Parent bulletin week ending 17th november 2017

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RVHS Parent Bulletin Aspiration Respect


Week ending: Friday 16th November 2017 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Nelson Mandela

Message from the Head of School. Last night I had the pleasure of presenting the Key Stage 3 Awards. It was a wonderful and positive evening with so many of the students being rewarded for their excellent effort, progress and outstanding contribution across the curriculum. The students have now started their GCSE courses in Year 10 and show great promise of outstanding results in the future. It is really very special to be able to reward them at this important milestone, 3 years into their 7 year journey with us. There were numerous awards given, but a special mention must go to Saskia Cushings and Oliver Wells who were awarded the trophy for ‘Highest overall attainment’ during Key stage 3, and Ivy Prutton and Ben Rawlinson for making the ‘Most progress’ during Key stage 3. The ‘Perseverance and determination’ awards were won by Jessie Taylor. Jack Fenton, Sophie Wilkins and Luke Jones. The students with the highest ‘Attitude to learning’ scores were Ella Margetts and Leighton Brooks and the Community Shield Award went to Raajveer Singh for his outstanding contribution to the Youth Council. Please see details of all students recognised in the Year 10 section of this bulletin. Next week is the start of the Year 9 exams but note that there are no exams scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday (please see exam timetable included in the bulletin). We have ‘Prison me! No way! a national educational charity in school on Wednesday. They provide an informative and interesting day of talks and workshops, with the core aim of raising awareness of the causes, consequences and penalties of crime. Thursday is the Year 11 Study skills day, our students will attend workshops on revision techniques, memory tools and resilience exercises, to help them maximise their potential in the GCSEs. Thank you to the parents who supported the Year 11 Information evening, I trust that you found it useful. All information shared at our parent information evenings can be found on the school website. th

Please can I remind you that the Y11 Parent evening is on Thursday 30 November, please remind your son/ daughter to make appointments with their teachers. Thank you for supporting Children in Need today in school. The students enjoyed not wearing school uniform and th have behaved impeccably. There have been a few laughs over the ‘Guess the baby’ competition organised by the 6 Form and I am delighted to announce that we raised a total of £2,260.34. The ‘baby’ competition was won by Geidre Sulcaite Y13 and the penalty shootout winners were Charlie Hanshaw and Sonny Ibrahim. I am proud that Roding Valley High School is a great school; however I would like to draw your attention again to my concern about the behaviour of some children before and after school. Our uniform is an integral part of the Roding Valley community; it is something that collectively identifies us all and gives us a sense of community and shared purpose. It is therefore essential that students, when wearing our uniform in the local community before and after school, behave in a way that reflects the values we hold as a school. In recent weeks, I have had to deal with students whose behaviour has fallen well below the standards we would expect whilst wearing our uniform in the community, both before and after school.

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Our Behaviour Policy covers the behaviour of students on their way to and from school and whilst wearing our uniform in the community after school. This means that any behaviour that falls below our expectations during these times will be dealt with as detailed in our behaviour policy. The school will not tolerate any behaviour outside of school that brings our reputation into disrepute. If a student behaves in a way that is likely to bring the school into disrepute, we will regard this as a very serious breach of our behaviour policy and take the necessary action. I would ask that you speak to your child regarding this matter to ensure that they understand their responsibilities to the whole school community whilst wearing our uniform outside of school. th

Please can I remind parents that school is closed to students on Friday 24 November. Enjoy the rest of the bulletin, a reflection of a great week in the life of Roding Valley High School

Mrs. S Jenner Head of School


Event th

Monday 20 November Wednesday 22



Year 9 Exams Week Year 9 Prisoner Me No Way Event Year 11 Cambridge University Visit


Thursday 23 November

Year 11 Study Skills Day Year 12 English Literature Conference Year 12 / 13 Economics Visit to European Parliament and Bank of England PTA Christmas Market


Friday 24 November

School is Closed

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Year 7 Miss Williams Stars of the Week

Ryan Dadson “For his enthusiasm for reading”.

