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CPD- Curriculum planning 22.09.21
Our curriculum planning journey: Skills mapping done for all Key Stages in all subjects. Skills mapped backwardsWhat will an accomplished ‘Scientist/Mathematician/ Historian etc’ be able to do at KS5? Big skills highlighted and plotted to form progression Content/ topics strategically placed to inform next steps
Curriculum- Where our thinking at RVHS needs to be:
Joined together- skills that are woven through our curriculum from Years 7-13.
Knowledge & Skills building- Broad & Balanced content on offer- providing cultural capital.
Progression- Students build on their knowledge year on year- through the Key Stages- 7 year Journey
Curriculum skills map audit Does your subject curriculum…?
ACTION : In teams, ask yourselves the questions above- Make changes to your Skills maps and email any changes to PLAensure that all team are aware and that planning is distributed.
❏ Need to update your intent/ BIG SKILLS? ❏ Go beyond the minimum requirements of the National Curriculum? ❏ Offer Topics/ Content that allow students to succeed at GCSE, A-Level and Beyond? ❏ Build Skills from Year 7 through to Year 13? ❏ Make sense sequentially? Do Schemes of Learning link to others later on in the curriculum? ❏ Cover broad, diverse & balanced content?
Core knowledge for Yr7:
Core knowledge for Yr8:
Core knowledge for Yr9:
What ‘core’ knowledge do we wish our students to take with them to the next year group? Establish this as teams and add to our skills mapping. ( Add as a separate core content page)
ACTION : In teams, devise the core knowledge lists (basic) for each year group- add this to the last term of your skills maps. Note- subjects that are skill based- take this into consideration.
ACED AUDIT Key questions: Which schemes of learning need refreshing in our subject areas? Use the ACED audit to support this process.
ACTION : Ongoing processWhen having your ‘curriculum conversations’ establish which schemes of learning need your attention. Please revisit during planned ‘Faculty’ time.
Do your schemes of learning include…? ❏ TTTT & SCAFFOLDING ❏ AFL- Whiteboards, RAG cards, Visualiser tasks, etc ❏ CtG ❏ DIN- Retrieval ❏ RVHS Revision techniques ❏ Tier 3 vocabulary
A reminder on TTTT at RVHS: Teaching To The Top isn’t... MUST, SHOULD, COULD learning objectives.
Challenge/ Extension tasks.
Planning to the middle and then offering extra/ less to the remaining students.
Teaching to the Top is....
Pitching taught content and skill to your Highest Level learner- offering in class scaffolding- key word boxes/ modelling/ sentence starters High Thinking Tasks- THINK, PAIR, SHARE for big questions/ Link Grid Tasks/ Using THINKING HARD words- TRANSFORM/ CONDENSE/ REDUCE More thinking hard examples here.
Diversity in our subject curriculum: -
Definition of Diversity/ Inclusion in our subject curriculum- what does it mean? What does it look like? Avoidance of tokenistic ‘weeks/ months/period’- an organic approach as a school to this. How do we go about doing this? Examples- community context - real life examples. The subject specialists to decide:
ACTION : Diversity champions to group in AR1 to discuss these points.
The RVHS Digital strategy in our subject curriculum: Year group
Term 1 Dates
Term 2 Dates
Term 3 Dates
7 (x2 weeks per term)
WB 27th September WB 15th November
WB 10th January WB 21st February
WB 2nd May WB 6th June
WB 29th November
WB 14th March
WB 18th July
WB 4th October
WB 31st January
WB 4th July
WB 22nd November
WB 18th April
WB 13th June
WB 11th October
WB 7th February
12 & 13
WB 18th October
WB 16th May
PostponedChromebooks are on there way!
Consider your Topics/ Schemes of learningWhich tasks from the digital menu will you use during these digital weeks?
RVHS Digital week T&L Menu:
Assessment activities: ACED- Assessment
Collaborative activities: ACED- Creativity
Enrichment activities: ACED- Engagement
Feedback activities: ACED- Differentiation
Google Forms- Quizzes & Learning Checks
Jamboard- a collaborative Google Tool that students can all be invited to and work on.
Virtual tours- Use of online museum tools etc. Google Arts & Culture ove r 900 free VR opportunities!
Mote Voice recorded feedback
‘Kahoot’ ‘Quizziz’ ‘Seneca’ Live WorksheetsGoogle Sheets/ Slides
Padlet- a collaborative tool to enable students to post their understanding Google Tools- use of Google Slides, Google Docs to collaborate on one document as part of a group task.
Live ProductionsOpportunities to watch theatre productions in real time. Guided ResearchOpportunities to discover new information independently.
Engaging with rubricsStudents reviewing their rubric scores via Google Classroom Comment based feedback- Students given time to engage with their Google Classroom comments as a Closing the Gap Task
Skills & Assessment in our Subject Curriculum
A year of assessments…
School calendar
Some questions...staff wellbeing at the heart of all strategic decisions
● Could we use online tools for parts of the assessment cycle? ● Could we increase productivity? ● Could we drastically reduce workload / save time? ● Could we automate rich data analysis? Consider frequency of online vs physical assessments
● MCQs work incredibly well for knowledge/recall → instant scores + QLA
● Can manually mark long-answer responses in a list - hyper efficient!
Spreadsheet produced gives layers of insight
● Can use unicode symbols for uncommon text ● Can upload/snip pictures of past papers
Examples from Science: Y11 Combined Science (H) Online Test Responses - Google Sheets
Potential benefits ● Significant workload reduction ● Analysis/insight of knowledge gaps → reteaching + CTG ● More productive way for comparatively marking long-answer responses ● Could be assigned as HL ● Could function as a contingency/Plan B during lockdowns (low control) ● Could be planned for use during Digital Week (medium control)
Discuss with your teams: -
year groups and assessments you think this could work for
the blend of online vs physical assessments, as suits your subject’s AOs
ACTION: Complete this GForm* indicating intent and training needs *only 1 entry per subject please! Please email if you have any questions:
ACTIONS in faculties: Curriculum-
Subject Teams are to share their updated Curriculum & assessment plans during HoF meeting- 19th October.
Curriculum skills & knowledge maps- Audit questions Key knowledge blocks decided for each year group. ACED scheme of work audit- ongoing process. Diversity champions- to feedback to teams at next faculty meeting.
AssessmentDiscussion and completion of Google Form