EDON Bulletin - January 2015

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epetitive? Yes. Melodramatic? Maybe. But the reality is that an organisation which the Turkish invasion did not manage to close down in 1974, was in fact shut down by the current government and DISY. Were the problems of Cyprus Airways current? Of course not. However, was there the political will by the present Government to proceed with the necessary structural changes and to save the state air carrier? Again the answer is negative. The shutting of Cyprus Airways was a conscious decision of Anastasiadis’ government and of DISY, which was prepared and executed to the end. How, indeed, can one interpret DISY officials’ statements that the company had to be closed a long time ago, and the declaration of the Minister of Communications that the State can-

theselling off of semi-governmental organisations will have a most negative impact on society

Developments in the immediate future will be crucial. The Head of Privatisations Unit has already begun the valuation of semi-governmental organizations, while the Government is launching their sell off to large private, foreign and local, interests.

not be involved in aviation activities and that in the EU state-owned companies of this type cannot survive? Some have embezzled said in a pompous style the Minister of Finance. But of course, Minister. Some have embezzled and continue to embezzle state property. A complete plunder! And they will not stop here...

“Organisations which are commercial, like CYTA, cannot serve as an extension of the State. “ (Harris Georgiades, Minister of Finance, Third Programme of RIK, February 12, 2014).

AKEL and EDON have repeatedly pointed out that the selling off of semi-governmental organisations will have a most negative impact on society. Such as the loss of recurring revenues of hundreds of millions of euros for the state. Risk to national security. Distortion of the market from private monopolies or oligopolies, which will operate as a cartel, raising fees and lowering the quality of services at the expense of consumers. Dismissal or reduction of salaries for workers and abuse of their labour rights. Cyprus Airways was only the beginning... So then. Today # je_suis_muflon. If we do not realize, however, what is coming, we will soon be #Cyta, # EAC # CPA. As simple as that. Venceremos!


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