Ruby Coyte

Highest Progress Points

Harry Atherton

Billy Luxford

“For achieving the highest ATL grades in the whole year group”.

Nominated by Mrs Laffety

Weekly Attendance Winners


Class of the Week 7BEn4 “For their fantastic speeches”. Nominated by Mrs. Draper

Important Information Can all Year 7 Parents please be aware that your child’s School Report was emailed to you on Wednesday 15th November.

Cooking Competition


Calling all Year 7 Budding Chefs!!

Thursday 14th December

Date: Wednesday 29th November 2017 Time: 3.15pm to 5.15pm Venue: Rooms T1 and T2 For all those interested please come to T2 and see Mrs Collings OR Mrs Blundy to sign up and get an information pack

Event Year 7 Christmas Theatre Trip Year 7 Parents Concern Clinic

Miss F Williams YPL Year 7

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Year 7 Boys Day of Dance The year seven boys took part in the ‘day of dance’ on Friday, with Instructors Michael, Kevin, Adi and Kage. A number of workshops were held in styles including contemporary, street, lindy hop/jive and break dance, ending in a superb final rehearsed performance. It was a fun and creative day and a great way to enrich their curricular experience.

“The day was enjoyable. I learnt many new skills in dance. My favourite was break dancing”. Flavius Timis

“At first it was quite difficult but with practice it became a lot easier. I really enjoyed the jive session” Nathan Bloom

“I enjoyed the boys day of dance because it is something we never get to do. I loved seeing Adi do a back flip!” Efe Kurtcebe

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Year 8 Highest Progress Points

Highest Attendance Congratulations to 8Q this week who collectively managed to secure the highest Attendance of the week! Well done Mrs. Gooson and 8Q!

Important Information Aimee Garvey 8U .“Who managed to achieve the most positive behaviour points in the week!” Well Done!! An excellent contribution and enthusiasm towards your education!

Zac Smith 8U

Can all Year 8 Parents please be aware that your child’s School Report was emailed to you on Friday 10th November.

“For being really committed to Computer Science so far this year and working really hard to make further progress in this subject”.

Year 8 Ski Trip There is a Ski Trip to Italy taking place during February Half Term in 2019. Letters have gone out this week to students interested with deposits required by Friday 17th November.

Nominated by Mr Hussain

Year 8 Ilford Rugby Festival The Year 8 Rugby team ventured to Ilford to play in the Ilford Festival, where they managed to win all of their games against strong opposition.

Results Won 20

Won 30

Won 20

Won 35

Team Players Kevin Ciobanou

Tion Ntow

George Irving

Luke Harris

Nathan Vorster

Sergio Taylor

Oliver Tanner

Deniz Kucukarslan

Zak Smith

Joshua Tanner

Oliver Poulto

Tommi Hamond

Cuba Pirincci

Year 8 and 9 Basketball The year 8 & 9 Basketball team played their first full court game this week against West Hatch. Overall West Hatch won the tie, however it was excellent experience for the students who were involved. Well done! .

Team Players Zak Smith

Daniel Mehr

Arda Culcucuglu

Onor Yildiz

Cameron Bashorun

Mr. C Hudgell YPL Year 8

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Year 9 Highest Achievement Points

Highest Attendance

9B3 9X Well done to Miss Hanlon's form group, who over the last 4 weeks have collectively achieved 97.2% attendance.

Alice Risbrough 9S

On Thursday 16th November, the form group spent registration in the sixth form common room having croissants and orange juice as their reward.

Year 9 Ski Trip

Exam Week is approaching which begins Monday 20th November. Students will be notified by class teachers when there exams are and the topics they will need to revise.

Class of the Week “For all students being focused and embraced the challenge of GCSE questions producing some excellent work�. Nominated by Miss Barron

Date Monday 20th November


Wednesday 22nd November

Year 9 Drop Down Day

Exams Week

There is a Ski Trip to Italy taking place during February Half Term in 2019. Letters have gone out this week to students interested with deposits required by Friday17th November.

