KROST/KBKG Internal Newsletter - November 2021

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INSIDE Announcements Committees Spotlight Service New Hire Bios

QUARTERLY REPORT Message from Greg I’d like to present our first official quarterly firm newsletter. In this issue, we’ll cover the latest updates from each corporate department, committee, and more. In addition, you’ll find some great pictures from this year’s events, volunteer activities, and office openings. As we close out the last couple months of this year, I wanted to thank you all for your hard work and dedication throughout the pandemic. Despite many challenges we’ve grown immensely. In case you didn’t hear, we were recently recognized as a Top 100 Firm, the Top 100 Fastest-Growing Firm, and in the top 50 Best of the Best Firms in 2021 by INSIDE Public Accounting. This would not be possible without each and every one of you. Lastly, I wanted to personally invite you all to our upcoming State of the Firm event on Friday, December 10th. Our committee has put lots of work into making this another spectacular celebration of our team member and overall Firm accomplishments. We look forward to being all together again. Stay tuned for more on this exciting event! And thanks to all, especially our marketing team, who have been a part of launching our inaugural newsletter! NOVEMBER 2021

TABLE OF CONTENTS HR Updates...................................................................................... 3 Recruiting........................................................................................ 6 IT...................................................................................................... 7 Software Development.................................................................... 8 Marketing Highlights..................................................................... 13 Sales.............................................................................................. 14 Internal Accounting....................................................................... 15 Operations..................................................................................... 15 Committee Updates...................................................................... 16 DE&I Committee..................................................................... 16 Events Committee.................................................................. 16 Sustainability Committee....................................................... 17 Volunteer Committee............................................................. 18 Bonus Content............................................................................... 21 Industry Groups............................................................................. 22 Spotlight Service - ERTC................................................................. 23 New Hire Bios................................................................................ 24

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HR UPDATES This section includes: • New Hire Announcements • Important Policy Changes • Event Announcements • Upcoming Holidays • Employee Well-Being

Important Policy Changes

The Employee Handbook will be revised and distributed by January 2022. It will be distributed through Saba.

Upcoming Holidays

• The offices will be closed on November 25th & 26th to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday. • The offices will be closed from December 24-31 for the Holiday Break. • The offices will be closed on Monday, January 17, 2022, to observe MLK Day.

Key Dates/Event Announcements

• State of the Firm @ The Castaway, Burbank – Friday 12/10 10 am to 3 pm • If you have recently moved, please update your address with HR for year-end payroll purposes. • The 2022 Annual Limits for Benefit plans are listed below. If you want to make any adjustments, please notify HR. 2022 Annual Limits: HSA Contribution Limit – Single HSA Contribution Limit – Family HSA Catch-up contribution (ages 55 and over) 401(k) Contribution Limit 401(k) Catch-up contribution (ages 50 and over) Medical FSA Dependent Care Commuter Benefits

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2021 Limit $3,600 $7,200 $1,000

2022 Limit $3,650 $7,300 $1,000

$19,500 $6,500

$20,500 $6,500

$2,750 $5,000 $270/month

$2,750 $5,000 $280/month

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HR UPDATES - CONT. Employee Well-Being – By Lisa Arangua Mental health issues have always been in the workplace, but since the COVID-19 crisis the emotional challenges of employees have spiked tremendously. Our well-being is closely linked to our health and productivity. Any one of us can experience crippling levels of stress and anxiety. I came across a new phrase, “engaged-exhausted”, which has to deal with burnout. Burnout is much more than a buzzword. The stressors of the new work environment can start to wear on all of us. This has a direct impact on our physical and mental well-being. SHRM conducted a survey of 5,000 employees and found that 31% of employees felt both motivated to do their best and burned out at the same time. I have read numerous articles and participated in many webinars over the last year just on this subject alone. I read an article, “Seven tips to manage your mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak”, written by clinical psychologist, Desiree Dickerson. Her article really resonated with me. She wrote it at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, but it is still relevant today.

