RVHS Bulletin w/e 16/06/2023

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Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents/ Carers,

I am so proud of our Year 11 and 13 students, and how they have conducted themselves during this exam season. It is hard to believe that they are nearly finished and we wish each and every one of them every success for their future pathway. We really value our alumni and hope they will keep in touch.

I can’t believe that I am now in my final half term. I will miss the students and the school tremendously. I truly hope that you have all read Mr Charlton’s introductory letter and I know he will continue with the excellent work here at the school, next academic year and beyond. He will continue to support and grow the school on its path of excellence and support staff and students to be the very best that they can be

Please can Year 11 parents note the dates for the leaver’s assembly, prom, 6th Form transition and results days - details included in the Year 11 letter from March.

Please can Year 13 parents note the dates for the leaver’s assembly, prom and results days - details included in the Year 13 letter from March.

Our Year 10 exams season starts on Monday 19th June , students are very well prepared and parents please see the details and arrangements in the Y10 Exam arrangement letter

It has been an extremely hot week and we have been relaxed about the wearing of blazers both in lessons and around the school site. However, students should have their blazer with them and it must be noted that students should not be replacing blazers with any other lightweight jackets. The only outerwear allowed to be worn is the official school blazer or jumper and students will be asked to remove any alternatives.

0pts 0pts 0pts 0pts 0pts
4th 1295pts 2nd 1670pts 3rd 1490pts 1st 1745pts 5th 1225pts

Please do ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school with them, all students have access to refillable water stations around the school and jugs of water in the canteen. Students do not need to rely on purchasing bottled water. In these temperatures a hat and sunscreen would also be encouraged.

We had a very near miss this week on Alderton Hill when a student stepped out into the road. Thankfully, it wasn’t too serious, but frightening for everyone involved. Please encourage your son/daughter to use the crossing points available to them. For the sake of two minutes more, to cross at the zebra crossing outside school, having stuck to the paths, is so much safer than trying to dodge the busy traffic coming off the mini-roundabout up Alderton Hill. We do focus on road safety with our students as part of their Personal Development curriculum - unfortunately teenagers are often a little impatient, but the consequences could be devastating.

Please can I give advance notice of a date for your diary, on Wednesday 12th July, the school will close to students early at 1:20pm, those students in receipt of free school meals will be able to use their full allocation at break time.

Please also note that school closes for the summer holiday on Friday 21st July at 12:20pm.

Lastly, please do enjoy the rest of this bulletin. I know that there are lots of great examples of all of the exciting opportunities that students have experienced in the last few weeks and details of some of the upcoming events and activities for our students in this final half of the Summer term.

Have a lovely sunny weekend

Messages from Our Year Progress Leaders

Our team is proud to be your child’s Year Progress Leader and very much looking forward to supporting your child and with such a great cohort of students, we are sure it will be a great half term To ensure that you are aware of who your child’s Year Progress Leader is and who to contact, please refer to their details below:

Year 7: Miss Reed

To contact Miss Reed, please email hreed@rodingvalley.net

Year 8: Mr Ryan

To contact Mr Ryan, please email fryan@rodingvalley.net

Year 9: Miss Fazakerley

To contact Miss Fazakerley, please email jfazakerley@rodingvalley.net

Year 10: Miss Pinches

To contact Miss Pinches, please email tpinches@rodingvalley.net

Year 11: Miss Edwards

To contact Miss Edwards, please email cedwards@rodingvalley.net

Year 7 News

Message from Miss Reed

As we draw closer to the end of the term; it is great to see the weather has improved and the sun is shining. On that note with the weather; students are still required to wear their school uniform on days they do not have PE. PE kit should only be worn on the day students have PE. We would encourage students to bring a refillable water bottle into school at present and we have also made it very clear that under no circumstances should water fights be happening.

This week has been House week where students have been in their usual form group but completing activities in their houses. One of which has been preparing for Sports Day which is happening later in the term. This is a fantastic event that students really enjoy so we would encourage students to get involved in the events on offer to them.

On Sunday, a group of Y7 and Y8 students are heading to Lincolnshire for the PGL residential trip. We are really looking forward to this exciting trip where students will be participating in lots of outdoor activities developing a wide range of skills. Look out for some pictures in the next bulletin!

