~ Texas Hereford Bulls ~
LOT 104
PCC ACT Groveton
Born: 9/24/19
Description: 100% Unregistered Polled Hereford
Sire: BTF 207 M119 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
B.Wt. 81 91% N/A
Mat. Grand Sire: HL Plato Lad 242W Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 538 776 103% 90% N/A N/A
Overall Rating: ****
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: ***** Longevity: N/A
Fleshing Ability: *** Low Maintenance: N/A
Grass Efficiency: ****
Cow Age: 6
LOT 105
Born: 9/27/19
Description: 100% Polled Hereford #44098366
Sire: BTF 207 M119
Mat. Grand Sire: BTF DPH E132 4091
Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— N/A
Forage Test Index —— 72% ——
Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
Frame: S/M
B.Wt. 84 88% +1.6
205 Day Weight 480 92% +39
Overall Rating: ***
Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *****
Adjusted Off Test Weight 798 93% +55
Milk —— —— +14
Forage Test Index —— 96% ——
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: *****
Fleshing Ability: ****
Longevity: *****
Low Maintenance: N/A
Grass Efficiency: ****
Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Steve Rosenow (WI) for $4600 4+ muscling — with 4-star grass efficiency, thickness and overall rating
Frame: M Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: ****
Cow Age: 7
Udder: *****
Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls Maternal 1/2 brother sold to Jeff Henry (OK) for $7250 Use these Polled Hereford bulls to add some white faces and hybrid vigor to your program
Buy your bulls from someone who raises cattle the way you ought to.
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