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RVHS Parent Bulletin Aspiration Respect
Week ending: Friday 3rd November 2017 “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere”. Chinese Proverb
Message from the Head of School. Welcome back to school, after what I hope was an enjoyable half term break. Students have come back to school invigorated and prepared for the hard work ahead. Over this past week, we have seen the Year 11 students start their assessments and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work. I hope that they achieve the grades that are reflective of their preparation at this stage. I hope that many year 11 parents will attend our Year 11 Parent Information Evening on Monday 13th November at 6pm. We will share many ways in which you can support your child through this important year. Please also note the Year 11 Parent Evening is on Thursday 30th November, on this evening you will have the opportunity to talk to your child’s teachers and discuss their progress and attainment in these current examinations. Our Sixth Form Open Evening is on the 7th December and we are hosting a number of 6th Form Taster Tuesdays for students which are all detailed later in the bulletin, please encourage your son/ daughter to sign up. We look forward to welcoming them into our Consortium Sixth Form – please see media release further in the bulletin. Next week, we have the Year 9 Study Skills day, during this day the students will attend sessions on problem solving, extended writing techniques, team work, growth mind set and revision techniques. These study skills days have proved to be invaluable in preparing students for the demand of the new curriculum and 9-1 GCSE exams. Throughout the year every year group will experience a similar age specific day. Today a number of our students took part in the Epping Forest District Youth Conference. They hosted a debate ‘Should Essex Police have a dedicated Police School Liaison Officer serving the Epping Forest district?’ The youth debate was webcast live and can be viewed on the following link: Guest speakers included local MP Alex Burghuart and the Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commission, Jane Gardner.
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A reminder that school jumpers must be black, V-necked and have the school badge on them. These are the only jumpers which are allowed in school. Students have been warned that from Monday they will be asked to remove any jumper that is not in line with school policy. Finally, I would like to mention that as the nights draw in, the weather deteriorates and the evenings get darker. I would like to urge all parents to speak to their children about remaining safe when travelling to and from school. We have had presentations about road safety and often discuss how important it is for students to be aware of their surroundings, so please ask your sons and daughters to take care when travelling home. I would also like to draw your attention to a recent rise in incidents involving anti-social behaviour from youths in the local area. Unfortunately, a small number of students involved are from our school. Please can I ask parents to support the school in ensuring that your sons and daughters are not hanging around the vicinity of the school in their school uniform outside of normal school travelling times. At these times, the students are your responsibility and the school will work with the police where appropriate. This handful of students is bringing the school into disrepute and will be severely sanctioned where identified. The overriding majority of students at Roding Valley High School are respectful, courteous, well behaved and hold high aspirations, I cannot tolerate a handful bringing down their good name. It is often the case that the students are not actually doing anything wrong but a large group can appear intimidating and the perception is a negative one. I thank you in advance for your support in this matter. I am also deeply concerned that a few of these incidents have involved Fireworks, please remind your child of the RoSPA guidelines to Firework Safety, which are detailed in this bulletin. Have a fun but safe Fireworks night.
Mrs. S Jenner Head of School
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Dear Parents, Following our successful launch of Show My Homework to all year groups last half term I am writing to thank you for all the positive and helpful comments that many parents have given and clarify our expectations based on that feedback. The purpose of SMHW is for teachers to set homework in a way that allows parents and carers at home to see what has been set and support their child at home in their learning. It also enables teachers to report to parents that pupils have submitted, or failed to submit, their homework. The expectation is that all homework will be set on SMHW and that teachers will record that homework has been submitted or not within one week of the homework deadline. While we embed this practice and in response to your feedback we will not RAG homework for the present time on SMHW and staff will contact parents directly where there is a pattern of unsatisfactory homework. Please do contact me directly at should you have any further feedback or if you require your PIN to be reissued. Yours sincerely Mrs S Jenner Head of School
Mrs J Hodges Assistant Headteacher
Parent / Guardians Please remember that the only Jumper permitted to be worn by students has the Roding Valley Logo embroidered on the front. These are available to buy from Forest Casuals in Loughton.
