877 —— ——

Ratio: 96% 107% 106% —— 105%

EPDs: -4.1 +41 +61 +30 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  5-star muscling — with 4+grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 4 PCC OH Giovannit 6226G

Born: 9/26/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238412 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: OH B571 207Z

Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 51 525 848 —— —— Ratio: 111% 109% 102% —— 93% EPDs: -5.4 +39 +55 +30 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: **

Comments:  Maternal 1/2 brother sold to Rick Clark (IN) for $6750  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4%  4+ muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 5 PCC OH Garfield 6184G

Born: 9/12/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238450 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: OH B571 207Z

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 61 459 811 —— —— Ratio: 93% 96% 98% —— 101% EPDs: -3.8 +32 +43 +28 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: *****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 4%  Combines a 4+ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance

LOT 6 PCC OH Gilmore 6224G

Born: 9/26/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238444 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: OH 84S 251Z

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 60 446 870 —— —— Ratio: 95% 93% 105% —— 122% EPDs: -3.4 +34 +49 +29 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: *****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 17%  High-gaining bull — w/ 4-star grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating  Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance

LOT 7 PCC OH Gallager 6176G

Born: 9/10/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238312 Sire: PCC OH Care Free Mat. Grand Sire: OH M178 042X

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 58 446 803 —— —— Ratio: 98% 93% 97% —— 103% EPDs: -4.9 +23 +31 +31 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: *** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 7 Udder: **

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous six bulls  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 6%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 1%  4+ muscling — with 4-star thickness and masculinity

“We used our first PCC bull for ten years — and in that time he naturally sired over 1000 calves in spring and fall-calving herds.” Garth Lloyd — Missouri LOT 8 PCC OH Geoffrey 6210G

Born: 9/20/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238320 Sire: PCC OH December Rain Mat. Grand Sire: Parker Missile

Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 64 563 957 —— —— Ratio: 89% 117% 115% —— 113% EPDs: -3.1 +50 +74 +35 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: ***** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 7 Udder: ****

Comments:  Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Nick Peterson (OK) for $7000  5+ masculinity and overall rating — with 5-star grass efficiency, muscling and thickness  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 9 PCC OH Garnell 6186G

Born: 9/13/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238588 Sire: PCC OH Eye Candy Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 50 516 924 —— ——

Ratio: 104% 105% 107% —— 110%

EPDs: -4.5 +41 +58 +31 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S

Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  5-star grass efficiency, muscling, thickness and overall rating — with 4+ masculinity and fleshing ability  No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 10 PCC OH Gabe 6160G

Born: 9/15/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238570 Sire: PCC OH Eye Candy Mat. Grand Sire: Redhill P707 Nebula 186A Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 61 589 973 —— ——

Ratio: 85% 120% 113% —— 103%

EPDs: -1.4 +45 +68 +26 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: ***** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  5+ disposition — gentle as a dead hog  5-star grass efficiency, thickness, masculinity and overall rating and hair coat — with 4+ muscling  Small spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem

LOT 11 PCC OH Gentleman Jack 6207G

Born: 9/19/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238548 Sire: PCC OH Eye Candy Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 41 497 857 —— ——

Ratio: 126% 101% 99% —— 97%

EPDs: -5.7 +44 +67 +28 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: *** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: ***** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3%  5-star masculinity and disposition — with 4-star grass efficiency, muscling, thickness and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 12 PCC OH Generate 6203G

Born: 9/18/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238518 Sire: PCC OH Eye Candy Mat. Grand Sire: RHF-BUF T189 Medal 175C Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 48 451 909 —— ——

Ratio: 108% 92% 105% —— 123%

EPDs: -5.4 +42 +60 +28 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous three bulls  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4%  High-gaining bull — with 4+ masculinity, grass efficiency and hair coat

Use our unique Quick Sort program to select your bulls.

