“Our vision is to be the school of choice for our local community, developing successful young people with high aspirations, who show respect for all and endeavour to become the very best that they can be.”
RVHS Parent Bulletin Aspiration Respect Endeavour Friday 29th November 2019 Message from the Headteacher It was a wonderful evening of celebration at the Key Stage 3 Awards last night. There were 257 awards and commendations presented to students for a variety of achievements including outstanding effort, progress, attainment and attitude to learning. It was the first time that the awards evening has included students from Years 8 and 9, which made it a real celebration of Key Stage 3. It was also the first time that the Dulchar ‘Character’ Cup was presented. The award was donated in memory of Mrs Dulchar, who was the Headteacher when the school was Loughton County High School for girls, from 1972-76. Please click on link for all our worthy winners.
1510 pts
1415 pts
Just a reminder that the school is closed tomorrow, Friday 29th November to all students. School resumes at 8.40am on Monday morning as normal. As I have previously written, Mr Cheema (Deputy Headteacher) is off on compassionate leave and Ms Dyer is now the Acting Deputy Headteacher. In light of this, Mr Price (Year Progress Leader for Year 7) has been appointed as Acting Assistant Headteacher to cover for Miss Dyer and Miss Edwards has been appointed as Acting Year Progress Leader for Year 7. These changes have been introduced with immediate effect. I would like to invite parents/carers to our Parent Form on Monday 2nd December at 6 pm in Brook Library. The session will focus on the importance of online safety and will provide parents with up-to-date information on the use of social media. All parents are welcome to join us at the event and we hope to see you there! I would like to thank all those parents and carers who attended the Bingo night on Friday 15th November. This raised £487.50, which will go towards supporting the school. The next PTA event is the Quiz Night on Friday 24th January 2020, flyer is included. On Tuesday 3rd December at 6:30pm we will be holding our Winter Concert. Tickets are available on Parent Pay, priced at £3.00 a ticket, concessions are free but will still require a ticket for entry. All tickets can be collected from our Head of Music, Mr. Savage.
1400 pts
1300 pts
1210 pts
It is our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 5th December from 5-7pm. We want to encourage all our Year 11s to attend, it is a golden opportunity to discuss the A level provision on offer at the school, with both teachers and current sixth form students. Next week, the Year 13s start their PPEs which will give them a clear indication of where they are in their studies and assist their preparation for the summer exams. Year 9 also have three days of exams to help us identify the right path for them as they approach choosing their options. The school production of A Christmas Carol is taking place on Wednesday 11th December at 7pm in the Drama Studio. Christmas Lunch is on Friday 13th December, followed by the Year 10s watching A Christmas Carol performed by an external company. The school is a very busy and exciting place in the build up to Christmas; please enjoy the rest of the bulletin. Best Wishes Mrs. Jenner Headteacher
Event th
Friday 29 November
School is closed for Inset Day
Monday 2 December
Year 13 PPE’s begin
Monday 2 December
Year 9 Exams begin
Tuesday 3 December
Winter Concert – 6pm in the Main Hall
Wednesday 4 December
Year 12 Trip to Warwick University
Thursday 5 December
Year 10 Art Trip
Thursday 5 December
Sixth Form Open Evening
Friday 6 December
Year 13 Economics- Strong Foundations Workshop
Monday 9 December
Year 9 to 11 Christmas Market day trip
Tuesday 10 December
Year 10 Trip to Curwen Print Centre
Wednesday 11 December
School Production of the Christmas Carol – 7pm in room CA1
Friday 13 December
Year 10 to watch an external production of A Christmas Carol
Friday 13th December
Christmas dinner
Monday 16 December
KS4 and 5 Awards Evening
Tuesday 17 December
Year 7 Trip to Billionaire Boy
Thursday 19 December
Last day of the school term – school finishes at 12:20pm
Parents are invited to the events that are highlighted blue. If you would like to view the school calendar for the Year, please go to: https://www.rodingvalley.net/parents/calendar/ Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
Congratulations to Year 7 student, Ruby, who has continued Roding Valley High School’s annual success at the Loughton Town Council Christmas Card Design Competition; taking home first prize in the Secondary School category! Ruby and her parents have been invited to the next Loughton Town Council meeting on Wednesday 11 December, where she will be presented with a certificate and £25 gift voucher. Congratulations to all of the 44 other students who entered the competition this year; all of whom have been awarded house points for their talent and commitment! If you would like to see all of the winning and highly commended entries to this competition, please visit the exhibition currently being held at Debden Library, this will move to Loughton Library from 11th December to the first week in January.
