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RVHS Parent Bulletin 17
Aspiration Respect Endeavour Week ending: Friday 8th December 2017
Message from the Head of School. As we move towards the end of term, the calendar is as busy as ever. On Monday we consulted with the Parent Forum about our intention to introduce a House system within the school, managed by the students themselves and overseen by staff. The parents that attended were incredibly supportive of the proposal and I will share the final plans in the New Year. Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent Consultation meeting on Monday 17th November. The Consultation was regarding our proposed academy conversion and the joining of the Chelmsford Learning Partnership, a multi academy trust. I hope that you found the evening informative and thank you for your insightful questions. If you missed the meeting, the consultation documents are published on the school website including the presentation given by Tony Barritt, Chair of Governors, Paul Banks, Executive Headteacher and myself. Please can we ask all parents to complete the survey that has been emailed to you. A link to which is also available on our school website and the deadline for completion is 15th December. On Tuesday, the school held our annual Winter Concert, this event was fantastic and I would like to say how proud I was to see the amount of hard work that our students had put into their performances. I would like to take the opportunity to thank both the students and Mr Savage, as it was truly wonderful event. For more details please see the article further in the bulletin. On Thursday, we held our Sixth Form Open Evening. It was a joy to meet parents and students, who are looking to continue their education at our school. Our Head Boy and Head Girl spoke about their experiences at Roding Valley. Please take the time to read their account further on in this bulletin. During the evening I had the chance to speak to a large number of parents and the compliments and positive feedback about the school as a whole was brilliant. Our Sixth Form students who helped in faculties were outstanding and a credit to the school. If you missed the event and would like any further information on our Sixth Form, please contact Mr L Harris at the school. For the online prospectus please use the link below: The Year 12 and 13 exams have begun in earnest and I am again very impressed by the mature behaviour our Sixth Form Students have shown and the amount of the hard work and effort they have put into preparing for these exams. Their timetable can be found in the Sixth Form section of this bulletin. We have many exciting activities for our students to look forward to, as we approach the end of term. The Year 7’s have the opportunity to either go to the theatre to see Nativity the Musical, or visit the Museum of Childhood and they will attend a Christmas church service at St Mary’s in Loughton.
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Please remind your child to purchase their Christmas lunch ticket before Wednesday 13th December, which are currently on sale at the tills in the canteen at a cost of £3.00 On Monday 18th December, we will be holding a GCSE and A Level Celebration Evening. We are looking forward to welcoming back our former Yr. 13 students and invited year 10 and 11 students. The event will start at 6pm in the main hall, Sixth Form students have been invited to the Study Centre for a small reception from 5:30pm. I am looking forward to our production of Peter Pan on Tuesday 12th December; the rehearsals have sounded great fun. We have invited the local primary schools to watch the final dress rehearsal during the day; the evening performance will start at 7pm. Can I ask all guests to arrive at 6:30pm so that the event can start promptly. Tickets cost £5:00 and are available through ParentPay. Finally the students have donated 15 large boxes of food items, which have now been delivered to the local S Jenner food bank collection point for their Christmas Appeal. I would like to thank all parents, students Mrs. and staff for Head of School their generous donations. Please note that school finishes for Christmas on Tuesday the 19th December at 12.20pm. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend
Mrs. S Jenner Head of School
Event th
Monday 11 December
Year 12 and 13 Exam Week begins Year 11 MFL Mock Speaking Exams Christmas Workshop
Tuesday 12 December
Year 8 and 9 STEM Event – People like Me: Careers in Engineering Year 7 Christmas Service at St Mary’s Church Peter Pan Panto: please arrive at 6:30pm
Wednesday 13 December
School Christmas lunch Challenge and Enrichment for Physics
Thursday 14 December
Year 7 Trip to Nativity the Musical Year 7 Parents Evening – Invitation only
Friday 15 December th
Monday 18 December
Year 7 Trip to the Museum of Childhood Year 12 and 13 Exam Week Continues STEM Visit GCSE and A Level Celebration Evening: starts at 6pm
Tuesday 19 December
School Closes at 12:20pm
Wednesday 3rd January
School Closed for Staff Inset Day
Thursday 4 January
School reopens to all students
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Food Bank Appeal Many thanks for the outstanding response to the school's support of our local food banks Christmas appeal. The response has been fantastic from throughout the school community, over 15 large boxes collected.
