Week beginning: 30th November Week B FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
HOW MANY HONOURS CAN YOU GET????? Announcements/Notices: Assemblies: All in the Hall—Monday (Swopped)—Year 8, Tuesday-Year 10, Wednesday Year 11, Thursday— Year 9, Friday—Year 7 Winter Concert Rehearsals & Performance to Primaries—Monday Winter Concert Rehearsals—Tuesday & Performance in Main Hall 7pm EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 Drama Unit 1 CA—Wednesday Year 11 Art/Photography PPE—Thursday & Friday Year 12 Parents Evening—Thursday pm
Primary School Visitors (Maths) - Thursday Home Learning Support—Thursday in IT5 3.05 - 4.15pm
Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7U 8R 9X 10S 11U and Pupils with Highest Honours: Sophie Harper 7T, Ella Margetts 8U, Tariq Riaz 9X