WHY KRYPTONIANS WERE IGNORNT OF ITS COMMING DISTRUCTION WHEN THEY WERE THE MOST ADVANCED CIVLIZATIONS IN COSMOS? Krypton is believed to be a planet of most advanced civilization in the three diamentional universe. But such an advance civilization was unable to detect the distruction of Krypton. Suppose that if there were CNN,BBC etc on Krypton they would have repated the estimated destruction so many times that even a child of Hrypton would have been aware of it. So why it was a secret and why the Kryptonian media was as silent as an idol. Did such an advance civilization lacked proper news egencies and media. This is a paradoxial problem. One one side they were so advanced and on other side so backward. Although is is neither a Logical Paradox nor a Mathematical Paradox but a Practical Paradox at least on earth. How ever Practical Paradoxes in regard to planet earth may not be a paradox in regard to an other planet say Krypton. A Possible answer is that alein words have their own norms and paradoxes. But DC have not tried to provide a satisfactory answer to this major problem. There for it is necessary to propose a reason or more than one reasons to answer this question. In animated series there is an attempt to answer this question. But they did a terrible mistake by converting Braniac to a Supreme Computer on Kryton. Traditionally Brainiac is a humanoid or an android from Colu but this new alleged history makes him a Chief of President of All Computers on Krypton. If suitable changes are made this is a possible answer which is satisfactory for our question, Why Kryptonians were unaware of the distruction of Krypton? Kryptonians developed a Super Computer which with the quality of Perfect Artificial Rationality, so rational that it became the Supreme Rational Artificial Mind in the Cosmos. This computer was soon made the Only Computer on Krypton, and all the other Computers were just a Manifestation of this Computer. This computer had an artificial Will and Super Will. The computer was initially a Slave of Kryptonian Council, but it wanted to become Free and independent. Yet this was the limit of the Will of this Computer that it was a slave and could not disobey Kryptonian Supreme Council , the guardians of Kryptonic Constintution.
The only way to win freedom and independence was to destroy the very Krypton Itself. On the other hand there was no other independent computer on Krypton and every single Electronic divice was in the control of this Computer, which was eager to win its freedom. The Supreme Rationality of Krypton , decieved its masters . Thus this is the cause of the ignorence. It may be also proposed that Krypton was destroyed by this Computer which found a way to destroy the planet in order to get independane from Kryptonian Humans/Humanoids. As for the name of this Computer , one may propose that this Kryptonian Computer was some how fused and confused by Colu's computer , two becoming one , and adopting, the name for hiding its KryptonianIdentity. Why? Perhaps it does not want to be called a betrayer of Krypton. But the Kryptonian Computer won over the Colu's computer yet succesfully hides its identity . Any how the Supreme Artificial Intellegence was Evil and this was not known to Kryptonians till the Distruction of Krypton. If the Kryptonians had percieved it , they had the power to command it to become good and ,it cannot disobey the command must have become good. Finally I think one of the weakness of Brianiac is to get the status of members of Kryptonian Council of Government , AND IF IT IS SOME HOW DONE BRINIAC SHALL BECOME HIS SLAVE, A DIFFICULT TASK, YET MAY ATTEMT TO REMOVE HIS/HER MEMBER SHIP. ONE MAY READ THE MIND OF KRYPTONIAN BRAINIAC TO SEE HOW THE MEMBERS WERE CHOSEN. I hope that this may provide a new dimension of research in Kryptonology .