Lastly I would like to congratulate some students for their hard work over the past 2 weeks:

A huge well done to the following students who gained the most ARE points over the last 2 weeks

 Uzair Arastu

 Albie Bergonzie

 Ethan Ellerby

 Elise Redman

Congratulations to 7 Carbon

For achieving the Highest Attendance over the last 2 weeks!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and enjoys the weather and spending time with friends and family.

Message from Mr Ryan

I love this time of year as the weather is warmer and it feels as though the end of the term is in sight. It also means that there are rewards trips coming up along with the residential. I received excellent feedback from Mrs Harris, who took year 8 students to the Greenwich Observatory. Ms Preston organised a trip to the Jack the Ripper tour, which links with the History curriculum. The English faculty have another theatre trip coming up to see Wicked and then there is the end of year residential which is taking place next week.

This week we had a different format to house week and the year group stayed in their Academic Mentor groups. This is all in preparation for Sports Day which is coming up and again is a highlight of the academic year. I am hoping that as many year 8s as possible get involved as it really is a fun day, if you are involved.

I am aware that it is quite warm at the moment but the uniform policy still remains the same. Unless stated otherwise students are expected to attend school in their uniform. They do not need to wear their jumpers but the blazers are a must. Also, the weather means that children like to have a water fight every now and then. This is not to happen.


I had the privilege to teach a different member of staff's English Class and it was an absolute pleasure. 8a/ENC1 really blew my mind with their reading and understanding of Romeo and Juliet.


Our Bedrock stars that need to be mentioned are…

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact academic mentors or myself (fryan@rodingvalley.net)

Arthur Luton 134 points Aneta Charvatova 181 points

Year 9 News

Message from Miss Fazakerley

What a busy 2 weeks for our Year 9 students. All students are settling in nicely to their GCSE subjects and new timetables. It really is lovely hearing the hustle and bustle of excited students going to new subjects and telling me what they have learnt. If your child is unsure on their timetable please tell them to go and see Mr Vermaak in the canteen during lunchtimes.

We have had some of our Year 9 students on Duke of Edinburgh expedition this week in the Roxwell area. They have all done so well, reading a map and using a compass, completely switching off to technology. Seeing the groups sat around their stoves cooking dinner and telling stories of the day was really lovely.

We have a lot of exciting opportunities coming up in the next couple of weeks. District sports, please make sure you are attending athletics club Mondays after school so we are able to get times and distances for you, if you are interested in going.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to your child’s Academic mentor or contact myself (jfazakerley@rodingvalley.net)


Please be advised that any lost property we currently hold will be disposed of or given to charity if unclaimed by the 1st July 2023.

Therefore if your child(ren) have lost anything in school and would like the item(s) returned please either ask them to come to student reception to enquire or email lostproperty@rodingvalley.net with a full description of lost item(s).

If we do have these item(s) we will be able to reunite you & your item again.

Year 10 News

Message from Miss Pinches

We have lots happening in Year 10 over the coming weeks!

Our exam cycle is starting on Monday 19th June, to be taken by all of the Year 10 cohort. As I am sure you are aware, these are very important examinations for the school and the students. It is essential, therefore, that students prepare thoroughly and do the very best they can. The results of these exams will provide useful indicators as to the current performance of year 10 students and enable the school to assess how well students are doing against the GCSE target grades. They will also provide students with experience of examinations which will be of value to them when they come to prepare for and sit the real examinations next summer.

The timetable can be found here, but I would like to draw your attention to the alternate arrangements for the first 3 days.

I would like to remind parents and students that the revision microsite, linked here, is a one-stop shop for all the revision materials you will need.

Our Careers week is also fast approaching, week beginning Monday 10th July. Please ensure you have completed the google form for Take Your Child to Work Day. The letter from Ms Mason with all information and links can be found here

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me (tpinches@rodingvalley.net)

Year 11 News Message from Miss Edwards

I wanted to start by congratulating each and every Year 11 student on successfully completing their GCSE's. The light at the end of the tunnel had at times never seemed further away, but at last you have done it! We are all so proud of how well you all prepared for these exams, and conducted yourself throughout the entire exam period. I can't want to see the rewards of all of your hard work when results are released in August. I have already seen many students offered places in colleges and I do hope that you all receive what you deserve come results day!

