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design philosophy

KlingStubbins – компания, предоставляющая полный комплекс услуг по архитектурному проектированию, инженерно-проектным работам, дизайну интерьеров, планировочным решениям и ландшафтному дизайну, включающая в себя шесть подразделений с более чем 400 профессионалами. Со штаб-квартирой, расположенной в Филадельфии, шт. Пенсильвания, KlingStubbins также имеет представительства в Пекине, Китай; Кембридже, шт. Массачусетс; Роли, шт. Северная Каролина; Сан-Франциско, шт. Калифорния; и в г. Вашингтон.

В нашей дизайнерской фирме действительно важным является то, что амбиции наших клиентов совместимы с энтузиазмом и талантом наших архитекторов, способных реализовать их. Соответствие этим амбициям, обуславливающие видение архитектора, и является нашей целью.

Наша углубленная специализация во всех областях проектирования и диапазон профессиональной квалификации позволили KlingStubbins расширить спектр услуг для Корпоративных/Коммерческих, Государственных заказчиков, заказчиков сферы Здравоохранения, Высшего Образования, Гостиничного Бизнеса /сферы Развлечений, в строительстве Институциональном/Гражданском, стратегическиважных объектов, заказов в сфере Науки и Техники. Благодаря внимательному следованию желаниям и потребностям наших заказчиков, были реализованы объекты высочайшего класса, в которых учтены бизнес-факторы клиента и использован индивидуальный творческий подход. Современные комплексные условия строительства требуют талантливых и квалифицированных специалистов для выполнения требований даже самого стандартного проекта. KlingStubbins гордится результатами, превосходящими ожидания наших заказчиков. Мы подбираем команды профессионалов в соответствии с целями и задачами каждого проекта. Эксперты скоординировано работают, предоставляя полный спектр услуг, включая административное руководство, оперативное управление, проектирование, стратегию оптимизации рабочего процесса, инженерно-конструкторские работы, оценку затрат, противопожарную защиту и безопасность жизни, а также обеспечение технической документацией и конструкторскими наработками. Система управления командой предоставляет заказчикам единое контактное лицо, при этом обеспечивая доступ к общенациональному кадровому потенциалу KlingStubbins. Наш проверенный проектный подход совмещает индивидуальное обслуживание, свойственное небольшой фирме, с разнообразием и объемом ресурсов, доступных только в многопрофильной компании национального значения. KlingStubbins придерживается методики комплексной разработки проектов, ориентированной на системы высококачественного строительства. В основе нашей деятельности - исследование и совершенствование, обогащеные знанием проверенных принципов проектирования, а также использованию нами системы информационного моделирования зданий (BIM). Мы выработали методы и средства, гарантирующие осуществление целей проекта, начиная с концепции и заканчивая реализацией и строительством. Такой подход дает возможность проектной группе активно участвовать в принятии решений в процессе проектирования и строительства. Но, несмотря на то, что наши технические возможности и средства очень широки, суть нашей работы не в этом. Наша цель - Дизайн. Квинтэссенция нашей работы – идеальное сочетание творчества и технических способностей, соединение науки и гуманитарных дисциплин, слияние силлогистических решений с определенными индивидуальными требованиями. Это всегда являлось целью архитектурных, инженерно-конструкторских, интерьерных разработок и планирования.

В проектировании необходимо целенаправленно придерживаться первоначального замысла проекта, оставаясь предельно критичным и осведомленным к окружающим условиям. В ходе работы над проектом, как ни парадоксально, зачастую используются как сдерживающие факторы, так и возможные перспективы. Ставится задача идти к осуществлению поставленных целей проектируемых объектов, оставаясь при этом максимально креативными. Этот баланс прагматизма и вдохновения – сущность проектирования. Общественное и культурная среда вдохновляют и формируют дизайн. Требованием заказчика является не просто стилевое решение, а в целом, соответствие комплексным современным условиям. Общество и культура воздействуют на дизайн, и, в свою очередь, архитектура движима ими. Нам необходимо сразу понимать направленность будущего объекта и природные условия, обычаи и традиции не только тех, кто проживает на территории в настоящий момент, но и грамотно предвидеть будущее развитие окружающей среды. Актуальное состояние природных, климатических, антропогенных и исторических факторов в совокупности определяет и расширяет возможности для архитектуры. Значительные инвестиции в исследование и изучение окружающей среды производятся во время разработки проектов. Но мимолетные ощущения дуновения ветра, звуки дождя, открывающихся виды города или далеко уходящего горизонта, воспоминания или наложившая отпечаток история, все это бросает вызов догматическим расчетам. Все эти факторы подспудно влияют на дизайн проекта, и если они будут обойдены вниманием,то и функцианальность проекта может быть подвергнуто риску. Проект должен выдерживать испытание временем. Его культурный вклад бессмыслен, если дизайн не построен обоснованно. Шедевры дизайна накапливают культурное значение со временем, часто после того, как их первоначальная цель и назначение изменились, поэтому их долговечность крайне важна. Расположенные в различных регионах и отличаясь по стилю, шедевры искусства имеют одну общую черту: высочайшая техника строительства. Мы следуем прогрессивным технологиям индустрии. Архитектура и инженерно-конструкторские работы никогда не предназначались быть отдельными дисциплинами. Их неразрывная интеграция произвела огромное количество архитектурных памятников. Это современный подход тогда и сейчас. Великое зодчество - это, прежде всего, не крепкая или массивная, пропорциональная или фундаментальная архитектура, но то, что стало воплощением самых смелых амбиций наших заказчиков и таланта наших дизайнеров. Мы надеемся что наши проекты пройдут испытание временем.



Стремление к качеству и инновации в проектировании - наследие, которое было заложено предшественниками KlingStubbins. KlingStubbins был основан в результате слияния двух фирм, которые независимо друг от друга достигли художественного профессионального мастерства за более чем 60 лет. В 1946 Винсент Г. Клинг, член Американского института архитекторов, основал свою фирму в г. Филадельфии. Его проекты с Градостроителем Эдмундом Бэконом, включая Муниципальное Здание, Центральный Сквер и парк Любви, преобразовали масштаб и пейзаж города в тот виде, как мы его знаем сегодня. Хью А. Стаббинс, член Американского института архитекторов, современник Клинга, начал свою собственную архитектурную практику в Кембридже, шт.Массачусетс, в 1949. Стаббинс стал «синонимом» архитектуры высочайшего качества. Его портфолио славится Ситикорп Центром (Citicorp Center) в НьюЙорке, зданием Федерального резервного банка в Бостоне и башней «Лэндмарк Тауэр» (Landmark Tower) в Иокогаме, одним из самых высоких зданий в Японии.

