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RVHS Parent Bulletin Aspiration Respect
Week ending: Friday 24th November 2017 “The Roots of Education are Bitter, But the Fruits are Sweet”.
Message from the Head of School. The school celebrated a great success in the Epping Forest Youth Parliamentary Debate on Friday night. The event was organized by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, Eleanor Laing, MP. To win this prestigious event against other schools is a major achievement and I congratulate Florence New 10V and Eva Randall 11Q for their amazing and confident performance. I also thank Miss Bingham and Miss Hanlon for their support with this fantastic Challenge and Enrichment event and to all the supporting students. Please click the link to view the performance The Year 9 students have enjoyed their Prison me? No way! Day this week. It was a very informative but enjoyable day for them. Their exams will continue into next week. The Year 7 students have enjoyed a brilliant achievement assembly. I am pleased to see that our Year 7 students have settled really well into life at Roding Valley High School and appear to have matured already. Can I reassure parents that where there are concerns we will contact you directly, there is Concern Evening on Thursday 14th December but this will be by invite only. The majority of our Year 7s are happy and making really good progress across the curriculum. Can I remind Year 11 parents that it is the Year 11 Parents evening on Thursday the 30th November, please remind your son / daughters to make appointments with their teachers. School remains very positive and we all start to look towards the Christmas season as December is nearly upon us. This does mean however, that the nights are drawing in; please do remind your sons / daughters about the importance of road safety and getting home promptly at the end of the school day. I thank you for your support regarding the behavior of our students before and after school. It has noticeably improved this week which reflects better on all our students in the local community. I would reiterate that the over whelming majority of our students are incredibly polite and well behaved. I receive many emails from visitors to the school and from out in the community praising our students. I do hope that many of you will be able to attend the Winter Concert on 5th December. I also hope that many of you will be attending the Christmas Fayre here in the school hall tonight starting at 7pm. This will be a great event organised by the PTA to raise money for the welfare of all the students in the school. Please do come along and support them but more importantly your child. The PTA provides many additional bits of equipment and resources which enhance the education for all students. Please remember that school is closed to students tomorrow – Friday 24th November. Note for the diary, we break up for Christmas on Tuesday 19th December. The students will finish at 12.20pm on this day ready for their Christmas holidays. Mrs. S Jenner Head of School
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Event th
Friday 24 November th
Monday 27 November
School is Closed Year 9 Exam Week continues Year 11 GCSE Music Composition Senior Team Maths Challenge Year 12 English Literature: Othello Parent Consultation Meeting: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Tuesday 28 November
Year 11 GCSE Music Composition A Level History Conference
Wednesday 29 November
Year 11 Art and Photography PPE Ribi Young Chef Competition
Thursday 30 November
Year 13 Business and Economics Conference Year 10 WOW Conference Year 12 English Literature Conference Year 11 Parents Evening
Friday 1 December th
Monday 4 December th
Tuesday 5 December
Year 10: Christmas Carol Performance Parents Forum: 6pm to 7pm STEM Visit GCSE Music Concert
Wednesday 6 December th
Thursday 7 December th
Friday 8 December
Year 11 Government and Politics Trip Sixth Form Open Evening Year 10 Skills Conference
Please be aware of the following information: • School is closed tomorrow (Friday 27th November). • The School Reception will close at 3:25pm on Monday 27th November due a Staff Consultation Meeting.
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Car parking available from Brook Road Entrance
Plan for the Evening 6pm
Doors Open, entrance via New Block. The event will start in the Canteen
Headteacher’s talk in the Main Hall, followed by a select group of Keynote speakers. Parents are free to return to the canteen for a Q&A with the A-levels teachers after the Head teachers talk.
Evening ends
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Year 7 Year 7 Achievement Assembly On Friday 17th November, we celebrated the achievements of our Year 7 students in a special celebration attitude to learning assembly. These students have all excelled in various ways including completing all tasks to the best of their ability, taking responsibility for improving their own learning, working constructively with others and taking pride in their work through consistent expectations in all lessons. All students displaying outstanding work and effort were recognised, receiving certificates in assembly, positive phone calls and letters home as well as gold stars.
Congratulations to all students who were awarded and recognised for their hard work. I am very impressed this half term with the huge amount of certificates being presented to our Year 7 students, keep up the good work!