Seven tips for managing your mental health & well-being: 1. Manage your expectations – do not underestimate the cognitive and emotional load that this pandemic brings, the impact on your productivity. Difficulty concentrating, low motivation, and distractions are to be expected. Adaptation will take time; go easy on yourself. We need to be realistic about our goals. 2. Proactively manage your stress threshold – lay a solid foundation for your mental health & well-being, prioritize your sleep and practice good sleep hygiene, eat well, and exercise. 3. Know your red flags – one way to manage moments of distress is to identify key thoughts or physical sensations that tend to contribute to your cycle of distress and feelings of being overwhelmed. Our thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and actions each feed into and amplify these negative emotional spirals. Focusing on one can de-escalate the cycle. 4. Routine is your friend – it helps to manage anxiety and adapt more quickly to the current reality. Create a clear distinction between work & non-work time. Find something to do that is not work and brings you joy. Working in short bursts and taking clear breaks will help maintain your clarity of thought. Return to Table of Contents

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HR UPDATES - CONT. 5. Be compassionate with yourself & with others – there is a lot that we cannot control, but how we talk to ourselves during challenging times can either provide a powerful buffer or amplify our distress. Moments of feeling overwhelmed come with big thoughts, such as “I cannot do this.” The pandemic will cause a lot of stress for many of us, we must ask for help or reach out when help is asked of us. 6. Maintain connections – even the most introverted of us need some sense of connection with others. We need not to feel alone. 7. Manage uncertainty by staying in the present – take each day as it comes & focus on the things you can control. These are definitely some very good tips to follow. They apply to both our professional and personal life. I also want to remind you that our health carriers, Anthem & Kaiser, offer many resources, especially relating to your well-being. We created a page on our Company Intranet that will focus on Employee Well-Being. Click on the following link to view the page – Employee Well-Being Anthem Benefits – Anthem Discounts Emotional Well-being Resources Program – coming January 2022 Earn up to $200 in rewards with Wellbeing Solutions Access to myStrength – 24/7 health club for your mind Visit for additional resources - Diabetes Prevention Program; Live Coach; 24/7 Nurseline; LiveHealth Online EAP Program – Info flyer – Welcome to your EAP Info flyer – Financial Wellness Info flyer – Organizing for greater success

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Kaiser Benefits – Personalized Plan to Stay Healthy 24/7 Advice Line Comprehensive Approach to Specialty Care

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For current openings, check the opportunities on our website: KBKG » KROST » If you would like to request an open position, please fill out the requisition/recruiting form:

Recruiting Bonus - We pay bonuses to anyone who refers talent that we hire! Staff who have referred new hires to the firm since January 2021: • Juana Lopez ref Marissa Burriss • Keith Hamasaki ref Giovanni Valdivia, Victoria Shi, Kathryn Mendoza • Cyrielle Woo ref Vicky Quach, Alicia Quiroz Garcia • Heather Nichols ref Stephanie Obcamp • Zijian Tu ref Regina Ho • Angie Han ref Xiao Jiang • Lon O’Connor ref Michelle Snyder • Steve Chhuor ref Jing Yin • Mayra Silva ref Odalys Becerra • Cicely Wen ref Michelle Truong • Priscilla Sam ref Krikor Katoromian From January 1, 2021 - 10/31/2021, we’ve hired… • Fulltime – 71 • Temps – ERTC & PPP – 14 • Interns – 11

COLLEGE RECRUITING We have internships available! Departments: Accounting, Assurance & Advisory, Cost Segregation, Tax, and R&D Internship sessions: Winter (December/January – April/May) & Summer (June/July – August) Office Locations: Atlanta, West LA, Woodland Hills If you know anyone, please send referrals to Joanne – Return to Table of Contents