I am very much looking forward to our leavers assembly on Tuesday 27th June where we can come together and celebrate all of your hard work over this 5 year journey at RVHS. This will then be followed by the much anticipated Prom at Woolston Manner that evening. I can't wait to see you all in your finery, looking amazing!

A final reminder to purchase the year book via ParentPay, in time to receive this for your leavers assembly.

Please don't hesitate to contact us should you need any advice or guidance during these final few weeks cedwards@rodingvalley.net tprice@rodingvalley.net

Dear Parents/Carers

If you are seeking further information about Post 16/Post 18 Options, please remember to take a look on the Careers Microsite.

Latest College Open Day dates are published as well as lots of careers information on the weekly bulletin.

6th Form News

For our year 13 students, the exam season is nearing its end. It has been running very smoothly, with staff and exam invigilators complementing our students’ exam conduct. Well done to all our year 13s and keep those efforts high as we approach the few remaining exams.

A handful have been revising in the Brook Library. It is always wonderful to see them, please feel free to make use of this space for revision if desired.

Our year 13s have their Leavers’ Assembly and prom on Wednesday 5th July. Students should arrive in school at 9.00am for a final breakfast together, followed by our leavers’ assembly. They will be dismissed for the final time by 11.00am, leaving plenty of time to get ready for prom!

Prom will take place at the Kings Oak in High Beech. Do encourage your child to make all necessary transport arrangements, as we do not allow the students to walk down the country lanes when it finishes.

For our year 12s, the new half term with them feeling like the ‘top of the school’ has started well.

Quite a number are going on university open days, such as Queen Mary on Friday 16th June, which has been very popular this year. We look forward to hearing about their experiences there.

6th Form News

We will soon be welcoming the current year 11s in for their sixth form taster day. This is on Thursday 29th June We have invited all of our current year 12s to attend the barbecue on this date, to come and meet with the other half of their future sixth form cohort. Those who do not have a lesson during P6 will still be able to leave site at 2pm. If this is a problem for any students because of driving lessons or tutoring, please just let us know in advance.

Finally, if your child has not yet submitted their work experience forms, please ensure they do so as soon as possible. Without these completed forms, we can’t authorise their absence during this week (17th - 21st July). We would like as many as possible to have a valuable experience, rather than finding them some odd jobs around school.

The weather has been getting very warm indeed. While we still expect students to arrive in school with a blazer, there is no need for them to wear this during the day and in classrooms if it is too hot. There is no other change to the uniform policy, thank you for your support in upholding this.

The link to our latest 6th Form student bulletins are below.

Sixth Form Bulletin 33 w/b 5/6/23.pptx

Sixth Form Bulletin 34 w/b 12/06/23

As ever, if there are any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact us in the sixth form team.

In England, a Free School Meal (FSM) is a statutory benefit available to school aged children from families who receive other qualifying benefits and who have been through the relevant registration process. Recently, the process of applying for Free School Meals at Roding Valley High School has changed to an online application in order to improve speed and reduce the burden of paperwork for parents. For more information on the qualifying benefits and for more information, please visit our Free School Meals page on our school website.

It is important that parents register their children for free school meals if they are entitled as the school receives additional funding known as the Pupil Premium to support the children’s learning. The use of the pupil premium is personalised to meet the needs of the children who are entitled to support, such as 1-1 tuition, additional LSA support and intervention groups, access to school visits, Learning Mentor, speech and language assistants, Family Support and counselling.

If you believe that your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please click here to use our Free School Meals Checker. Your Certificate of Eligibility will then need to be emailed to finance@rodingvalley.net

This week at Science and Medicine Society, we carried out a fish dissection to investigate the gills. Everyone got involved and had lots of fun!

Every Friday at 3pm in S2, the Sixth Form team run Roding Valley's Science and Medicine Society where we put on fun activities and practicals. If you're interested in Science or Medicine, feel free to come along, it's open to all year groups, regardless of what you want to do for a career. We hope to see you there!

