Parent bulletin week ending 1st december

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RVHS Parent Bulletin 17 18



Aspiration Respect Endeavour Week ending: Friday 1st December 2017

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Message from the Head of School. Last week was another busy week for our students. The Year 9 Exams Week continued and I was very proud of the hard work and effort our students put towards this and rose to the challenge. On Monday we held the Parent Consultation Meeting and I would like to thank all the parents that attended and I would like to ask if you could complete the survey that has been emailed to you, a link to which is available on our school website. I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate our PTA for a wonderful Christmas Market and thank them for all their hard work; they raised £700 for the school. I would like to thank all the parents that attended our Year 11 Parents evening week had a superb turn out and hope that that the feedback you received from your child’s teachers will help you to support them through this important year. The rest of this term will be extremely busy, so I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some key events happening over the coming weeks. This coming Monday 4th December, we are holding the Parents Forum, 6pm in the 6th Form Study Room (entrance by Brook Road), all parents / carers are welcome to attend. We will be discussing our plans to create a new house system as we feel this will encourage even more positivity into our student body. The rationale is to further increase student aspirations / participation by creating more competitions and enrichment activities. It should also encourage friendships across the year groups and provide leadership roles within the 6th Form. At the moment the proposal is still under discussion. But will be 5 houses with the students selecting the house names, including the wearing of a house tie. The proposal will be student driven and will have a structured calendar of events. The school council and student body are really keen; we would like to now consult with the parents. On Tuesday 6th December, we are holding our GCSE Winter Music Concert, the event starts at 6:30pm. This event will be a showcase of GCSE Music and it should be a wonderful event, tickets are available through ParentPay and cost £3.00 for an adult and £2.00 for concessions. Thursday 7th December is the Sixth Form Open Evening; I look forward to seeing many of you there. Doors open at 6pm, Headteacher talk at 6.30pm. Tuesday 12th December our students will be performing a production of Peter Pan, the event will start at 7pm, we ask all guests to arrive at 6:30pm so that the event can start promptly. Tickets cost £5.00 and are available through ParentPay.

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Tuesday 12th December, our Year 7 students will be visiting St Mary’s Church for their Christmas service. Wednesday 13th December, students will be able to have their Christmas lunch. Tickets will be available to purchase from the 7th December at the tills in the canteen at a cost of £3.00 Friday 15th December our Sixth Form students will be hold a ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ , this will be only open to staff and 6th Form students and all proceeds will be going to Children in Need. Students in Years 7 to 11 will need to wear full uniform on this day but they do really enjoy seeing their teachers in some festive creations! Finally, I would like to remind all parents / carers that school breaks up for Christmas on Tuesday 19th December 2017 at 12.20pm. Students return to school at normal time on Thursday 4th January 2018. I hope you have a lovely weekend Mrs. S Jenner Head of School

Plan for the Evening 6pm

Doors Open, entrance via New Block. The event will start in the Canteen


Headteacher’s talk in the Main Hall, followed by a select group of Keynote speakers. Parents are free to return to the canteen for a Q&A with the Alevels teachers after the Head teachers talk.


Evening ends

Car parking available from Brook Road Entrance

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Event th

Monday 4 December th

Tuesday 5 December

Parents Forum: 6pm to 7pm STEM Visit GCSE Music Concert


Wednesday 6 December th

Thursday 7 December

Year 11 Government and Politics Trip Sixth Form Open Evening Year 11 Study Skill Day (details are provided further are in this bulletin)


Friday 8 December th

Monday 11 December

Year 10 Skills Conference Year 12 and 13 Exam Week begins Year 11 MFL Mock Speaking Exams Christmas Workshop


Tuesday 12 December

Year 8 and 9 STEM Event – People like Me: Careers in Engineering Year 7 Christmas Service at St Mary’s Church Peter Pan Panto: please arrive at 6:30pm


Wednesday 13 December

School Christmas lunch Challenge and Enrichment for Physics


Thursday 14 December

Year 7 Trip to Nativity the Musical Year 7 parents Evening – Invitation only


Friday 15 December th

Monday 18 December

Year 7 Trip to the Museum of Childhood Year 12 and 13 Exam Week Continues STEM Visit GCSE and A Level Celebration Evening: starts at 6pm


