Parent bulletin week ending 26th january

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RVHS Parent Bulletin Aspiration Respect Endeavour Week ending: Friday 26th January 2018 “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn�. Benjamin Franklin

Message from the Head of School. I was delighted to welcome Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing to our school this morning to present the Epping Forest Parliamentary Debating Cup to our students Eva Randall and Florence New. I am tremendously proud of our students and history in this competition, winning the debate more times than any other participating local school. Please see the Media release (Everything Local I am also happy to announce that MP Eleanor Laing has agreed to judge our Name the House competition and the winning names will be released later in the year.

I would like to thank all the parents that attended our Sixth Form Parents’ Evening; we have incredibly supportive parents, as evidenced by 95% attendance. I hope that you gained important information to help support your child as they work towards completing their A levels. Last night we had record numbers attend the CareersFest, it was a very busy event and extremely well organised. It was a joint event between the local secondary schools and was held at Epping Forest College. There were over 50 exhibitors; this included many employers offering higher level apprenticeships. The event was also attended by universities and colleges offering a wide and varied range of courses. All of the parents and students that I spoke to during the evening found it very interesting and useful. I would like to congratulate our Careers Development Manager, Mrs Donna Mason for the time and effort that she put into the event. I hope that this event inspired our students with ideas for their future career paths; it also provided many with a goal to aim for. I would like to remind parents that on Monday 29th January, it is our Parent Forum at 6pm in the main hall, and we will be discussing our ACED Teaching and Learning vision alongside promoting essential study skills as a way to support your child. If you would like to know more, please attend. Year 8 Assessments start next week, further on in the bulletin you will find details of the timetable

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Year 9 Parents can expect to receive their child’s Options Pack next week. This pack will be personalised to your child and will provide key information to guide you through the Options Process. Please take the time to read through the booklet as our Options Evening is fast approaching and is scheduled for the 8th of February. I recommend that all Year 9 parents attend, as we will be able to answer questions that you may have, alongside gaining extra insight into the fantastic courses that your child could be taking next year. I hope that you have a good weekend and enjoy the rest of the bulletin.

Ms. S Jenner Head of School “Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”

RVHS New Building Progression The new build at Roding Valley High School is due for completion in summer 2018. Once complete; students and staff will have access to a brand new library, Sixth Form Study Centre and classrooms.

100 Club Winter Draw

You can view the building progress over the first 100 days at the following link:

1st Prize: Mrs. Snook - £111.00 arents/new-building-2018/

2nd Prize: Mrs. Rivers - £67.00

We will be updating the videos throughout the next few months.

3rd Prize: Mrs. Flowers - £45.00


Event th

Monday 29 January

Year 9 Hospitality Event Parents Forum: 6pm to 7pm

Tuesday 30th January

Year 8 British Library – Harry Potter Year Fantasy Trip Year 10 Sex Education

Thursday 1st February

Harry Potter Night Intermediate Math Challenge

Friday 2



Spanish GCSE Conference Year 8 Assessments Begin


Wednesday 7 February

Year 12 English Literature Lecture on Jane Eyre

Thursday 8th February

Year 9 Option Evening

Friday 9th February

Ski Trip Year 8 British Library Trip – Harry Potter

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Year 7 have made a fantastic start to the year. I have received numerous comments about how polite our students are, how eager they are to learn and, most recently, how they are willing to push themselves out of their comfort zone and show resilience. As a progress leader, these are the key attributes I wish my students to develop during their time here at Roding, and so for many of them to be showing this already is brilliant. I also wanted to congratulate all Year 7 students for their enthusiasm and hard work during their assessment period.

I have asked our year 7 students to think about writing news articles for our newsletter. Students can write about what they have found fun, interesting and enjoyable at Roding Valley. Some topics that have been suggested are: · Numeracy · Trips and visits · Sport · Lessons · Extra-curricular · Assemblies · Book reviews · Projects · Home learning The submission date for these articles is Monday the 19th of February. The form tutors and I will select the best articles to go into the newsletter and all contributions will be displayed around the school. I would be grateful if you could encourage your child to participate in this competition. This will also contribute to improving their writing skills.

Highest Attendance

7a/es1 “For excellent class participation from each of them and excellent classwork”. Ms. Langlet

7V Highest Progress Points

Nathan Blake

Coby Mizzi

Harry Cain

Nathan Wakinshaw Alfie McLaughlin

'They continue to impress with their enthusiasm and determination to do well in English and their attitude to learning is fabulous'. Ms. Laffety

'Being a model student, he is a lovely boy!' Mrs. Daly

Miss Williams, Year 7 YPL

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Highest Attendance Dominic Isher Camron Lola Nathan Freya Jamie Cai Charlie

Form 8W Stephen Lola Jeevan Lauren Lucy Kacie-Lou Zahra Stacie Evie

Leah Nathan V. Diya Hannah Lili Travis Oscar

Harvey Gilbey

Haval Yalcin

“For his excellent effort in class since the start of term”.