В 2011 году KlingStubbins Inc. объединилась с Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Jacobs Engineering Group является одним из крупнейших и наиболее диверсифицированных в мире поставщиков профессиональных технических услуг. Мы предлагаем полный спектр поддержки промышленных, коммерческих и государственных клиентов на различных рынках. Джейкобс успешно обеспечивает полную широту коммунальных услуг –- проектирование, архитектура, проектирование, дизайн интерьеров, управление строительством, управление, а также проектирование-строительство - к диверсифицированной базе ведущих государственных и частных клиентов по всему миру. Мы предлагаем проектирование и строительство новых зданий, а также обеспечиваем расширение, реконструкцию и восстановление существующих объектов и ввод в эксплуатацию,а также городское планирования и проектирование.

Венцом достижений Винсента Клинга стало приобретение в 1970-ых фирмы инженерно-конструкторского профиля. Он также стремился к совершенству в сфере инженерно-конструкторских работ, особенно в сложных проектах, требующих органичной и творческой координации с архитектурным проектированием. Архитектурная и инженерноконструкторская фирмы Клинга были объединены в 1980-ых, что привело к образованию действительно интегрированной архитектурностроительной компании с исключительными возможностями в отношении проектирования и инженерно-конструкторских разработок. Kling и Stubbins непрерывно выполняли успешные проекты повсеместно в Соединенных Штатах, Европе, Ближнем Востоке и Азии. Каждая из фирм получила сотни престижных наград за дизайн. Stubbins было присвоено звание «Фирмы года» Американским институтом архитекторов. В 2003 фирмы Kling и Stubbins впервые стали работать в качестве аффилированных компаний, начав процесс слияния, который привел к образованию единой компании — KlingStubbins. Сегодня мы продолжаем традицию профессиональных достижений, расширяя наше глобальное представительство, получая награды от наших коллег и отраслевых организаций, таких как Американский институт архитекторов (AIA), Американское общество инженеров (ASHRAE) и Международная ассоциация интерьерного дизайна (IIDA), и совершенствуя наши технологические возможности,- все это в стремлении к созданию сооружений, имеющих непроходимую культурную ценость

Наша многофункциональная практика включает в себя коммерческие проекты розничной торговли, ресторанов, офисов, жилых, гостиничных, спортивных и развлекательных комплексов широком диапазоне творческой комбинации. Благодаря нашему активному участию в широком диапазоне девелоперских проектов, наша практика основана на понимании “реального мира”и того, что требуется для финансового успеха и устойчивой рыночной стабильности. Так как наша практика включает услуги по планированию, ландшафтной архитектуре, архитектуре, дизайну интерьеров, а также инженирные аспекты, мы создаем команды, которые предоставляют всесторонние решения проблем для нашых клиентов. Наши услуги включают также анализ рынка, жизнеспосбности проектов, так же как исследование и рекомендации относительно проектного финансирования. Наша цель состоит в идентификации уникальных возможностей каждого проекта. Ориентирован ли проект на развитие транспортной системы,или урбанистический проект, новая или реконструированная коммерческая недвижимость, или новое интернациональное проектирование , планирующие смешанное использование, новые стратегии, мы стремимся создать яркие, запоминающиеся пространства и проекты, учетом местных культурных факторов.


klingstubbins in Russia

В 2011 году KlingStubbins Inc. объединилась с Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. Jacobs Engineering Group является одним из крупнейших и наиболее диверсифицированных в мире поставщиков профессиональных технических услуг. Мы предлагаем полный спектр поддержки промышленных, коммерческих и государственных клиентов на различных рынках. Джейкобс успешно обеспечивает полную широту коммунальных услуг –- проектирование, архитектура, проектирование, дизайн интерьеров, управление строительством, управление, а также проектирование-строительство - к диверсифицированной базе ведущих государственных и частных клиентов по всему миру. Мы предлагаем проектирование и строительство новых зданий, а также обеспечиваем расширение, реконструкцию и восстановление существующих объектов и ввод в эксплуатацию,а также городское планирования и проектирование. Наша многофункциональная практика включает в себя коммерческие проекты розничной торговли, ресторанов, офисов, жилых, гостиничных, спортивных и развлекательных комплексов широком диапазоне творческой комбинации. Благодаря нашему активному участию в широком диапазоне девелоперских проектов, наша практика основана на понимании “реального мира”и того, что требуется для финансового успеха и устойчивой рыночной стабильности. Так как наша практика включает услуги по планированию, ландшафтной архитектуре, архитектуре, дизайну интерьеров, а также инженирные аспекты, мы создаем команды, которые предоставляют всесторонние решения проблем для нашых клиентов. Наши услуги включают также анализ рынка, жизнеспосбности проектов, так же как исследование и рекомендации относительно проектного финансирования. Наша цель состоит в идентификации уникальных возможностей каждого проекта. Ориентирован ли проект на развитие транспортной системы,или урбанистический проект, новая или реконструированная коммерческая недвижимость, или новое интернациональное проектирование , планирующие смешанное использование, новые стратегии, мы стремимся создать яркие, запоминающиеся пространства и проекты, учетом местных культурных факторов.

БЕРЛИН КОНГРЕСС-ХОЛЛ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ / ЗАВЕРШЕНИЕ: 1955/1957 РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Берлин, Германия КЛИЕНТ: город Берлина и Бенджамин Франклин фонд ОБЩАЯ ПЛОЩАДЬ: 125000 кв. футов (11600 кв. метров)

The Congress Hall in Berlin has become a symbol of freedom in thought and creative expression. Given as a gift by the United States Government, this international conference center is the embodiment of international goodwill and cultural exchange. Designed as a new building type, with its daring catenary roof supported by large concrete arches, Congress Hall occupies a prominent 11-acre (4.5-hectare) level site near the center of Berlin, bounded by the Tiergarten and the River Spree. The 125,000-SF (11,600-SM) structure consists of two elements integrated into a single architectural expression. A 1,200-seat auditorium, equipped with multi-lingual translation facilities, is the dominant feature, with supporting exhibition rooms, offices, committee rooms, and restaurants surrounding the lower levels. To accentuate the dominance of the main hall, the site was given a gentle upward slope around the building. The monumental arches continue the upward movement of the sloped site and rise to shelter the auditorium walls and support the roof. The distinctive shape of the auditorium roof, set upon its rectangle plaza, was intended to communicate a message of future promise. Конгресс-Холл в Берлин стал символом свободы мысли и творчества. Учитывая, в качестве подарка правительства Соединенных Штатов, это международный конференц-центр является воплощением международной доброй воли и культурного обмена. Задуманный как новый тип здания, с крыши своей смелой контактной поддержке крупных бетонных арок, Конгресс-холл занимает достойное 11-акра (4,5 га) уровень сайта недалеко от центра Берлина, ограниченная Тиргартен и реки Шпрее.125000-SF (11600-SM) структура состоит из двух элементов интегрированы в единую архитектурное выражение.1200-местный зал, оснащенный многоязычной услуги перевода, является доминантой, с поддержкой выставочных залов, офисы, комитет номеров, ресторанов и окружающих более низких уровнях. Чтобы подчеркнуть доминирование в главном зале, на сайте был дан нежный восходящий уклон вокруг здания. Монументальные арки продолжить восходящее движение наклонной сайте и подняться на жилье зале стены и поддерживают крышу. Отличительной формой аудиторий крышу, установить на свой ​​прямоугольник площадью, был предназначен для общения посланием будущим обещание.