Last Friday, our Assistant Head Teacher, Ms Larkin, held a revision preparation workshop for all of our Year 9 students. In the session, students created interleaved timetables, discussed revision techniques, and shared tips on revision mindfulness.
Students were also given advice on how to cope with stressful situations and took part in a game designed to improve memory. All students left the room armed with new techniques and the confidence needed to help them conquer revision ahead of the upcoming December exams – good luck to all! Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
On Saturday 23rd November we had a number of our students competing in the Bar Mock Trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court. All of our pupils were exceptionally well behaved and for their great poise were approached by the organisers to help, as one of the competing schools didn’t arrive and we were asked to take their place alongside the trials we were originally scheduled to compete in. The competition was fierce, and although we did not make it to the finals, two judges expressed how impressed they were of the performances of Florence New and William Cockayne as well as all of our students who took part. Well done to all of the students that participated.
Students: Florence New, William Cockayne, Sophie Cutler, Sadie Hurley, Ivy Prutton, George Lane, Atilla Yusuf, Grace Gedeke, Jessica Overett, Isabella Marcus. Teachers: Ms Garip, Mrs Patel
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We have had a fantastic set of results for the UKMT Individual Senior Maths Challenge. Fifty of our brightest students in Year 11, 12 and 13 participated. Overall, 26 students received a certificate including 3 Gold, 5 Silver and 18 Bronze certificates. Stan Shute, Mashrur Khondokar and Saskia Cushings received the Gold certificate and have also qualified for the Senior Kangaroo Round. Stan also received the Best in School and Year 13 award whilst Saskia received Best in Year 12. Jayden Patel received the Best in Year 11 award. Our Year 9s and 10s are up next who will be sitting the Intermediate Maths Challenge, followed by our Year 7 and 8 students who will sit the Junior Maths Challenge. We are certain they match or exceed the standard set by Upper School! Written by Mr SH Rahman
This week our Year 9 students had the opportunity to watch an interactive presentation from EFYC #Consequences, the presentation provides students with the latest information and guidance to enable them to make the right choices regarding the issues facing them. With the use of theatre and case studies our students were talked through the impact and consequences of decisions and actions, highlighting the consequences both positive and negative.
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Health and Wellbeing Conference On Friday 22nd November, members of Roding Valley Student Voice and the Epping Forest Youth Council attended the Epping Civic Offices for a conference on health and wellbeing. During the course of the day, students had an opportunity to debate mental and physical health initiatives in the borough and hear from professionals employed in the health sector. Florence New, chaired a section of the conference and the council also heard from Zak Smith and Daniel Mehr in Year 10. Maisha Khondokar, Tolani Areadon, Lauren Marks and Bianca Lednecu took part in the floor debate, offering excellent points to consider when thinking about the future of health and wellbeing in Epping Forest. This was a fantastic opportunity and students did an excellent job of representing RVHS in the local community. Written by Mrs Collins-Associate Assistant Headteacher
Last night we held our KS3 Awards Evening; this is a fantastic event celebrating the achievements of our students with over 257 awards presented. This year Tolani Aradeon and Vienna Igwe were delighted to be the first ever “Character Cup� award winners.