Photos taken by Charlie Burke 10X
I would like to share my recent experience, when I was flabbergasted at Roding Valley High School Competitors Parliamentary Style Debating Competition on Friday 17th November at Epping St John's. I really enjoyed this experience; to watch a parliamentary style debate with the motion "This house believes that the Government's 0.7% ring-fenced budget for overseas aid should be reduced and the money saved should be spent in the UK�. I learnt many facts and figures about the international statistics of people struggling around the world for food, shelter, education and health. I felt proud of myself to be a British and of British values as a responsible citizen thinking about the vulnerable children globally. I was astonished and overwhelmed at the figures of poverty rate. I also enjoyed listening to Eleanor Laing MP. The runners up of the competition speaking for the motion did really well. Written by Aliza Batool 7T
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Taylor Clements
Harry Cain
“For outstanding classwork in Spanish”.
“For his Kindness, effort and Politeness”.
Oliver Hawkins
“For their brilliant effort and attitude for a great fundraising raffle for the PiXL Edge
Class of the Week Weekly 7B/Es1 “For outstanding classwork”.
Attendance Winners
Date Thursday 14th December
Noah Trowell
Important Information Can all Year 7 Parents please be aware that your child’s School Report was emailed to you on Wednesday 15th November.
Event Year 7 Christmas Theatre Trip Year 7 Parents Concern Clinic - Invite only
Miss F Williams YPL Year 7
Cooking Competition Calling all Year 7 Budding Chefs!! Date: Wednesday 29th November 2017 Time: 3.15pm to 5.15pm Venue: Rooms T1 and T2 For all those interested please come to T2 and see Mrs Collings OR Mrs Blundy to sign up and get an information pack
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Year 8 Congratulations to Form 8T, who were last week’s Attendance winners. They thoroughly enjoyed their Attendance Award breakfast
Classes of the Week 8A/EN2
Nominated by Sandie Sargant
Nominated by Katie Stockings
Weekly Attendance Winners
8S 8U
Roding Valley High School Presents
Peter Pan Date: 12th December Venue: The Main Hall Ticket Prices: £5 or Concessions £3 Doors Open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start
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Year 9 Prisoner Me? No Way!! On Wednesday, the Year 9 students took part in the “Prisoner Me? No Way!!” Event.
Prison Me! No-Way! is a national educational charity with a core aim of raising awareness among young people about the causes, consequences and penalties of crime
The day consisted of workshops, visit to a cell, a former prisoner insight and how to stay safe in this troubled world. They also looked at First Aid, rail safety and what it is like to be inhibited by reduced faculties.
The students were impeccably well behaved and encouraged to discuss various situations and how the law affects their life. They also were given an insight into how the choices that they make may impact on their future.
A fun, educational and motivational day!
The following students were recommended by the PMNW team and were awarded a prize for their good contribution in the sessions:
Oliver Rolfe
Jolie Joyce
Teri Sandford
Riley Cann
Sadie Hurley
Joel Mcmanus
Jimmy Claxton
Rhianna Blackman
Esme Harrison Sargent
Casey Hurley
Ronny Batteley
Amy Wright
Ali Springer
Hollie White
Molly Spencer
Ayaan Azam
Mrs Cain
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Year 10
Ella Margetts
Oliver Wells
“For their wonderful speeches at the year 10 Awards Evening”. A real credit to the school
Bobbi-Jo Wells “For outstanding work in Science and beautiful presentation of her workbook”.
Elise Murray “For outstanding work in Science and keeping a fantastic workbook”.
Classes of the Week 10B/DR1
“For their wonderful independent work and their excellent group performances, that were created in a mature and professional way”.
“This class were making bread and it was such an impressive sight to see the organisation and skill on show.
“10X had 100% attendance over the space of a week.
Well done! ”.
I hope they enjoyed the chocolates!”
“10W have had the best attendance and punctuality over a 2 week period. Because of this they will be having a form time breakfast where they will be having croissants and juice in the comfort of the study area”.
Nominated by Miss Harris
Nominated by Mrs Goosen
They received their reward in Form Time.
Nominated by Ms Langlet
Nominated by Miss Wilson
Year 10 KS3 Awards Evening Awards evening was a great success. Well done to the 90+ students who received awards, many of whom were named in last week’s Bulletin. It was a fantastic evening where, as a year we can show case the talent and efforts of students. There was great feedback from parents and pupils and year 10 really are a credit to the school. For the students who just missed out on an award I am sure that your hard work and efforts will rewarded at our next awards evening.