Berlin Congress Hall


The US Embassy in Singapore is composed of two separate buildings, the Chancery and an Embassy Mission Residence. The Chancery building is a 115,000-SF (10,700-SM) office building located in the heart of the garden district of Singapore. The design features a formal courtyard defining the building entry and a landscaped colonnade providing covered access from the site entrance to main entry. The five-story structure fronts Napier Road, a busy urban parkway and is flanked by the British and Australian High Commissions. In addition to Consular Services, a United States Information Services Library and Agricultural Trade Office, Marine Security Guard Quarters, and an adjacent swimming pool, the building houses conference facilities, a cafeteria, and offices for a 200-person staff. The principal exterior materials are stone and metal. The base is green rock face granite with accents of polished black and rainbow granite. The upper portion of the building is thermal white granite. Polished stainless steel is used on the window frames and matte stainless steel on the pavilion roof. Stainless steel and white and green marble are used in the interior public spaces.

US Embassy Chancery Building

БАШНЯ-ОРИЕНТИР - MINATO MIRAI 21 ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ/ЗАВЕРШЕНИЕ:1990/1993 РАСПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: Йокогама, Япония КЛИЕНТ: MITSUBISHI Estate Company, LTD. ОБЩАЯ ПЛОЩАДЬ: 4600000 квадратных футов (427 тысяч квадратных метров)

Synthesizing Oriental sensibility with contemporary technology, the elegantly tapered Landmark Tower is the focal point of Minato Mirai 21 at the portal harborfront of Yokohama, Japan. Developed as the first phase of a 4,600,000SF (427,000-SM) megastructure, the 75-story, 970-feet-high (295-meterhigh) skyscraper is the tallest building in Japan. Formerly a shipyard for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the 409,000-SF (38,000SM) site is the symbolic and physical gateway to the coastal district that is being redeveloped by the Yokohama municipal government. An undertaking of unprecedented scale and density, the city’s plan proposes a new port that is centered on business, culture, and commerce in a mix of private and public concerns. Terraced and set back from the waterfront on its site, this office-hotel tower shares the open space with the Nippon Maru Park and Maritime Museum at its southern base, where two of its feet touch ground level. A fountain to the northeast of the tower marks the axial relationship of the structure, while the remaining portion of the open space includes walkways leading to shopping areas and landscaped areas of trees, hedges, and grass. Combined in form as one distinctive building, the tower includes 1,560,000 SF (145,000 SM) of office space on 52 floors and 495,000 SF (46,000 SM) of hotel space on the top 15 floors of the tower. Uppermost hotel floors are projected out to accommodate two restaurants and an observation deck with a panoramic view to the Pacific Ocean, Mt. Fuji, and Tokyo. A skylit swimming pool and health facilities are located at the base of the hotel portion where it is recessed over the office floors. Other hotel facilities such as lobby, banquet, and reception rooms occupy the lower four floors in the retail block. Rising above the complex, the steel and concrete Landmark structure is clad in a light-hued granite. Conceived of as a strong solid vessel that is chiseled with a delicate core, the tower’s ornamental treatment and orgamilike folded plate evoke Japanese traditions. Like the teeth of oriental combs, the building’s windows interlock with its structural elements. Like a huge Japanese lantern, uplit at night at the top four chamfered corners and in its hotel center, Landmark Tower serves as a lighthouse beacon to the new Yokohama and its rising future.

Landmark Tower - Minato Mirai 21


A dramatic urban presence in New York City, Citicorp Center is a unique development combining an office tower, Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church, retail shops, a public atrium, a pedestrian plaza, and a connection to the subway. The tower, rising 914 feet (280 meters) from the street, is physically and visually one of the most significant buildings in Midtown. This sense of drama is enhanced by the crown of the building, which is sloped to the south and was anticipated to be used as a solar energy collector. Bright aluminum and reflective glass enclose the 46 floors of the tower. To provide air, light, and space at the street level, the building is elevated on four 114-floor-high columns that support the tower at the midpoint of each façade, cantilevering the corners, and enabling the pedestrian functions of plaza, church, retail areas, building lobbies, subway entry, and galleria to nestle around the base of the tower. Technological innovation is significant. Diagonal bracing, clear-span floors, and the first use of a tuned-mass-damper to moderate building motion are aspects of the unique structural design. A heat reclamation system, customdesigned low-brightness lighting, a computer-based building management system, and double-deck elevators are important elements of energy conservation, and quite innovative for their time. Contrasting the smooth skin and technological precision of the office tower, the rough-hewn granite exterior of St. Peter’s gives the church a distinct identity. A modern abstraction, evoking simplicity and dignity, the church and adjacent plaza enhance the pedestrian environment, as the tower’s presence contributes to the city as a whole.

Citicorp Center


Three main influences converged to shape the design: the importance of a clear expression of public and private functions within a unified scheme, the need for well-defined circulation, and the requirement for a high level of security. Project requirements included maximum-security areas for coin, currency, and check operations; a major banking floor; space for executive and administrative functions; employee facilities; and rentable space for future expansion. The solution places the secure and banking operations, which require large areas, in a separate low-rise block and the office floors in a high-rise tower offering views over the harbor. To integrate the two elements, a connecting link was designed to accommodate employee facilities, a public gallery / display area, and a central control station strategically located with an overall view of the complex. At ground level, a 419-seat auditorium is available for public concerts or lectures. The location of the employee cafeteria at the top of the low-rise building has the added amenity of a landscaped roof garden. To provide open, flexible office floors, service cores were located at each end of the tower instead of in the middle, providing for large clear spans of column-free space. Continuous glass walls were achieved by freeing the columns from the exterior walls. Outside and above the glass, projecting aluminum spandrels serve as sunshades to shield the windows from glare in the summer yet allow the sun to reach the glass in winter. The mullionfree, butt-glazed outer wall surfaces permit the placement of partitions at any point, thus increasing the flexibility of the space.