Tuesday 19 December

School Closes at 12:20pm

Wednesday 3rd January

School Closed for Staff Inset Day


Thursday 4 January

School Reopens to all students

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Food & Nutrition Department Cooking Competition On Wednesday 29th November the Food & Nutrition Department held their second cooking competition of the year. We had a great turn out once again and the judges had a tough call to make as they were served some delicious dishes including butternut squash curry, Thai fishcakes and Moroccan lamb skewers amongst others! The winner was Lola Collings (7Q) with runner up Amber Giddy (10V). Thank you to all those who took part: •

Harrison Scott (7Q),

Poppy Arnott (7W)

Joshua Conway (7V),

You should all be extremely proud of yourselves! Thank you also to our judges Mr Stewart and Miss Sargent. Thank you to parents/carers for your continued support.

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Year 7



“They have done incredibly well this term- keep up the good work!”

“For brilliant progress with reading and comprehension”

Nominated by Mrs. Daley

Nominated by Ms.Laffety

7B/SC2 "The class is a joy to teach; they are very hard working towards their class work and homework tasks, and have excellent contribution”.

Sienna Moy

Tallulah Wall

“For excellent play and for being part of the Year 9 Netball Squad competing against Davenant”.

Weekly Attendance Winners

Caleb Beer “For being very focused, hardworking and resilient in improving his dribbling ability"


Highest Achievement Points

Nominated by Mr. Hudgell

Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian international relief organisation.Their mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoe boxes filled with small toys and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities. We are th encouraging all our year 7 students to create a shoe box by the 12 December filled with any toys they no longer want or need to make someone feel that Christmas and they are special.

Alfie McLaughlin

Please decorate the boxes and bring them to Miss William’s office to be taken to our church service. Thank you to all students, parents and carers in advance for your donations.

Clubs and After School Activities One of my favourite things about Roding Valley is the fact that there are so many after school curriculum activities to choose from. When the Year 7’s started at Roding, we were all invited to a fresher fayre where we could go and choose our clubs. No matter what your interests are, there is always something for you, from whether you like sports, music, maths, science, languages, pottery, photography, or even if you need a place to do homework or you love reading, there are always clubs that will be willing to take you in with open arms. Personally, I am most interested in music, art and drama, so I am part of drama club, I am in the Peter Pan Panto, I do Glee, Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Public Speaking. These clubs may be after school, or some at lunch, so you can always find something that will suit your week. Clubs are also an opportunity to meet new friends, which during my few weeks here, I have met many. I would encourage more students to sign up and get involved!

Events Thursday 14 December


Year 7 Christmas Theatre Trip Year 7 Parents Concern Clinic

Miss F Williams YPL Year 7

Written by Ruby Coyte

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Year 8

Emily Francis Ethen Dignam

Isabella Ruse

“For having had a really positive week. Ethen is always willing to help others and always shows a high level of respect towards students and staff. His kind, respectful and mature attitude is the main reason why he was nominated this week”.

“Because she was player of the match against Davenant this week. Playing in the year above Isabella showed outstanding determination and is a key athlete in Year 8”.

Rory Landell

Hamid Lahreche

Charlotte Gadeke

It’s always pleasing to hear from teachers in the school highlighting the excellent work that Year 8 students are performing in their subject areas. Congratulations to the following students who went above and beyond in Mr. Cocker’s lesson and completed an outstanding homework task by creating Witch Bottles in History last week.

Nominated by Miss Reed

Nominated by Mr. Hudgell

It is important to ensure that your son/daughter attends school through this winter period. This is a common time of the year where attendance seems to drop slightly, however we encourage all students to still make it into school. Attendance is crucial, as Progress Leader of Year 8 if a student misses (for example) 2 days from school, they therefore miss 10 subject lessons! This will impact on their progress and education immensely, so I ask that all parents/guardians to encourage students to attend school at every opportunity throughout the academic year. Thank you for all your support.

