Week beginning: 9th November Week A FOCUS OF THE WEEK:
Hard work is the key to success Announcements/Notices: - Assemblies: All in the Hall—Normal days - The Lion King Auditions—Wednesday in Drama Studio 3.15—4pm - Parliamentary Debating Competition at Davenant— Friday EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Year 11 Spanish Writing CA’s all week Year 11 Science CAU (Add) all week Year 12 PE Badminton Course—Friday
Home Learning Support—Friday in IT5 3.05 - 4.15pm
Weekly School Attendance: 94.4% Year 7: 94.4% Year 8 : 95.1% Highest Attendance Year 9: 92.7% Year 10: 96.1% Year 11: 93.6%
10V & 10W
Congratulations to the Forms with Highest Honours: 7R 8X 9Q 10Q & 11T and Pupils with Highest Honours: Jade Hardy 7U, Tyler -Blue Kirby-Arif 8X, Freya McLaughlin 9R, Jake Carter 10Q & Jessica Galloway 11T