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IT shorter snips of training throughout the year is more effective for individuals to retain because we tend to keep our attention focused on the training during the shorter training periods. Also, by increasing the frequency of the training, it helps keep information security processes fresh in our minds. Our video training will be short videos, approximately 10 minutes or less, and we will be pushing them out every two months. It is important that we all take the time to complete these short training sessions as they are pushed out. We will still be pushing out our regular Phishing campaigns throughout the year, so be on the lookout for those. DATA RETENTION PROJECT This year, the firm has created a Data Retention Policy to ensure that the necessary records and documents are protected and that those records that are no longer needed will be appropriately discarded at the proper time. The policy dictates that files should not be maintained past the age of years unless it is designated as a permanent (Perm) file. The Data Retention Policy is located here: IT-503 Data Retention Policy File classification was completed by the various departments for the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) outlining the type of data that we have and what age that data could be deleted or if it is Perm data that should be retained indefinitely. These files should be updated by the members in the department that are responsible for doing so. Those Data Classification Documents are located here: Data Classification Documents by Department We are currently working with the departments to identify the locations where data is stored and come up with the best solution for adhering to the data retention policy in the near future. INFORMATION SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING We will start changing how we complete our Information Security Awareness training beginning in November. Traditionally, security awareness training has been done in an hour-long block once a year. It has been determined that providing more frequent but Return to Table of Contents

SAVING DATA – S: DRIVE LIMITATIONS Lately, there have been many questions regarding what data should be on the S: drive and how long it should stay there. The S: drive contains company resources, and each individual has their own folder for sharing files with others in the organization. Files that are intended to be shared can be kept on your own folder name within the S: drive but should be removed when they are no longer needed. If the files are client-related and can be stored in a location designated for client files, such as CCH Document, CCH Engagement, or on a file server within the client folder, then those documents should be stored there. Again, I want to say that if the file is no longer needed or duplicated data, it should be moved to a proper location depending on the type of file or deleted. This will help us keep proper tracking of documents for our Data Retention Policy. CYBER SECURITY PROGRAM In an effort to continue to protect the information of the firm and our clients, we have been performing Proof of Value (POV) tests for various cyber security solutions that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help combat cyber security issues. These products are designed to identify cyber-attacks in seconds and can take action to autonomously stop those attacks. We have had positive results so far during our evaluations and look forward to seeing the full capabilities of these products. Cybercrime is a continually evolving issue, as such, we need to continually evaluate and initiate processes and technologies to help prevent those attacks. Quarterly Report | 7


A cloud-based software has been developed for cost seg and R&D staff. The software replaces the existing processes, which rely heavily on excel and the network drive. This process streamlines the project execution, project notification, and client deliverables. Cost Seg – Phase 1 of this application will be released in November 2021.

R&D – This software will integrate with Salesforce on client and project details. Phase 1 of this application will be released at the end of 2021.

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We have developed an RPA (Robotic Process Automation), which drastically reduces the time required to set up a new project in PCS and Salesforce. It streamlines the project creation process and reduces the internal communication overhead. It also reduces a lot of duplicate data entry work by staff.


We rolled out a centralized knowledge base management software, GetGuru. Everyone can access GetGuru through Okta. Knowledge is shared among departments, meaning an R&D staff can read research performed by a tax staff based on a keyword search.

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We changed the process to collect property data systematically in Salesforce, then automated the process to generate a sales proposal. Two bots are implemented to achieve this, one for automating the process to retrieve additional property details data and one for generating the benefit estimate for the client in excel.

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The project notification is a system to notify the project team if we are at risk of running out of budget on the projects, and each business line has its business rule. The factors can involve project budget, project WIP, project fee, and project completeness.

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We have a new process for new requisition requests. The entire process is going through a form request and email. The hiring manager can submit the request through a form in Okta, and the entire approval process will go through email.

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MARKETING HIGHLIGHTS HANDWRYTTEN Send a digital thank you card to your clients and prospects. Access available to all managers via Okta. Training guide on the intranet.


QR codes can be found here for KBKG and KROST managers and above: S:\10-QR Codes. If you are a manager and would like a QR code, please submit a MRF.


Marketing is coordinating holiday gifts for top clients. This year, we are partnering with SwagUp and sending an assortment of high quality branded items bundled together. Please look out for an email from us for details and respond as quickly as possible to our inquiries, so we can ensure gifts are delivered on time.

FIRM GIFT Thank you to those who took the survey. We have decided to give you the option to choose a backpack or duffle for your firm gift.


