Issue 8 July 2020
2 ∞ & Beyond!
“Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”
Welcome This week saw the launch of recorded videos for our Year 7-9 students. I hope they were useful and helped you understand the learning better. We understand that it has not been easy learning on your own and hope that they were useful. I can tell you the Maths team had quite a bit of fun (stress!) producing them on Sunday night. Expect the next batch on Monday morning! We also started online lessons for our Year 10 students. It was great to see many of you attend them. The next lesson is scheduled for next Tuesday at 10:15 am. Please do join us if you have not already, they are useful and we will be demonstrating examples along with questions for you to try. The link will be attached to the weekly assignments that you will receive on Monday morning. The Masterclass will also continue on Tuesday at 2:00 pm. The Google Classroom code has been shared via your normal Classroom. We will be tackling Grade 7+ work which may require that you have the prior knowledge to access the lesson. You will find resources in the Masterclass Classroom which you can review to ensure that you can access the work. Whilst it has been great seeing some of you in the online and Masterclass lesson, it was absolutley brilliant seeing some of our Year 10 students in person at the in-school Maths lesson on Wednesday and Thursday. It was great seeing so many, all safe and well, eager to learn. We, teachers, have missed teaching you and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you all back to school in September. I hope you all found the session useful. For the first time ever, the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge was held online and I am very pleased with everyone who took part. The results should be published before the summer holiday and we will post individual scores on Google Classroom. The top performers will be published in this bulletin as well. With two more weeks of school left, please continue to work hard on your set work. Please also remember to find time to rest and relax and perhaps go to bed on time every now and again! Mr Rahman, Key Stage 4 Maths Co-ordinator
TT Rockstars Well done to everybody for taking part. Should you appear on the top 3 leader board each week for your class, you now have the bonus of earning your house some house points! So please make sure you are competing. TT Rock Stars is also a great way to practice your times tables proficiency and improve your recall speed. A very well done to our top three TT Rockstars users this week: 1. Bethany Cooper 2. Olivia Golding 3. Brandon Dadson To see if you can make it on the leaderboard next week, head over to the TTRockstars website, Your login details can be found on Edulink under the documents section. Contact your class teacher if you have any problems.
Student Work Excellent work this week from Enru Li and Amelia Tomlinson in Year 7, working on fractions. As well as some fantastic work from Aleyna Tekbasti in Year 8, working on 3D shapes. Well done all!
Maths in the Movies Lockdown has given us some spare time to fill and here are a few movie recommendations that will inspire your love of maths! All available to watch on Amazon Prime or Netflix. 1. The Imitation Game (12) IMDb Synopsis: During World War II, the English mathematical genius Alan Turing tries to crack the German Enigma code with help from fellow mathematicians. Why? A remarkable tale of achievements that helped to bring World War II to an end, an estimated two years early, saving millions of lives. A glimpse back at a historical event that occurred with the help of mathematical understanding. 2. Moneyball (12) IMDb Synopsis: Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to assemble a baseball team on a lean budget by employing computer-generated analysis to acquire new players. Why? You won't find a movie that demonstrates the tremendous role that mathematics plays in professional sports better than Moneyball. Showing how mathematics applies to the real world as well as possible career paths, such as becoming a Major League Baseball scout, that require a deep understanding of applied mathematics.
3. The Martian (12) IMDb Synopsis: An astronaut becomes stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead, and must rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Why? The Martian is probably the best STEM movie ever. There are countless scenes where Matt Damon has to use mathematics and mathematical reasoning to overcome challenges and advance his quest for survival. If you are looking to see where maths can take you, then The Martian is your best choice! Share your movie recommendations with Miss Harbutt, and we can include them in the upcoming bulletins.
Chess Corner Four Move Mate The four-move checkmate (also known as scholar's mate) is by far the most common finish to a chess game. Almost all chess players have fallen for or delivered this checkmate at some point in their lives. But it's nothing to be afraid of! If you know how to defend, White actually ends up out of position. The four-move checkmate can be reached in a few different ways, but the basic pattern is that White opens by advancing 1.e2-e4, develops the Bishop to c4 to attack the f7-Pawn, and develops the Queen to h5 (or f3). If Black does not defend, White checkmates with 4.Qxf7.
Puzzling Puzzles 2÷
Your goal is to fill in the whole grid with numbers making sure no number is repeated in any row or column. Try solving this puzzle using the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. You can use them multiple times but only once in each row or column.
The answer will be in the next Maths bulletin!
Last week’s solution:
You can find more puzzles to solve on