Please Note: Mr Savage has replaced Mr Bedi as the Form Tutor for 10T
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Year 10 KS3 Awards Evening Apologies for last week’s omission, the winners are:
Faculty Awards English
Maise Mead Callum Hilton
Saskia Cushings
Computer Science
Phoebe Belton
Joshua Worrell
Keilan Long
Florence New Billy Roberts
Louisa Biddle
Max Hockley
Paige EllicockWilliams
Sophie Lewis
Callum Hilton
Florence New Joshua Worrell
Sophie Sherard Ben Ketteridge
Leighton Brooks
Clara Rodriguez
George Annells
Physical Education
Ella Margetts
Louie Cooper
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Epping Forest Youth Parliamentary Debate On Friday 17th November, Florence New (year 10) and Eva Randall (year 11) won the Epping Forest Youth Parliamentary Debate, hosted by Eleanor Laing MP at Epping St John's School. The motion put forward for debate was, '"This House believes that the Government's 0.7 per cent ring-fenced budget for overseas aid should be reduced and the money saved should be spent in the UK". Roding Valley were arguing against the motion. The standard of competition was high, with our students competing against five other schools from the local area on both sides of the motion. Florence and Eva put forward eloquent, intelligent and compelling arguments. This, alongside a bucket-load of confidence and charisma won the competition for Roding Valley in a lively, engaging debate. As the winners of this prestigious event, Roding Valley will be the hosts of next year's competition.
Congratulations to Florence and Eva!
Year 11 Highest Achievement Points
Highest Attendance 11R Well done to Mrs Vermaak’s Form Group achieved 99.2% attendance for the week Annie Rose
Ella Davis
Sasha Bingham
Year 11 Parents Evening is taking place on Thursday 30th November, starting at 4:30pm. Please ensure you child has booked appointments with their Subject Teachers Date
Thursday 30th November @ 4:30pm
Year 11 Parents Evening
Thursday 7 December@ 9pm
Sixth Form Open Evening
Mr J Quirk Year 11 YPL
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22nd November 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian, YEAR 11 PARENTS’ EVENING – Thursday 30th November 2017 On Thursday 30th November, it is the Year 11 Parents’ Evening, your opportunity to come into school and meet with your son/daughter’s subject teachers. As you are aware, we are very keen to encourage close links between home and school. The benefits gained from this co-operation and communication between parents and staff is vital to allow your son/daughter the best education possible. This is the first of two Parent’s Evenings in Year 11. The next one is Thursday 1st March 2018. On arrival you will be given a copy of your son/daughter’s latest progress report and an accompanying sheet to make notes of your conversations with staff; this sheet will focus on their target grade, current grade and any areas for development. There is also a space to record any other comments that you may feel necessary. Your son/daughter has been given an appointment sheet and it is their responsibility to book appointments with their subject teachers for you. If, for any reason, your son/daughter is not making appointments for you, please feel free to contact subject tutors directly. Please do not forget that you can contact teachers at any other time if you have any concerns about your child’s progress. A message may be left with reception and the teacher will return your call as soon as possible. Staff email addresses are also available on our school website: As in previous Parents’ Evenings we will only be using the Brook Road entrance, please feel free to park on the Playground. Not only is this a good opportunity to speak about current progress and attainment, but also a chance to speak about your son/daughter’s suitability to study subjects at A Level in our Sixth Form next year. We look forward to seeing you. Yours faithfully
Mr. J Quirk Year 11 Progress Leader
Mr. R Mammen Deputy Headteacher Curriculum and Student Progress
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RVHS Sixth Form Top Tips on How Students Can Succeed in the Sixth Form 1. Be Organised Half a term in. You will now have more tasks and looming PPE’s, and being organised is critical. Use a diary, with due dates and a system for categorising priority goals. The sense of satisfaction derived from arranging your work into a helpful order and ticking tasks off once they are complete can be addictive!
2. Consolidate Work from the Get-go Wider reading and consolidation of subject material make a huge difference in the Sixth Form. Completing only set homework tasks might be ticking the right boxes, but it is the ongoing consolidation and revision, especially of those areas you find most difficult, that will truly pay off in the long run. Conduct some honest self-assessment and think about what areas you need to work on. Use the PLC's for this to help, and check that your teacher is regularly reviewing your folders. Seek advice from academic staff about the best resources for doing so.