Year 9 District Football Davenant 1-5 Roding Valley On Monday 13th November, the Year 9's travelled to Davenant to play in the District Cup competition. Two early first half goals from Mack Stapleton and Ali Springer saw Roding go into half time with a 2-0 lead and then continued their attacking presence by scoring another three goals in the second half from Edwards Johnstone, Jay Daniels-Hammerston and Alfie Sergent. Mr. Hudgell

Miss H Reed YPL Year 9

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Year 9 Exam Timetable Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00 Monday 20th November

Tuesday 21st November

Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20

Computer Science 1hr Hall - CA5 - M7 - H7 Geography 1hr Hall - CA5 - M7 - H5

History 1hr Hall - CA5 - M7 - M9 Maths: Paper 1- Noncalculator 1hr Hall -CA5 - M9 - M10

Wednesday 22nd November

No Exams

Thursday 23rd November

No Exams

Friday 24th November

Monday 27th November

Tuesday 28th November

Wednesday 29th November

Period 5 14.05 - 15.30 Religious Studies 45m Hall - CA5 - M7 - E6 Physical Education 30m Hall - CA5 - M7 - E6

School Closed to Pupils and Staff Spanish: Reading & Writing 1hr Hall - M7 Science 1hr Hall - CA5 - M7 - H7 Maths: Paper 2 – Calculator 1hr Hall - CA5 - M10 - M11

Food & Nutrition 1hr Hall - CA5 - M7 - H5

Music: Listening 30m Hall - CA5 - M7 - M10

French: Reading & Writing 1hr Hall - M7 - T4 English Language 1hr Hall - CA5 - M7 - H8

Drama 30m Hall - CA5 - M7 - E6

No Exams

Year 10 EFYC On 3 November, the Roding Valley Key Stage 4 Debate Club attended the Epping Forest Youth Conference in Epping. It was a fantastic day during which we were treated to presentations about youth issues affecting our area, and participated in a debate hosted by Epping Youth Councillor's.

Eight of our Year 10 students spent several weeks researching and preparing for the debate, which addressed the question of School Liaison Officers and whether they should be introduced into our local schools to support students and staff.

They were also given the opportunity to speak with District Councillor’s, representatives from the Essex Police, and Members of Parliament over lunch and refreshments. The students all felt that it was a fun, worthwhileMiss learning opportunity H Reed and were definitely inspired to become more involved in our local YPLdemocracy Year 9

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Year 10 KS3 Awards Evening And the additional Winners were: Subject Awards

Highest Performers across English, Maths & Science

Most Progess across All Subjects

Form Tutor’s Award

Student’s Student Award Top ATL Award

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Year 11 Highest Attendance

Thank you to all of the parents/guardians that attended the Year 11 Information Evening on Monday. If you were not able to make it on the night, then please be aware that you can find information from the event on the School Website.

11Q Well done to Mr Rahman’s Form Group achieved 99.4% attendance for the week

Highest Achievement Points

Year 11 Parents Evening is taking place on Thursday 30th November, starting at 4:30pm. Sasha Bingham

Saqib Raja

Please ensure you child has booked appointments with their Subject Teachers

Callum Say

Congratulations to all of you



Thursday 30th November @ 4:30pm

Year 11 Parents Evening


Thursday 7 December@ 9pm

Year 11 into 12 Sixth Form Open Evening

Roding Valley Sixth Form Open Evening Plan for the Evening 6pm

Doors Open, entrance via New Block. The event will start in the Canteen


Headteacher’s talk in the Main Hall, followed by a select group of Keynote speakers. Parents are free to return to the canteen for a Q&A with the Alevels teachers after the Head teachers talk.


Car parking available from Brook Road Entrance

Evening ends

Mr J Quirk Year 11 YPL

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Year 11 Study Skills Day We are excited to inform you of our forthcoming ‘Year 11 Study Skills Day’ that your child will be participating in on Thursday the 23rdof November. Please ensure that your child brings a pencil case and their full PE kit. As part of our new programme, students will be streamed and taught key skills, for the entire day on skills or attributes that we believe are essential to their future success. This year, the five sessions will include the following content:

1. Growth Mindsets: What can I achieve if I really try?

2. Revision/ memory skills – How do I revise effectively? How can I improve my memory?

3. Problem solving – How can I solve problems I have never seen before? 4. Literacy skills – How can I develop my comprehension skills? How can I write more accurately?