Branding guidelines and logos can be referenced on the marketing intranet or if you’re off-site, it can be accessed on our webpages: » KBKG | » KROST

The best way to have your marketing request in the que is to submit a Marketing Request Form (MRF), accessible through Okta. Please give us a minimum of 5 business days to complete standard requests.

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We grew NEW Sales over 35% vs Prior FY and exceeded our projected NEW SALES goals by 15%. Total NEW Sales in FY 21 = $26M (with additional projects not yet priced out).


John Frack is our #1 Sales Rep, selling close to $3M. Congrats, Frack!


John Frack, Chad Niehaus, and Lon O’Connor are becoming team leaders.


We are looking for the following to join our team: • Director (Sales Manager) based in Dallas, Chicago, or Atlanta • Regional Director (Outside Sales) based in Los Angeles • Account Manager based in Portland • Business Development Consultant (Internal) based in NYC • Regional Director (Outside Sales) based in Dallas • Regional Director (Outside Sales) in Chicago

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Donna Bateman and Laura Diallo are notaries. A notarial service is free to our employees. Employees can reach out to one of them to schedule a time if they need a notary.

Important dates relating to payroll and expense reimbursements for year-end tax planning

• Thursday, December 16 – ALL APPROVED expense reimbursements are required to be submitted with ALL expenses incurred through 12/15/21. Any expenses incurred 12/16/21 – 12/31/21 should be submitted the first week of January. These expenses should be minimal because the firm will be on a company holiday for most of that period. • Wednesday, December 21 – Non-exempt employees must submit timecards, which are estimated through the end of the year, by the end of the business day. If an employee will be on PTO, please make sure that you submit your timecard PRIOR to your leave. • Pay period ending 12/31/21 will have a check date of 12/31/21, instead of 01/07/22. Please plan ahead because employees will NOT be receiving a payroll check on 01/07/22.

OPERATIONS SOTF AT CASTAWAY BURBANK – COUNTDOWN BEGINS Preparations have started for an in-person event, and we’re strongly encouraging everyone to carpool. You’ll need to use the self-park lot. Those traveling into town, please travel together & coordinate staying at the same hotel. Car rentals are scarce in supply – please carpool. Let the Games begin! The Games committee is creating fun-filled activities which will remain a secret until Event Day. Bring your competitive spirit with you. Thanks for participating in this year’s survey for the staff’s gift. WE NEED MORE SPACE If you think last year was the end of moving and building new office space, take a look at our Bedford, Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia offices. Bedford started the year with 1,124 sq ft, and we’re currently at 1,833 sq ft with a total of 17 staff. Our Atlanta office will be moving in January 2022 with approximately 2,500 sq ft. The office will initially accommodate 24 workspaces with the potential to increase up to 30 workspaces before workspace sharing or hoteling. TRAVELING FOR BUSINESS? NEED A RENTAL CAR? If you need a rental car for business, please use this link to set up your Enterprise/National Account. We have pre-arranged with Enterprise/National car rental to have the appropriate insurance coverages.

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COMMITTEE UPDATES DE&I COMMITTEE The DE&I Committee had our first meeting on September 24th. Our primarily goal is to develop a strategy on how we are going to spread awareness on our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiative. One of the first tasks is to create the Vision and Mission statements. We hope to be able to share them with you during the upcoming State of the Firm. KROST/KBKG is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Our employees are the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities, and talent that our employees invest in their work represents a significant part of not only our culture, but our reputation and the Company’s achievement as well.

Members of the DE&I Committee – Jonathan Tucker – Chair Lisa Arangua – Co-Chair Mark Kaai Bethany Wolfe Ryan VanderVelden Lon O’Connor Jessica Bowen Sergio Gutierrez Mayra Silva

EVENTS COMMITTEE Halloween Contest – Voting will begin today. Winners will be announced tomorrow November 2nd. Busy Season Trivia – Absolute hit! We’re glad everyone had fun. We are planning to have trivia once a month, with a couple Holiday specials. If anyone has any ideas for the next trivia, please reach out! We love new ideas. Here are the winners for week 5, 6, and 7: Week 5: Nancy Melendez Week 6: Jesus Alfaro Tyson McLaws Zihan Jiang Week 7: Sabrina Garza