Event th
Tuesday 7 November
Senior Math Challenge STEM Fantastic Plastic Lecture at QMU
Wednesday 8 November th
Thursday 9 November
Year 9 Study Skills Day Year 7 Mental Health Yes Partnership Business Awards
Friday 10 November th
Saturday 11 November th
Monday 13 November
Year 13 Literature Lecture on WW1 and its aftermath Mock Bar Trial Regional Heat Year 9 Road Safety Event Year 11 Information Evening
Thursday 16 November
KS3 Awards Evening
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Firework Safety The Firework Code and Safety Tips for Sparklers and Bonfires Despite annual safety warnings, firework celebrations still end in painful injuries for too many people, including very young children. Yet fireworks can be great fun for families, not just around November 5 (Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night), but also Diwali, New Year’s Eve and Chinese New Year. Injury figures support the advice that the safest place to enjoy fireworks is at a large public display: far fewer people are injured here than at smaller family or private parties. Did you know?
Over 550 children under 16 are taken to A&E in the four weeks surrounding bonfire night alone.
Many more boys than girls are injured by fireworks – especially boys aged 12 to 15 years.
It is Illegal for anyone under the age of 18 years to buy fireworks (Sparklers are classed as a firework) or to possess them in a public place. There is a fine of up to £5000 and imprisonment of for up to 6 months for using fireworks illegally.
It is against the law for anyone to set off fireworks between 11pm and 7am, except on following occasions: Bonfire Night, when the cut off is midnight, New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year, when the cut off is 1am. Firework Code Only adults should deal with setting up firework displays, the lighting of fireworks and the safe disposal of fireworks once they have been used. Children and young people should watch and enjoy fireworks at a safe distance. Follow these top 10 safety tips for a safer fireworks party:
Plan your firework display to make it safe and enjoyable
Keep fireworks in a closed box and use them one at a time
Read and follow the instructions on each firework using a torch if necessary
Light the firework at arm's length with a taper and stand well back
Keep naked flames, including cigarettes, away from fireworks
Never return to a firework once it has been lit
Don't put fireworks in pockets and never throw them
Direct any rocket fireworks well away from spectators
Never use paraffin or petrol on a bonfire
Make sure that the fire is out and surroundings are made safe before leaving.
In an Emergency:
Cool any burns immediately with cold water. Keep the burn under the running water for at least 10 minutes.
Don’t touch the burn or pull at any clothing that might be stuck to it.
If someone’s clothing catches on fire, get them to stop and drop to the ground and roll them any heavy material (like a curtain).
Get advice from a doctor, the A&E department at your local hospital, or call the NHS for advice on "NHS 111" in England.
Get medical advice for any burn on a child larger than a postage stamp.
If the burn involves a child’s face, hands, feet, joints or genitals, it should be seen by a doctor.
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MEDIA RELEASE: Issued: October 29, 2017
Sixth Form Consortium Goes from Strength to Strength Epping Forest District 6 (EFD6) Sixth Form Consortium - which includes Roding Valley High School, Debden Park High School and Epping St Johns - goes from strength to strength. Nearly 1,000 A-Levels and BTEC qualifications were taken across EFD6 this summer. Many students take the new-A levels which have little or no coursework and are entirely examined at the end of the two years. The Consortium has announced an A-Level success rate of 99 per cent, above national averages. EFD6 students are again taking up places at prestigious universities across the country including Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. Higher Education progression rates are very high, and students will be following a broad range of courses across the Sciences, Humanities, Arts and English. The Consortium is delighted with the grades awarded to high-achieving students who will be heading off to top universities but is also highlighting the many other students who have been equally successful on courses, with the majority making their first-choice university. Student successes have been supported by the collaboration of Headteachers and Leaders making the learning opportunities possible. The Consortium is proud to offer opportunities for post-16 study to young people arriving with a range of GCSE qualifications and vocational courses to help maximise student opportunities. Several students have also taken advantage of the excellent collaboration opportunities available within the Consortium and have travelled between the