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


Within the orthogonal grid of Philadelphia, the grand diagonal of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway is important not only as a vehicular and pedestrian boulevard, but also as a primary urban vista. The 1,370,000-SF (127,000SM), 53-story Bell Atlantic Tower is set in front of Logan Circle, the heart of the Parkway, and imparts a major presence in the city’s skyline. The principal challenges were to create a high profile corporate presence for Bell Atlantic while honoring the covenants of city zoning ordinances, rightfully protective of the esteemed location. Setbacks from the centerline of the parkway required for buildings of this height of 230 feet (70 meters) contributed to the genesis of the design, coupled with an overriding awareness of the context. Resolution entailed massing the building to the south of the site, with an elegant urban plaza extending out to the parkway and the landscaped fountain of Logan Circle. Thus, the south and west faces of the tower continue the strong street edge which typifies the city’s fabric. The plaza and park also work to bridge the two urban contexts. The massing acknowledges the architectural traditions of the area while providing a singular identity for the corporate owner. Imperial red granite from Sweden was used to recall and honor the brick so prevalent throughout Philadelphia’s history, and the plaza continues the fabric of urban parks interlaced throughout the city. The building is stepped back at the top to heighten its verticality and to create terraces; at night, the crown is lit to create a waterfall of light against the sky. The faceted design provides a high percentage of perimeter area, and full-height office windows frame spectacular views of the city. The 45,000-SF (4,200-SM) granite-paved pedestrian plaza features a circular reflecting fountain that provides a transition from the Benjamin Franklin Parkway to the building’s entrance. A monumental three-story glass portal framed in granite extends into the interior public areas. The double-height lobby features polychrome marble walls and floors, accented with polished and satin bronze. The Bell Atlantic Tower’s form and surfaces were to convey an aura of not only stateliness, but appropriateness as well, to the architectural traditions of Philadelphia. Within a cityscape recently growing dense with cool, glass objects, the granite-clad design was to embody dignity.

Bell Atlantic Tower


The development of the Venetian arose during the “Theme” phase in Las Vegas Casino Hotels. Immediately preceding it were the Bellagio (inspired by the picturesque town in the Como Lake district of Northern Italy), Paris, and Monte Carlo. The Venetian, therefore, fit into the trend of using European icons for branding purposes. The ultimate success of these various properties was tied not to the connotation made by visitors back to the city of origin, but rather to the reinterpretation of its imagined characteristics into the overwrought panoply of the Las Vegas Strip. In the case of the Venetian, its success as a themed destination resides in two components of its planning and execution: the Grand Canal Shoppes and the re-creation of St. Mark’s Square. The most powerful and symbolic character of Venice, its canals, are hidden within the Hotel and Casino development and used to lure visitors through a series of bridges and moving sidewalks to a second level retail center. Here, gondolas ferry guests between 600,000 SF (55,700 SM) of high-end retail on a canal that meanders over the casino below. Above, a “sky ceiling” painted on an edge-lit vault creates the sensation of infinite depth, and separates the visitor from the realities of both time and place. After shopping or dining, people descend escalators to arrive at the nexus of the Venetian’s exposition and meeting facilities, its restaurants, and the back of its 100,000-SF (9,300SM) casino, with no option but to transit back through the developments’ environs to the Strip or next destination. The Strip identity of the Venetian is a stage-set of Venice’s Grand Canal palaces and the Ca D’Oro, Rialto Bridge, Campanile, and Doge’s Palace of St. Mark’s Square – all recreated within five percent of actual scale. A team of artists overseen by curator of Venetian antiquities produced highly accurate, measured drawings of the selected buildings from which thousand of latex molds were created. Into these molds an infinitely malleable cementitious material, Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) was cast, capturing in detail all of the stone carved arches and columns, trim pieces and capitals of Venice. The 63-acre (25-hectare) site contains a 37-story hotel, a five-acre (twohectare) pool deck, and 2,500,000 SF (232,000 SM) of convention space. A second phase hotel, the Venezia, completed in 2002, added 1,000 additional luxury rooms to the 3,000 from Phase I, for a total of 4,000 hotel rooms, all suites. The Venetian pool deck is 146,000 SF (13,600 SM). It includes four fountains, three pools, two spas, three service bars, event area, retail space, snack bar, and a club bar. Venetian Resort Hotel Casino

Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and Pool Deck

Venetian Resort Hotel Casino

Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and Pool Deck

Venetian Resort Hotel Casino

КРОКУС. РАЙОН МАНХЭТТЕН design / completion: 2007 / 2020 МОСКВА, РОССИЯ LOCATION: ЗАО КРОКУС ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ CLIENT: 10800000 квадратных футов (1.000.000 квадратных метров) gross area:

In the Fall of 2006, Aras Agalarov, President of JSC Crocus International, commissioned the development of a master plan and conceptual design for a mixed-use development of 13 individual towers totaling over 10,800,000 SF (1,000,000 SM) of built space. Inspired by Mr. Agalarov’s own experience living in New York City, the development is designed to emulate the density, vibrancy, and high fashion of Madison Avenue. Urban planning issues have organized the development, while pedestrian movement, vehicular movement, and infrastructure design have provided governance. A desire for the typical diversity of a city environment evolved over time has given form to the district of office towers, hotels, and high-end condominiums. This development is called “Manhattan.” Located on 57 acres (23 hectares) of land fronting the Moscow River, “Manhattan” is part of a larger master plan developed in 2005 for JSCCrocus International. In total, JSC Crocus International controls 210 acres (85 hectares) along the outermost ring road surrounding Moscow, the MKAD, on which they had originally developed a 24-hour hyper-market (Tvoi Dom), a boutique mall, a Yacht Club, and a 3,230,000-SF (300,000-SM) exposition center. A 600-room casino-hotel and themed retail mall is currently under development for this site. To capture the vitality and variety of Manhattan, there are 13 individual blocks for 13 individual towers. A block size of 246 feet x 262 feet (75 meter x 80 meter) was chosen because it provides a finer grain at the street level, while being large enough to support a typical tower footprint. The placement, massing, and orientation of the towers relates to the Moscow river frontage. The smaller, more intimately scaled condominiums and hotels are placed along the river’s edge, while the taller office towers terrace upwards and back from this edge to the center of the site. Without a true, end-user client, the design of the towers, by necessity, fell into several lines of investigation. One series was based in differing extrapolations of a hexagonal floor plate. Office Tower 6 and Hotel Tower 7 explored forms derived from an exploration of sustainable building systems inherent in connected atria. There were also designs which were more pictorial in origin—the twisting form of Tower 1 and the sinuous and overlapping curves of the paired condominiums at parcels 12 and 13. All of the buildings along “Madison Avenue” have commercial bases designed to accommodate the fashion industry, which Crocus plays host to their retail and exposition facilities.