3. Consolidate Work from the Get-go At Roding Valley we have introduced Supervised Private Study, which are silent work sessions specifically designed for those that we feel will benefit most from having their non-contact time a little more structured. It has been such a success that students are optionally signing up to the sessions. Think carefully about the best working environment for you. Can you work in departmental libraries? Are there clinics you can attend? Discover the “do not disturb” mode on your mobile phone.
4. Thinking about the Future Start thinking about the future as soon as possible. For competitive courses such as medicine, it can really pay off to build a repertoire of work experience during the Lower Sixth. Make sure to visit Mrs Mason termly at the very least to update your Careers Action Plan. Building a portfolio evidencing presentation skills, voluntary work, EPQ, DoE and mentoring can help build foundations for your future. Year 12 think about your UCAS Personal Statement now. That UCAS personal statement will need to be as strong as you can make it.
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5. Build a Good Relationship with Your Pastoral and Academic Staff Communicating with staff is absolutely essential. Pastoral tutors and academic teachers love to help students, and it is those students who are most pro-active in seeking advice, who make the most progress. Ask for resource recommendations, inform them if you have a challenging period of time ahead and ask what you can do to work around this.
6. Think very carefully about outside school commitments Choose carefully your outside school commitments, commit strongly and enjoy them! It is when outside school commitments become overly onerous that problems can occur. That one-shift-a-week as a local waiter may start off well enough but if the hours then build or you are expected to work close to academic deadlines, your hand can be forced.
7. Sleep Sleep underpins all that we do. While it is true that teenagers can have a different sleep rhythm to adults, the basics still apply. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Use “night mode” on your mobile phone to reduce blue light, then avoid all devices an hour before sleep. It is during sleep that your muscles grow, and this includes the brain!
8. Enjoy it!! Your time in Sixth Form will go by incredibly quickly. In the future you will look back fondly on this incredible point of your life, at the large number of close friends and the amazing opportunities you took up. Remember we are more than just A-levels. If your teacher has taken the time to plan and book an outside of hours trip, go on it and enjoy it. It is such trips that make a difference to top end grades. Mr L Harris Head of Sixth Form “During my time at Roding Valley Sixth Form, I was greatly supported during the application process, particularly regarding interview preparation, which allowed me to build my confidence. I also received large and regular amounts of feedback on my personal statement. My subject teachers also supported me throughout the two-year course and always gave me extra help if I required it. Transitioning from year 11 to Sixth Form can be daunting but the process was made a lot easier through the support that I was given. All of this support enabled me to secure two offers and I am now currently studying Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham and am thoroughly enjoying the course and my time at university”. Student Voice: Natacha McVey (Currently studying to be a VET). Studied Biology, Chemistry and French, and achieved Grades AAB.
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Sixth Form Exam Timetable Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00
Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20
Period 5 14.05 - 15.30
Wednesday 6th December 2017
Yr. 13 Business: paper 1 2hrs Yr. 13 Psychology: paper 1 2hrs
Yr. 12 Business: paper 1 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 1 - 1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Economics: paper 1 2hrs Start Time: 1:30pm
Thursday 7th December 2017
Yr. 13 Biology 2hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 1 2hrs
Yr. 12 Biology 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Computer Science: paper 1 1hr 30m
Yr. 13 English Literature 1hr 45m Yr. 13 Physics 2hrs Start Time: 1:30pm
Friday 8th December 2017
Yr. 13 Computer Science paper 1 2hrs Yr. 13 History god 1hr 15m Yr. 13 Chemistry 2hrs