Minute to Win It Games – We had our first Minute to win it game – Noodle Doodlin. It was the perfect opportunity to take a break from busy season and get a peak at everyone’s artistic side. Members of the Events Committee – If anyone is interested in joining, please reach out to Kim. It would be great to have a representative from each office so everyone can join in on the fun. Natalia Perez (Chicago) Britany Loveday (Dallas) Kimberly Hoang (Pasadena) Cicely Wen (Pasadena) Lan Ho (Pasadena) Ronique Davis (West LA)



• Ugly Holiday Sweater • Gingerbread Cookie Contest

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COMMITTEE UPDATES CONT. SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE Thank you to everyone in LA who came out to the Heal the Bay Beach cleanups! If you would like to support their organization by donating, volunteering, or visiting their aquarium on the Santa Monica Pier, please visit their website for more information.

Next, we will be hosting our Buy Nothing Event (our version of a swap meet) in November. If you would like to participate, please start gathering items that you would like to part with. Items must be in excellent condition and can range from clothing and accessories to household decorative items and appliances. Buying second-hand and reusing perfectly good items is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. More information will be sent out by our committee soon. Batteries Recycling • In the Pasadena office, please place old ones in the large blue plastic basket on the counter in the Pantry. • WLA has a marked box for old batteries next to the outgoing mail basket. • WH has a marked box for old batteries in the storage room on the bottom shelf of the first bookcase. If you would like to join the committee or have an organization that supports sustainability initiatives you would like to share with the company, please contact either Stephanie Hauschildt or Mary Chavez. Members of the Sustainability Committee – Greg Kniss (Pasadena) Mary Chavez (Co-Chair Leader, West LA) Stephanie Hauschildt (Co-Chair Leader, WH) Jayde McCoy (Pasadena) Jerilynn Pakcyk (West LA) May Sung (Pasadena) Ryan VanderVelden (Dallas) Victoria Ho (Pasadena) Ana Urzagaste (Woodland Hills) Diana Vinder (Woodland Hills) Ceasar Arellano (Pasadena) Eloise Petruska (Pasadena) Derek Johnson (Woodland Hills) Heather Nichols (Woodland Hills)

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The Pasadena office launched the annual “Man of Movember” mustache-growing campaign to raise awareness about men’s health. During the “Mogrowing” month, male colleagues that wish to participate begin by having clean-shaven mustaches and then growing them throughout the campaign. On the final day, they will send in ‘before and after’ photos to be judged by colleagues. The winner will be selected as “Mr. Movember 2021.” On Wednesday, October 27th, we will be assembling hygiene kits with toiletries for the Downtown Women’s Center – an organization headquartered in the Skid Row section of Los Angeles that is actively engaging with women in the community to bring an end to homelessness for women. This is the only organization of its kind that particularly support and provides comprehensive services for women. As we have done over the past six years, we will partner with Door of Hope for their annual “Angel Tree/Secret Santa” event for the holidays. This year, we will be fulfilling the wish lists of 12 families (40 family members) by giving them all the presents they have requested for the holidays.

KROST has joined the Alzheimer’s Organization Accounting Industry Leadership Council. We are the very first firm headquartered in the West Coast. The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide. It is a 2-mile walk full of flowers, carried by someone dedicated to fighting to end Alzheimer’s. Every dollar we donate helps the Alzheimer’s Association provide care and support to those facing Alzheimer’s and all other dementia and advance critical research. The “Walk to End” is headed by the Volunteer Committee team in the West LA Office. There are two events being organized for KROST Family and Friends: Long Beach Walk, held on October 23rd, and Los Angeles Walk which will be at LA Zoo on November 6th. KROST Family and Friends are already more than 1/5 towards our goal. The firm will match up to $5,000 for any donations received to have an even greater impact.

In addition, we will also be adopting at least one individual family selected from the community and will fill their wish lists for gifts and food.


Woodland Hills plans to participate in a Toy Drive this December. The Woodland Hills office will also donate to the Family Rescue Center, an organization in the San Fernando Valley that supports families in need with food, clothing, and their annual ‘Back to School’ backpack drive.


