#EDONews (Bulletin - April 2017)

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urkey has proceeded in a constitutional referendum, voting for an executive presidency and a presidential system that would replace the existing parliamentary system of governance. The country has been driven into a more conservative and authoritarian paths, by increasing the executive power of the president in charge. Through the referendum of the 16th of April and with the marginal domination of ‘yes’ with 51,41%, it was confirmed that Turkey is divided and polarised. The results verify that Turkey is divided into three parts: a) In the Kurdish areas that have been isolated from the urban centres. b) In the conservative Central Anatolia, where the nationalists and the Politic Islam dominate. c) The Western part of Turkey, which is the most cosmic area and more developed capitalistic Economy. There were also polls set up in the occupied part of Cyprus, where the “NO” votes reached the 54,82% of the popular vote but with a participation of 41,6% of registered voters. That result shows that the population of the settlers in the occupied part of Cyprus do not have any homogeinity. It seems that they come from different classes, from different ideological and political views, they have some influence from the events occurring in Turkey, and nevertheless they express their views in the same way they do it in the elections in Cyprus.

The country has been driven into a more conservative and authoritarian paths, by increasing the executive power of the president in charge.


he Greek-cypriot side is required to intensify its chances in reaching an agreement around the negotiating table, being stable in the agreement-based. A solution that will secure freedom, peace and reunite the country and its people, in one bizonal, bicommunal federation, in which the human rights and the basic freedoms of the people would be respected inside the community. In the case that the negotiations fail, there will be an increased sense of tense and disappointment, inside the Turkish-Cypriot community. In that way, there is a danger that Turkey will give even more to the non-recognizable part of the Island. We, as EDON, are going to continue watching the events occuring in Turkey, as they influence the procedure of solving the Cypriot Problem, but also influencing the events taking part in the greater area of our country.


ducation is once again a target for the government of DY.SI and Anastasiades. The government together with the Minister of Education are marching in completing a parody. The new system of appointing teachers create fake hopes in thousands of young graduates. While the new system of appointing teachers had been voted since the April of 2015, and the government should have prepared and indicate the rules on time, although they proclaimed the exams regarding the catalogues’ ranking of the appointed ones, submitted much later the rules in the parliament, and they also press for their approval. Fifteen thousands of young scientists are going to compete for a short number of appointing placements in the public education system. On the meantime, there were even court decisions made about that topic, but both the government and the ministry of education ignore them, provoking the rest of the parliament. The governors set a new trial for hundreds of contractors and part-time teachers, where they deny to fortify, while there is a decision made by the Labour tribunal. The court had defined the 30months teachers as workers of indefinite period, according to the law.

The governors set a new trial for hundreds of contractors and part-time teachers, where they deny to fortify, while there is a decision made by the Labour tribunal. The court had defined the 30months teachers as workers of indefinite period, according to the law. We as EDON, believe that the government try to waste time intentionally until the next presidential elections, victimizing the teachers that serve our education for so many years, as contractors and part-time workers, and also the new candidate workers who wish that they can be appointed through the new appointing system. The governors should not hide, but instead, they must make a step forward in discussing and solving the issue. We will never stop fighting for the rights of the young generation, for the right to work, and the work with rights. We will continue to support the struggle of teachers against the threats of the government and DYSI party.


The dilemma is clear. On the one hand isthe solution to the agreed UN frameworks in the form of a Bi-zonal Bi-communal Federation and on the other handis the consolidation of the executed of the invasion and occupation and the partition of our country and people with all the devastating consequences that this all will bring.


s EDON, we welcome the re-continuation of the negotiations. It is undoubtedly a positive development in the effort to achieve a viable solution to the Cyprus problem. Knowing that only through the process of negotiations a solution can be found, we will continue to make every effort to support them. The new round of negotiations was the first step after some time where the Cyprus problem was stagnant. Our aim must be to make the dialogue more meaningful and more effective. We should first concentrate on the most important issues and then move on to less important issues. Only in this way will we be able to see if there is a possibility of convergence and agreement on the most serious issues of the Cyprus problem. With our support for the resolution of the Cyprus problem, we must also safeguard the processof finding a solution itself. The difficult position that the two leaders were found in the previous period, should not be repeated.

The far-right elements of both communities should be isolated. It follows that as the negotiations develop, the voices that are not looking fora solution to the problem will keep intensifying. The procedures for resolving the Cyprus problem must be continued. The dilemma is clear. On the one hand isthe solution to the agreed UN frameworks in the form of a Bi-zonal Bi-communal Federation and on the other handis the consolidation of the executed of the invasion and occupation and the partition of our country and people with all the devastating consequences that this all will bring. As EDON, we will continue to be at the forefront of the anti-occupation and anti-imperialist struggle that our people conduct for liberation and reunification. We will step up our struggle to isolate nationalism - chauvinism that has caused so many tribulations in this place.



new imperialist attack was unleashed by the US against Syria. This time with the support of President Donald Trump, the US launched 59 rockets into Syrian territory. Pretext for this attack is the use of chemicals against civilians, something that is condemned, but the responsibility did not confirmed yet. This new attack is added to the five-year ongoing intervention in Syria, the attempt to overthrow Assad’s government and the US plans for the “New Middle East”. A plan whose aim is to create a “new” government, friendly to NATO forces. At the same time, attacks on the Syrian army give the opportunity for the Islamic State and the Syrian opposition to reorganise. Forces that have been trained, fundAs EDON, we ed and equipped by the condemn once US and their allies. The tactics followed by the US is not something unprecedented. In the recent past, they have used many such pretexts to “legitimize” their military interventions in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. On the pretext of “saving” the people of these countries, they lead them to a continuous bloodshed.

again the new imperialist interventions and we are fighting for the termination of the war against Syria, but also in every area of the world. In our perception, every people should be sovereign, and free to decide on both its leadership and the future of its own country.

The situation in the region has led to further escalation in the recent years, with the imperialists conducting an intense competition to control it. The consequences of this policy is deaths and refugees. As EDON, we condemn once again the new imperialist interventions and we are fighting for the termination of the war against Syria, but also in every area of the world. In our perception, every people should be sovereign, and free to decide on both its leadership and the future of its own country.

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