“For 100% attendance and no behaviour points at all”. Mr. Ryan

Miss Bingham

Isher Bansal

Year 8 boys set 2 B side for class of the week for their gymnastics lesson this week with Miss Coltelli and I. They displayed an excellent ability to work together in groups of 5 and 6 and perform various group balances before moving splitting the class into two large groups to perform more complicated and technical balances as displayed in the pictures attached. It was a fantastic lesson; which all the boys enjoyed immensely.

Mr. Allen

Year 8 trip to History of Magic coming up on 30th January

Mr. F Ryan Year 8 YPL

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Year 8 Assessment Timetable: February 2018

Monday 5th February 2018

Tuesday 6th February 2018

Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00

Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20

Period 5 14.05 - 15.30

English (1hr)

History (1hr 15m)

Geography (1hr)

Hall - CA5 - H7 - M7

Hall - CA5 - CA3 - M7

Hall - CA5 - CA3 - M7

Science (1hr) Foundation/Higher

French (Writing) (1hr)

Religious Studies (1hr)

Spanish (Writing) (1hr)

Hall - CA5 - E4 - M7

Hall - CA5 - E4 - M7 Hall - CA5 - M7

Above is a generic copy of the timetable for the forthcoming Year 8 Exams, which begin on Monday 5th February. All Year 8 students will be assessed under formal exam conditions and will receive a copy of their individual timetable, along with the JCQ Rules and Regulations from their Form Tutor, these are also available from the JCQ website. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. J Draper, our Exams Officer.

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Highest Progress Points

Alice Risbrough

Alice Risbrough

Bo Green

Mollie Harper

“For their continued hard work and effort� Mrs Lafferty Chloe Cooper

Highest Attendance Form 9U Heidi






































Stapleton Swords























The Year 9 Options Evening is approaching on Thursday 8th February and will run from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. All students will receive their Option Pathways Booklet during the week beginning the 5th February. I would like to encourage all students and parents to attend as this will provide you with a broader knowledge of the different pathways students will follow and the GCSE subjects that will be available to your child.

Ms. Reed, Year 9 YPL

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I sent an email to all staff at RVHS requesting any information of outstanding efforts or contributions in Year 10 lessons this week. The response was so impressive to see. Instead of having a student/class of the week I felt like it was appropriate to celebrate ALL the fantastic work that has been going on in and around the school by Year 10 students this week. Well Done Everyone! Mr. Price

I am very impressed with my English class 10A/En4; they are focused, inquisitive and good humoured. They do make English a joy to teach. Miss Bleakley

“All of my Year 10 RE Class for displaying such a positive attitude” Mrs. Cain

Jayga Leslie “Jayga is doing really well. She has been very focused and did extremely well in my cover lesson yesterday”. Mr Ehsan

Photography 10B/Ph1 “For showing good focus and producing work to a high standard.” Mrs. Costello

Archie Williams

Shanice Handley

“My whole class 10b/SC2 all working great and making progress. Special mentions to Archie Williams and Shanice Handley. An absolute pleasure to teach!!”

Mekhai Robinson Lottie Clemens

“All of my Year 10s deserves a special mention as they are all fabulous. They had to re-film their assessments this week due to a technical hitch with an SD card. All took on the challenge and it paid off with every performance having been improved. The Year 10s come in at lunch, rehearse after school, get coursework in on time (on the whole) and are just a genuinely kind, mature, dedicated bunch that are great fun to teach and share a mutual passion for the subject with. I feel privileged to teach such a brilliant bunch of students.” Ms. Harris

“They both work hard during lessons completing difficult tasks first. Thanks!!” Ms. O’Callaghan

Ms. Patel

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Romy Franz-Bodenham

Sarah Bagshaw

Anna Barker

Beth Kelly

Katy Roberts

William Cockayne

Louie Cooper

Tilly Crossman Cox

Mackenzie Wolfe Nathan McDougall

Remarlo Rapier

Dilan Wahiwala

“For making a real effort to complete their task and keep a good conduct in class” Mrs Bove

Ria Marsden

Callum Hilton

Penny Spence

“For continued effort and high standards in Geography”. Ms. Baron

Jessie Taylor

Max Lampey

Billy Roberts “Billy always works hard and does the right things in business”. Mr Ryan