Mr. S Murray Teacher of Year 13 Government and Politics of the USA
Tickets available to purchase by chq/ on ParentPay and collection every lunchtime in wooden foyer by main reception.
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Winter Concert A varied programme of music featuring students at Roding Valley High School was performed at the Winter Concert on Tuesday 5th December. Students from Years 7 to 11 performed different genres including some seasonal songs. All of the students who performed were amazing and a joy to watch.
Chloe Buckley Aden Black, Ethan Harvey, Zak Smith, Arda Culculoglu
"It was so enjoyable and we had so much support from all the teachers, friends and family“. Chloe Buckley Year 11
"This was my last Winter Concert with Roding Valley and it was one of the best yet. I've always looked forward to them and I'm going to really miss performing in them."
"There were some really stylistic and mature performances with a packed hall watching and listening. Comments from parents and staff were extremely positive and they were clearly very impressed with the high standard presented." Mr. Jon Savage Head of Creative Arts
Eva Randall Year 11 George Lane
Sophie Compton and Emily Bagshaw
Jasmine James
“Please allow me to offer my congratulations on a wonderful concert with some outstanding performances from some fantastic musicians. It made me very proud indeed”. Best wishes Paul Wershof, Vice Chair of Governors
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Year 7
7a1 Geography “Excellent Glacier research homework from everyone and really positive attitude”
7A/Es1 “They were lovely, well behaved, polite, worked well and very helpful”.
Aamir Khan For trying really hard to remain focused and achieving lots of positive points well done Aamir!!
Nominated by Mrs. Sargent
Grace Chaplin In school we are studying for our Pixel qualification. Recently we received a task and that was to in groups, create an event in the local community. Me and my friend Grace went to my little sister’s nursery. We sang Christmas songs with all the toddlers and presented them a handmade Christmas card.
Emily Reed
Tora McLaughlin
“These girls were amazing and a credit to the school by showing maturity and being extremely helpful in what was a very difficult situation”.
It was really enjoyable to do this as I loved playing with all the children and organising and supporting the nursery. Completing my Pixel badge has given me so much confidence as I am very shy it has also helped me improved many skills such as leadership and communication which I will need for the future. Abigail Akers
Events Thursday 14 December
Year 7 Christmas Theatre Trip Year 7 Parents Concern Clinic
Miss F Williams YPL Year 7
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Year 8 This week saw the Year 8’s celebrate their success and achievement so far this academic year with a celebration assembly. It was really pleasing to hand out certificates and gold badges to the students who have consistently performed to a high standard since September, which has made a huge difference towards their attitude and progress so far this year.
Top Progress
Cuba Pirincci Grace Smith-Burell Ellianda ValdinyHunt Ethen Dignam Camron Bashorun Adam Gowler Freya Atherton Ellie Knight Aden Black Lyla Fry Lucy Gold Maddison Orley Georgia Brett Ellie-Louise Griffiths Courtney Knight
Diya Wahiwala Lucie Hall Charlie Hanshaw Jake Jones Luisa Munn Ediz Rayif Persia Bellamy Harvey Gilbey Macey Wrate Hollie Michaelson Michal Nowak Shamyah Binns Sunny Ibrahim Megan Passmore
Sergio Tayler
Isabella Ruse “Received an individual award for an outstanding report for her attitude across all her subjects”.
Top ATL (Attitude to Learning)
Freya Atherton Jasleen Bains William Cratchley Ethen Dignam Charlotte Gadeke Cai Gunning Ruoxi He Amelia Martin Rosie McMorrow Megan Passmore Ruby Routledge Sadie Worrall Loui Sofocli Erin Weeks Grace Welton
Emily Francis, Charlotte Cadeke, Hamid Lahreche and Rory Landell were awarded their certificates this week for outstanding homework and also Isabella Ruse and Ethen Dignam collected their certificates for pupils of the week, which was mentioned previously in last week’s newsletter! Well done!
