EDON Bulletin - December 2014

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Let’s keep the hope for tomorrow Alive


he Central Council of EDON, on the approach of New Year event, conveys the warmest wishes to Cypriot people and especially to the Youth, wishing them Happy New Year, happiness and progress. Special greetings to all unemployed people and to the Young generation who are obliged to migrate. The New Year 2015 is ahead with challenges for hard struggles for Cyprus, the working class and the Youth. The main priority for EDON is to continue with all efforts aiming in solution of the Cyprus Problem, the reunification of our country in the framework of bizonal bicommunal federation. Meantime, we will continue with all efforts the struggle against Nationalism-Chauvinism, Racism and the inhumane ideology of extreme right wing. EDON will continue to support with determination Society against Troika and

Government Policy. Fore-closures, Privatization, cuts in Education, collapse of the welfare State, are among the frontiers where the Young Generation will be requested to struggle. EDON expresses its solidarity to all People round the world who are fighting for their rights. Our wish is that 2015 will justify these struggles for Peace, democratic rights and for Labour and Social achievements. We are confident that the prevailing conditions are perhaps the worst that our country and the Left are facing.

It is our obligation also to face the policies of austerity and to provide to the people ambition for a better future. We can surely keep alive the Hope for tomorrow along with organized Political and Social struggles.

However this by no means should lead members of EDON into disappointment. It is our obligation to work hard in all ways though demonstration, in work places, in Schools and universities for the solution of Cyprus Problem and the reunification of our island.


will challenge us with hard work for Cyprus, for the Working class and the Youth.


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