Patsy Stow

Crystal Kucukarslan Isabella Dreher

“They all supported Wellbeing Wednesday today. Fabulous” Ms. Dyson Mr. Price, Year 10 YPL

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Saqib Raja

Anthony Rogers

Oz Ives

Buddy Andrews

Liam Savage

Abrahim Saeed

“For brilliant group work and poetry analysis. Well done lads keep up the great work”. Mrs Lafferty

RVHS Year 11 PROM Class of 2018 Date: Wednesday 27th June 2018 Venue: Woolston Manor Time: Arrive 6pm to 11:30pm Cost: TBC Buffet and Red-Carpet Arrival PROM Committee 2018: 

Sam Copeman

Maishia Khondokar

Emma Lycett

Joe Schofield

Millie Scott

Daisy Kelly

Mashrur Khondokar

Tariq Riaz

These students will be your link to Mr. Dobson about all things Year 11 leavers Mr. Dobson, Year 11 YPL

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Year 11 into 12 Sixth Form Applications forForm 2018 Wow! So many quality Sixth applications have already handed. What a fantastic group of Year 11 students we have. It has been such a pleasure to read their personal statements. The next stage of the application process will be for all applicants to have an interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that they are on the right pathway. Our aim is to provide support for our students up to the Summer Examinations and throughout to help them get the grades needed to support their A-level choices at Roding Valley. If you feel you missed the deadline, but would still like to apply please speak to Mr. Harris or Mr. Dobson. Useful link: A-Levels Explained:

Sixth Form Parents Evening Parents' Evenings are important because they give you an opportunity to discuss what your child is doing at school and how they are getting on. You can also cover any issues you may want to talk about with your child's teacher, or each subject teacher in secondary school. We had a fantastic 95% attendance at this week’s Parents Evening. Please can all students ensure that they act on the constructive feedback and that they are fully prepared for their March PPE’s.

Your Revision Starts Now!! 1


This one’s a bit of a no-brainer; if you approach your A-Level revision in an organised manner, you’re more likely going to smash it and get the grades you need to get into your preferred university. And that’s what it’s all about. From the offset, approach revision responsibly – no skiving, no excuses! No doubt your teachers have been banging on about this for what seems like forever, and now you’re probably bored of hearing it, but the best way to ensure you stay on top of that daunting ALevel revision is by making a revision timetable. Splitting your revision into tiny little chunks will make it look much less scary and more achievable. So, first, whack in all of your unavoidable commitments (to be honest, I’d put off as many as you can, for now) then timetable specific times each day – be realistic, don’t just cram all your revision into one whole day, it’ll kill you.


Tell Everybody

After making your timetable, stick it up right where everyone can see it – on the fridge, on your blog, on Facebook – anywhere where people can see what you’re supposed to be doing, and when. It sounds weird, but knowing that everybody can see your commitments actually helps you to get down to it. Plus, it’s a great kick up the behind when someone reminds you you’re supposed to be revising Psychology rather than looking at funny cats on YouTube.

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Give yourself plenty of Time Start early. Start as early as you can – especially for the subjects that you find most difficult. Simples.


Assessment Objectives

Make it your goal to understand exam questions. Often, different questions are designed to test different skills so, a fantastic way to exercise your question answering dexterity, is to be aware of the assessment objectives. If you recognise the question type, you’re more likely to be able to give the markers exactly what they want. Assessment Objectives are available on the exam board websites (so you need to know which exam board exam you’ll be sitting). On top of this, a bright idea would be to look at past papers, lots of past papers. Do them and check the answers/get your teacher to mark them. You should also be able to find past papers on the exam board’s website.


Go with the Flow . Make flow charts, diagrams, posters, charts and mind-maps – that sort of thing – then post them everywhere. Try recreating them from memory. Another way to kick start the old grey matter is by defining a colour coding system – highlight important facts/dates and names. Also, put Post-it note everywhere with important facts.


Brain Foods So, the popular saying goes, ‘you are what you eat’ and going by that, eating junk food when revising will turn your brain to well, junk! What you put into your body really does affect the mind. Don’t be a fool, get on the brain foods, be a brainiac and smash your A-Levels Memory Boosting Foods: Fish – fish being a ‘brain food’ may be a bit of a cliché, but there might be some truth in it; there’s been a lot of research, all of which points to fish, especially the oily kind, being awesome for memory. Ok, so fish is not to everyone’s liking – if you can’t think of anything worse than tucking into a huge plate of kippers then take Omega 3 supplements (you can even get vegetarian ones). Whole-grains – such as whole grain pasta, cereals (no, not Frosties) et al, will help boost short-term memory as they are bursting with B-vitamins. Other foods that’ll ensure your brain is firing as bright as a strip of burning magnesium are pumpkin seeds – which contain enough zinc to galvanize your garage – and eggs, brown rice, nuts and seeds which are great sources of vitamins. Eating these foods will give your memory the kick it needs.