Isher Bansal Leo Burrows Megan Driver Emily Francis Lucy Gold Natasha Halliday Demi Hoffman Ella Kourentis Rory Langdell Lauren Marks Hollie Michaelson Luisa Munn Evie Stone Tommy Yeomans Steve Postolachi Alfie Richards
Mr. C Hudgell Year 8 YPL
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Year 10: Discover GP at the Royal College of General Practitioners Euston Square. On Tuesday 5th December a group of year 10 students attended a lecture on discovering what it takes to be a GP. The day consisted of various team building activities, role plays, speaking to current and trainee GP's, to get an idea of what a typical day is like for them. The day ended with 12 Schools participating in a competition where they had to make a campaign to recruit more Doctor's.
A special thank you to Ms. Collister for the support and for coming in extra early to supervise the students!
Roding Valley won the competition and were also runner ups! The students that won were: Eren Tyler, Phoebe Belton, Florence New, Clara Rodriguez and Isobel Bonning all of the students were a pleasure to spend the day with.
Please do read the student highlights and feedback from the Doctor's themselves. We went on a trip to know more about becoming General Practice (GP). It was less boring than what it sounds like, I promise. We did a range of activities; my favourite one was making up an advert for more people to become a GP. We learnt that a GP doesn’t always stay in a room and isn’t always a boring job, you get to know people’s stories, to perform some simple surgery, to work in teams, do home visits, to cure and to be a counsellor and someone that your patients really trust. They explained to us why they love being a GP and some of their stories. It was an amazing experience and now I’m thinking about medicine as an option as well. By Clara Rodriguez. On Tuesday we had a true insight into the lives of a General Practitioner and the different career paths surrounding medicine. From the morning to afternoon, the day was filled with speeches from GP’s and junior doctors. They explained their aspirations and what inspired them to become what they are. I particularly enjoyed observing an example GP appointment, as it helped us understand how an encounter should occur and what sort of questions are asked. The respect and non-judgmental attitude was reassuring and comforting to watch, as the issues discussed were kept confidential. The various activities helped us to understand more about medical jobs and how to achieve the necessary requirements to become them. Overall, the day was fascinating and inclusive. It ultimately assisted with decisions on A-level options and Colleges or Universities options. Billy Roberts
''The Students are lovely and well behaved. A great reflection on Roding pupils and the School.'' Comment made by a member of the public to Ms. Collister Mrs. S Patel Science Teacher/ STEM Coordinator
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Year 11 "All Year 11 students were involved in a very successful Study Skills day yesterday; students were taught key skills for the entire day on attributes that we believe are essential to their future success. It proved to be a very valuable day and there was a great buzz around each session."
Top Progress Points
Saqib Raja
Mia Anthony
Anthony Rogers
Sixth Form Taster Tuesdays Following in from a very busy Sixth Form Open Evening last night, the next A Level "Taster Tuesday" subject will be Politics; this will take place on Tuesday 12th December after school. Full details of what is available are below.
Mr J Quirk Year 11 YPL
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Year 11 into Year 12 Transition At Roding we are more than just A-levels. Our enrichment programme is getting stronger and stronger with our visiting speaker programme, the EPQ, DoE, student mentoring to name a few. Recent highlights for me include the planning for the School production of Peter Pan led by the sixth form on Tuesday 12th December, the Year 12 and 13 Football Team who have won 9 out of their 10 games in their current cup run, and of course the school magazine which sees students across the key stages working together.
