Parent bulletin 22 4 16

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It is very rare for me to start with a negative comment but I would like to highlight my concerns with regard to some of the issues in the local community. Myself and colleagues are on duty at the end of every school day and it has come to my attention that there is a group of youths that customarily inhabit the vicinity of the Underground Station. Despite regular police intervention and conversations with myself and Senior Staff this group is still in place and some of their behaviour is certainly of an anti-social nature. It is vital for the reputation of Roding Valley High School that our students distance themselves from the group in question as I would be mortified if the public believed that the conduct of this group of youths reflected the school's aspirations and expectations. I am delighted to say that the vast majority of our students are excellent ambassadors for the school and I have often said in this column how wonderful it is to hear about how smart our students look in their uniforms and how much of a credit they are to the school. However, it is important to note that when students let the school down with their conduct then we will always take stringent action. I take the school's reputation very seriously and if any student brings the school into disrepute as a result of their behaviour then the sanctions will be severe. Just because an issue arises outside of the school day does not mean that we are unable to take action. This message will be made very clear to students in next week's assemblies and I very much hope that they all take it on board as I would be disappointed if any student lost their place at Roding Valley High School as a consequence of negative behaviour in the local community. On a much more positive note it has been pleasing to see the Year 7s coping so well with their formal examinations in the Hall this week. We appreciate that this is a difficult time for them but I'm pleased to say that their behaviour has been excellent and they have handled the pressure exceptionally well which certainly bodes well for the future. Finally I would like to say a very big well done to Alice Redknap who has been selected to represent the school in the forthcoming Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge. She was chosen as a result of her superb debating performance in the school competition and despite stiff competition from a number of other students she will be taking the hopes of the school forward on the 10th May when she will be competing with orators from a number of local schools. Louise Gilbert also performed admirably and she has been selected as the reserve for the competition. I wish them every success. James Luck Headteacher

You can follow us at , on Facebook at the ‘Roding Valley High School Official’ page or on Twitter (@RodingValleyHS). You can also sign up to our free electronic media release service at

Week ending 15th April 2016

Year 7

Highest Attendance


Form with the Highest Honours


Student with the Highest Honours

Lucy Richards 7T

Class of the week

  

7ux/Sc1 nominated by Mr McManners for producing some fabulous revision resources ready for their assessment. Lots of very intelligent questions on how to improve 7qt/Sc3 nominated by Ms Patel for their attitude towards every lesson and their willingness to learn and support others 7ux/Sc3 nominated by Ms Patel for supporting each other during Science lessons and being independent learners – Well Done!

Year 8

Highest Attendance


Form with the Highest Honours


Student with the Highest Honours

Isabel Kimpton 8X

Class of the week


Highest Attendance


Form with the Highest Honours


Student of the week

  

Year 9

   Class of the week

 

8ux/MaCA nominated by Ms Kaur for great effort and work during the week.

Joe Xenofondos 9X nominated by Mrs Routledge for being fabulous for the past couple of weeks! Alex Ketteridge nominated by Ms Patel for always working hard and focussing in all lessons – well done! Zoe Newton-Kisly 9X nominated by Ms Patel for supporting peers and being a pleasure to teach Nicole Collis 9W nominated by Ms Patel for trying her best at all times and for having a good attitude towards learning Armon Shams 9V nominated by Mrs Lafferty for super effort in English assessment and for his overall much improved positive attitude to learning Tariq Riaz 9X, Yasu George 9W, Maisha Khondokar 9U & Emma Lycett for leading their groups and regularly producing work of a high standard 9R/Rs1 nominated by Mrs Humphreys for producing some excellent examples of ‘Closing the Gap’ – very well done! 9ux/En2 nominated by Mrs Lafferty for great team work and collaboration on unpacking Shakespeare’s language and producing very good PQDs

Year 10 Year 11

Highest Attendance


Form with the Highest Honours


Student with the Highest Honours

Abbie Juniper 10S

Student of the week


Highest Attendance


Form with the Highest Honours


Student of the week

   

Maisie Lees 10S, Imogen Gallop 10T, Maryann Thurgood 10Q, Carla Gilfilian-Dixon 10R, Daisy Bloor 10Q, Kyle Johnson 10Q, Louie Woods 10Q, Harley George 10Q and Kye Warsame 10S nominated by Ms Patel for making good progress in a science assessment

Nathan Halliday 11E and Elizabeth Harbutt 11V nominated by Mrs Jenner for making so much progress in Maths Olivia Aldous 11V, Emma Newton 11V & Kathleen McGlynn 11V nominated by Mr Punungwe for continuing to work hard Jack Stone 11X nominated by Mr Punungwe for working hard Nancy Callagher 11W & Ellie Spencer 11X nominated by Mr Punungwe for their dedication to learning by doing extra revision

Form Class Maths Competition

For the Attention of Year 8 students and parents Last year we enjoyed two Jack the Ripper tours on two separate summer evenings. We would like to take year 8 students again this year. Letters of interest will be handed out on Monday. Please note that a parent or nominated guardian will need to attend with each student..... at this stage it looks as though these will be in the first week of July. More info to follow when I have an idea of numbers. Miss Preston Head of Humanities