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Energy Keeping with the food theme (I’m getting really hungry now) let’s talk about energy: Red Bull may very well give you wings, but the effects don’t last very long – pretty soon you’ll find yourself crashing down to earth. Alas, continued drinking will not grow you more wings – it’ll just make your head hurt. The best way to keep alert is by loading up on bananas – get peeling!


Take Breaks Don’t overwork your poor brain – take regular breaks – watch Jeremy Kyle, do a bit of Facebook trolling (no, don’t!), walk the dog – whatever. Taking time out allows your brain to process all of the information you’ve been stuffing into it.


Go See Your Friends No, no! I’m not talking about skiving completely – start a group or invite a friend over to help you revise. It helps if they are doing the same A-Levels as you. Have a party, eat crisps, watch TV but share notes, test each other, and swap tips – and who knows, maybe a bit of laughter might help it all stick in your mind..


Turn Off Your Computer and Phone Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and friends will not help you revise. That is all.

Ware FC Academy – Parents Evening Following their visit to Roding Valley in December, Ware FC Academy has invited parents and students of Roding Valley to their forthcoming Open Evening on Monday 29th January. It is going to be held at Wodson Park Sports Centre, Wadesmill Road, Ware, Herts, SG12 0UQ from 7.30pm. Please confirm your attendance by emailing them: This is now their point of contact for any further information regarding their football courses and the application process.

Mr. L Harris, Head of Sixth Form If you require any further information or advice about Careers, please contact me;

Mrs Mason - Careers Development Manager Email:, Twitter: Follow @RVHS_Careers to keep up to date with our department.

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Football  6th Form Team defeated Redbridge College with 5: 2

Basketball  Year 9 boys team 3 defeated King Harold School with 45:24 at the District Cup

Rugby  Year 7 team lost against Enfield Grammar School with 10 tries to 0

Year 9 Basketball Team

Netball  Year 7 team defeated Jo Richardson with 17:1 at the Essex Cup  Year 8 Team defeated Epping St Johns by 17:2 at the District League  Year 9 team defeated Epping St Johns by 17:12 at the District League  Year 10 team defeated Epping St Johns by 19:3 at the District League

This Weeks Fixtures

Monday 29th January

Year 7 girls English Schools National Cup Football round 3 v Bishop Challoner: Home -3pm KO Year 7, 8, 9 Netball v West Hatch: Home - 3.45. Year 11 Basketball v Davenant. District cup: Home – 3.45 Tip off.

Wednesday Year 9 Basketball v Davenant: Home. 31st 6th Form football v Havering: Home 3.45 KO January

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Clubs Timetable Spring Term Day

8:30am to 8.20am


1.20pm to 1.50pm

3.15pm to 4.30pm

 Sport Ability with Mr Allen Invite Only

 Year 7/8 Football: Astro Turf with Mr Allen  Girls Football: Astro Turf with Mr Harrington  Year 7/8/9/10 Netball: PG with Miss Reed / Miss Ball


 Year 7/8/9 Basketball: Sports Hall with Mr Harrington

 Dance: With Ms. Sargent


 Year 7/8/9 Basketball: Sports Hall with Mr Harrington

 Handball with Mr Allen

 Netball Fixtures: with Miss Reed /Miss Ball  6th Form Football Fixtures: with Mr Jones

 KS4 Basketball: Sports Hall with Mr Jones

 Year 8/9/10 Trampolining: Gym with Miss Reed  All Years Boys Rugby: Astro with Mr Jones /Mr Allen /Mr Price  Year 9 boys football: with Mr Harrington


 Year 7 Trampolining: Gym with Miss Reed


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Our Food & Nutrition Department kicked off this year’s activities with our Desserts Master class for Year 9 students. The students had lots of fun rustling up a selection of sweet treats including ice cream, honeycomb, chocolate soil and chocolate sauce. Mrs. Abbott, Miss Barclay and Mrs. Blundy enjoyed the Master class as much as the students and we're already looking forward to our next hospitality event with Year 9’s... a Tea Party to invite a teacher or family member on March 1st.