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It’s been a busy couple of weeks with lots of house activities going on across the school. All Houses are currently collecting donations of food as part of the Epping Forest Food Bank Appeal. The Houses have designed some amazing collection boxes as you can see below:
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to vote for your favourite design. I will be awarding house points so do get involved. Please open this link to Vote!! In terms of food donations, Epping Forest Food Bank have requested donations and where possible for the following items to be donated: However do feel free to donate whatever you can. We will continue to UHT Milk/powdered milk Coffee/hot chocolate accept donations until the end of Tuesday 10th December. A big thank Jam Small/medium box of chocolates you for all the donations so far. A selection of our House Captains, Custard Sponge puddings Deputies and Leaders will then be involved in delivering the food to Long life juice Tinned ham Epping food bank before the end of term. Tinned tomatoes Rice In case you missed it, we have included on the next page the letter regarding our appeal from Imogen Kemp who is our Year 13 Deputy Head girl who oversees our House captains, Deputies and Leaders. Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
As part of the History curriculum, students have been creating their own witch bottles. Ms Preston and Mr Cocker had the difficult task of judging winners. Frank Cullis wins 50 points for Pankhurst House for his winning design. Sam Shakespeare wins 25 points for Hawking House for his bottle as well. An amazing amount of effort was put into all the designs. Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
After a week of preparations with Mr Rahman four Mathematicians, Saskia Cushings, Billy Roberts, Stan Shute and myself travelled to Queen Mary University of London to take part in the Regional Heat of the Senior Team Mathematics Challenge. The four of us travelled along with Mrs Vermaak and Mr Collins for support. The team was split into two pairs: Billy and Stan, and Saskia and me. The day was split up into three rounds. The Group Round, a set of 10 challenging questions. The Cross Number Round, a crossword but for numbers, where the two pairs have one of either the down or across questions, and answers can depend on the other pair’s answers. And the Shuttle Round, where you get four 8-minute rounds of 4 questions, where you have to pass the answer of each question to the other pair. The Group Round went amazingly. We split the ten questions into two sets of five and worked through them quite quickly. We had enough time at the end to check each other’s work, and we only made one mistake with a total of 54/60 marks, as each right answer is worth 6 marks. The Cross Number also went swimmingly. We worked very quickly in our pairs and only slowed when we needed answers from the other pair! We had an amazing score of 63/66. We had some issues with the Shuttle Round, but I believe that we worked through it as well as we could, and that our teamwork could not have been better. Saskia and Billy will focus on training for this part next year. Overall, Roding Valley High School attained 6th place, out of 30-odd schools at the competition, which is a massive jump from 19th place last year! As a treat, Mrs. Vermaak and Mr. Collins took us to Nando’s where they treated us on behalf of the Roding Valley Mathematics Faculty, for our hard work and great results! I would like to give a very big thank you, for allowing us to participate in this competition, and of course, for the food! Overall, I felt that it was a great experience. We worked really well as a team, and although the questions were sometimes challenging, they were really satisfying to solve. I believe that I speak on behalf of the entire team when I say that it was a lot of fun! Mr. Rahman has told us that year after year, Roding Valley’s place in the Senior Team Maths Challenge has improved, so the pressure is on for the next team to take up the mantle. Written by Mashrur Khondokar, Year 13
Congratulations to our Year 8 students who on Monday competed in Essex County FA Group 2 Futsal School Qualifier at University of Essex. It was a great learning experience for them all in what was their 1st Futsal tournament. It was really enjoyable event and the boys have already asked about another fixture
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Message from Mr Price Congratulations to the following students for winning Loric Awards at last night’s KS3 Awards Evening.
We are rapidly approaching the end of our first term at Roding Valley. The Year 7’s are fully in to the swing of things at secondary school and it is wonderful to see all the great learning they are doing in all of their lessons.
Ruby Mace
So many of our students are taking advantage of the extracurricular programme that the school offers and for the few who do not attend one of these clubs then I fully recommend that you do. Just speak to your classroom teachers for more information. I hope you all have a lovely, long weekend.