The competition is held twice a month and is accessible to all year groups and abilities. It will help students to develop problem solving skills which are needed for the new GCSE specification. I would ask all parents/guardians to strongly encourage and support the students in entering this fun challenge. Mrs Vermaak Maths Department

Maths Support Monday & Friday After school in M5 Maths Club Tuesday & Thursday Lunchtime in M3

Drop in times for Students with Special Educational Needs Drop in times for parents of SEN students are to enable you to discuss your son/ daughter's progress in detail. We will be available at the following times: Mondays 11.20am—12.20pm Wednesdays 12.20pm—1.20pm Thursdays 10.00am—11.00am

ICT Coursework Sessions

Please email me to book one of these times, or an alternative time if these are inconvenient, at

Every Tuesday Lunchtime with Miss Wilson in ICT4

Needed! Any unwanted good quality badged uniform, skirts especially, for the PTA to sell on at a huge reduction. Good quality used uniform is always available from the school from 3.15pm - 4.15pm daily.

Drum Lessons One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons available. Learn with your friends! Contact:

Dear Parent/Guardian Our Immunisation Nurses have visited the school and administered the Meningitis ACWY vaccination to Y9 girls and Y10 boys and girls. Y9 boys will receive their vaccinations in May on the date below. Yr9 boys 20th May 2016 The consent form and information leaflet have gone home. Please ensure the consent form has been returned. The health authority require all forms to be returned, even if your son is not having the vaccination (please either write on the form you do not wish your son to have the vaccination or attach a note on the consent form). This will avoid your son being recalled at a later date. If any student has missed the vaccinations already given out please can you contact the school if you still wish them to have the injection. Thank you.

Students are regularly coming into school with cheques with the payee being left blank Can you please ensure that all cheques are made payable to

Roding Valley High School The school cannot be held responsible for any cheques which go missing and are then cashed elsewhere

Guitar Lessons Lessons slots are available on Mondays with lessons priced at ÂŁ12 per half hour. Please contact Steve van Niekerk on if you are interested.

Singing Lessons Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Alex Larke for more details and to book your slot. email:

Piano Lessons To book piano lessons please contact

You can follow us at and on Facebook at the ATTENDANCE MATTERS….. ‘Roding Valley High School Official’ page. Student Absence

Our Twitter (@RodingValleyHS) account is a great place to keep up tochild date some of the latest and activities in report school. If your is with unable to attend School fornews any reason then please their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am, you must also ring in You can upabsence. to our free electronic media release service at each day of also your sign child’s

020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records. Medical Appointments When possible please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. If you put in a holiday request a ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception). Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy which can be found in the ‘Parents’ section on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low our Attendance Officer on the school number. Guidance for Common Ailments Please see, on the following page, guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.

LIBRARY OPENING TIMES The library is open to all students for homework, G.C.S.E. work and private study/reading at the following times: Monday - Friday (excluding Tuesday): Before school 7.15am – 8.30am, break time, lunch times & after school for homework club 3.15pm – 4.15pm. Tuesday: Before school 7.15am - 8.10am, break time and lunch times. Access for early opening is via the door by resources.

School Shop Opening Times

Access to Water in School Parents, please be aware that the canteen has jugs of water available both during lunchtime and break time for all students to access.

Before School: 8.30am - 9.00am Break: 11.00am - 11.20am

Bottled water is sold at all outlets Large bottle 50p Small bottle 25p

Lunch: 1.20pm - 2.05pm After School: 3.05pm - 4.00pm STUDENTS WILL NOT BE SERVED OUTSIDE THESE HOURS

If a student is overdrawn or has no money on their lunch account, they will always be sold water.

PE Twitter Account The PE department have activated a Twitter account where regular PE updates, extra-curricular news and curriculum information will be regularly published. Follow @RodingValleyPE to keep up to date with our department. Mr Hudgell The Humanities Faculty has a Twitter account designed to promote sites of interest, pre-reading, revision, humanities information, news and general humanities support. It is aimed at all KS3, KS4 and A-level Humanities Students and can be followed @humsrvhs

Fantastic programme launches 23rd April in Loughton A range of inspiring classes that use a variety of artistic techniques and mediums including drawing, screen printing, graffiti, painting, illustration, contemporary art, sculpture, and animation. Carley teaches children of all ages to think like an artist and express their individuality through their own art practice in a supportive and fun environment. There is a promotional offer on at the moment of ÂŁ12.50 all materials included. The discount code for this is NEWESSEX For more information on how to join in go to:

Supported Homework Club Learning Zone Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 3.05pm - 3.40pm Everyone welcome A drink and biscuit are provided

Attention all RVHS students Send photos of yourself reading a book or Kindle to Mrs Martin at: and see your picture(s) on our @RVgetcaughtreading Twitter feed. The more weird & wacky the better! Mrs Martin, School Librarian

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