5. Teamwork and communication – How can I develop leadership skills? How do I communicate effectively as part of a team? We believe that encouraging success starts with empowering our students to take responsibility for their learning. We ARE Roding Valley High School and we believe these sessions will increase Aspiration among students, build a Respect for learning and as a result, encourage students to Endeavour to achieve their full potential.

Mr. K. Ali Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning

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RVHS Sixth Form Key People Supporting Your Child In the lead up to PPE’s it can be Tense time, with a fair amount of Pressure. At home as Parents please support Independent study and help us ensure that time in school is well spent. If you have any questions or concerns please email The Sixth form Team

The Sixth Form Team Name



Mr L Harris

Head of 6 Form

Mr K Cheema

Deputy Headteacher



Ms N Sellears

6 Form Admin

Form Tutors Mr Chowdhury


Mrs Preston


Mr Hussain


Mr Stewart


Mrs Bove / Ms Lasfer


Mr Dennis


Miss O’Callaghan


Ms Taylor


Miss Hanlon


Mr Melvin


A Reminder Why We All Work So Hard 67% of students achieved an A*-B grade at A Level 33% of all grades were A*-B 98% pass rate 93% of last year’s Year 13 applied to university and the majority secured their first choice Our student’s destinations include: History at Cambridge; Economics at Durham, Veterinary Science at Nottingham, and Anthropology at Durham; the list could go on… Roding Valley is a seven year journey. Each year we challenge our students to achieve their very best, whilst remembering we are more than just A-levels. It is worth remembering that the ‘Keys to Success’ are: 

100% Attendance

Organisation with books and folders

Time management

Listening & acting on teacher feedback

Making the right choices in and out of class

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Independent Study Making the right choice in study periods, and knowing the importance of silent study is crucial In these times students should be using:

Personal Learning Checklists (PLCs)

Working through Exam questions and exam papers

Reading key texts

Attending support sessions

Attending A Level after school Lessons


Jack Beddall “For showing resilience and determination. Recent homework shows that Jack is determined to succeed, and this; along with his DoE volunteering suggest he is determined to succeed and make his mark on the Sixth Form”.


Lucy Raymond

Igor Dasuzhau

“For working consistently hard and showing others in the Sixth Form that hard work pays off”.

“For demonstrating the right amount of rigour in year 12, and working extremely hard through the transition from Year 11 into 12. The hard work is paying off.

Abbie Juniper “For continually showing the right amount of organisational skills and independence to make an impact on her attainment grades”.

Finally, well done to all the Sixth Form that got involved and supported Children in Nee and raised a whopping “£2260.34”

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Sixth Form Exam Timetable Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00

Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20

Period 5 14.05 - 15.30

Wednesday 6th December 2017

Yr. 13 Business: paper 1 2hrs Yr. 13 Psychology: paper 1 2hrs

Yr. 12 Business: paper 1 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 1 - 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Economics: paper 1 2hrs Start Time: 1:30pm

Thursday 7th December 2017

Yr. 13 Biology 2hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 1 2hrs

Yr. 12 Biology 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Computer Science: paper 1 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 English Literature 1hr 45m Yr. 13 Physics 2hrs Start Time: 1:30pm

Friday 8th December 2017

Yr. 13 Computer Science paper 1 2hrs Yr. 13 History god 1hr 15m Yr. 13 Chemistry 2hrs

Yr. 12 Philosophy & Ethics 1hr 15m Yr. 12 Physics 1hr 30m

Monday 11th December 2017

Yr. 13 Media Studies 2hrs

Yr. 12 Media Studies 1hr 30m

Tuesday 12th December 2017

Friday 15th December

Monday 18th December 2017

Yr. 13 Maths: paper 1 1hr 30m

No Exams Christmas Panto Performance Yr. 13 Economics: paper 2 2hrs

Yr. 12 Business: paper 2 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 2 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Government & Politics 1hr 30m Yr. 13 Drama 1hr