Roding Valley Sixth form is the place to leave your mark. If you can't see an enrichment activity then we can help set one up. Read below the speeches from the open evening from the Head boy Matthew Tinker, and the Head girl Lauren Humphries. Message from the Head Boy Matthew Tinker Good evening, my name is Matthew Tinker, I’m Head Boy and in Year 13 here at Roding Valley Sixth Form. Sixth form life is very different from the rest of the school. Yes, you do get a lot of work and a-levels are difficult but the actual style of learning is completely different; it is a huge step up. However, you can help to ensure that your transition into sixth form is smooth by ensuring that you get into good habits now. When I was in Year 11, I attended all of the revision sessions I could. The revision sessions continue well into Sixth Form. You have to remember that as long as you are willing to work; your teachers will give back to you. Sixth Form learning is far more independent than in Year 11. The sixth form study centre is my most frequented location in the entire school. Our timetables have been designed so that we get study periods throughout the week. They really are not ‘free periods’ as everyone does use that time to get ahead in their studies or as an opportunity to finish that Geography essay. There are really exciting opportunities for students in the sixth form. For example, last year Lillie, Thisbe and I directed Aladdin: the Pantomime and we even wrote our own show called Wonderland. For me, that’s why I came to this Sixth Form. Over the past two years, we have shaped our Sixth Form and we have created a strong legacy. The shows have now been taken over by my good friends from Year 12, and may I add that their show, ‘Peter Pan’, is looking fantastic. Students have such a strong voice here at Roding Valley Sixth Form; we are leaving a legacy ready for you to shape the future of this school. Throughout our time here, we have been ably supported by our teachers and our Head of Sixth. But also what is so great about Roding Valley Sixth Form is that your peers support you. The students in our year have been able to give our lower Sixth peers help and guidance about Sixth Form. We’ve also helped peer-assess work from the younger year group, helping us to revise the work that we will be examined on this year, but it also benefits the Lower Sixth students as it enables them to benefit from our year 2 knowledge. Ultimately, the choice is yours, so go and enjoy the rest of this Open Evening, talk to the Sixth Formers and we hope that you chose to complete your studies here at Roding Valley.
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Message from Head Girl Lauren Humphries. My name’s Lauren Humphries and I’m the current Head Girl at Roding Valley High School. Choosing a sixth form is a very big decision. There’s a lot to consider but I hope you find the answers you need this evening. During this past year now, I’ve developed my key skills, embraced more responsibilities and learnt what the words hard work really mean. Sixth form is the best way to challenge yourself as I’m sure you’re all aware that the jump from GCSE to A level is the biggest you will ever face. These next two years will be stressful and guaranteed you will underestimate the workload. However, this is all part of a learning curve of which you will be supported through by your teachers and the excellent sixth form staff here at Roding Valley. A levels are very different to GCSE. You’ll find yourself with more work, more responsibilities but more freedom. In a sense, you’re finally seen as adults and you’re offered more respect around the school. The teachers will help you reach your potential and are 100% committed in enabling us to achieve higher. Roding Valley has been extremely supportive in our UCAS applications preparing us in this very stressful time. However, as you will soon find out, university is not the only pathway you may take. Higher level apprenticeships are becoming increasingly popular over the past few years. They offer great opportunities to learn while you work providing you with equivalent qualifications and no student debt. Roding Valley is great connections with local and city employers who can offer us the chance to network. As some of you may know, our career advisor, Mrs Mason provides us with invaluable support preparing every one of us for our future career no matter what pathway we may take. Roding Valley offers a wide range of opportunities throughout your time in the sixth form. There are lots of trips and events open to students including museums, theatres, competitions and even amusement parks. We also an offer range of extracurricular activities in any areas which interest you. And should this not be the case, you have the power to change that. We are a very student led school and consequently you have the voice to make something happen. I have been working as a mentor now for just over a year. We each spend time with a year seven, eight or nine student who might be struggling with the transition process into the main school or is feeling overwhelmed with such a big change. This kind of work is extremely rewarding and a great addition to a CV or personal statement. It is only one of many exciting opportunities you can take on if you join us next year. Even this past year alone, has taught me how to be more confident and make contributions which will benefit not just the sixth form but the school as a whole. When I was sitting where you are today, I could never have pictured myself as head girl. Sixth form has given me the chance to grow as a person and demonstrated what is possible when you apply yourself and aim high. I am so grateful for these opportunities, which have prepared me for what lies on after year 13. Not only am I equipped with my academic achievements but also the communication skills needed at university or a workplace. In my opinion Roding Valley is a great place to study for your further education. Please take the time to look around tonight to get a real sense of this for yourself. I hope you have a fantastic evening, and I wish you all best of luck in making your decision. Thank you.
How to Apply Application Forms are available on the school website, direct from the Sixth Form Office or within the packs given out at our Sixth Form Open Evening. The DEADLINE for Applications is
Monday 15th January 2018
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RVHS Sixth Form Just a reminder to all Year 12 and 13 students to keep focussed with all your PPE’s right up until the end of the term. Any Year 12/13’s that have a PPE starting at 1.30pm are allowed to have their lunch break during Period 4, 12.20pm - 1.20pm. If you entitled to earlier lunch, see Mrs Sellears in the Sixth Form office.