Yr. 12 Philosophy & Ethics 1hr 15m Yr. 12 Physics 1hr 30m
Monday 11th December 2017
Yr. 13 Media Studies 2hrs
Yr. 12 Media Studies 1hr 30m
Tuesday 12th December 2017
Friday 15th December
Monday 18th December 2017
Yr. 13 Maths: paper 1 1hr 30m
No Exams Christmas Panto Performance Yr. 13 Economics: paper 2 2hrs
Yr. 12 Business: paper 2 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 2 1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Government & Politics 1hr 30m Yr. 13 Drama 1hr
Yr. 13 History bump 2hrs 15m Yr. 13 Geography 2hrs 15m
Yr. 12 History 2hrs 15m Yr. 12 Geography 1hr 30m Yr. 12 Chemistry 1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Maths: paper 2 1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Business: paper 2 2hrs Yr13 psychology: paper 2 2hrs
Yr. 12 Government & Politics 2hrs Yr. 12 Maths 1hr 30m
Yr. 12 Computer Science: paper 2 1hr 30m Yr. 12 English Literature 1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Computer Science: paper 2 2hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 2 2hrs
Wednesday 13th December 2017
Thursday 14th December 2017
No Exams
No Exams Yr. 12 Psychology 1hr 30m
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The New Sixth Form PE Kit
Roding Valley High School Sixth Form squad would like to say and big thank you to our local Estate Agent Michael Stevens for sponsoring this season's newly formed squad to their football kit. Picture - back row: Mr Mammen, Mr Jones, Jack Beddall, Lewis Crowe, Ben Harris, Joe Busby, George Gorak, Matthew Wright, Anas Akhazzan, Mr Harris and Mike Reynolds from Michael Stevens Front row: Jack Stone, George Pigram, Jake Carter, Sam Balmforth, Jack Kibblewhite, Harry Boyd-Walker and Juan Sanchez
Each form in Year 12 and13 will be preparing Christmas Hampers for our local Food Bank at St Mary's Church, Loughton. If you would like to donate to the appeal there will be a hamper in the Sixth Form Office for donations.
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Skills London 24-25 November Skills London is the UK's biggest jobs and careers event for 15 to 24 year olds and their families taking place on 24th to 25th November at ExCeL London. The event attracts over 30,000 visitors and 200 exhibitors including top employers, colleges, training providers and advisers. This two day event provides visitors with the opportunity to discover careers through interactive, inspirational activities and demonstrations, and helps young people visually bridge the gap between what they enjoy doing and what they could potentially do as a career. For more information and to download a guide, please go to:
Mrs D Mason
Year 7 Girls Football Team Triumphant in the First Round of the National Schools Cup. The Year 7 girls put on an impressive display to beat The Harris Academy Crystal Palace convincingly 12-0. We were strong in attack and the game was mainly played in the oppositions half. Congratulations to Carys Gooding who scored 4. Grace Craven and Hannah Luxton both scored hat tricks. Faith Marks who was outstanding throughout the match scored 2. It was a great performance by the whole team. We now are waiting to see who we face in the second round. It will either be The Drapers Academy in Hornchurch or North Bridge House Senior School in Islington and Camden.
The Team Lola Collings
Tullulah Wall
Makayla Steel
Grace Chaplin
Grace Craven
Hannah Luxton
Carys Gooding
Faith Mensha
Charlotte Hopwood
Jasmine Heatley
A special mention to Cherise Barone and Grace Gadeke, who proved themselves to be excellent coaches. Well done ladies you produced an outstanding result. Miss S Parry Head of PE
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At RVHS, we offer music lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar and singing. If you are interested; please email the below contacts and full details will be sent to you:
Piano: To book piano lessons or find out more please contact
Singing: Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Alex Larke for more details at
Drumming: The following lessons are available: One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons. Contact:
Guitar: To book lessons or find out more, please contact Rachel Espeute on if you are interested.
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Open to Years 7-10 Date: Wednesday 29th November 2017 Time: 3.15-5.15pm Venue: Rooms T1 and T2 Calling all budding Chefs: All students who would like to take part please come to T2 and see Mrs. Collings or Mrs. Blundy to sign up and get an information pack.