Yr. 13 History bump 2hrs 15m Yr. 13 Geography 2hrs 15m

Yr. 12 History 2hrs 15m Yr. 12 Geography 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Chemistry 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Maths: paper 2 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Business: paper 2 2hrs Yr13 psychology: paper 2 2hrs

Yr. 12 Government & Politics 2hrs Yr. 12 Maths 1hr 30m

Yr. 12 Computer Science: paper 2 1hr 30m Yr. 12 English Literature 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Computer Science: paper 2 2hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 2 2hrs

Wednesday 13th December 2017

Thursday 14th December 2017

No Exams

No Exams Yr. 12 Psychology 1hr 30m

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Bar Mock Trial Competition Last Saturday the 11th November, a team of 15 students took part in a law competition called ‘Bar Mock Trial’ at Snaresbrook Crown Court. The Bar Mock Trial is an effective way of helping young people understand how the legal systems work, as well as allowing them to get a taste of how the courtroom works. It gives students the chance to decide whether or not they enjoyed the day and then whether they want to pursue a career in law.

Many different schools attended and competed, all to an extremely high standard. We took part in a number of different trials regarding two specific cases. Each school had barristers, jury members a court artist, witnesses, a victim, a defendant, judge and members of the general public supporting.

We worked very well as a school, students’ roles ran smoothly and everything was well executed throughout the day. After each case the judge gave us helpful pointers on how to improve which we all took into consideration ready and prepared for the next trial. The highlight of the day was when the Roding Valley barristers, Madison Holden Ettridge, Grace Cownden, Maisha and Mashrur Khondakur delivered their opening and closing speeches and cross examined witnesses from other school teams.

As a whole it was a very enjoyable day and has only increased my already apparent interest in law and pursuing it as a career.

Written by Madison Holden Ettridge 10U

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At RVHS, we offer music lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar and singing. If you are interested; please email the below contacts and full details will be sent to you:

Piano: To book piano lessons or find out more please contact

Singing: Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Alex Larke for more details at

Drumming: The following lessons are available: One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons. Contact:

Guitar: To book lessons or find out more, please contact Rachel Espeute on if you are interested.

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Open to Years 7-10 Date: Wednesday 29th November 2017 Time: 3.15-5.15pm Venue: Rooms T1 and T2 Calling all budding Chefs: All students who would like to take part please come to T2 and see Mrs. Collings or Mrs. Blundy to sign up and get an information pack.

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This Christmas the school has decided to support the appeal from our local food bank to help local families in need. The Epping Forest food bank operates from St Mary’s Church in our local High Road. Christmas it requires • Mince Pies • Chocolates • Boxes of Biscuits (packets are good as well) • Crackers (the type for cheese) • Christmas puddings • Tinned hams • Tins of custard • Jars of jam • Christmas crackers

If you would like to support this appeal then your son or daughter can bring their donation to the front entrance hall between 8.15 am – 9.00 am to Mr Murray each morning on the following dates; MONDAY - 4th December TUESDAY - 5th December WEDNESDAY - 6th December THURSDAY - 7th December FRIDAY - 8th December

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RVHS Uniform Code At Roding Valley High School we like our students to be well presented when representing the school. Please remember that since September 2015, all students must adhere to our code of footwear, details are as follows:


Not Acceptable

Boys Uniform School Uniform Trousers: Black Tailored Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Shirt: plain white with no logos Tie – school tie Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with school badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge can be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. No Jewellery except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)

PE Uniform Navy and silver Rugby Shirt Navy and silver T-Shirt Navy and silver shorts Navy RVHS bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Football boots, training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Navy and silver Rugby Shirt

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Girls Uniform School Uniform Skirt or Trousers: Royal blue/black/white check skirt or black tailored trousers. Skirt must be worn below the knee (Skirts which are altered to an excessively short length are not permitted under any circumstances) Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Blouse: Plain white blouse with collar. (Blouses should have no ‘frills’ or patterns on them) Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with the School badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with the School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge are allowed to be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. Tights: Tights must be plain black or natural coloured. Patterned tights are not acceptable. Ankle socks may be worn: However knee length socks are not acceptable. No jewellery, except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)

Girls who choose to wear the skirt need to ensure that the logo on the skirt is below knee level. A new skirt should be purchased if this is not the case.

