Week beginning: 2nd December, Week A FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Appreciate Others Announcements/Notices: ALL ASSEMBLIES CANCELLED FOR THE WEEK Year 10 Drama Performance Year 10 French Orals all week Year 11 History Controlled Assessments all week Year 8 & 9 Friendly away against Debden Park—Monday Year 11 Exams all week (see individual timetable)
EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 GCSE ICT Coursework Catch-Up: Every Tuesday Lunchtime Year 10 & 11 Science Revision: Every Wednesday after school Year 7 Christmas Church Service: Wednesday during Reg/Per 1 Year 10 Drama Performance to Year 7: Thursday Year 7 Maths Assessments: Thursday & Friday Pastoral Detention—Thursday in L6 WSD - Friday in L6 3.05 - 4.35pm Weekly School Attendance: 94.9% Year 7: 94.9% Year 8 : 95.2% Highest Attendance Year 9: 97.1% 9T Year 10: 92.7% Year 11: 94.7% SPECIAL MENTIONS: Congratulations to the following Students who received the Highest Weekly Honours in their Year: Prue Boyd-Walker 7V, Joao VitorinoFerreira 8V, Matthew Tinker 9R, William Foley 10X and Amelia Hayward Dunn 11R Congratulations to the Forms with the Highest Honours: 7T, 8V, 9R, 10U, 11U