schools for one of their three, and sometimes four A-levels. Thisbe Barnet, a Year 13 student at Roding Valley High School - who achieved four A’s in this summer’s AS exams (in Mathematics, Drama, Philosophy and English) - said: "As a student who is currently travelling to Debden Park High School for Drama A-level, I can confidently say it is both a beneficial and valuable experience. Not only have I made new friends and gained relationships with other students, I have been lucky enough to have excellent teachers that are just as good as the teachers here at Roding Valley. The journey is extremely easy and does not interfere with my day in any way. I am thoroughly enjoying going to another consortium for one of my lessons as it makes my school week more interesting and is an effective opportunity to put yourself out of your comfort zone and get to know another school. I have found that the teachers are willing to help me just as much as their own students and are extremely welcoming. Travelling to another school for one of my lessons has not hindered my learning or progress at all, in fact it has made me thrive in Drama and enjoy the subject even more." The successful outcomes reflect the work ethic and determination of students. Much credit must also go to the teachers and leaders across EFD6 who worked together across the schools to meet the challenges of these more difficult A-Levels and vocational courses. The teachers planned many assessments, so the students were not disadvantaged by the lack of practice papers available from the exam boards and so were well prepared for the final exams. Teachers readily collaborate greater than ever, sharing modern teaching strategies to ensure students achievement continues to rise. We wish all our students every success in this year’s examinations, and we look forward to meetings parents and prospective students at the forthcoming open evenings. Open Evening Dates:
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November 1: Epping St John's School, Bury Lane, Epping - 01992 573028 November 16: Debden Park High School, Willingale Road, Loughton - 020 8508 2979 December 7: Roding Valley High School, Alderton Hill, Loughton - 020 8508 1173
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Year 7 Our PTA Year 7 Disco on Friday evening proved to be a big success. It was great to see so many students getting together with friends, having fun and celebrating their first half term at Roding. This year group have settled in well, although we know the first half term at secondary school can be exhausting; it was nice to see they still had plenty of energy for the dance floor!
Our students had the following to say about the disco: "The disco was amazing! My friends were there, and the music was really good. Thank you to the DJ and Miss Williams!" Coby Mizzi "I likes the disco a lot because there were lots of songs that I liked and me and my friends danced to all the songs" Cecilia Davey
Students tucked into delicious Dominoe’s Pizza, fizzy drinks and sweets whilst making new friends and having dancing competitions.
"The disco was fantastic, and I had a lot of fun - best ever!" Tommy Conway "The disco was so much fun, it gave me the chance to make new friends" Monica Jaye
Many thanks to the PTA for organising the event which raised a whopping £500 for the school and a special thanks to the Year 7 Form Tutors – your support was really appreciated.
Highest Progress Points
Career of the Month Winners
Student of the Week Oliver Hawkins
7T “Well done to the winners, certificates and bonus points will be heading your way in assembly!”.
Alfie McLaughlin 7X
Reminder: “There is still time to book your child place on the Year 7 Residential Trip”.
“Nominated for his excellent and positive attitude to learning!”. Nominated by Mrs Lafferty
Highest Attendance
7Q Miss F Williams YPL Year 7
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Year 8 At the end of last term, the Year 8’s experienced their first celebration assembly of the year. This assembly highlighted the positive work and commitment so far in year 8 for individual success. As Progress Leader of Year 8, it was a really nice end to the term. It is certainly pleasing to see so many students collecting awards during this assembly and several pupils awarded with badges. What has pleased me the most is the dedication of the students in our year group, the ability to perform to a high ability and continue to take pride in their work and contribution to life at Roding Valley High School.
Form Tutor Awards
Top Progress Points Rory Langdell Zeptember Mckoy
• • • • • •
Charlie Ruse Macey Wrate Sydney Campbell Lyla Fry Evie Smith
Charlie Ruse
Form tutors had the opportunity to select one pupil from their form who they feel has made a significant contribution during registration and around school.
Aden Black Lucie Hall Ella Kourentis
Well done to the following pupils, a huge achievement!