LOT 13 PCC OH Gar 6181G

Born: 9/12/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238514 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B

Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 51 548 937 —— —— Ratio: 101% 112% 108% —— 105% EPDs: -4.7 +50 +79 +27 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 7%  5+ masculinity and overall rating — with 5-star muscling, thickness and grass efficiency  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 14 PCC OH Gav 6196G

Born: 9/15/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238512 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 54 485 895 —— —— Ratio: 96% 99% 103% —— 110% EPDs: -4.7 +44 +69 +26 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 7%  Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 19%  High-gaining bull — with 4+grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and hair coat

LOT 15 PCC OH Gemini 6201G

Born: 9/18/19 Description: 100% Unregistered Red Angus Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B

Base Price: $2500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 61 513 923 —— —— Ratio: 85% 105% 107% —— 110% EPDs: N/A N/A N/A N/A ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous two bulls  5-star thickness — with 4+ grass efficiency, muscling, masculinity, overall rating and hair coat

LOT 16 PCC OH Garwin 6192G

Born: 9/14/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238556 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Bounty Hunter Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 62 492 923 —— ——

Ratio: 83% 100% 107% —— 116%

EPDs: -2.9 +45 +69 +27 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 7%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 9%  High-gaining bull — with 5-star muscling and disposition  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 17 PCC OH Good Golly 6242G

Born: 10/11/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238568 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Bounty Hunter Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 68 581 1015 —— ——

Ratio: 76% 119% 117% —— 117%

EPDs: -0.9 +58 +88 +31 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 10%  High-gaining bull — with 5-star muscling, thickness, overall rating and hair coat

LOT 18 PCC OHN Gregory 6315G

Born: 9/12/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236364 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 55 453 1012 —— ——

Ratio: 87% 94% 112% —— 133%

EPDs: -3.5 +37 +58 +25 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 16%  High-gaining bull — w/ 5-++ fleshing ability  5-star grass efficiency, muscling, thickness and masculinity  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 19 PCC OH Galileo 6175G

Born: 9/6/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238560 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 53 494 896 —— ——

Ratio: 98% 101% 104% —— 108%

EPDs: -4.4 +39 +60 +26 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease EPD in top 8%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 7%  5-star grass efficiency — with 4+ muscling and thickness

LOT 20 PCC OH Garan 6182G

Born: 9/12/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238528 Sire: PCC ACT Decatur Mat. Grand Sire: OH B571 205Z

Base Price: $2500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 56 486 838 —— —— Ratio: 92% 99% 97% —— 95% EPDs: -2.8 +45 +66 +28 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous seven bulls — sire is an Amazon son out of a Johnny Mizzou daughter  4-star grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating

LOT 21 PCC OHN Grady 6302G

Born: 9/3/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236320 Sire: 2JW 1619 Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Julian 81A

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 61 546 962 —— —— Ratio: 95% 104% 106% —— 110% EPDs: -0.5 +56 +89 +26 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: *** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 3 Udder: ***

Comments:  Impressive 5+ overall rating — w/ 5-star grass efficiency, thickness and masculinity  Early-maturing, high-gaining bull that is guaranteed to produce some powerful calves

LOT 22 PCC D-7 Gemini 4720G

Born: 9/18/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4239266 Sire: PCC OH Braken' Ahead Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Wagon Train Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 55 477 805 —— ——

Ratio: 100% 100% 99% —— 100%

EPDs: -3.0 +45 +67 +28 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 13% 5-star muscling, thickness, overall and fly resistance — w/ 4-star grass efficiency, masculinity and fleshing ability  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

Sire — Colorado Hobo Dam — Angel 382

PCC Wagon Train

BW: -4.2 WW: +34 YW: +47 Milk: +16

LOT 23 PCC D-7 Gangsta 4701G

Born: 9/16/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4239220 Sire: PCC Wagon Train Mat. Grand Sire: PCC WFF Stonewall Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 69 506 794 —— ——

Ratio: 89% 129% 113% —— 93%

EPDs: -2.9 +42 +62 +18 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: *****