Melody Anderson Aidan Risborough and Anastasia Bila Anthony Dean
Olivia Golding
Brooke McIntyre
“For their excellent effort in PE even doing gymnastics”.
Amina Denysova
Well done to Form 7T for having the highest attendance the fourth week in a row. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations to
Sonny Copus 7U for the beautiful book he has created, his work has now gone on display in our Brook Library. Well done sonny keep up the fantastic work!!
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Message from Miss Williams Our Year 9's had the invaluable opportunity to take part in a revision workshop where students were introduced to study techniques and revision skills, to help prepare them for their upcoming KS3 examinations. The morning consisted of teaching students how to best use class made notes & resources from teachers, how to plan an interleaving timetable, RVHS ‘tried and tested’ revision techniques and fun memory games to improve working memory. The day was extremely successful with overwhelming positive feedback. All of the revision materials that were shared with students on the day, will also be made available on the school website, on the ‘Revision Resources’ page. Exams and assessments provide opportunities for students to showcase their learning and find out where their strengths lie and areas in which they need to focus on and may need extra support with. Teachers have provided valuable subject-specific information for students to utilise in the lead up to exams. This can be found on ‘Show My Homework’ and ‘Google Classroom’. All students should ensure that in preparation:
They have planned and are following a revision timetable. They revise for each subject and spend some time every day revising. Little and often is the most effective technique.
They know when and where their assessments will take place. They are on time for school They speak to their teachers, well in advance of the exam, to clarify anything they are unsure about or if they are feeling anxious.
They understand the need for the highest standards of behaviour during the exams. Poor behaviour will not be accepted, and appropriate sanctions will be given if necessary. Please can we ask you to remind your son/daughter of the importance of being fully prepared and equipped for their lessons and exams. We appreciate that equipment does get broken or lost but students cannot work to the best of their ability and reach their full potential if they are not fully equipped. Equipment is available to purchase from the school shop. All students should have the following equipment:
Pens (2 minimum)
Pencil sharpener Pencils (2 minimum) Compass Highlighter pen Protractor Ruler Calculator Eraser A reading book Finally, to mention attendance. We all know how closely academic progress as well as character and resilience development, are linked to strong school attendance. Whilst we all agree that there are times when a child is simply not well enough to attend school but please continue to encourage them to come in even if they are having a bit of an off day. We will support them in school and look after them, but it does ensure that they do not miss out on crucial learning and gives them the greatest chance of success in the long term. Thank you for your continued support. Year 9 is an outstanding year group and I know they will do their very best to achieve the results they deserve. Keep working hard and good luck in you upcoming exams! Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
Wednesday 4 December Thursday 5 December
Friday 6 December
Period 2 09.00 – 9.50 Science (50mins) Hall and Drama Hut English Language (50mins) Hall and Drama Hut
Period 3 10.00 – 10.50 History (50mins) Hall and Drama Hut Geography (50mins) Hall and Drama Hut
Spanish/French (Reading & Writing) (50mins) Hall and Drama Hut
Physical Education (30mins) Hall and Drama Hut
Period 6 14.05 – 15.05 Religious Studies (50mins) Hall and Drama Hut Maths (1hr) Hall and Drama Hut Computer Science (50mins) Groups 9aCS1&2 / 9bCS1&2 Hall
Important Message Please can all Year 9 students remember that you will be sitting in the same seat for the following exams: Science History, Religious Studies, English Language Geography. You will have different seats for each of the following exams: Maths, French/Spanish Computer Science. Please be aware that your seat for the PE exam will be the same as your French / Spanish exam.
