:F Week beginning: 24th March 2014 Week B FOCUS OF THE WEEK: EQUIPMENT
Announcements/Notices: - Year 10 Tuesday Assembly Cancelled - Year 7 & Year 8 Outstanding Shorefield and Skern Lodge payments must be brought in ASAP - NON PUPIL DAY WEDNESDAY AS STRIKE DAY - Paris Parents Meeting on Tuesday at 6pm in the Hall - Year 10 French Controlled Assessments all week - Year 11 Music Controlled Assessment Wed & Thurs
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Yr 10 Boys C/DTP Vaccinations: Monday in the Hall Yr 11 English Lit Mock Exam: Tuesday 9am in Hall Yr 11 Science Drop Down Day: Wednesday Yr 8 HPV Girls Vaccinations: Thursday Year 9 Expressive Arts Day: Friday Yr HPV Injection 3 NtG Museum Trip: Friday Pastoral Detention—Thursday in L6 WSD—Friday in L6 3.05—4.35pm
Weekly School Attendance: 95.3% Year 7: 94.6% Highest Attendance Year 8 : 95.2% Year 9: 95.0% 10V Year 10: 95.6% Year 11: 96.1% SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the following students who received the Highest Weekly Honours in their Year: Lola Allen 7V, Jay Austin 8T, Alan Angel 9T Congratulations to the Forms with the Highest Honours: 7V, 8S, 9R, 10V, 11R Congratulations also to Year 7 Football Team—CHAMPIONS—Winners of league— won all matches. Well done to Lukas Pilipavicius 9V for being nominated as pupil of the week!