Crocus, Manhattan District


TOWER ONE Commencing construction in 2012 as the next phase in the Crocus City master plan is a new office building; Tower One. The project is planned to be the first of several high-rise modern office towers to be built as part of the “Manhattan District” within Crocus City. The total area of Tower One is 1,506,200 SF (140,000 SM), which consists of 40 floors of Class “A” office space, two levels of underground parking, and three podium levels used for retail, restaurants, and other public amenities. The building is 709 feet (216 meters) tall and overlooks the Moscow River. The curved and twisting form of the building creates a dramatic and signature gateway into the newly planned mixed use district. RESIDENTIAL TOWER ON PARCEL 11 The residential tower is currently is the conceptual design phase. The project plans to build 538,000 SF (50,000 GM) of mid-luxury condominiums units. There will be 530 units that range in size from 538 SF (50 SM) to 1,615 SF (150 SM). Building amenities include underground parking for 560 cars, a fitness center, retail, multi-purpose room, indoor pool, spa, outdoor terraces, and a small elementary school and daycare facilities. All units are designed to have an “open” floor plan layout and include outdoor balconies. To create a sense of exclusive living; the building has been designed with three residential cores which provides some units to have their own “private” elevator lobby and allows others to have no more than four units sharing a lobby. The top of building separates into three smaller towers, the tallest at 502 feet (153 meters) with views over the Moscow River. The buildings sinuous form reflects the movement of the river while the façades create a soft interplay between the stacked cantilevered balconies. VEGAS II MALL The creation of Vegas II Mall will bring mid to high market shopping to Crocus City as well as theme shopping environments, including Times Square, a London Arcade and Rockefeller Center, thereby extending the shopper’s range of opportunities for entertainment for each visit made. Connected via pedestrian bridges to Crocus City Mall, 6,460,000 SF (600,000 SM) of world class exposition halls and a newly completed subway station, Vegas II introduces 1,012,000 SF (94,000 SM) of leasable shop area, unique venues such as “Kidzania” an exploration zone for children, an Oceanarium, a 1,400-seat food court and a 22-screen Cinema complex which provides five VIP halls, two IMAX screens and a Premier theater along with 14 standard cinemas. Tying all of the Mall’s venues together is a five storey crescent shaped mall, which features European fashion, specialized small anchor stores and fine dining. The crescent terminates in a grand rotunda, its signature light-filtering fans rotating about a panoramic glazed elevation to the MKAD highway. This same elevation also features transparent “media mesh” panels – an active display to advertise the range of activities at the center. Crocus Tower One, Residential Tower, Vegas II Mall

Crocus Tower One, Residential Tower, Vegas II Mall

Crocus Tower One, Residential Tower, Vegas II Mall


Reaching above 50 stories and providing more than 1,000 rooms for Crocus City visitors, this Hotel will be the largest Holiday Inn, in the world. Its size is driven by the need to support the existing development’s more than 6,460,000 SF (600,000 SM) of exhibition and retail space and a constant population flocking to Crocus City for business and pleasure. The hotel’s five-story base with its restaurant, bar, and public lobby will act as one of the first buildings to establish a new mixed use, multi-building development of more than 10,764,000 SF (1,000,000 SM) at Crocus City, named “Manhattan”. To support the area’s growing conference, business, and residential development, Holiday Inn will also provide conference facilities to accommodate 1,000 people for meetings, business events or weddings. The project also provides a spa with public sports club and terrace on its podium roof. Most notable, the building is organized so all of the major public areas have direct access to natural light and views of Moscow’s distant skyline making its interior a beacon of activity and a destination for the entire region. The public features of the building’s base will extend skyward, literally, with a bank of glass elevators oriented toward the city’s center. Whether it is day or nighttime, the building’s shimmering glass and metallic exterior will beam its presence.

Crocus City Holiday Inn


TOWER ONE Commencing construction in 2012 as the next phase in the Crocus City master plan is a new office building; Tower One. The project is planned to be the first of several high-rise modern office towers to be built as part of the “Manhattan District” within Crocus City. The total area of Tower One is 1,506,200 SF (140,000 SM), which consists of 40 floors of Class “A” office space, two levels of underground parking, and three podium levels used for retail, restaurants, and other public amenities. The building is 709 feet (216 meters) tall and overlooks the Moscow River. The curved and twisting form of the building creates a dramatic and signature gateway into the newly planned mixed use district. RESIDENTIAL TOWER ON PARCEL 11 The residential tower is currently is the conceptual design phase. The project plans to build 538,000 SF (50,000 GM) of mid-luxury condominiums units. There will be 530 units that range in size from 538 SF (50 SM) to 1,615 SF (150 SM). Building amenities include underground parking for 560 cars, a fitness center, retail, multi-purpose room, indoor pool, spa, outdoor terraces, and a small elementary school and daycare facilities. All units are designed to have an “open” floor plan layout and include outdoor balconies. To create a sense of exclusive living; the building has been designed with three residential cores which provides some units to have their own “private” elevator lobby and allows others to have no more than four units sharing a lobby. The top of building separates into three smaller towers, the tallest at 502 Crocus Tower One, Residential Tower, Vegas II Mall


Located on Russky Island, just south of Vladivostok, Russia, the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) campus will provide 6,300,000 SF (585,000 SM) of classroom, residential, and activity space for a population of 11,000 students and faculty. In addition, the new campus will provide facilities for the 2012 Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference, to be hosted by Vladivostok. KlingStubbins was selected by the developer, JSC Crocus International, to refine the master plan and campus buildings to transform the architectural character of the university, originally developed by a local design institute in Moscow, into a more modern composition consistent with worldclass architecture and affording a rich and complex set of experiences. The campus is situated on a semicircular hillside overlooking Ajax Bay. The master plan arranges residential and academic buildings on either side of an arced central green serving as the traditional campus quadrangle. This arrangement follows the natural topography and is adapted to the specific local site conditions, allowing for a variety of buildings and outdoor spaces while maintaining a unifying planning concept. The natural geography is marked by a low-lying area at the water’s edge, providing a park-like setting for athletic fields; and a newly created meandering promenade near the water’s edge offers participants vistas to Ajax Bay and beyond. An iconographic Student Center will mark the campus center and act as both a gateway to the university as well as a hub of student activity. Distinguished by its lofty roof, the 450,000-SF (40,500-SM) building is defined by a mixeduse program centered on a 12-story atrium. The building will contain four levels of retail at its lower levels, while the upper eight levels house a learning center, college admissions office, art gallery, dance studio, student affairs facility, and faculty club, all of which will be characterized by dramatic views of the Pacific Ocean and of the college green. Additional components of the university include a 510,000-SF (47,000-SM) Natural Sciences Building, a 670,000-SF (62,000-SM) Humanities Building, a 520,000-SF (48,000-SM) School of Medicine and Clinic, a 410,000-SF (38,000-SM) School of Finance and Economics, a 215,000-SF (20,000-SM) parking garage, and 316,000 SF (29,400 SM) of sports facilities.

Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University


Located across the main vehicular access road on the southern portion of the campus, the new 517,700-SF (48,100-SM) Far Eastern Federal University School of Medicine and teaching hospital are connected to the central academic campus both visually and aesthetically. Arranged to follow the natural topography, the complex’s organization is adapted to specific existing conditions that allow the coexistence of its buildings under a unifying planning concept. The Center’s design is further influenced by the prioritization of the patient healing and wellness experience characterized by expansive areas of glass allowing abundant natural light, strong visual connectivity, and expansive views to the Pacific Ocean and use of warm natural materials. The hospital / clinical wing of the medical center combine state of the art inpatient hospital care with equally sophisticated teaching facilities. Designed for current and emerging trends in medical education such as virtual learning, clinical simulations, smart classrooms, and interdisciplinary collaborations, the building’s resulting massing is slender and elegant insuring both the learning and healing experience capitalize on the facility’s incredible access to it natural surroundings. Catering to the general population, the facility will offer a range of services including an entire wing devoted to VIP hospital bed suites. A variety and hierarchy of public amenities will provide the complex’s connective tissue creating a facility where healing, teaching, and learning occur simultaneously in a warm and inviting environment.