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Message from Mr Ryan It has been an excellent couple of weeks with Year 10 working hard for their assessments. I have been impressed by the work ethic that has been shown by the year group. I had the privilege on Friday to spend time with the Royal Navy and a selection of Year 10 students who were amazing. We learnt about the different food that is included in a ration pack (smart calories); Team building and leadership skills were also incorporated. There was an excellent atmosphere in the room. Some Business Studies students are working on a project to turn ÂŁ50 in to ÂŁ1500 by running a tuck shop. All proceeds are going to the Haven House trust.
I think this is a very worthwhile cause. It was lovely to see so many students at the KS3 awards ceremony last night. I was so pleased with the students as I am sure their parents are. Enjoy the long weekend!
Year 10 Basketball The basketball season has started. A combined Year 10 Basketball team from both Roding Valley High School and West Hatch High School played their first game of the season on Wednesday afternoon away at Epping St John. Having just had one training session together as well as a few newcomers to the game the combined school team won a brilliant game 38-26, with Cem ending as top point scorer in the game. There are two more games left of the league season against Ongar Academy and Davenant School, with the winner of the league going onto play a West Essex Schools Final against the winner of the Harlow School Basketball League. Well done Boys. Written by Mr Allen
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Message from Miss Reed Year 11 students have now completed their first set of PPE’s and I would like to congratulate them on their efforts and conduct throughout the exam period. I understand this can be a stressful time for students however it was evident that students had prepared themselves exceptionally. School reports will go out in December where interventions will then be reviewed. Year 11 should now be thinking about the next step of their journey whether it be attending sixth form, gaining an apprenticeship or going to college. All students are in the process of having a careers meeting with our onsite careers officer. Mrs Mason also led an assembly this week giving pupils a greater knowledge of the process. I would like to encourage all students to attend the Roding Valley Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 5th December where they can gain a deeper insight into the subjects on offer to them here.
Royal Navy Workshop On Wednesday 20th November, a selection of students took part in a Royal Navy Workshop where they spent two hours completing three different activities. These tasks included Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication Skills (LORIC Skills) which students are continually working on and developing at school in preparation for their working life. Students were given an insight into life in the Royal Navy and thoroughly enjoyed the session.
Thank you Thank you to the following students who assisted with our Y12 Parents evening this week signing students in and serving refreshments to staff.
Megan Allgood
Jenny Lycett
Elizabeth Wheeler
Riley Cann
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Form Open Evening: Thursday 5th December Parents Evening: Thursday 16th January
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Lunch Time
Lunch Time
Lunch Time
The Zone: in the Zone- All Years GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Keyboard Club: All Years Y10 Combined Science Support Sociology Surgery: Year 10 & 11 Girls Cricket: Year 7 to 9 Sportability - Invite Only
The Zone: in the Zone- All Years GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Rugby Skills: Year 7 & 8 Basketball: Year 7 to 9 Debate Club: All Years Y7 Science Support: Year 7 Cartoon Club: Year 7 Chess and Board Game Club: Year 7 to 9 KS3 Maths Club: Year 7 to 9 Choir: All Years Literacy Games: Year 7 to 10 French Club: Year 7
After School GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Year 10 Music Technology: Year 10 Homework Support: The Zone Computer Aided Design Chelmsford Shakespeare Festival: Year 8 to 10 Science Club: Year 7 to 9 Combined Science Clinic: Year 11 Netball: All Years Football: All Years PiXL Loric Club: Year 7 to 10
After School GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Dance: All Years KS3 Languages Club: Year 7 to 9 Christmas Carol: All Years
Thursday Lunch Time The Zone: in the Zone- All Years GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Handball: Year 7 to 9 Y8 Science Support: Year 8 Y7 Drama Club: Year 7 Handwriting Club: All Years Logic Club: All Years Chess & Board Game Club: Year 7 to 9 KS3 Maths Club: Year 7 to 9
