Let’s keep the hope for tomorrow Alive
he Central Council of EDON, on the approach of New Year event, conveys the warmest wishes to Cypriot people and especially to the Youth, wishing them Happy New Year, happiness and progress. Special greetings to all unemployed people and to the Young generation who are obliged to migrate. The New Year 2015 is ahead with challenges for hard struggles for Cyprus, the working class and the Youth. The main priority for EDON is to continue with all efforts aiming in solution of the Cyprus Problem, the reunification of our country in the framework of bizonal bicommunal federation. Meantime, we will continue with all efforts the struggle against Nationalism-Chauvinism, Racism and the inhumane ideology of extreme right wing. EDON will continue to support with determination Society against Troika and
Government Policy. Fore-closures, Privatization, cuts in Education, collapse of the welfare State, are among the frontiers where the Young Generation will be requested to struggle. EDON expresses its solidarity to all People round the world who are fighting for their rights. Our wish is that 2015 will justify these struggles for Peace, democratic rights and for Labour and Social achievements. We are confident that the prevailing conditions are perhaps the worst that our country and the Left are facing.
It is our obligation also to face the policies of austerity and to provide to the people ambition for a better future. We can surely keep alive the Hope for tomorrow along with organized Political and Social struggles.
However this by no means should lead members of EDON into disappointment. It is our obligation to work hard in all ways though demonstration, in work places, in Schools and universities for the solution of Cyprus Problem and the reunification of our island.
will challenge us with hard work for Cyprus, for the Working class and the Youth.
s each year, and this year, December is interwoven with the voting of the State Budget. Unfortunately, the State Budget for 2015 is directly related to the standards of the memorandum, with whatever this entails. The Cyprus government, loyal to the demands of Troika, called on the National Parliament to vote for a budget which lacks the most basic, the vision. A budget which does not interest what the crisis is leaving behind, as long as it will have the approval of our international borrowers. The Cyprus society is plagued by the problems which the global economic crisis had accumulated and as well by the disastrous decisions of the Euro group and the government of Anastasiades through the deposits trimming. The poverty of people, the
unemployment, the closing of SMEs, the social groceries, has become the daily reality for the Cyprus people. In front to all these, what does the 2015 State Budget, which has been approved by DHSY (Government party), DHKO and EVROPAIKO KOMMA, includes? More austerity, absenceof the expenditure on the development and welfare benefits approximately in the same low levels as last year. In a period when a significant proposition of Cyprus people is tested, it is inexcusable not to show any requisite by increasing the welfare benefits to those who are genuinely are in need. We therefore call on the entire youth of Cyprus, and all the Cyprus people in general in enlisting.
Let us givehope and vision to our people during these difficult moments which are passing. Enough already with the recipes of austerity and the recession measures, which have oppressed the peoples of Europe. We need investments to growth, so that new jobs will be created, in order to reduce the unemployment and the migration of thousands of young people abroad having the hope of a better future there. Let us build the hope for our people, something that the Government through the State Budget is not willing to do.
Enough already to the austerity recipes and the recession measures, which have oppressed the peoples of Europe. Let us built the hope for our people.
fter the recent events in the two consecutive unacceptable racist attacks made against a particular player, a debate rose within the press, printed and electronic, and the society in general for these inhuman behaviors. Where do these behaviors come from? Why do they take place?
The media have a great responsibility for the outbreak of racism. The majority of the media have such standards that drive the situation to exacerbate the problem. For example, the over-showing of specific criminal acts by foreigners and by simultaneously hiding any positive initiatives by Cypriot and foreigners in favor of the friendship between peoples is done towards that direction.
It is not the first time that we come across these phenomena
Racism comes hand in hand with the system, capitalism. The capital’s need to defuse the popular anger against the sharpening of class exploitation, the division between workers, local and foreign, fully serves the purpose of the bourgeoisie. their only objective is one and only. To continue the increase profitability, on the backs of workers without them rising up and overthrowing their bosses and exploitation.
At this point it is worthwhile to clarify that it is not the first time we experience racist phenomena in Cyprus. There are many examples. The attack on immigrants in 2010 on the Foinikoudes Avenue in Larnaca, the beating of a Nigerian student, are only some incidents. Cyprus cannot tolerate any racist incidents Under such circumstances as the today’s sharpening of social problems and social insecurity, racism is becoming more intense. In Cyprus, however when during the 60s and 70s and today as well, a large part of our people migrated across the planet in search of a better future, such racist attitudes cannot be accepted.
The ideology of the Left is an uncompromising opponent of racism and intolerance. Regardless of race, color, language and religion, all employees have common interests, common goals and objectives. These are the objectives that EDON fights for! Cypriot and foreign workers united!
These behaviors are not foreign or independent with the revival of fascism in Europe, and Cyprus. These fascist and racist behaviors are motivated by various right-wing, neo-fascist organizations, whose activity is linked to the use of extreme violence, the abolition of democratic rights and freedoms, anticommunism, chauvinism and racism.
few days ago, the US president “denounced” the CIA methods for investigations. Methods and techniques, such as Barack Obama himself stated sully their reputation in the world. According to the Foundation Open Society, 54 countries among them Cyprus, collaborated with the CIA, the State collection agency and processing of US intelligence. The report shows that they worked to gather information, facilitate the transfer and detention of suspects. The CIA is the US Agency that puts its hand on various imperialist interventions and invasions in the name of “fighting international terrorism” and the protection of its “national interests”. Examples of the CIA intervention in internal affairs of other sites are numerous, from 1950 onwards. From Korea, Iran, Guatemala, Chile to Cuba, Greece and Cyprus. From this report vindicated the position of AKEL and EDON who complained that the 1974 tragedy was not an action of some “fools”, as some are trying to convince us. But instead it is the twin crime deliberately planned by NATO and the CIA. The conclusion of the Cyprus Parliament confirms the role of NATO, EOKA B ‘and the role of the Greek Junta who with the contribution of the CIA assumed power in 1967 and was preparing years before.
The 1974 tragedy was not an action of some “fools”, as some are trying to convince us. But instead it is the twin crime deliberately planned by NATO and the CIA.
As EDON, for years we constitute an anti-imperialist power with practical solidarity towards the suffering people. We continue to fight against the government’s intention to join NATO and Partnership for Peace.