Far Eastern Reserve University – Medical Complex

Far Eastern Federal University

Far Eastern Federal University


The first place winner of an international design competition, this 538,000SF (50,000-SM) office tower represents design predicated on the careful balance of local cultural, environmental, and historical conditions, and the technologically sophisticated requirements of today’s office environments. It is respectful to Suzhou’s landscape traditions and overtly responsive to its history of waterways and the manner in which they have been interwoven with elements of architecture. An elegant, memorable, and clear form, the corporate / developer structure defines a new gateway for the administrative district within the 753,000,000SF (70,000,000-SM) park. The tower and plinth delimit an urban edge and present a grand public entrance to the south, as tradition dictates, while also sheltering an intimate landscaped park and more active entrance to the north. Access to 161,000 SF (15,000 SM) of underground parking is carefully incised into this primarily pedestrian environment. The 18-story slab’s enclosure is composed of clear and silk-screened low-E glazing customized for the solar orientation; the south façade adds 300-mm sunshades, the east and west orientations employ vertical fins, while the north façade is as planar as possible in response to the plinth’s complexity and reflects the adjacent gardens and river. The building vocabulary is one of surfaces and events; balconies, roof extensions, and vertical mesh-covered armatures act as counterpoints to the sheer glass backdrop. The sun, sky, and clouds endlessly repaint the building’s surfaces and shift the degrees of transparency and reflectivity. Day or night, the design celebrates the interplay of light and shadow. A stone rainscreen wall and roof embrace the three-story base that holds areas of dining, exhibition, and congregation. A four-story lobby and threestory linear atrium are the primary public spaces and are predicated on views to the outside where linear reflecting pools, fountains, planting, and stone reinterpret the area’s gardens. Tensile-structured curtain walls and polished floors, soffits, and interior walls that create layers of reflectivity intentionally blend boundaries between natural and constructed environments. The realized facility is at the forefront of office design within this rapidly growing international city.

Zhiye Plaza Office Tower

Zhiye Plaza Office Tower

Zhiye Plaza Office Tower

Zhiye Plaza Office Tower


Autodesk challenged KlingStubbins and The Tocci Building Corporation to not only create a new home for the Autodesk AEC division in an innovative and expressive space, but also to reinvent the design and construction process with an innovative Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) supported by the latest Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools. IPD is a unique form of agreement—one agreement is signed by the owner, architect, and contractor—constructed with shared motivations for project success including design and construction quality, schedule, and budget. This IPD agreement, the first of its kind in northeastern US, enables and encourages unique project behaviors with a very high degree of proactive collaboration between the end-users, designers, and builders. Examples of this process innovation include ongoing real-time schedule and budget updates connected to the shared BIM model; collaborative digital design and coordination of the building’s systems with the designers and builders through a comprehensive and shared three-dimensional BIM model; and direct-to-fabrication from the BIM model to the finished construction assemblies. The functional project program included 55,000 SF (5,110 SM) of open workstations, private offices, collaborative spaces, and support spaces for the Autodesk staff, and a 5,000-SF (465-SM) Customer Briefing Center with a gallery and briefing rooms for Autodesk customers. The project received LEED-CI Platinum Certification. Sustainable design features include selecting a LEED Gold Certified base building, water and energy efficiency measures that reduce domestic water and energy consumption by over 30%, recycled non-toxic construction materials, C&D waste recycling, and interior planning that provides views to the outside and natural daylighting for 100% of the workspaces. The design solution expresses Autodesk’s mission and values by exposing and featuring the building systems. A floor opening visually connects the activities on all three floors and provides a dramatic demonstration for Autodesk visitors. Open workspaces and glass conference rooms provide vital connection and encourage collaboration. Open ceilings expose the functional building structural and mechanical systems as significant design features.

Autodesk AEC Headquarters

Autodesk AEC Headquarters

Autodesk AEC Headquarters



When Novartis, one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies, made the strategic decision to establish its worldwide research headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it knew that this could not be an ordinary project. One of the key drivers was to create an environment that would greatly enhance collaboration among the staff as well as accelerate the overall pace of drug discovery, which can easily take a decade or more and cost a billion dollars. Novartis sought to create a technically refined facility that could support today’s technology as well as respond to the demands of ever-evolving areas of research. The chosen site was the historic NECCO building on Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge. When originally built in 1923, it was the largest building in the world solely devoted to the manufacturing of candy. Converting this industrial building into high-tech research labs required both a leap of imagination and close attention to technical details. The key design gesture was to cut a six-story amoeba-shaped atrium at the center of the H-shaped plan. Into this open, airy, and skylit space were inserted four specially designed and engineered glass elevators, perfectly cylindrical and transparent. Embedded in the floor pattern of the main lobby is a large strand of DNA which symbolizes to all who enter the mission and purpose of the building. From this main space, primary circulation spines lead directly to the laboratory areas. At the intersection of key corridors, transparent circular conference areas, or “bubble rooms,” were placed. The laboratory wings are arranged in parallel layers: corridors, open office areas, and finally laboratories themselves. There are direct views from the corridors through the offices to the labs, reinforcing the sense of lightness and transparency throughout the building. The major lab spaces, some of which are 300 feet (90 meters) in length, are supported by overhead service carriers and mobile casework, so that they can be rearranged quickly as research teams set and then reconfigure their equipment. As part of the project, the existing boiler plant was converted to a new cafeteria and conference center, connected by a landscaped exterior courtyard to the main building. The 500,000-SF (46,500-SM) Novartis project earned “Lab of the Year” honors for its innovation in lab design and technology as well as a Business Week / Architectural Record award for design excellence that directly contributed to the enhancement of Novartis’ strategic mission.

Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research Headquarters

Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research Headquarters

SHIRE BUILDING 200 design / completion: LOCATION: CLIENT: gross area:


Shire relocated their corporate headquarters to the Lexington Technology Park campus, and engaged KlingStubbins to provide master planning and conceptual design services. The 180,000-SF (16,700-SM) corporate headquarters is a signature building, uniquely reflecting the Shire brand, research needs, and environmental responsibility. Our team was inspired by Shire’s philosophy of community outreach; KlingStubbins identified three guiding principles which are infused into our design: Community, Collaboration and Connection. The picturesque campus includes fieldstone retaining walls, mature trees and open lawns throughout the site. The placement of the building retains many of these features and provides an environmentally responsible sustainable solution that will provide a significant contribution to achieving LEED Gold Certification. A central atrium organizes the most active and energizing functions of the building. It is the heart of the building, becoming the Shire Community Center, designed for town hall meetings and companywide functions. The building is planned for complete flexibility – our planning module allows both office and laboratory space to be interchangeably placed anywhere in the building.