PE Uniform Navy and silver t-shirt Navy and silver skirt Navy RVHS tracksuit bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS jumper (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Navy socks with two white rings around the top Training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Optional items include a black or royal blue leotard and hockey boots

Uniform Stockist Our uniform stockist is conveniently located at:

Please click to be taken to their Website

Forest Casual and School Wear 144 High Road, Loughton, IG10 4BE Tel: 0208 508 2848

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Christmas Market

Thursday 23rd November

Time 7pm to 10pm

Venue Main Hall

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. Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.

Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible, then please try to ensure that your child attends school before and/or after their appointment.

Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child. A letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service, who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy, which can be found on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.

Guidance for Common Ailments Please see the following guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.

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School Communications We have been communicating by email for over a year now in a bid to get information to you quicker and more cost effectively. We found, however, our previous parental communication system did not give the functionality that people expect from smart phone apps today. So the school has invested in a new communication system call RS Connect Ed and with this comes a shiny new App. MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. The app gives you direct access to your child's attendance, timetable, absence records, achievements, behaviour and much, much more. You will also see that we update and change the information in the app as the school year moves along. Click here to see a short video about the app We are able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's education and to remind you of events that are taking place at school. We can also embed links to regularly used systems, for example Parent Pay & Doddle so you can keep everything in one place. You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us. The App can be downloaded by anyone and they will have access to information also available on our website Only parents will be able to access their own student’s information as long as we have the email address and mobile number you are using to access the App. Everyone will be able to see image to the left. But only parents of students in the school will be able to access this when clicking on the My Students tab.The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below: Step 1 - Go to your App Store Step 2 - Search for My Ed Step 3 - Download the Free app Apple iOS App Google Android App Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for Roding Valley High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are having any problems and we will help you get set up.

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RVHS Recruitment School Caretaker Required Roding Valley High School is currently looking to recruit We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic, conscientious and self-motivated person who would like to provide a key role in maintaining our school site, to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for the whole school community. This is a permanent contract for 37hrs per week, 52 weeks per year with 22 days paid holiday entitlement plus bank holidays Shift pattern to include one day at the weekend. Salary £16,647 – £18,259

EXAMINATION INVIGILATORS REQUIRED Roding Valley High School is currently looking to expand our team of Invigilators for the forthcoming and subsequent examination sessions and is looking for efficient, flexible and well organised people. The role involves overseeing and supervising examinations and ensuring Awarding Bodies guidelines and regulations are followed. There are also internally scheduled examinations held throughout the school year where you will be required. Hours will be on a varied/ad-hoc basis, held throughout a school day. We do ask that you can commit to working 8-10 hours (per week if required) during exam periods. There will be appropriate training for successful candidates. Please contact Jenny Draper, Examinations Officer on 0208 508 1173 for further details.

Full details regarding our vacancies are available on the school website.

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25 | Page Woodford Green Athletics Club offer the following for young athletes, all based at our club house at Ashton Sports Centre, Woodford Bridge. We can offer competition at track & field, cross country and road running to all levels of performance. For under 11’s – Woodford Wasps Saturday morning 10.00am Ask for Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------Young members from 11 to 17 years of age Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5.45pm Training for young members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those parents who would like to compete or simply to get fit we can offer the following: Introductory training sessions on Tuesday evenings 7.00pm Training for adults with Bertie Powell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The club is also looking for coaches and helpers. We run a number of teams at senior, junior and youth level which need support. If you are interested in taking up coaching, the club can help with obtaining qualifications or if simply to get involved in athletics Please come down on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm to meet our coaches/Officials.

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