As the nights are getting darker please ensure that your son/daughter is making their way to and from school sensibly and safely

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Congratulations to the following students who are on task to completing the Apprentice Award in PiXL Edge. Since launching Pixl Edge in Year 7 we have now covered 4 out of the 5 tasks, with the final task (Communication) commencing in January 2018. So far we have covered Leadership, Organisation, Resilience and Initiative. Below are the names of the students that have completed the 4 tasks so far! Well done!

George Horsefall

Persia Bellamy

Diya Wahiwala

Rory Langdell

Georgia Brett

Hannah Ward

Bobby Lawson

William Cratchley

William Whitehall

Daniel Mehr

Jack Croll

Ruby Routledge

Megan Passmore

Haris Mushtaq

Connor Dunkin

Daisy Smith

Emily Francis

Kelly Nan

Isabelle Ruse

Zak Smith

Grace Smith-Burrell

Mr C Hudgell YPL Year 8

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Year 9

Date th

Tuesday 12 December th

Wednesday 13 December th

Tuesday 19 December

Event Year 9 STEM Event School Christmas Lunch School Closes at 12:20pm

Teri Sandford

Sarah Cockram

“For their brilliant music recording�. Nominated by Mr Savage

Year 10 KS3 Awards Evening And finally the winners are:

Students Student Award

Alex Popa

Highest Achieving Girl and Boy in English, Maths and Science

Louisa Biddle

Isobel Bonning

Suzanna Cavadino

Harry Davies

Billy Roberts

Harry Coulson

Florence New

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Year 11 "A huge thank you to everybody that attended Year 11 parents evening last night. Please ensure your young person is acting on the feedback given by each of their teachers in order to maximise their progress in the upcoming Pre Public Examinations (PPEs) which start the first day we return from Christmas break"

Highest Achievement Points

11Q Well done to Mr Rahman’s Form Group achieved 98.9% attendance for the week

Annie Rose

Ella Davis

Rhys Avey

Reminder Next Thursday is the Year 11 Study Skills Day, please remember to bring your trainers and come in full school uniform.


Event th

Tuesday 5 December – after school th

Thursday 7 December @ 9pm

Taster Tuesday: A Level Art and Photography Sixth Form Open Evening

Mr J Quirk Year 11 YPL My First at Roding Valley Sixth Form My time at Roding Valley has been both challenging and enjoyable. I have found that there has been a large increase in the workload, and while this has been tough, I have enjoyed focusing my time on the four A-levels I like the most. The main reason why I chose to stay at Roding Valley was the support and help we were offered by our teachers throughout our GCSEs. This has continued through to our A levels which has made the transition a lot easier with the support from Mr. Harris. The most difficult part of my first few months has been coping with time management, as the amount of independent study has increased significantly. Nevertheless, the support from the teachers, including after school sessions, has helped considerably. Attend the Sixth Form Open Evening on the 7th December and ask lots of questions. Roding Valley is your seven year journey. Chloe Humphries

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Year 11 Study Skills Day We are excited to inform you of our forthcoming ‘Year 11 Study Skills Day’ that your child will be participating in on Thursday the 7th December. Please ensure that your child brings a pencil case and their Trainers. As part of our new programme, students will be streamed and taught key skills, for the entire day on skills or attributes that we believe are essential to their future success. This year, the five sessions will include the following content:

1. Growth Mindsets: What can I achieve if I really try?

2. Revision/ memory skills – How do I revise effectively? How can I improve my memory?

3. Problem solving – How can I solve problems I have never seen before? 4. Literacy skills – How can I develop my comprehension skills? How can I write more accurately?