Shire Building 200

Shire Building 200

Shire Building 200


Damac Holding, as part of its rapid expansion and growth in the region, has decided to build its own headquarters building in Dubai and aims to do so with serious consideration to the character and influence of architecture. Aspiring to create a landmark building that can reflect Damac’s vision, the firm has requested a design that is not simply another outlandish, structurally challenged form, but a simple representation of corporate prowess expressed in a refined architectural vocabulary. The tower is to be 50 to 55 stories above a five-story retail and parking base, with a tower footprint of approximately 10,700 SF (1,000 SM). Three levels of below-grade parking and the majority of the area within the plinth are to be utilized to accommodate the zoning requirement of 1,655 cars. The roof of the plinth is envisioned as an outdoor garden and area of congregation and will be shared with a Marketing Center that will showcase Damac’s numerous residential and commercial offerings. The tower itself is to be equally divided between tenant spaces on the lower half and Damac’s offices above and is to programmatically culminate in a suite for the chairman that is inclusive of a garden and infinity pool. After a concerted and broad investigation, two alternate proposals were advanced, each attempting to balance issues of views, daylighting, columnfree space, and iconic character. Both address pedestrian perception and cityscape imagery. The slab scheme is predicated on true north-south orientation, a clear span 33-foot (10-meter) lease depth, and maximizing views to Burj Dubai directly to the north. Clad in floor-to-ceiling glass and offering panoramic views from every level, the building endeavors to offer a transparent and luminous icon to the skyline, while the polyvinyl chloride-clad elliptical marketing center hovering above the base presents a responsible representation of Dubai’s new commitment to sustainability. The box attempts to clearly address the consideration of maximizing daylight while mitigating heat gain and glare. The exterior modulates solid and void in response to solar orientation, and the central atrium provides diffused light to the office environment. Each of the spiraling erosions enhances this opportunity for daylight while simultaneously offering terraces focused on differing distant views. Consideration for sustainability has directed much of our investigation. Tripleglazed curtainwalls with integral blinds, photovoltaic cells, passive shading, wind turbines, gray water collection and reuse, underfloor air distribution coupled with chilled beam technology, and, above all else, a consideration for minimizing water usage have been integrated into the design aesthetic and realization.

Damac Headquarters Tower


The proposed design for the Gateway Center places five office towers atop a three-story retail base and an underground parking facility. Towers B, C, and D are situated to define the street edge along Park Avenue, while Towers A and E form a counter-geometry that’s reflective of the street grid to the east. Stretched between these two buildings is an urban plaza that connects the entire Center. Tower A on block F6-2 is the most significant of the five towers. It forms a figural gateway into the city and is the tallest building of the complex. The top 18 meters (60 feet) house a roof garden, offering the building occupants refuge from the city below. Towers B and C are linked by a shared retail base with an atrium at the center that provides a public front door to the complex. Infused with natural light and enlivened by the surrounding retail shops, this environment affords a pedestrian connection between Park Avenue and the Gateway Center Plaza and begins the transition from the activity of the city streetscape to the relative calm of the plaza. Located at the northern edge of the Gateway Center, both Towers D and E offer more singular presence and are envisioned as potentially desirable locations for corporate headquarters. With the exception of Tower A, all the other buildings comply with the “sky plane” master plan concept. The overall impression of the Gateway Center recalls the imagery of mountains that dominate the natural landscape and heavily influence the Korean culture. The design is deliberately complex to convey verticality in spite of the height guidelines called for in the master plan. The massing of each building is rendered as if composed of bundles of more slender elements, resembling Brancusi’s Infinite Column. The five towers together form a metaphorical mountain range, with sloping trapezoidal walls rendered in glass that alternately reflect the sky above and the city below. The floor plans of the towers are influenced by the vernacular design of Korea. The plan figuration recalls the pattern often seen on traditional screen doors. The Gateway Center will create a unique and vibrant complex that synthesizes Korean aesthetics with modern architecture, while respecting the guidelines of the master plan and the evolving context of this new city.

Gateway Center At Songdo City


In recent years, a new India has emerged, at once enriched by its colorful history and advanced by educational achievement and economic prosperity. The convergence of old and new has transformed the state of Maharashtra into a land of opportunity, ripe with prospects for improved ways of living and working. The city of Pune has evolved into a technologically focused urban environment with a rapidly growing software development and computer manufacturing industry. Diverse research institutes and universities have helped fuel this growth, and themselves grown in support of the worldwide nature of the investigations and collaborations. The nearby countryside of Lonavala features mountain ranges and green plateaus, especially lush after the monsoons when streams and waterfalls map the textured surfaces. Foris Aqua (“Doorway to Water”) is a development of 48 villas and areas of community congregation that both incorporates and celebrates the natural environment while being enhanced by the technologies and sustainable design strategies now available. The site plan is organized by the incorporation of a minimal vehicular circulation route, by the retention of natural watercourses and their flow to two small existing quarries in the development center, and by the retention of a small triangular field that is the favorite grazing area of the local farmer’s small herd of livestock. Each of the eight different villa prototypes is designed to integrate with the existing topography and to minimize their physical and energy footprint. Site-wide water retention provides most of the non-potable water requirements and contributes to natural habitats. The retention and reinforcement of the existing swales mitigates against erosion and further integrates the development with its hillside. The two- to three-bedroom villas range in size from 1,550 SF (144 SM) to 2,960 SF (275 SM) and are two stories tall to retain the scale of the surrounding woodlands as well as to appear in concert with the farm dwellings that remain in the immediate area. Thermal mass, deep overhangs, and sheltered courtyards all reinforce local practices that have been governed by the climate and its divergent seasons. Locally quarried limestone and granite provide the cladding, while wooden louvers from sustainable forests offer additional shading for the expansive low-E glazing that blurs the distinction between inside and its surrounds. Evaporative cooling from surrounding reflecting pools, residential systems monitoring, waste recycling, and solar water heating reinforce the stated intention to exist in a harmonious relationship with the environment. Foris Aqua, while identified with water, is predicated on an immersion in nature. Foris Aqua

