EDON Bulletin - January 2015

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epetitive? Yes. Melodramatic? Maybe. But the reality is that an organisation which the Turkish invasion did not manage to close down in 1974, was in fact shut down by the current government and DISY. Were the problems of Cyprus Airways current? Of course not. However, was there the political will by the present Government to proceed with the necessary structural changes and to save the state air carrier? Again the answer is negative. The shutting of Cyprus Airways was a conscious decision of Anastasiadis’ government and of DISY, which was prepared and executed to the end. How, indeed, can one interpret DISY officials’ statements that the company had to be closed a long time ago, and the declaration of the Minister of Communications that the State can-

theselling off of semi-governmental organisations will have a most negative impact on society

Developments in the immediate future will be crucial. The Head of Privatisations Unit has already begun the valuation of semi-governmental organizations, while the Government is launching their sell off to large private, foreign and local, interests.

not be involved in aviation activities and that in the EU state-owned companies of this type cannot survive? Some have embezzled said in a pompous style the Minister of Finance. But of course, Minister. Some have embezzled and continue to embezzle state property. A complete plunder! And they will not stop here...

“Organisations which are commercial, like CYTA, cannot serve as an extension of the State. “ (Harris Georgiades, Minister of Finance, Third Programme of RIK, February 12, 2014).

AKEL and EDON have repeatedly pointed out that the selling off of semi-governmental organisations will have a most negative impact on society. Such as the loss of recurring revenues of hundreds of millions of euros for the state. Risk to national security. Distortion of the market from private monopolies or oligopolies, which will operate as a cartel, raising fees and lowering the quality of services at the expense of consumers. Dismissal or reduction of salaries for workers and abuse of their labour rights. Cyprus Airways was only the beginning... So then. Today # je_suis_muflon. If we do not realize, however, what is coming, we will soon be #Cyta, # EAC # CPA. As simple as that. Venceremos!



tate Student Package

The government in Cyprus completely in line with the interests of Troika, attacks once again the conquests of the youth that have been achieved by the organized student movement. After a Budget Amendment in the Parliament, they have terminated the state “Student Package” and is merged in the budget given for the Student Aid. It is clear that this development will primarily affect students coming from families with low income as they will lose the opportunity to cover their basic needs for food, housing, purchase of books and PC. Student Aid At the same time, the government submits a new bill regarding the Student Aid which provides that a student has the right to student aid only if the family annual gross income does not exceed € 59.000. With the implementation of this bill, a large number of students will not be beneficiaries of student aid as their family assets must not exceed €500.000. The respective amount for 2014 was €1.200.000.

Tuition in public universities: It is clear that the attack of the government against students does not end here. Apart from the above, we are facing the danger of the introduction of tuition fees in public universities. It is not the first time that this measure has been suggested by the Democratic Rally (DISY) and the government of Nicos Anastasiades and of course by Troika. The Minister of Education and Culture has already sent a letter to the Public Universities regarding the introduction of tuition fees for those attending a 2nd degree. It is quite obvious that this proposal is the first step before the imposition of tuition fees to all students in public universities. The right to education will end up being a privilege of the few rich students. We will fight to stop anyone who wishes to bring back times of the past when ignorance prevailed in order to manipulate the consciousness of the people for their interests.

fund of the student aid at least back at the levels of 2012 as well as the criteria of beneficiaries. Also, the government must restore the “Student Package” which supported thousands of students so as to continue and finish their studies by covering their basic needs. Finally, any discussion of introducing tuition fees in public universities must stop right now.

- they have terminated the state “Student Package” -a large number of students will not be beneficiaries of student aid -introduction of tuition fees in public universities

We call upon the government to reinstate immediately the state



ince politics and economics are mutually dependent, justice could not remain unaffected. Referring to the bourgeoisie, Marx and Engels in the Communist Manifesto 1848 stated the following:” Your jurisprudence is the will of your class made into a law for all; a will, whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of existence of your class”.

In history there are many examples which prove that, the economically ruling class creates or shapes the “law”, in a way which benefits itself. Let us look, for instance, the self-evident, which has happened in Cyprus during the last period: •The “haircut” (bail-in) of deposits is deemed constitutional. •The legislation which provides for the protection of the primary residence is deemed unconstitutional •Wage reductions in the public sector due are deemed constitutional due to the economic crisis. •A decree is issued for the reduction of the minimum wage and the liberalisation of working hours. •No one was convicted for the coup d’état in Cyprus. •There is still impunity of those related to the Crime of the Stock Exchange in Cyprus. •There is still impunity of the bankers responsible for the bank crushing. •Defendants were convicted into witnesses of the Prosecution in order to undermine and weaken the Left in Cyprus.

justice is made by the bourgeoisie and it is exercised by its mechanisms (selectively), having only one goal; to serve the capital through the expansion of their profit

As is shown, justice is made by the bourgeoisie and it is exercised by its mechanisms (selectively), having only one goal; to serve the capital through the expansion of their profit, to impoverish the working class and to target the only political power that can resist and overthrow their plans, AKEL and the wider people’s movement.



n the morning of January 7th 2015, 12 people were murdered in the offices of the satirical magazine «Charlie Hebdo» in France. Among those were 4 French wellknown cartoonists. The carnage in «Charlie Hebdo» may be characterized as an attack on press freedom and freedom of expression. The perpetrators coming out from the magazine’s offices, shouted: “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad. We killed Charlie Hebdo”. This heinous terrorist attack is the result of hatred and fanaticism, which is raised by the capitalist system itself. We do not forget that imperialism is the one that nurtured the “Jihadists” arsenals everywhere on Earth to serve the interests of NATO, the USA and the EU. France was one of the countries which supported various interventions against Gaddafi and Assad under the mantle of NATO as well as direct colonial interventions, such as the example of Mali. This terrorist action is certainly directed against the people of France as well as the peoples of the world as it is the beginning of the implementation of repressive measures which deprive people of their human rights. It was described from the beginning as the “Europe 9/11”. We all remember how much blood was shed after 9/11 in the name of fighting against “terrorism” and the Taliban who were created and supported by CIA and NATO during the Cold War. In this framework of fear and terrorism, not only the bourgeoisie but also the extreme right, are gaining ground in Europe as they breed on fear and lead people of the middle class towards neo-Nazi parties such as that of Le Pen.

We do not forget that imperialism is the one that nurtured the “Jihadists” arsenals everywhere on Earth to serve the interests of NATO, the USA and the EU.

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