KROST participated in St. Vincent de Paul Toiletries Drive for the non-accompanied immigrant children in Long Beach waiting for placement. KROST generosity helped the children detained in Long Beach. Return to Table of Contents


The New York City office plans to collect coats for distribution to families in need in preparation for the holiday season. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the need for warm clothing will be greater than ever. Additionally, the New York office plans to participate in a blood or platelet donation at a local hospital. Quarterly Report | 18

COMMITTEE UPDATES CONT. Lastly, the New York office plans to contribute time and money to personal charities, including Project Linus, Reach Out and Read, and Meals on Wheels.


The Atlanta office went to the City of Refuge facility and performed community service for the less fortunate, including refinishing floors, painting walls, and moving furniture. We also donated money to the facility. The City of Refuge supports the homeless and single-parent mothers with shelter, food, and a place to learn how to get into the workforce.

The Texas team will also participate in 6Stones Night of Hope, a holiday food and toy drive taking place in December. The office has also reached out to a community family and will be providing a Thanksgiving basket for a family in the community. This is through Bill Taylor’s association with the North Texas/Tarant County Chapter of the Big Brother-Big Sisters organization. It is possible that the office will adopt the same family for Christmas.


The Fulton County School System’s Thanksgiving is a cause we have supported for years now. We have donated various items to help the kids and families of these school systems obtain items they need at home and for school. We also support the Fulton County School System during the Christmas season. We plan to donate gift cards so the kids and families can have an unforgettable Christmas.


The Texas team participated in 6 Stones Operation Back 2 School earlier this summer. The event is a school supply drive put on by 6Stones. Our office adopted a classroom and provided school supplies for the students. At the end-of-busy season, the office participated in 6stones Annual CPR Fall Blitz. The team from the Dallas office went to a house in Euless and spent the day painting the exterior and putting up a fence in the backyard. Return to Table of Contents

The Chicago office is exploring three options for their Holiday efforts. One option is volunteering at ReStore for Habitat for Humanity, another is Marillac St. Vincent Family Services, and the third option is the Walter and Connie Payton Foundation.


During November and December, KBKG/KROST employees will have the opportunity to use company volunteer time. Please join us as we both honor and say thank you to those who have served in the United States military as we make paracord bracelets and write thank you letters, and coloring pages. Our efforts will benefit Operation Gratitude, who will include these items in their care packages and first responder kits reaching not only military but also first responders and front-line workers. We have in-person and virtual sessions scheduled for Veteran’s Day, Thursday 11/11, and Tuesday 12/02. For the ongoing writing of “Thank You’s,” the baskets of blank cards will be available for you to select cards in California offices through middle December. Quarterly Report | 19

IN OCTOBER, WE WEAR PINK On Wednesday, October 20th, the Pasadena office launched the firm-wide Pink Day event to benefit breast cancer research and support. We support campaigns with the American Cancer Society, as well as the Susan G. Komen organization. This year, an anonymous donor has issued a challenge of $500.00 for the Komen campaign.

Members of the Volunteer Committee – Greg Kniss Laura Diallo, Chair Jesus Alfaro (HQ) - Secretary Kyle Ernsberger (Chicago) Paul McVoy (NY) Ryan VanderVelden (Texas) Chad Niehaus (ATL) Cheyenne Gonzalez (HQ) Alexis McClellan (NY) Return to Table of Contents

Khaleel Taylor (ATL) Marissa Burriss (WH) Natalie Tagle (WH) Juana Lopez (WH, Alternate) Elvira Frencillo (West LA) Briant Garcia (West LA) Dante Dobson (NY) Alexi Feller (HQ) Natalia Perez (Chicago)

Jeffrey Nguyen (West LA) Stephanie Obcamp (WH) Maria Ortiz - in 2022 (NY) Medik Grigorian - in 2022 (HQ)

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BONUS CONTENT KBKG admin team (with Gian) participated in a team-building activity at ‘The Bunker Experience’ in Pasadena on October 28th. Laura organized this as a post-Admin Professionals ‘Thank You’ to the team (since not everyone was available for a team lunch). This was a great activity that challenged their critical thinking skills (and survival) skills. They had a 50-minute time limit to complete the challenge and they did it with 25 seconds to spare! Their host told them afterwards that 40% of their participants don’t make it out in time. Everyone had so much fun!