5. Teamwork and communication – How can I develop leadership skills? How do I communicate effectively as part of a team? We believe that encouraging success starts with empowering our students to take responsibility for their learning. We ARE Roding Valley High School and we believe these sessions will increase Aspiration among students, build a Respect for learning and as a result, encourage students to Endeavour to achieve their full potential. Mr. K. Ali Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning

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Year 11 GCSE PPE Timetable January 2018 Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00

Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20

Period 5 14.05 - 15.30

Thursday 4th January 2018

Maths P1 (NonCalculator) (1hr 30m) (Sports Hall - CA3)

English Language P1 (1hr 45m) (Sports Hall - M11 - M7)

Science (Combined) P1 (1hr 30m) (Sports Hall - M7 - CA3)

Friday 5th January 2018

Maths P2 (Calculator) (1hr 30m) (Sports Hall - H5)

History P1 (1hr 45m) (Sports Hall - M7 - T4)

Science (Combined) P2 (1hr 30m) (Sports Hall - M7 - M9)

Monday 8th January 2018

Geography P1 (1hr 30m) (Hall - M7 - H7)

Biology (Triple Science) (1hr 45m) (Hall - M7 - T4)

Physical Education P1 (1hr 15m) (Hall - M7 - T4)

Tuesday 9th January 2018

History P2 (1hr 15m) (Hall - M7 - T4)

Chemistry (Triple Science) (1hr 45m) (Hall - M7 - CA3)

Business Studies U1 (45m) Economics U1 (45m) (Hall - M7 - T4)

Wednesday 10th January 2018

French (Listening & Reading) Foundation 1hr 20m / Higher 1hr 45m (Hall - CA5)

Spanish (Listening & Reading) Foundation 1hr 20m / Higher 1hr 45m (Hall - M7 Foundation) CA3 Higher)

Psychology P1 (1hr 30m) (Hall - M7)

Thursday 11th January 2018

Maths P3 (Calculator) (1hr 30m) (Sports Hall - CA3)

English Language P2 (1hr 45m) (Sports Hall - M7 - M11)

Science (Combined) P3 (1hr 30m) (Sports Hall - M7 - CA3)

Friday 12th January 2018

Business Studies U3 (1hr 30m) Economics U5 (1hr 30m) (Hall - M7 - T4)

Monday 15th January 2018

Geography P2 (1hr 30m) (Hall - M7 - H7)

Tuesday 16th January 2018 Wednesday 17th January 2018

Media Studies (1hr 30m) (Hall - M7 - CA3)

Drama (1hr 45m) Psychology P2 (1hr 30m) Music (1hr 15m) (Hall - M7 - T4) Computer Science (1hr 30m) Religious Studies (1hr 45m) (Hall - M7 - T4) Physics (Triple Science) (1hr 45m) (Hall - M7 - LR3)

Spanish (Writing) Foundation 1hr / Higher 1hr 15m (Hall - M7)

Physical Education P2 (1hr 15m) (Hall - M7 - CA3) French (Writing) Foundation 1hr / Higher 1hr 15m (Hall)

Information Communication Technology (1hr 30m) (Hall - M7 - M11)

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RHVS Sixth Form Best wishes to all Sixth form students taking their PPE’s over the coming weeks. Make sure to dig deep and use all your study skills and strategies for recalling key concepts. Your hard work is paying off; however some of you still need to focus on your organisation. Make sure you spend quality time organising your learning, as this is key to success.

Sixth Form Folders and Books: RHVS Expectations and Standards. All Students should have:








• A Clear and logical structure to their folders

• A Contents page

• Dividers linked to units/modules/tests studied

• Glossary of useful/relevant terms

• Practice essays/questions - both short and long answer

• Evidence of class notes being ‘owned’ by the students – annotation, mind maps etc

• In addition to notes there should be completed closing the gap tasks. All the very best for your PPE’s and ensure you demonstrate your commitment to the Sixth Form by attending and supporting the Sixth Form Open Evening. Speak to your tutor, as they have an overview of which students have been selected to support which subject.

Year 12 and 13 students are expected to volunteer / support and represent the Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 7th December 2017. All students that have a PPE the next day are not expected to attend.

Mr L Harris Head of Sixth Form

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6th Form Trip to Queen Mary University Last Wednesday, a group of our 6th Form Geographers travelled to the Mile End Campus of Queen Mary, University of London.

The lecture covered a brief history of Polio and the importance of immunisation before Dr. Stephen Taylor discussed in detail the tremendous challenge of eradicating this disease. We were amazed to learn that last year, there were only 15 reported cases of the disease worldwide and these cases all stemmed for just 3 countries. Thus, eradication is in sight if the hard work done by numerous charities and governments is maintained!