Final Assembly and Celebrations The final assembly for Year 12 and 13 will be on Tuesday 19th December, 11.55am - 12.25pm in the Main Hall.
Many thanks also to the many sixth formers that contributed to the local food bank and donated food. You're donations did not go unnoticed.
We look forward to seeing all year 12 and 13 in school for the awards and certificates on the last day of term.
Sixth Form Books and Folders: Expectations and Standards Student to Provide: 1. Clear and logical structure to their folders/ books 2. Lever arch folder/exercise book per subject 3. Contents page 4. Dividers linked to units/modules/tests studied 5. Glossary of useful/relevant terms 6. Practice essays/questions both short and long answer 7. Evidence of class notes being ‘owned’ by the students – annotation, mind maps etc. 8. In addition to notes there should be completed closing the gap tasks Mr L Harris Head of Sixth Form
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Sixth Form Exam Timetable Periods 1 + 2 09.00 - 11.00 Monday 11th December 2017 Tuesday 12th December 2017
Yr. 13 Media Studies2hrs
Friday 15th December
Monday 18th December 2017
Yr. 12 Media Studies 1hr 30m
Period 5 14.05 - 15.30 Yr. 13 Maths: paper 11hr 30m
No Exams Christmas Panto Performance Yr. 13 Economics: paper 22hrs
Yr. 12 Business: paper 21hr 30m Yr. 12 Economics: paper 21hr 30m
Yr. 13 Government & Politics 1hr 30m Yr. 13 Drama 1hr
Yr. 13 History bump2hrs 15m Yr. 13 Geography 2hrs 15m
Yr. 12 History2hrs 15m Yr. 12 Geography1hr 30m Yr. 12 Chemistry1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Maths: paper 21hr 30m
Yr. 13 Business: paper 22hrs Yr13 psychology: paper 22hrs
Yr. 12 Government & Politics2hrs Yr. 12 Maths1hr 30m
Yr. 12 Computer Science: paper 21hr 30m Yr. 12 English Literature1hr 30m
Yr. 13 Computer Science: paper 22hrs Yr. 13 Philosophy & Ethics: paper 22hrs
Wednesday 13th December 2017
Thursday 14th December 2017
Periods 3 + 4 11.20 - 13.20
No Exams Yr.12 Psychology1hr 30m
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Parents of Year 9 to Year 13: Date for your diary
The Roding Valley High School Annual Careers Fest will be on Thursday 25th January 2018 from 3.00-6.30pm held once again at Epping Forest College. The Careers Fest is for parents and students in year 9 through to Year 13. The Careers Fest gives students in year 9 the opportunity to find out about future career pathways and to consider their option choices and subjects they wish to take in year 10. The information and advice available on the evening is very important for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 who are making decisions about careers and further education. It is an opportunity to network and talk to future sixth forms, colleges, universities and employers. Apprenticeship providers will also be present. In the past students have secured work experience placements and networked with potential future employers. It is a very important evening to attend.
Following last year’s event a Year 10 student told me, ‘I had no idea about pathways in the construction industry and after a conversation with an employer I am now keen to pursue a career in Quantity Surveying’. This student was offered a work experience placement and now considering a Higher Level Apprenticeship at 18. We have been running this consortium event for 8 years, every year it has been extremely successful and we are very excited this year that so many new employers will be attending. Please make sure you come along. Further details will be available to you nearer the time If you require any further information or advice please contact me. Kind regards Mrs Mason Careers Development Manager Email: Twitter: Follow @RVHS_Careers to keep up to date with our department.
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Music Lessons At RVHS, we offer music lessons in Piano, Drums, Guitar and singing. If you are interested; please email the below contacts and full details will be sent to you:
Piano: To book piano lessons or find out more please contact
Singing: Private singing lessons are now available. Please contact Alex Larke for more details at
Drumming: The following lessons are available: One to One, Two to One and Small Group lessons. Contact:
Guitar: To book lessons or find out more, please contact Rachel Espeute on if you are interested.