Comments:  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 7%  4+ muscling, thickness, masculinity, and overall rating — with 4-star grass efficiency and fleshing ability  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 24 PCC D-7 Gabe 4700G

Born: 9/10/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4239158 Sire: PCC Wagon Train Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Jazz Boy Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 60 426 762 —— ——

Ratio: 103% 108% 108% —— 109%

EPDs: -3.3 +38 +55 +20 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 5 Udder: ****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 11%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 8%  5-star thickness and masculinity — with 4-star muscling, grass efficiency, fleshing ability and overall rating

PCC Jazz Boy

Sire: PCC Colorado Jazz MGS: BB 5236 BBred 6015

BW: -1.6 WW: +38 YW: +60 Milk: +28

LOT 25 PCC D-7 Galavant 4703G

Born: 10/4/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4239216 Sire: PCC Wagon Train Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Jazz Boy Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 69 464 829 —— ——

Ratio: 89% 118% 118% —— 118%

EPDs: -2.6 +38 +55 +23 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: *** Cow Age: 4 Udder: ***

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 9%  High-gaining bull — with 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating

LOT 26 PCC R2R Dulbecco 4659G

Born: 10/16/19 Description: High% 1B; Red Angus #4217326 Sire: PCC R2R Carson Mat. Grand Sire: PCC REI Adroit

Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 63 582 931 —— —— Ratio: 93% 106% 108% —— 112% EPDs: -4.7 +39 +60 +18 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 3 Udder: ****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease EPD in top 3%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 4%  5+ overall rating — with 4+ muscling and masculinity  Combines a 4+ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance

LOT 27 PCC R2R Franklin 4660G

Born: 9/23/19 Description: High% 1B; Red Angus #4217330 Sire: PCC R2R Carson Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CFL Alvin

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 60 524 857 —— —— Ratio: 90% 95% 98% —— 105% EPDs: -3.8 +31 +43 +19 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 14%  4+ thickness — with 4-star grass efficiency, muscling, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating  Combines a 4-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance

LOT 28 PCC R2R Reilly 4650G

Born: 9/29/19 Description: High% 1B; Red Angus #4217378 Sire: PCC R2R Carson Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CFL Alvin

Base Price: $2500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 66 548 741 —— —— Ratio: 89% 99% 86% —— 62% EPDs: -2.3 +39 +53 +19 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: *** Cow Age: 4 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 9%  4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating

LOT 29 PCC R2R Enders 4642G

Born: 10/9/19 Description: High% 1B; Red Angus #4217328 Sire: PCC R2R Carson Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 62 559 961 —— —— Ratio: 95% 101% 111% —— 129% EPDs: -2.9 +45 +72 +17 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 11 Udder: ***

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous three bulls — sire is a Johnny B Good son out of a Yankee daughter  4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 10%  High-gaining , high-marbling — w/ 5-star grass efficiency

Dam of 5-Star Gold

RF 5-Star Gold

Sire: RF Samson MGS: BKT Viking 8968 XM BW: -2.8 WW: +44 YW: +70 Milk: +23

LOT 30 PCC OHN Grill Master 6320G

Born: 9/13/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236346 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Care Free Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 56 522 1036 —— ——

Ratio: 85% 108% 114% —— 122%

EPDs: -3.9 +36 +56 +26 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M/L

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Tremendous ability to gain and marble on grass  5-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and overall rating  Spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 32 PCC OHN Gravity 6310G

Born: 9/8/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236342 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Blue Bonnet Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 50 473 955 —— ——

Ratio: 96% 98% 105% —— 115%

EPDs: -4.0 +33 +52 +24 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15%  High-gaining bull — with 5-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 33 PCC OHN Griswold 6323G

Born: 9/15/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236380 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 48 574 907 —— ——

Ratio: 100% 119% 100% —— 79%

EPDs: -4.0 +44 +70 +30 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  4+ calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in the top 7%  5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating  No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 31 PCC OHN Grill Right 6322G