Here, they attended a fascinating lecture titled ‘In Pursuit of Zero: Health, Human Development and the eradication of Polio in the Afghanistan-Pakistan borderlands’.

Those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the lecture and made the most of this enrichment experience- speaking to both staff and students of the Geography department at QMUL. We are looking forward to the next lecture!

Miss K Stockings English Teacher

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Sixth Form Exam Timetable Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00

Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20

Period 5 14.05 - 15.30

Yr. 13 Business: paper 1 2hrs Yr. 13 Psychology: paper 1 2hrs

Yr. 12 Business: paper 1 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 1 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Economics: paper 1 2hrs Start Time: 1:30pm

Yr. 13 Biology 2hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 12hrs

Yr. 12 Biology1hr 30m Yr. 12 Computer Science: paper 11hr 30m

Yr. 13 English Literature1hr 45m Yr. 13 Physics2hrs Start Time: 1:30pm

Friday 8th December

Yr. 13 Computer Science paper 1 2hrs Yr. 13 History god 1hr 15m Yr. 13 Chemistry 2hrs

Yr. 12 Philosophy & Ethics 1hr 15m Yr. 12 Physics 1hr 30m

Monday 11th December

Yr. 13 Media Studies 2hrs

Yr. 12 Media Studies 1hr 30m

Wednesday 6th December

Thursday 7th December

Thursday 14th December

Friday 15th December

Monday 18th December

Yr. 13 Maths: paper 1 1hr 30m

No Exams Christmas Panto Performance

Tuesday 12th December

Wednesday 13th December

No Exams

Yr. 13 Economics: paper 2 2hrs

Yr. 12 Business: paper 2 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 2 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Government & Politics 1hr 30m Yr. 13 Drama 1hr

Yr. 13 History bump 2hrs 15m Yr. 13 Geography

Yr. 12 History 2hrs 15m Yr. 12 Geography 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Chemistry 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Maths: paper 2 1hr 30m

2hrs 15m

Yr. 13 Business: paper 2 2hrs Yr13 psychology: paper 2 2hrs

Yr. 12 Government & Politics 2hrs Yr. 12 Maths 1hr 30m

Yr. 12 Computer Science :paper 2 1hr 30m Yr. 12 English Literature 1hr 30m

Yr. 13 Computer Science: paper 2 2hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 2 2hrs

No Exams Yr.12 Psychology1hr 30m

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Music Lessons At RVHS, we offer music lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar and singing. If you are interested; please email the below contacts and full details will be sent to you:

Piano:To book piano lessons or find out more please contact

Singing: Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Alex Larke for more details at

Drumming:The following lessons are available: One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons. Contact:

Guitar: To book lessons or find out more, please contact Rachel Espeute on you are interested.

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This Christmas the school has decided to support the appeal from our local food bank to help local families in need. The Epping Forest food bank operates from St Mary’s Church in our local High Road. Christmas it requires • Mince Pies • Chocolates • Boxes of Biscuits (packets are good as well) • Crackers (the type for cheese) • Christmas puddings • Tinned hams • Tins of custard • Jars of jam • Christmas crackers

If you would like to support this appeal then your son or daughter can bring their donation to the front entrance hall between 8.15 am – 9.00 am to Mr Murray each morning on the following dates; MONDAY - 4th December TUESDAY - 5th December WEDNESDAY - 6th December THURSDAY - 7th December FRIDAY - 8th December

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RVHS Uniform Code At Roding Valley High School we like our students to be well presented when representing the school. Please remember that since September 2015, all students must adhere to our code of footwear, details are as follows:


Not Acceptable

Boys Uniform School Uniform Trousers: Black Tailored Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Shirt: plain white with no logos Tie – school tie Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with school badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge can be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. No Jewellery except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)

PE Uniform Navy and silver Rugby Shirt Navy and silver T-Shirt Navy and silver shorts Navy RVHS bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Football boots, training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Navy and silver Rugby Shirt