Left to right: Gian Pazzia (Principal); Jesus Alfaro (Admin, KBKG); Ceasar Arellano (Admin, KBKG); Laura Diallo (Executive Assistant-Project Coordinator); Alexi Feller (Project Assistant)

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For those of you that may be unfamiliar, we have several industry groups comprised of cross-departmental members to add depth to our company’s expertise. In order to participate, we ask that you apply, indicating why you would like to join and what experience you would bring to the group. Apply now to join an industry group »

KROST QUARTERLY MAGAZINE Upcoming Release – The Sports & Entertainment Issue, Vol 4, Issue 3

The Sports & Entertainment Issue highlights some of the hot topics in the sports & entertainment industry including tax issues for athletes, Payroll Protection Program loan, wealth management, and more.

The Technology Issue, Vol 4, Issue 2

The Technology Issue highlights some of the hot topics in the technology industry including Client Accounting Services (CAS), Nonfungible Tokens, the Effect of Upcoming Changes to IRC Section 174 on the Software Development Industry, and more. » Read more

The Financial Services Issue, Vol 4, Issue 1

The Financial Services Issue highlights some of the hot topics in financial services including Section 1244 claims, the Lender Management, LLC case study, research & development, waterfall calculations, IRC Section 1061, and FinTech trends. » Read more

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The Main Street Small Business Tax Credit II bill provides financial relief to qualified small businesses for the economic disruptions in 2020 and 2021, resulting in unprecedented job losses. Taxpayers that qualified for Employee Retention Credit may also qualify for the Main Street Small Business Tax Credit. A tentative credit reservation must be made with the CDTFA during the period of November 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021, or when the funds are depleted, whichever comes first. This credit is allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Act fast if you have qualifying clients. » One Pager | » Blog

EXPERTS Jason C. Melillo – Principal, ERTC & CA Main Street Credit

Ian Williams – Director, ERTC

David Troost – Senior Manager CA Main Street Credit

Jeff Kamin – Manager, ERTC

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NEW HIRE BIOS Odalys Becerra

Admin Assistant for Tax in West LA Hello! My name is Odalys Becerra. I graduated from CSU Dominguez Hills with a Bachelors in Sociology this summer. I have worked in many different retail branches the last 8 years of my life and I am ready for the change of environment. On my free time, I enjoy reading literary fiction, watching LAFC games, running and almost anything that is outdoors. I love traveling and learning about different cultures and customs and trying all the delicious food that comes with it.

Josef Dochterman

Sr. Software Engineer for IT in Pasdena Josef Dochterman has worked as a software programmer since 2010, for previous organizations including the County of Ventura government. He believes in making computers easy for people to use. His experience includes creating databases, online applications as well as programming graphics and user interfaces. Apart from work he spends time studying books, music and walking outdoors.

Agnes Corrales

AP Clerk for Internal Accounting in Pasadena Hi, my name is Agnes Corrales, a local of Pasadena. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Manila, Philippines. With 20 years of experience in accounting, I hope my skills and experience can contribute to the company. My hobbies are flower arranging and decorating. I love listening to old classical musics. I am looking forward in working with the team.

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Staff for R&D in Pasadena Kelly Li is a recent graduate from California State Polytechnic University Pomona with a BA in finance. She worked at Chase as an associate banker prior to Krost/KBKG. During her tenure at Chase, she enhanced her communication skills, leading to develop long term trusting relationships with clients. She was also the Vice President of her sorority, Alpha Delta Kappa, where she strengthened her analytical skills from budgeting, planning, and recording financial documents to prepare reports on financial status. Outside of the office, Kelly enjoys traveling, being outdoors, and baking.