Foris Aqua


Plaza Cambodia is slated to be the first ecologically sensitive development in Cambodia with 37 acres (15 hectares) of land boasting 4,600,000 SF (429,000 SM) of constructed area that is greatly governed by considerations for water retention and management. Located on National Highway No. 4, just minutes from Phnom Penh’s international airport and within close proximity to the old city center, the site affords a unique opportunity to create the ideal setting for Cambodia’s first five-star hotel, retail, entertainment, and residential construction. Technology has allowed the design team to rediscover attitudes and methodologies employed by the Khmer people for hundreds if not thousands of years. Angkor civilization utilized plant life, cisterns and steps as a means of regulating the region’s massive variation of rainfall, processes now being incorporated in this contemporary project. Open space and sustainable priorities complement the development’s building program. Program density requires significant site coverage demanding that buildings function in ways beyond mere enclosures. The flatness of Phnom Penh’s landscape suggested an opportunity to create grade changes and topography from buildings and architecture. Every residential unit and hotel room have direct access to exterior green spaces, providing a landscape design that blends vertical and horizontal with interior and exterior. Many benefits are derived from the project’s planted plazas and roofscapes including water collection, filtration and storage, reduced thermal loads on buildings, water and landscape features for public enjoyment, and provisions for a myriad of outdoor activities shaded by an immense variety of flowering indigenous trees. And while Plaza Cambodia will be a private development, its open and elegant plazas and streetscapes are intended to welcome in the public. Through three phases of design and subsequent construction, Plaza Cambodia will feature manicured streetscapes, public plazas, extensive retail space and restaurants, a convention center, parking for 3,300 cars, and, at its center, a 40- to 60-story tower to house a five-star hotel and luxury residential units. Contrary to expectations, it is possible to build large developments within Phnom Penh’s fragile ecosystem and contribute to its improvement rather than its destruction as demonstrated by Plaza Cambodia. The intent is that Plaza Cambodia will serve as a teaching instrument bestowing lessons of sustainability, preservation, and restoration to its inhabitants and visitors, eventually impacting projects in environments not yet conceived.

Plaza Cambodia


Seated at the strategic axis of central China’s commercial mobilization, the Gezhouba International Plaza embodies an iconic prominence within the fabric of Wuhan’s new Central Business District. The plaza site is composed of a faceted, crystalline, 69-floor high-rise office tower to the northwest, a 34-floor condominium and hotel tower to the southeast, and, connecting the two, a low-rise commercial and retail venue surrounded by a public landscape. The complex represents a new generation of super high-rises, ones that both embrace and engage their surrounding environments. In the same way natural structures and organisms can adapt to conditions by the most efficient means necessary, the organic geometries of the towers and the building systems employ local resources for the comfort and welfare of its occupants, enhancing function and minimizing waste. The slender mass of the office tower ensures the delivery of natural light throughout the structure. A breathing exterior envelope enables the building’s state of equilibrium. The organizing principle of water, a gesture to the Yangtze River and many other waterways of the region, serves as an aesthetic catalyst for space and form, as well as a conservation method for energy systems. The design also utilizes gray water collection and wind power generation, further demonstrating its likeness to a living organism integrated into the life cycle of its environment. Circulation and scale were primary considerations in both the plaza and plinth design. The six-story retail base is connected to the office tower via a lower-level concourse and skybridges at upper levels, crisscrossing a multistory, skylit atrium. An anchor department store, five floors of restaurants, and other retail venues occupy the majority of this environment, while sharing the top floor with a corporate auditorium and meeting rooms. Perched atop the plinth is a succession of roof gardens, resembling agricultural terracing in abstract form. The green rooftop employs gathering spaces of different scales and materials including water gardens, field crops, large plants, and areas of paving—an ever-changing environment as one ascends from the “low lands” to the “high peaks” of the rooftop. The garden’s central element, the skylit atrium, acts as a symbol of Wuhan’s primary river as it winds through China’s natural habitats, cultivated fields, and urban centers, and visually combines this area of respite with the endless activity below.

Gezhouba International Plaza


KA-CARE will serve as a center for renewables research and for cocoordinating national and international energy policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and throughout the Middle East. Recognizing that oil reserves are dwindling in the Kingdom, the master plan describes a specialized city that focuses on harnessing the nation’s sustainable natural resources, while providing a vibrant model for living comfortably in the dessert with minimal environmental impact. Given its desert climate, Saudi Arabia is keen to develop a solar energy infrastructure, and it is also looking to also develop its nuclear energy capacities. The planning principle and fundamental building block of this phased development is the ‘Eco-District’. The eco-district concept embodies the physical, social, economic, and environmental principles that underlie the project vision. Each eco-district will be a mixed-use, compact, pedestrian oriented community, including a variety of residential neighborhoods, businesses, shopping, schools, and mosques, all located within convenient walking distances to minimize reliance on private automobiles. The ecodistrict will support a broad range of transit choices that will contribute to the dramatic reduction in energy use and carbon footprint. The design of the eco-districts, which includes evaporative cooling in major public spaces, carefully designed shading devices and landscaped environments, will make walking a highly attractive alternative for residents and workers. All essential services and amenities – including PRT (personal rapid transit) stops – will be located within 200 meters of all residences, so that walking will be a highly appealing and practical means to move about. Access to green spaces is also a fundamental planning principle of the design. While a seeming contradiction in a desert environment, traditional towns and settlements were typically located in direct proximity to oases or planted wadis, and the presence of green spaces was a defining element of these environments. Likewise the eco-districts – through green finger, neighborhood squares, transit squared, parks and gardens – are designed to ensure that all residents have access to landscaped open space. Utilizing both modern and traditional design strategies, robust construction material and techniques, and innovative transport and energy strategies, the project will use 60% less energy than a typical Saudi city; required energy will be 100% renewable. Solar farms, geo-thermal, concentrating solar towers, wind turbines, roof mounted PV, and waste-to energy provide a vibrant diversity of energy sources to support a sustainable city locally while establishing the knowledge and research base to inform intelligent energy policy at the national and international levels.



2009/2012 ЭР-РИЯД, САУДОВСКАЯ АРАВИЯ RAYADAH ИНВЕСТИЦИОННАЯ КОМПАНИЯ 903000 квадратных футов (83900 квадратных метров)

Located within the planned King Abdullah Financial District, this tower presents itself as an integral member of the planned cityscape. With connections to all components of the city’s urban infrastructure, it places itself comfortably within its context while establishing its own unique architectural identity. The mixed-use tower is a total of 21 stories above grade, comprised of 17 stories of class A office space above a four-story retail plinth. The total building area is 883,000 SF (82,000 SM), of which 643,000 SF (59,700 SM) are rentable. The lower level plinth houses restaurants, stores and other amenities, arranged about an atrium with filtered natural light from above. This arrangement provides amenities and attractions for both the office tower above as well as the working community of the King Abdullah Financial District. Building services and deliveries are provided by a network of subterranean service roads throughout the district. In addition to the pedestrian connection at the street, there are connections to adjacent buildings at two levels via fully conditioned aerial bridges. These provide convenience and dramatic views of the building in its context and adjacent features. The glass skinned tower is clad with an energy efficient curtainwall. The curtainwall design of each façade is specific to its orientation, responding to the building’s harsh environment and inherent temperature differentials. The south-facing wall is composed of a combination of glass and stone panels, terminating at the plinth, while the faceted glazed western façade extends to the level of the Wadi, two levels below the street level.

King Abdullah Financial District Tower

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