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Girls Uniform School Uniform Skirt or Trousers: Royal blue/black/white check skirt or black tailored trousers. Skirt must be worn below the knee (Skirts which are altered to an excessively short length are not permitted under any circumstances) Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Blouse: Plain white blouse with collar. (Blouses should have no ‘frills’ or patterns on them) Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with the School badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with the School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge are allowed to be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. Tights: Tights must be plain black or natural coloured. Patterned tights are not acceptable. Ankle socks may be worn: However knee length socks are not acceptable. No jewellery, except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)

Girls who choose to wear the skirt need to ensure that the logo on the skirt is below knee level. A new skirt should be purchased if this is not the case. PE Uniform Navy and silver t-shirt Navy and silver skirt Navy RVHS tracksuit bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS jumper (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Navy socks with two white rings around the top Training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Optional items include a black or royal blue leotard and hockey boots

Uniform Stockist Our uniform stockist is conveniently located at:

Forest Casual and School Wear 144 High Road, Loughton, IG10 4BE Tel: 0208 508 2848

Please click to be taken to their Website

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. Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.

Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible, then please try to ensure that your child attends school before and/or after their appointment.

Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child. A letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service, who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy, which can be found on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.

Guidance for Common Ailments Please see the following guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.

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School Communications We have been communicating by email for over a year now in a bid to get information to you quicker and more cost effectively. We found, however, our previous parental communication system did not give the functionality that people expect from smart phone apps today. So the school has invested in a new communication system call RS Connect Ed and with this comes a shiny new App. MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. The app gives you direct access to your child's attendance, timetable, absence records, achievements, behaviour and much, much more. You will also see that we update and change the information in the app as the school year moves along. Click here to see a short video about the app We are able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's education and to remind you of events that are taking place at school. We can also embed links to regularly used systems, for example Parent Pay & Doddle so you can keep everything in one place. You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us. The App can be downloaded by anyone and they will have access to information also available on our website Only parents will be able to access their own student’s information as long as we have the email address and mobile number you are using to access the App. Everyone will be able to see image to the left. But only parents of students in the school will be able to access this when clicking on the My Students tab.The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below: Step 1 - Go to your App Store Step 2 - Search for My Ed Step 3 - Download the Free app Apple iOS App Google Android App Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for Roding Valley High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are having any problems and we will help you get set up.

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RVHS Recruitment School Caretaker Required Roding Valley High School is currently looking to recruit an enthusiastic, conscientious and self-motivated person who would like to provide a key role in maintaining our school site, to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for the whole school community. This is a permanent contract for 37hrs per week, 52 weeks per year with 22 days paid holiday entitlement plus bank holidays Shift pattern to include one day at the weekend. Salary £16,647 – £18,259

EXAMINATION INVIGILATORS REQUIRED Roding Valley High School is currently looking to expand our team of Invigilators for the forthcoming and subsequent examination sessions and is looking for efficient, flexible and well organised people. The role involves overseeing and supervising examinations and ensuring Awarding Bodies guidelines and regulations are followed. There are also internally scheduled examinations held throughout the school year where you will be required. Hours will be on a varied/ad-hoc basis, held throughout a school day. We do ask that you can commit to working 8-10 hours (per week if required) during exam periods. There will be appropriate training for successful candidates. Please contact Jenny Draper, Examinations Officer on 0208 508 1173 for further details.

Full details regarding our vacancies are available on the school website.

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23 | Page Woodford Green Athletics Club offer the following for young athletes, all based at our club house at Ashton Sports Centre, Woodford Bridge. We can offer competition at track & field, cross country and road running to all levels of performance. For under 11’s – Woodford Wasps Saturday morning 10.00am Ask for Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------Young members from 11 to 17 years of age Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5.45pm Training for young members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those parents who would like to compete or simply to get fit we can offer the following: Introductory training sessions on Tuesday evenings 7.00pm Training for adults with Bertie Powell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The club is also looking for coaches and helpers. We run a number of teams at senior, junior and youth level which need support. If you are interested in taking up coaching, the club can help with obtaining qualifications or if simply to get involved in athletics Please come down on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm to meet our coaches/Officials.

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