Born: 9/14/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236340 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Care Free Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 48 497 928 —— ——

Ratio: 100% 103% 102% —— 103%

EPDs: -5.2 +31 +49 +27 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 5%  4+ grass efficiency, thickness, hair coat and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 34 PCC OHN Gustav 6335G

Born: 9/21/19 Description: High% 1B; Red Angus #4236326 Sire:2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire:RHF-BUF T189 Medal 175C Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 40 501 1007 —— ——

Ratio: 120% 104% 111% —— 120%

EPDs: -5.7 +38 +63 +26 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3%  Extreme-marbling, high-gaining bull — with 5-star grass efficiency and fleshing ability  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

“Since I am in the grass-fed beef business, the eating quality of my beef product is paramount. We continue to receive positive comments on the beef quality from our customers and we also can tell the difference in the meat from calves sired by your bull. Also, when we process calves from your bull the processing facility consistently notes that our carcass quality is higher visually than what they are used to seeing. When we call the processors they comment that the quality of our beef is noticeably better than they see from other producers.” Mike Greene — Arkansas

LOT 35 PCC OHN Governor 6300G

Born: 9/7/19 Description: 100% Unregistered Red Angus Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: OH 028 2134Z Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 53 494 870 —— ——

Ratio: 90% 102% 96% —— 89%

EPDs: N/A N/A N/A N/A ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: *** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  5-star thickness and masculinity — w/ 4+ grass efficiency, muscling and overall rating  Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance

LOT 36 PCC OH Gandolph 6178G

Born: 9/1/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4261397 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 52 511 911 —— ——

Ratio: 100% 104% 105% —— 107%

EPDs: -6.6 +34 +57 +28 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: ** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1%  5-star grass efficiency and thickness — w/ 4-star muscling, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating

LOT 37 PCC OHN Grass Guy 6307G

Born: 8/27/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236332 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7033 Mat. Grand Sire: Calvo Right Kind 25B Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 52 456 824 —— ——

Ratio: 92% 94% 91% —— 87%

EPDs: -4.3 +33 +55 +24 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 10%  5-star thickness — with 4+ muscling and masculinity  Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness  Small spot in right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem

LOT 38 PCC OHN Gunsmoke 6331G

Born: 10/9/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236386 Sire: 2JW Mystery Man 7023 Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 45 479 897 —— ——

Ratio: 106% 99% 99% —— 100%

EPDs: -5.3 +41 +67 +26 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous eight bulls  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 12%  5-star muscling and overall rating — with 4+ thickness

LOT 39 PCC OHN Great George 6312G

Born: 9/11/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236256 Sire: 2JW 1528 Mat. Grand Sire: OH 028 2134Z

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 67 558 971 —— —— Ratio: 86% 107% 107% —— 109% EPDs: -1.5 +51 +74 +27 ——

Overall Rating: ***** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 5 Udder: ***

Comments:  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 10%  5+ grass efficiency — with 5-star thickness, masculinity and overall rating  Combines a 4++ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance

LOT 40 PCC OHN Gottfried 6301G

Born: 9/2/19 Description: 100% Unregistered Red Angus Sire: 2JW 1528 Mat. Grand Sire: OH 028 2134Z

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 48 492 833 —— —— Ratio: 120% 94% 92% —— 90% EPDs: N/A N/A N/A N/A ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 3 Udder: ****

Comments:  Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Daniel Borntreger (MO) for $5250  5-star grass efficiency and masculinity — w/ 4+ fleshing  Combines a 4+ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance  Small spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem

LOT 41 PCC OHN Grant 6306G

Born: 9/4/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236280 Sire: 2JW 1528 Mat. Grand Sire: OH 028 2134Z

Base Price: $2500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 65 473 764 —— —— Ratio: 89% 90% 84% —— 77% EPDs: -2.3 +44 +70 +22 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 4 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous two bulls  Maternal 1/2 brother sold to Jim Shelton (OK) for $6000  5-star grass efficiency — with 4-star muscling, thickness, fleshing ability, overall rating and disposition