Daniel Mehr Freddie Paris
8Q: Kevin Ciobanu
8U: William Cratchley
Jasmine Wak-William
8R: Jasleen Bains
8V: Jessica Field
8S: Tommy Yeomans
8W: Hannah Ward
8T: Adam Ghounbaz
8X: Georgia Brett
Class of the Week 8A/MU4 • • • • • • • • •
Persia Bellamy Ronnie Musguin Ethan Campbell Brook Purser Martha Collins Ediz Rayif Yousef Elsayed Isabella Ruse Suzannah Grosvenor
Evie Smith Ellie Knight Loui Sofocli Daniel Little Leah Thomas Rosie McMorrow William Whitehall Hollie Michaelson
Macey Wrate
Nominated by Mr. J Savage
Students have been working well through their PiXL badges with several students already completing the Initiative award. Well done to the following students
• • • • • • • •
Megan Allgood Hannah Ward Jack Croll Persia Bellamy Daniel Mehr Georgia Brett William Cratchley Emily Francis
• • • • • • • •
Kelly Nan Ethan Harvey Zak Smith George Horsfall Rory Langdell Megan Passmore Ruby Routledge Sadie Worrall Mr. C Hudgell YPL Year 8
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Year 9 Year 9 Study Skills Day We are excited to tell you about our new format ‘Study Skills Day’ that your child will be participating in on Wednesday 8th of November 2017. As part of our new programme, students will be taught key skills, for the entire day that we believe are essential to their future success. This year, the five sessions will be: 1. Growth Mindsets: What can I achieve if I really try? 2.
Revision/ Memory Skills: How do I revise effectively? How can I improve my memory?
3. Problem Solving: How can I solve problems I have never seen before? 4. Literacy Skills: How can I develop my comprehension skills? How can I write more accurately? 5. Teamwork and Communication: How can I develop leadership skills? How do I communicate effectively as part of a team? We believe that encouraging success starts with empowering our students to take responsibility for their learning. We ARE Roding Valley High School and we believe these sessions will increase Aspiration among students, build a Respect for learning and as a result, encourage students to Endeavour to achieve their full potential. Mr. K. Ali Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning
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Year 11
We are delighted that so many of our previous Year 11 students decided to stay on to study for their A Levels here, taking advantage of the positive working relationships that they have developed with staff over the years. Roding Valley High School enjoys a good reputation within the local community and it is our ambition that we will become the school of choice for students, parents and staff in the area in the years to come. As Part Epping Forest District 6 (EFD6) Sixth Form Consortium, which includes; Roding Valley High School, Debden Park High School and Epping St John's, we continue to go from strength to strength. Nearly 1,000 A-Levels and BTEC qualifications were taken across EFD6 this summer. The Consortium has announced an A-Level success rate of 99 per cent, above national averages, with over 95% of students making applications to University, and many students taking up places at prestigious Universities across the country including Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. Whether you decide, University, Apprenticeship, employment or overseas study at Sixth Form our highly professional staff are dedicated to ensuring that every student realises their full potential. All students are challenged to make excellent progress and our no excuses culture ensures that all students are driven to achieve their best. Please check the Parental Bulletin weekly for more 6th Form Open Evening information. Mr L Harris Raising Standards Leaders for Sixth Form
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RVHS Sixth Form
Dear Parent/ Guardian, Just before half-term break you would have been sent the following personalised email from the main office: Your son/ daughter has worked hard over the past half-term, and this has been been evidenced by the recent "attitude to learning grades" and study centre teacher observations. As a result of this they are now allowed to leave and go "off-site" when they have a study during period 5, and they are also now allowed to have independent study in the Library or the canteen. Should their progress or attitude to learning decline then you will contacted again as parent/ guardian and the period 5 privileges will be revoked and they will be asked to work in supervised conditions within the study centre. -- Or -Your son/ daughter has worked hard over the past half-term, however due to their recent "attitude to learning grades" and study centre teacher observations. They are not allowed at this stage to leave and go "off-site" when they have a study during period 5, and as a result of recent assessments they are to work specifically in the study centre during study period with teacher supervision. Should their progress or attitude to learning increase then you will contacted again as parent/ guardian and the period 5 privileges will return and they will be given flexible study arrangements whereby they can work within the library or canteen.
