~ Missouri Angus Bulls ~
LOT 97
PCC D-J Galaxy
Born: 8/31/19
Description: 100% Angus #19769019
Sire: PCC D-J Commissioner
Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua
Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
205 Day Weight 428 93% +9
B.Wt. 58 106% -2.3
Overall Rating: ***
Adjusted Off Test Weight 865 105% +20
Milk —— —— +23
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: *****
Calving Ease: *****
Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: ****
Forage Test Index —— 120% —— Frame: M
Fleshing Ability: ****
Longevity: ***** Comments:
Hair Coat: ****
Cow Age: 11
Udder: ****
LOT 98
PCC D-J Garmin
Born: 8/28/19
Description: 100% Angus #19771645
Sire: Beral of Wye
205 Day Weight 410 93% +7
B.Wt. 50 112% -3.9
Overall Rating: ****
BW: -3.1
Adjusted Off Test Weight 807 94% +11
Milk —— —— +19
Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: ****
MGS: OCC Anchor
WW: +21
Born: 8/28/19
Description: 100% Angus #19771650
Cow Age: 2
Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
Frame: S/M
B.Wt. 54 114% -2.0
205 Day Weight 473 103% +15
Longevity: *****
Udder: *****
Udder: *****
Born: 9/3/19
Description: 100% Angus #19771647
B.Wt. 63 98% -1.1
Longevity: *****
Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Scat 205 Day Weight 453 99% +15
Adjusted Off Test Weight 842 102% +27
Milk —— —— +15
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: *****
Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: ****
Cow Age: 4
Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Frame: S/M
Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *****
Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Milton Baucom (NC) for $4500 High-marbling bull — with 4+ grass efficiency, muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST
MGS: Angwin of Wye YW: +10
Cow Age: 6
PCC D-J Grandstand
Overall Rating: ****
WW: +6
Hair Coat: *****
LOT 100
Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
BW: -4.4
Calving Ease: ****
Maternal 1/2 brother sold to Jeff Mudloff (NE) for $7000 4+ calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 4% High-marbling — w/ 5-star grass efficiency & masculinity RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST
Base Price: $3500
Sire: Alap of Wye
Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Frame: S/M
Fleshing Ability: ****
Sire: Beral of Wye
Beral of Wye
Milk —— —— +19
Low Maintenance: *****
Grass Efficiency: *****
Comments: 5-star thickness and masculinity — w/ 4+ fleshing ability and overall rating Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST
Adjusted Off Test Weight 820 99% +34 Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: *****
Hair Coat: ****
Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Scat
Overall Rating: ****
Calving Ease: *****
Milk: +11
PCC D-J Governor
Sire: Beral of Wye
Forage Test Index —— 96% ——
YW: +37
LOT 99
Base Price: $3500
Scrotal Circ:
Disposition: ***** Longevity: ****
Sire: OCC Homer
Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Down Town
Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs:
MH Magua (Mog-wa)
1/2 brother to the previous three bulls Seven maternal 1/2 brothers sold for an average of $6300 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% 5-star cow longevity — the most important maternal trait
Milk: +14 65
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