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This Christmas the school has decided to support the appeal from our local food bank to help local families in need. The Epping Forest food bank operates from St Mary’s Church in our local High Road. Christmas it requires • Mince Pies • Chocolates • Boxes of Biscuits (packets are good as well) • Crackers (the type for cheese) • Christmas puddings • Tinned hams • Tins of custard • Jars of jam • Christmas crackers
If you would like to support this appeal then your son or daughter can bring their donation to the front entrance hall between 8.15 am – 9.00 am to Mr Murray each morning on the following dates; MONDAY - 4th December TUESDAY - 5th December WEDNESDAY - 6th December THURSDAY - 7th December FRIDAY - 8th December
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RVHS Uniform Code At Roding Valley High School we like our students to be well presented when representing the school. Please remember that since September 2015, all students must adhere to our code of footwear, details are as follows:
Not Acceptable
Boys Uniform School Uniform Trousers: Black Tailored Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Shirt: plain white with no logos Tie – school tie Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with school badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge can be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. No Jewellery except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)
PE Uniform Navy and silver Rugby Shirt Navy and silver T-Shirt Navy and silver shorts Navy RVHS bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Football boots, training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Navy and silver Rugby Shirt
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Girls Uniform School Uniform Skirt or Trousers: Royal blue/black/white check skirt or black tailored trousers. Skirt must be worn below the knee (Skirts which are altered to an excessively short length are not permitted under any circumstances) Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Blouse: Plain white blouse with collar. (Blouses should have no ‘frills’ or patterns on them) Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with the School badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with the School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge are allowed to be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. Tights: Tights must be plain black or natural coloured. Patterned tights are not acceptable. Ankle socks may be worn: However knee length socks are not acceptable. No jewellery, except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)
Girls who choose to wear the skirt need to ensure that the logo on the skirt is below knee level. A new skirt should be purchased if this is not the case. PE Uniform Navy and silver t-shirt Navy and silver skirt Navy RVHS tracksuit bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS jumper (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Navy socks with two white rings around the top Training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Optional items include a black or royal blue leotard and hockey boots
Uniform Stockist Our uniform stockist is conveniently located at:
Forest Casual and School Wear 144 High Road, Loughton, IG10 4BE Tel: 0208 508 2848
Please click to be taken to their Website
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. Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible, then please try to ensure that your child attends school before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child. A letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service, who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy, which can be found on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.
Guidance for Common Ailments Please see the following guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.
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School Communications We have been communicating by email for over a year now in a bid to get information to you quicker and more cost effectively. We found, however, our previous parental communication system did not give the functionality that people expect from smart phone apps today. So the school has invested in a new communication system call RS Connect Ed and with this comes a shiny new App. MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. The app gives you direct access to your child's attendance, timetable, absence records, achievements, behaviour and much, much more. You will also see that we update and change the information in the app as the school year moves along. Click here to see a short video about the app We are able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's education and to remind you of events that are taking place at school. We can also embed links to regularly used systems, for example Parent Pay & Doddle so you can keep everything in one place. You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us. The App can be downloaded by anyone and they will have access to information also available on our website Only parents will be able to access their own student’s information as long as we have the email address and mobile number you are using to access the App. Everyone will be able to see image to the left. But only parents of students in the school will be able to access this when clicking on the My Students tab.The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below: Step 1 - Go to your App Store Step 2 - Search for My Ed Step 3 - Download the Free app Apple iOS App Google Android App Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for Roding Valley High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are having any problems and we will help you get set up.
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RVHS Recruitment School Caretaker Required Roding Valley High School is currently looking to recruit an enthusiastic, conscientious and self-motivated person who would like to provide a key role in maintaining our school site, to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for the whole school community. This is a permanent contract for 37hrs per week, 52 weeks per year with 22 days paid holiday entitlement plus bank holidays Shift pattern to include one day at the weekend. Salary £16,647 – £18,259
EXAMINATION INVIGILATORS REQUIRED Roding Valley High School is currently looking to expand our team of Invigilators for the forthcoming and subsequent examination sessions and is looking for efficient, flexible and well organised people. The role involves overseeing and supervising examinations and ensuring Awarding Bodies guidelines and regulations are followed. There are also internally scheduled examinations held throughout the school year where you will be required. Hours will be on a varied/ad-hoc basis, held throughout a school day. We do ask that you can commit to working 8-10 hours (per week if required) during exam periods. There will be appropriate training for successful candidates. Please contact Jenny Draper, Examinations Officer on 0208 508 1173 for further details.
Full details regarding our vacancies are available on the school website.
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26 | Page Woodford Green Athletics Club offer the following for young athletes, all based at our club house at Ashton Sports Centre, Woodford Bridge. We can offer competition at track & field, cross country and road running to all levels of performance. For under 11’s – Woodford Wasps Saturday morning 10.00am Ask for Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------Young members from 11 to 17 years of age Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5.45pm Training for young members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those parents who would like to compete or simply to get fit we can offer the following: Introductory training sessions on Tuesday evenings 7.00pm Training for adults with Bertie Powell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The club is also looking for coaches and helpers. We run a number of teams at senior, junior and youth level which need support. If you are interested in taking up coaching, the club can help with obtaining qualifications or if simply to get involved in athletics Please come down on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm to meet our coaches/Officials.
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