I have numerous positive emails and telephone calls throughout the week from parents supporting our actions, and it important that Sixth Form privileges are constantly reviewed and it only with parental communication and support that we can raise the achievement of your son and daughter and support their progress within the Sixth Form. With this in mind, please ensure your son/ daughter continues to get the basics right by attending school every day and making every hour in school count. Students should now be strategically reviewing work from last half-term and planning for their PPE’s in December. During next week’s Form Time, students will be discussing how they learn best, and study skills that work for some of our very best students. At home, please continue to support our student’s home learning, by if possible reading their marked work and giving praise and support. I have shared below our Sixth Form Student Personalised Checklist, this check list is used by our students during Form Time and at home, could we ask you to please start having discussions with your son/ daughter on how they can effectively achieve each point on the checklist throughout the school year.
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Sixth Form Student Personalised Learning Checklist 1.
Is the leader of their own learning
Understands the importance of nutrition and hydration (always carries water)
Develops strong working relationships with all subject teachers and tutors
Takes the initiative and communicates regularly (weekly) with subject teachers outside of lessons
Has a Growth Mind-set (is resilient): sees failure as part of the process of learning
Is happy to, and regularly does, ask for help and support
Works in collaboration with others students
Has an organised and tidy work space at home
Understands how to manage private study time
Has home and school folders for each subject
Distils school work into home folders regularly
Uses a PLC in each A-level to check understanding regularly and acts on
Is able to turn off a mobile phone whilst working in school or at home
Has a weekly schedule of work which includes assignments AND regular checking of understanding
Is employed for no more than 8 hours a week and can reduce that time at key points
Please tick once completed
Key Dates â—?
Friday 3rd November: Current Attainment Data Drop
11-19th December: 6th Form Exam week
Please email any questions or concerns to Sixth Form support the Sixth Form Administrator, Ms Natalie Sellears, email:
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A Level Taster Tuesday Turn up and enjoy the lessons…. Do as many as you wish after school 3:10pm to 3:45pm. This is your chance to get to taste and experience and a flavour of KS5 lessons. Lead Teacher
Subject & Topic
Tuesday 31st October
Psychology: The Science of Happiness
Tuesday 7th November
Sociology and the world we live in: The purpose of life
Tuesday 14th November
Philosophy & Ethics
Tuesday 21st November
History: How the World came to love the Bomb.
Tuesday 28th November
Geography: Geology through Chocolate
Tuesday 5th December
Photography/ ART
A2/ Darkroom
Tuesday 5th December
Tuesday 12th December
Politics: Boris, Brexit and Beyond
Tuesday 9th January
Business: Money, money, money!
Tuesday 16th January
Economics: Is Protectionism ever justified? Thatcher versus Trump
Tuesday 16th January
Maths/ Further maths
Tuesday 23rd January
Biology: Breathing systems underwater- how do they work?
Tuesday 30th January
Tuesday 6th February
Tuesday 20th February
Computer Science or BTEC IT: Have you tried turning it off?
Tuesday 27th February
Tuesday 6th March
Tuesday 20 March
We look forward to seeing you at the Taster sessions.
Mr L Harris Head of Sixth Form
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Careers Information Booklet The Essex Employment and Skills Board have produced a booklet called ‘What’s Your Thing’ this is a guide for careers and job opportunities in Essex. The booklet will be delivered to all Year 9 students in Essex and they will help inform and inspire students in the career choices they make by providing an insight into different roles available, the skills that are in demand and what salary they might expect to earn. The information focuses on seven priority sectors which contribute significantly to the local economy but are also facing significant skills shortages:
Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering
Finance & Insurance
It, Digital & Creative
These sectors have been identified as being really important for Essex because of their contribution to economic growth or because they support the well-being of residents. These sectors all have lots of job vacancies and great career pathways too. I encourage all parents and students to read the booklets not just in Year 9 to help them identify the wide range of careers available to them here in Essex:
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PTA Meeting
Monday 13th November
7pm onwards
Main Reception
Christmas Market
Thursday 23rd November
7pm to 10pm
Main Hall
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. Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible, then please try to ensure that your child attends school before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child. A letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service, who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy, which can be found on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.
Guidance for Common Ailments Please see the following guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.