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RVHS Uniform Code At Roding Valley High School we like our students to be well presented when representing the school. Please remember that since September 2015, all students must adhere to our code of footwear, details are as follows:
Not Acceptable
Boys Uniform School Uniform Trousers: Black Tailored Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Shirt: plain white with no logos Tie – school tie Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with school badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge can be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. No Jewellery except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)
PE Uniform Navy and silver Rugby Shirt Navy and silver T-Shirt Navy and silver shorts Navy RVHS bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Football boots, training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Navy and silver Rugby Shirt
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Girls Uniform School Uniform Skirt or Trousers: Royal blue/black/white check skirt or black tailored trousers. Skirt must be worn below the knee (Skirts which are altered to an excessively short length are not permitted under any circumstances) Blazer: Black (with school badge) to be worn at all times Blouse: Plain white blouse with collar. (Blouses should have no ‘frills’ or patterns on them) Jumper (optional): Black ‘V-neck’ jumper with the School badge or black sleeveless ‘V-neck’ with the School badge. Only jumpers with the school badge are allowed to be worn. Shoes: Black, classic leather style shoes only. Boots, trainers, canvas shoes, backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. Tights: Tights must be plain black or natural coloured. Patterned tights are not acceptable. Ankle socks may be worn: However knee length socks are not acceptable. No jewellery, except for a small stud, only one in each ear, and a wrist watch. Facial, or other body piercings, are not acceptable. Coats: Must be dark (black or dark blue) raincoat, overcoat or jacket (not denim or leather and without badges or slogans)
Girls who choose to wear the skirt need to ensure that the logo on the skirt is below knee level. A new skirt should be purchased if this is not the case. PE Uniform Navy and silver t-shirt Navy and silver skirt Navy RVHS tracksuit bottoms (optional) Navy RVHS jumper (optional) Navy RVHS waterproof jacket (optional) Navy socks with two white rings around the top Training shoes or plimsolls and a towel Optional items include a black or royal blue leotard and hockey boots
Uniform Stockist Our uniform stockist is conveniently located at:
Forest Casual and School Wear 144 High Road, Loughton, IG10 4BE Tel: 0208 508 2848
Please click to be taken to their Website
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. Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 020 8508 1173 On their return to School please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible, then please try to ensure that your child attends school before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child. A letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service, who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance please see our Attendance Policy, which can be found on our website or contact Mrs Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.
Guidance for Common Ailments Please see the following guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school.
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School Communications We have been communicating by email for over a year now in a bid to get information to you quicker and more cost effectively. We found, however, our previous parental communication system did not give the functionality that people expect from smart phone apps today. So the school has invested in a new communication system call RS Connect Ed and with this comes a shiny new App. MyEd is the free parent app that gives you a multitude of communication and information features to stay in touch with what is going on at school. The app gives you direct access to your child's attendance, timetable, absence records, achievements, behaviour and much, much more. You will also see that we update and change the information in the app as the school year moves along. Click here to see a short video about the app We are able to send you messages directly to the MyEd app relating to important information about your child's education and to remind you of events that are taking place at school. We can also embed links to regularly used systems, for example Parent Pay & Doddle so you can keep everything in one place. You will receive a notification if we send you a message and there is no charge for the messages you send to us. The App can be downloaded by anyone and they will have access to information also available on our website Only parents will be able to access their own student’s information as long as we have the email address and mobile number you are using to access the App. Everyone will be able to see image to the left. But only parents of students in the school will be able to access this when clicking on the My Students tab.The MyEd app is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below: Step 1 - Go to your App Store Step 2 - Search for My Ed Step 3 - Download the Free app Apple iOS App Google Android App Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for Roding Valley High School and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you are having any problems and we will help you get set up.
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20 | Page Woodford Green Athletics Club offer the following for young athletes, all based at our club house at Ashton Sports Centre, Woodford Bridge. We can offer competition at track & field, cross country and road running to all levels of performance. For under 11’s – Woodford Wasps Saturday morning 10.00am Ask for Wendy -----------------------------------------------------------------------Young members from 11 to 17 years of age Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5.45pm Training for young members. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For those parents who would like to compete or simply to get fit we can offer the following: Introductory training sessions on Tuesday evenings 7.00pm Training for adults with Bertie Powell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The club is also looking for coaches and helpers. We run a number of teams at senior, junior and youth level which need support. If you are interested in taking up coaching, the club can help with obtaining qualifications or if simply to get involved in athletics Please come down on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm to meet our coaches/Officials.
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