Matt Punia

Tax Specialist for R&D in Dallas Hi y’all! My name is Matt Punia and I am so excited to be joining everyone at KBKG here at the Dallas office! A little bit about my past, I was born and raised in Orange County, CA and moved to Dallas about 7 years ago. I graduated from The University of Texas at Dallas as a Finance major back in 2019. Some of my hobbies include playing/watching basketball, cooking, watching movies, and reading. I can’t wait to meet everyone and start my journey at KBKG!

Ben Forehand

Tax Specialist for R&D in Dallas Hi my name is Ben Forehand and I am an incoming R&D Tax Credit Specialist. Prior to joining KBKG, I spent 2.5 years at BDO, LLP within the Business tax credits and incentives group. During my time at BDO I worked with a multitude of clients within the aerospace, manufacturing, and software industries. I am a graduate of Texas Tech University (“Wreck’em Tech”), where I majored in accounting and finance. When I am not keeping busy with R&D tax credits I like to hunt, fish, and play golf. I look forward to meeting many you in the coming week.

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NEW HIRE BIOS Jarah Childs

Tax Specialist for R&D in Atlanta My name is Jarah Childs. I completed my B.B.A. in Accounting with a minor in Criminal Justice in December of 2020. I am currently obtaining my MBA online from Mercer University. In my free time I enjoy cooking, traveling, and making music! I’ve played a variety of sports and still enjoy exercising and hiking. My passion is helping others and I am very excited to be joining the team!

Greg Katoromian

Staff for Accounting in Woodland Hills Hello, my name is Krikor (Greg) Katoromian. Born and raised in Burbank, CA. I received my Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in Spring 2021 from the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics at Cal State University, Northridge. Currently on pace to take the CPA exams in the coming year. Some of my hobbies include learning about the real estate market as well as road trip vacations to different states.

Souhaila Chehibi

Tax Specialist for R&D in Pasadena Souhaila is a recent graduate from California State University, Northridge with major in Accounting. She was an accounting associate at Jain Nakajima LLP, a small CPA firm in West LA. Prior to that, she was an assistant store manager at Ross Dress for Less and an office administrator at Star Parking Management. Being a theatre performer in the past helped Souhaila develop the ability to speak clearly and thoughtfully and work cooperatively with others. Souhaila grew up in Tunisia. She is fluent in Arabic and French. She enjoys going on long walks with her husband. She likes traveling, socializing, watching documentaries, and learning about different cultures.

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NEW HIRE BIOS Dillon Rattray-Mattis

Cost Segregation Intern in Chicago Hi everyone! My name is Dillon Rattray-Mattis, I am currently a 4th year Civil Engineering student at Illinois Tech. I’m originally from Stratford, Connecticut, but relocated to Chicago for my studies. I enjoy staying active – I’ve been on my school’s Track and Field team since my freshmen year. Outside of sports, I enjoy binge watching my favorite TV shows or going out to new places in the city with friends. Looking forward to starting at KGKB, and cannot wait to meet you all.

Michelle Truong

Client Services for Business Management in Pasadena My name is Michelle Truong. I graduated in 2018 from California State University Los Angeles with a Bachelor of Science in Business Admin with Emphasis in Finance. Shortly after, I began working at Din Tai Fung as an Accounts Payable Associate. During the pandemic, I built a gaming pc and started gaming in my free time (I really hope the work pcs are not slow). I also enjoy playing tennis and basketball.

Andrea McGinnis

Sr. Tax Specialist for R&D Andrea received her Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Master’s in Taxation from the University of Georgia. Upon graduation from college, she spent over five years at a Big Four accounting firm specializing in Research and Development Tax Credit studies, Like-Kind Exchange programs, and Accounting Method Studies. She transitioned into a project management role for the same Big Four accounting firm, focusing on learning and development within the Partner and Leadership Development space. She also has experience providing generalized accounting services to privately held companies. She is a Certified Public Accountant, licensed in the state of Georgia. For the past 12 years, Andrea has spent the majority of her time raising her twin sons, Alex and Ben. She currently resides in Brentwood, TN with her husband (Dustin), sons (Alex and Ben), and dog (Stubbs). In her free time, she loves to exercise, garden, play sports, hike, and spend as much time as possible outdoors.

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