After School GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Christmas Carol: All Years Girls Football: all Years Combined Science Clinic: Year 11 Chemistry Clinic: Year 11 English Clinic: Year 11 Photography Club: All Years Concert Rehearsals: All Years Year 11 GCSE Music Composition Support: Year 11 Maths Support: All Years Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
The Zone: in the Zone- All Years GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Sixth Form Football Fixtures: 1pm to 5pm Touch Rugby: Year 7 Debating: Year 11 Y9 Science Support: Year 9 Y10 Triple Science Support: Year 10 Creative Writing Club: Year 7 to 10 Year 10 Music Technology Well Being Wednesday: The Hub – All Years
After School GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Netball Fixtures: All Years Combined Science Clinic: Year 11 Biology Clinic: Year 11 Cooking Club: Year 7 & 8 Media Support/Intervention: Year 10 to 13 Clay Club: All Years Concert Rehearsals: All Years
Friday Lunch Time The Zone: in the Zone- All Years GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Debating Sixth Form Football Fixtures: 1pm to 5pm Carnegie Reading Group: Year 7 to 9 Humanities Club: Year 7
After School GCSE Open Access to Art & Photography: Year 10 & 11 Physics Clinic: Year 11 History Clinic: Year 10 & 11 Concert Rehearsals: All Years Year 9 Football: Invite only
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Curriculum Information
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Challenge and Enrichment
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Extended Learning
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Homework Information
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How you can help your child
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Reading Lists
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Recent Letters
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Revision Resources
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School Calendar
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School Policies and Procedures
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We would like to ask Parents to remind our students that all Mobile Phones should be switched off at all times throughout the school day. If they are seen or heard by a member of school staff, they will be confiscated.
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Before School: 8:15am to 8:40am Break: 11:00am to 11:20am Have Fun and Raise
Lunch: 1:20pm to 2:05pm After School: 3:05pm to 3:30pm
Please be aware that from Monday 12th November, students will not be served outside of these times.
HB Pencil Non-stop Pencil Biro (Black, Blue or Green) Handwriting Pen (Black or Blue) Gel Pen (Black or Blue) Gel Clear Pen (Black or Blue) Felt Tip Pens (pack) Coloured pencils (pack) Highlighter Pen Multi - Pen Rollerball Pen (Black, Blue or Red) RVHS Pen 15cm Ruler 30cm Ruler Eraser Sharpener Protractor Set Square Compass Calculator Scientific Calculator Small Pencil Case Large Pencil Case
10p 30p 10p 10p 40p 50p £2.10 £1.00 20p 60p 30p 50p 10p 20p 5p 10p 15p 15p 30p £1.70 £8.40 80p £1.00
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Maths Set Maths Set with small pencil case Revision set Glue - Small Glue - Medium Glue - Large Post Its Card Document wallet Popper Folder – coloured Popper Folder - clear Display file - 20 Pockets Clip File Ring Binder Zip wallets (A5) Zip wallets (A4) Zip wallets (A3) 10 stage dividers A4 clear pockets Lever arch file Box File Data File Small Note Pad- Lined
90p £1.60 £1.80 30p 80p £1.00 20p 10p 40p 70p £2.00 60p 50p 20p 25p 30p 40p 5p £1.50 £2.20 20p 30p
Student Absence If your child is unable to attend School for any reason, please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence. 0208-508-1173 On their return to School, please ensure your child brings with them a letter . or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.
Medical Appointments Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.
Holidays in Term Time It is not school policy to authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) should you require leave for your child, a letter detailing your exceptional circumstances should accompany it. Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case may be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school. For full details regarding attendance, please see our Attendance Policy, which can be found on our website or contact Mrs. Jeanette Low, our Attendance and Welfare Manager on the school number.
Guidance for Common Ailments Please see on the following page guidance from the NHS of common childhood illnesses; this advises what type of illness requires time off from school and what does not. Should you require further guidance please contact the school on 0208-508-1173
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Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama
Follow us on: @rodingvalleyHS @humsrvhs @rodingvalleyPE RODING VALLEY DRAMA@rodingdrama