A Level Biology Field Trip

We went to a Field Studies site at High Beech and did the ecology practicals of our curriculum. This involved random sampling with quadrats and systematic sampling with transects, as we investigated the effects of light intensity and trampling on plant growth. It was fun overall and it was nice to work outside on such a sunny day! Tuna Paralar

I greatly enjoyed last week's biology trip as it helped me to gain a better understanding of the techniques we, as biologists, use - Gideon King 12T

Year 7 Nature Explorers STEM trip

Year 7s went to Hyde Park to do a workshop with the royal parks and the natural history museum to find out how people impact the environment. They investigated the biodiversity in two areas of the park, one that had been mowed and one that hadn't using quadrats and random sampling techniques. They found out that there were a lot more plant species growing in the area that hadn't been mowed. Then they thought about how they could analyse their results and made a human bar chart. They also thought about things that they can do to help nature.

Year 8 STEM trip to Greenwich Observatory

Our year 8s went to Greenwich observatory to take part in a discovery day about planets and how we find out about other planets. We had a workshop learning about water worlds, planets that contain liquid water, and why they might be interesting to us. We also learned about pressure on other planets and how this might affect organisms that could live there. We then got to have a look around the site looking at old telescopes and ways that astronomers could find out about space before going to a planetarium show - final frontier.

Year 9 STEM trip to the Royal Institution

Year 9s completed a crash test workshop and the Royal Institution. They tested the strength of different shapes using newton meters to find out which shape was the strongest. A demo showed them that round columns were stronger than square ones and then they did their own static and dynamic tests of the strength of paper columns demonstrating Newtons second law as the moving masses applied more force and crushed the columns with a lower mass. In the afternoon we applied these ideas to designing a car that could survive a crash and testing them. They found out that they had to make sure that the crumple zone crumpled but the passenger area needed to be reinforced. Most groups managed to design a car so that when it crashed the egg inside didn't crack.

We are super proud of our DofE Silver Expedition students, walking approximately 30kms a day in some of the most beautiful coastal routes in The Purbecks and finally finishing on Studland Beach. They demonstrated brilliant teamwork and resilience the entire time.

KS3 Summer Showcase Tuesday 4 July 2023

This is an evening where KS3 students will present their project on 'new beginnings'-they have been working on this for the last 6 weeks. All winners will receive a voucher. Am sure this will be a spectacular evening highlighting the ability and skills RVHS students have.

RVHS Exposed

The school magazine is recruiting if you would like to be involved email shpatel@rodingvalley.net The magazine allows you to explore areas of interest and passion, it does not need to be academic, it is an opportunity where you can really express yourself! To see our latest magazines please click here.

This week is celebrated as Healthy Eating Week, please see the link below which is a very informative webinar

KS3 Super Curricular Lectures

Healthy Eating Webinar

Click here for Recipes

At the start of this term. students in KS3 have been invited to attend Super Curricular lectures. These are aimed to broaden career horizons where staff across the community deliver a presentation on an area outside their subject area. Topics have included: Investment banking, running a marathon, working in insurance and introduction to the music industry.

Below is some feedback from one the lectures: -

I found the lecture quite interesting as we learned the preparations of a marathon. We first learnt about what sort of training you had to do. It would start 20 weeks prior where you would train by going on runs 3-4 times a week and the rest being rest days as they are very important. However, as the weeks went on the longer your run would be, week 1 would be a 2 mile run but week 15 might be a 15 mile run but when it got close to the marathon, for example, week 19 you would do less miles so you would not be tired for the marathon''.

Next, we learned about nutrition and what type of food you need to eat. Miss Larkin explained that you had to eat a lot more than the average calorie intake which is about 2000 and instead eat about 3000. Most of the food that you would have to eat would be carbohydrates as they produce energy. You were not allowed to eat 'junk food' and instead a lot of pasta, fruit, chicken, potatoes and avocados – Connor Winkwork Y7

I found the lecture interesting and very informative since I learnt a lot about how to prepare for running a marathon – George Prentice Y7

House week is back this week with a slightly different structure! Students remained in their normal year group forms this week whilst engaging in a house assembly as well as activities and competitions throughout the week including a super retrieval quiz!

The super retrieval quiz included one question from every subject in the school which pupils in their smaller house groups would try their best to answer. Being a retrieval quiz it was all based on what they had learnt throughout their past year here at Roding!

Miss Preston created a great personal development task that all students engaged in by looking at how people show commitment to something or someone and what they can do to be committed to themselves.