LOT 42 PCC OHN Grayson 6311G

Born: 9/11/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236292 Sire: 2JW 1528 Mat. Grand Sire: OH 84S 251Z

Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 68 580 974 —— —— Ratio: 85% 111% 108% —— 104% EPDs: -1.3 +57 +90 +28 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M/L

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: *** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 4 Udder: ****

Comments:  4+ grass efficiency and masculinity — w/ 4-star muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating  Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness

LOT 43 PCC OHN Grass Roots 6309G

Born: 9/8/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236260 Sire: 2JW 1528 Mat. Grand Sire: OH B571 207Z

Base Price: $2500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 80 477 832 —— —— Ratio: 72% 91% 92% —— 94% EPDs: -0.8 +47 +73 +23 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: *** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 5 Udder: ****

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous four bulls  Maternal 1/2 brother sold to John Silvey (MO) for $6250  4+ muscling — with 4-star grass efficiency, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating

LOT 44 PCC OHN Griffith 6319G

Born: 9/13/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4236220 Sire: 2JW 1388 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Satellite

Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 49 541 885 —— —— Ratio: 118% 103% 98% —— 91% EPDs: -4.3 +49 +73 +27 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: M

Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: ***** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 9 Udder: ****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 4%  High-marbling bull — with 4+ grass efficiency, thickness, masculinity and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

Sire — Kaycee Hobo

PCC OH Blue Bonnet

Sire: PCC Kaycee Hobo MGS: Colorado Shorty BW: -4.7 WW: +29 YW: +40 Milk: +21

LOT 45 PCC OH Galatyn 6170G

Born: 9/9/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238612 Sire: PCC OH Blue Bonnet Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 58 455 876 —— ——

Ratio: 89% 93% 101% —— 113%

EPDs: -4.3 +35 +52 +25 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ***

Comments:  4+ calving ease — calving ease direct is in the top 3%  5-star grass efficiency, thickness and masculinity — with 4+ muscling and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 46 PCC OH Geronimo 6213G

Born: 9/21/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238602 Sire: PCC OH Blue Bonnet Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Bounty Hunter Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 49 480 819 —— ——

Ratio: 106% 98% 95% —— 91%

EPDs: -4.8 +36 +49 +25 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 4%  Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD in the top 3%  High-marbling bull — with 4+ grass efficiency, muscling and thickness

LOT 47 PCC OH Gibbar 6217G

Born: 9/23/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238592 Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Bounty Hunter Base Price: $3500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 51 521 945 —— ——

Ratio: 101% 106% 109% —— 114%

EPDs: -5.9 +47 +74 +31 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2%  5-star grass efficiency an masculinity — w/ 4+ muscling, thickness and overall rating  RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST

LOT 48 PCC OH Go Genuine Gold 6209G

Born: 9/20/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238530 Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Bounty Hunter Base Price: $2500

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 62 435 829 —— ——

Ratio: 83% 89% 96% —— 106%

EPDs: -2.9 +62 +95 +33 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: *** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: *** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ****

Comments:  3/4 brother to the previous bull  4+ masculinity — with 4-star grass efficiency, muscling, thickness and overall rating

LOT 49 PCC OH Gandy 6179G

Born: 9/11/19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #4238534 Sire: Calvo Nebula 30B Mat. Grand Sire: OH Calvo Nice N Easy Base Price: $3000

Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Forage B.Wt. Weight Weight Milk Test Index

Actual: 59 528 811 —— ——

Ratio: 88% 108% 94% —— 76%

EPDs: -6.1 +45 +74 +30 ——

Overall Rating: **** Scrotal Circ: Frame: S/M

Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: **** Grass Efficiency: **** Cow Age: 2 Udder: *****

Comments:  1/2 brother to the previous two bulls  Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1%  4+ masculinity — w/ 4-star thickness and fleshing ability  Combines a 4-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance

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