Week beginning: 11th April Week B
New term = new start—what are you going to focus on this term? FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Announcements/Notices: Assemblies—Mon Year 8 in Sports Hall, Tues Year 9 (swopped) in Hall, Wed Year 11 in Hall, Thurs Year 10 cancelled & Fri Year 7 in Hall. Year 11 English speaking & listening controlled assessments all week Year 7 residential trip outstanding payments must be brought in ASAP
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 9 Reality Road Show: Tuesday Year 7 Bake Sale: Thursday Breaktime Year 11 Music Concern Rehearsals and Music Concert—Thursday Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05-4.15pm
Weekly School Attendance (last week): Whole School: 93.3% Year 7: 94.4% Highest Attendance Year 8 : 93.5% 11S Year 9: 93.2% Year 10: 93.6% Year 11: 91.9% Congratulations to Forms with Highest Honours: 7V & 7Q, 8V, 9U, 10X & 11S and Pupils with Highest Honours: Ruby Thraves 7V, Raajveer Singh 8V, George Hines 9S & Sannah Apabhai 10R