verything mentioned by President Anastasiades before the House of Representatives, regarding the developments on the Cyprus Issue, confirm that there is no justification neither for excessive optimism nor for unproductive criticism. They also confirm that the framework of negotiations has been agreed upon. It is also clear that the insistence on the convergences between Christofias-Talat and on positions of principlehas been correct, despite the fierce attack against the previous government. Nevertheless, once again, the well-known political forces, insist on arguments that are not valid: Nikolas Papadopoulos: “These convergences were included in the Anan Plan and in some cases in an even worse form…”, MarinosSizopoulos: “The President has confirmed that the policy he follows is just a continuation of Christofia’s policy, with new “generous offers”, keeping the other political forces in the dark, secret diplomacy…”. The answer to all those, who have still, after so many years, not realized the essence of the Cyprus Issue, is provided by the daily struggles of Greek and Turkish Cypriots for the reunification of Cyprus. The answer was also given by teachers, who have commonly expressed their willingness for solution and reunification, during Turkish Cypriot teachers visit at Greek Cypriot schools. The statements of the Principle of Apostolos Barnabas Lyceum to the Turkish Cypriots were hopeful: “The incident that took place do not express us, as we share the same vision you do”. This is a proof that the solution of the Cyprus issue, does not only depend on the negotiation process, but it also depends on the initiatives of all those who are willing to dispense of the occupation of Cyprus. However, we must not ignore the efforts of Angora to give “nationality” to even more settlers, nor the statements for two separate states. This is why the Republic of Cyprus must work hard for amendments to the draft resolution on Turkey, in the European Parliament, in order to face any possibility for opening chapters of Turkey’s accession course. In any case, the course of the Cyprus Issue will be determined by the readiness and fighting spirit of the people of Cyprus, both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
he 8th of March has been established as the International Women’s Day. This establishment has its roots deep in the history of the labour movement.
On the 8th of March 1857, women workers in the garment and textile factories in New York decided to hold demonstrations and strikes against gender discrimination and the inequality between men and women, combining it with the struggle against class exploitation. The mass organization of women in Cyprus for gender equity was realized with the foundation of the Pancyprian Organization of Democratic Women, predecessor of the Pancyprian Federation of Women’s Organizations (POGO). Through the struggles of the women movement with the mark of the Left, huge steps were made regarding the position and the accomplishments of women in the Cypriot society. This struggle will not stop until the complete abolition of any discrimination. On the occasion of the 8th of March, the Pancyprian Federation of Women’s Organizations (POGO) and the women worker and employees office of PEO, will hold a Pancyprian mobilization, on Saturday, 5th of March, under the slogan “We resist against the neo-liberal policies, we fight for equality”. Firstly, there will be a gathering outside the Ministry of Finance and a mobilization to the Presidential House will follow. EDON calls for all the Cypriot Youth, school and university students, young workers and unemployed to be present by the side to the women movement, as the essence of the matter is a concern of our society in total.
EDON calls for all the Cypriot Youth, school and university students, young workers and unemployed to be present by the side to the women movement, as the essence of the matter is a concern of our society in total
The time has come, for all of us to shout “Enough is enough”. Let’s send the message that we will fight against violence, poverty and sexism. Let’s put forth the just demands of the women movement, for work with rights - work with dignity, welfare state, zero tolerance for gender-based violence, state social infrastructure and access to health and education, to extend the maternity leave and for women’s participation in all aspects of the society.
ISI’s government continue the efforts, by all means, to overthought the educational reform process! The resent decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture to implement exams every semester in High Schools and Lyceums, will lead to negative results in public education. Firstly, by implementing this decision, schools will be turned into examination rooms, while both teachers and students will be in a constant pressure to cover the curriculum until the exams. The main concern during the school year will be concentrated on these exams, having as a result to put aside the human-cantered education in schools. Additionally, the implementation of this decision will lead to an increase of the informal education outside schools. Students will be forced to turn to private tuition, in order to be sufficiently prepared for their exams. Therefore, it appears once again that the government is trying to turn education into a privilege for the few who can afford it, given the fact that not all the students have the financial capacity to have private tuition. Furthermore, we can see once again the amateur handling on behalf of the government of DISI on education issues. The Ministry istrying to implement this decision, despite the fact that such measure does not apply in any other European Country and that there was no public dialogue on this issue.
By implementing this decision, schools will be turned into examination rooms, while both teachers and students will be in a constant pressure to cover the curriculum until the exams. The main concern during the school year will be concentrated on these exams, having as a result to put aside the human-cantered education
in schools
Finally, we would like to add that the only discussion made on behalf of the Ministry with students on this matter, was in a meeting with the appointed (by the Right) leadership of the Pancyprian Coordinating Students’ Committee, which unfortunately did not represent the interests of the students, but on the contrary they pathetically agreed with the decision of the government. On the other hand, the District Coordinating Students’Committees in Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos, along with the Central Student Councils of several schools in other districts, formally opposed to this decision of the Ministry. EDON, firmly opposes this proposal of the Ministry of Education and Culture to implement exams every semester, along with any other decision that will create a conservative and antiquated educational system. Our longstanding position on this matter, is the evaluation of students by using alternative methods, as provided in the relevant informative letter of the Ministry, as well as in the collective decision of the Congress of the Pancyprian Coordinating Students’ Committee, with the participation of all the Central Student Councils of the schools.
he direct, as everything tend to show, involvement of Saudi Arabia and Turkey in the Syrian crisis, will only create more uncertainty on the outcome of the situation. The dangers for a generalized conflict in the area are multiplied as expected, given the fact that the Turkish bombings on Syrian grounds have already lead to the reaction of Russia. If those two countries, continue their intervention using ground forces, then the immediate reaction from both Russia and Iran, to support Assad regime, is a given fact. The recent victories of Kurdish rebels in the field of action, in cooperation with Russian and (indirectly) American forces, has disturbed the Islamic feeling in the area, which will take revenge with strategic moves. The reaction of the international community,on the Turkish bombings on Syrian grounds, was immediate. The European State leaders have demonstrated their dissatisfaction towards the action on behalf of Turkey to bomb positions of Kurdish rebels and the Syrian regime. Nevertheless, it is not the first time that Turkey is involved on the affairs of the area.
Tens of thousands have lost their lives and millions have left their houses, creating one of the greatest refugee crises in the history of mankind For few years now, Turkey’s wish is to make everything possible to prevent the creation of a Kurdish state, which is in the process of being created, given the developments in the area, and undertake a dominant role in the area. The imperialist interests in the area lead to the escalation of the situation with all the negative consequences this will have. Tens of thousands have lost their lives and millions have left their houses, creating one of the greatest refugee crises in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, the tragedy in Syria, does not seem to end any time soon. Imperialism has already set its plans and tries to implement them.