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MEDIA RELEASE Issued: January 26, 2018

Roding Valley High School Students Presented With Debating Competition Trophies The two Roding Valley High School students who won the 2017 Epping Forest Schools Parliamentary Debating Competition organised by Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing have been presented with their engraved trophies. It is the fourth time in six years that the Loughton school has won the competition. Year 10 student Florence New and and Year 11 student Eva Randall fought off competition from Epping St John's, Davenant Foundation School, Chigwell School, King Harold Academy and Debden Park High School when students spoke either for or against the Motion that "This House believes that the Government's 0.07 per cent ring-fenced budget for overseas aid should be reduced and the money saved should be spent in the UK". Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing, who visited the Alderton Hill school on Friday, said: "I was delighted to visit Roding Valley High School and present the engraved trophies. "All the speakers were absolutely brilliant but Florence and Eva were a superb team. "Every year that we have held the competition the standard of the debate gets better and better." Florence and Eva, who spoke against the Motion, were presented with the competition cup, to hold for a year, and individual trophies to keep. The competition judges were county councillor Valerie Metcalfe (chairman of the panel), Buckhurst Hill district councillor Aniket Patel, former Theydon Bois Primary School Headteacher Elspeth Bonds and Everything Epping Forest owner David Jackman. Head of School Sharon Jenner said: "I am incredibly proud of our students, debating is a real strength at Roding Valley High School. "We have won this debating cup more times than any other participating school. "I would like to thank our Challenge and Enrichment co-ordinators Katie Bingham and Rachel Hanlon, for their support of the students and organising such a well prepared team. "As part of our extensive extra-curricular provision, they also run a lunch-time debating club for our younger students. The school has also entered a Key Stage 3 team into a national debating competition. "We are working hard to develop outstanding speakers of the future."

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At RVHS, we offer music lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar and singing. If you are interested; please email the below contacts and full details will be sent to you:

Piano: To book piano lessons or find out more please contact

Singing: Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Alex Larke for more details at

Drumming: The following lessons are available: One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons. Contact:

Guitar: To book lessons or find out more, please contact Rachel Espeute on if you are interested.

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RVHS Uniform Code At Roding Valley High School we like our students to be well presented when representing the school. Please remember that since September 2015, all students must adhere to our code of footwear, details are as follows:


Not Acceptable

Boys Uniform School Uniform Trousers: Black Tailored Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Shirt: plain white with no logos Tie – school tie Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with school badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge can be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. No Jewellery except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)

PE Uniform Navy and silver Rugby Shirt Navy and silver T-Shirt Navy and silver shorts Navy RVHS bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Football boots, training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Navy and silver Rugby Shirt

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Girls Uniform School Uniform Skirt or Trousers: Royal blue/black/white check skirt or black tailored trousers. Skirt must be worn below the knee (Skirts which are altered to an excessively short length are not permitted under any circumstances) Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Blouse: Plain white blouse with collar. (Blouses should have no ‘frills’ or patterns on them) Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with the School badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with the School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge are allowed to be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. Tights: Tights must be plain black or natural coloured. Patterned tights are not acceptable. Ankle socks may be worn: However knee length socks are not acceptable. No jewellery, except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)

Girls who choose to wear the skirt need to ensure that the logo on the skirt is below knee level. A new skirt should be purchased if this is not the case. PE Uniform Navy and silver t-shirt Navy and silver skirt Navy RVHS tracksuit bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS jumper (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Navy socks with two white rings around the top Training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Optional items include a black or royal blue leotard and hockey boots

Uniform Stockist Our uniform stockist is conveniently located at:

Forest Casual and School Wear 144 High Road, Loughton, IG10 4BE Tel: 0208 508 2848

Please click to be taken to their Website

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. Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.

Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.

Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child, a letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy which can be found on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.

Guidance for Common Ailments Please see the following guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.

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School Communications: We have been communicating by email for over a year now in a bid to get information to you quicker and more cost effectively. We found, however, our previous parental communication system did not give the functionality that people expect from smart phone apps today. So the school has invested in a new communication system call RS Connect Ed and with this comes a shiny new App.

MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. The app gives you direct access to your child's attendance, timetable, absence records, achievements, behaviour and much, much more. You will also see that we update and change the information in the app as the school year moves along. Click here to see a short video about the app We are able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's education and to remind you of events that are taking place at school. We can also embed links to regularly used systems, for example ParentPay & Doddle so you can keep everything in one place. You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us. The App can be downloaded by anyone and they will have access to information also available on our website Only parents will be able to access their own student’s information as long as we have the email address and mobile number you are using to access the App. Everyone will be able to see image to the left. But only parents of students in the school will be able to access this when clicking on the My Students tab.The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below: Step 1 - Go to your App Store Step 2 - Search for My Ed Step 3 - Download the Free app Apple iOS App Google Android App Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for Roding Valley High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are having any problems and we will help you get set up.

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