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School Communications We have been communicating by email for over a year now in a bid to get information to you quicker and more cost effectively. We found, however, our previous parental communication system did not give the functionality that people expect from smart phone apps today. So the school has invested in a new communication system call RS Connect Ed and with this comes a shiny new App. MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. The app gives you direct access to your child's attendance, timetable, absence records, achievements, behaviour and much, much more. You will also see that we update and change the information in the app as the school year moves along. Click here to see a short video about the app We are able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's education and to remind you of events that are taking place at school. We can also embed links to regularly used systems, for example Parent Pay & Doddle so you can keep everything in one place. You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us. The App can be downloaded by anyone and they will have access to information also available on our website Only parents will be able to access their own student’s information as long as we have the email address and mobile number you are using to access the App. Everyone will be able to see image to the left. But only parents of students in the school will be able to access this when clicking on the My Students tab.The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below: Step 1 - Go to your App Store Step 2 - Search for My Ed Step 3 - Download the Free app Apple iOS App Google Android App Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for Roding Valley High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are having any problems and we will help you get set up.
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RVHS Recruitment School Caretaker Required Roding Valley High School is currently looking to recruit We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic, conscientious and self-motivated person who would like to provide a key role in maintaining our school site, to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for the whole school community. This is a permanent contract for 37hrs per week, 52 weeks per year with 22 days paid holiday entitlement plus bank holidays Shift pattern to include one day at the weekend. Salary £16,647 – £18,259
EXAMINATION INVIGILATORS REQUIRED Roding Valley High School is currently looking to expand our team of Invigilators for the forthcoming and subsequent examination sessions and is looking for efficient, flexible and well organised people. The role involves overseeing and supervising examinations and ensuring Awarding Bodies guidelines and regulations are followed. There are also internally scheduled examinations held throughout the school year where you will be required. Hours will be on a varied/ad-hoc basis, held throughout a school day. We do ask that you can commit to working 8-10 hours (per week if required) during exam periods. There will be appropriate training for successful candidates. Please contact Jenny Draper, Examinations Officer on 0208 508 1173 for further details.
Full details regarding our vacancies are available on the school website.
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Attention All Year 11 Girls Barking Abbey Girls Football Academy is Recruiting for September 2018 Barking Abbey Girls Football Academy is currently recruiting for September 2018 and would like to invite any gifted and talented female footballers playing within school teams to our Open Evening which is taking place on Tuesday 7th November 2017 from 6:45pm – 8:30pm. Founded in 2009, Barking Abbey Girls Football Academy offers a full time programme of football and education for students aged 16-18 (Years 12 & 13). This includes the opportunity to study a range of both A Levels and BTEC courses that are combined with daily football coaching delivered by qualified coaches. For those students interested in exploring scholarships to the US, we are able to provide the relevant support and we also offer the opportunity of attending annual International Tours. Previous trips include the Dallas Cup 2015 & 2016, Florida and Madrid 2017. We currently have eleven students studying and playing in the US on scholarships. We are looking for experienced players with the passion and determination to succeed in delivering the educational requirements of our sixth form whilst also adding to our already talented squad. The entry grades to access our sixth form are 5 A* - C GCSE grades. We are not exclusive to an outside club, which therefore allows our players to continue training and playing for their own teams. To attend students are asked to register using the link below:
Barking Abbey School For more information please contact Sharon Brownlie on 0208 260 6891 or email
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20 | Page Woodford Green Athletics Club offer the following for young athletes, all based at our club house at Ashton Sports Centre, Woodford Bridge. We can offer competition at track & field, cross country and road running to all levels of performance. For under 11’s – Woodford Wasps Saturday morning 10.00am Ask for Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------Young members from 11 to 17 years of age Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5.45pm Training for young members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those parents who would like to compete or simply to get fit we can offer the following: Introductory training sessions on Tuesday evenings 7.00pm Training for adults with Bertie Powell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The club is also looking for coaches and helpers. We run a number of teams at senior, junior and youth level which need support. If you are interested in taking up coaching, the club can help with obtaining qualifications or if simply to get involved in athletics Please come down on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm to meet our coaches/Officials.
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