In our last house week we had a shield design competition and a member of each house has been selected as the winner. These designs are going to be blown up into supporting banners for sports day! Well done to those students who won and everyone else who took part including the runners up!

You can see the scoreboard has changed somewhat but the podium positions do remain the same however those gaps are getting smaller! Can Churchill hold on to that top spot or will they be knocked off it in the final few weeks...

The winning house of the super retrieval quiz will be announced in our next house week which will be the week of sports day so do be prepared for that! It could change the look of the podium… until next time!

Here is your update on the chase to become AR champions.

Once again, there are no changes at the top as 7b/Lb2 continue their dominance at the top of the table. 7b/Lb1 still could catch them, but will need to step up their efforts in their reading and quizzing. 7b/Lb4 remain in 3rd place, now somewhat adrift from their rivals for the championship.

In mid-table, there has also been no movement in terms of positions. 7a/Lb2 continue to hold 4th place, with 7a/Lb1 and 7a/Lb3 following in 5th and 6th places respectively. Can either class up the ante in the final weeks to overtake 7a/Lb2 before the end of term?

Well done as well to our top 5 readers, likewise to those of you who have increased your personal word counts this week.

Remember: DEAR time is period 6 this week. Remind your teachers at the start of your lessons at 2:00 and enjoy your 20 minutes of reading!

For the latest edition of Roding Reads please click on the image on the left

This week our Year 10’s have experienced Digital Week. During this week they have engaged in a multitude of digital based activities to enhance their technological skills.

PE Pupils of the fortnight

Week ending 26/05/2023

Year 7 Ignacy Gizycki

Lela McFarlene

Jayden Davis-Edwards Isobel Mckay

Year 8 Hugo Home

Theo Savage

Year 9 Arthur Hammerston

Alfie Hopwood

Year 10 Taiden Mayo

Olivia Jarvis

Poppie Davies

Eirini Markaki

Ciara Weeks

Connie Garland

This week is celebrated as Health Eating Week, below is a very informative webinar about this.

Healthy Eating Webinar

Health Eating Recipies

Boys Girls

Congratulations to the following students for their fantastic work in Literacy and during Drop Everything and Write (DEAW)

Sara Akhazzan – 7Ox Karen Kaw – 7Ca Zola Crompton – 7Ca Charlie Bird – 9 Fl Sara Chowdhury – 9Ne Robbie Croxford – 9Fl

Student Absence

If your child is unable to attend School for any reason, please report their absence by phoning the school number by 9.30am at the latest, you must also ring in each day of your child’s absence.


On their return to School, please ensure your child brings with them a letter or medical evidence if requested explaining the reason for the absence for our records.

Medical Appointments

Please make sure you make any medical or dental appointments outside of school time. If this is not possible then please try to ensure that your child attends before and/or after their appointment.

Holidays in Term Time

The school does not authorise any holidays during term time except if the Headteacher deems it an exceptional circumstances. A ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed (these are available at Student Reception) detailing your exceptional circumstances.

Please be aware if the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case will be referred to the Local Authority who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.

For full details regarding attendance, please see our Attendance Policy here.

Who to contact

Should you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or punctuality please contact your child’s Year Progress Leader or our Attendance Officer Ms A Parsley (aparsley@rodingvalley.net)

Explore together: Ask your child to show you their favourite websites and apps and what they do on them. Listen, show interest and encourage them to teach you the basics of the site or app. 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chat about online safety little and often: Young people are likely to want to explore new apps and websites this month, whether that is for learning or for fun. Take this opportunity to talk to them about how to stay safe on these new services, and in general. Ask if anything ever worries them while they are online. Make sure they know that if they ever feel worried, they can get help by talking to you or another adult they trust.

Help your child identify trusted adults who can help them if they are worried: This includes you and other adults at home, as well as adults from wider family, school or other support services who they are able to contact at this time. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a list of their trusted adults.

Be non-judgemental: Explain that you would never blame them for anything that might happen online, and you will always give them calm, loving support.

Talk about how their online actions can affect others: If your child is engaging with others online, remind them to consider how someone else might feel before they post or share something. If they are considering sharing a photo/video of somebody else, they should always ask permission first.

Parental controls: Make use of the parental controls available on your home broadband and any internet enabled device in your home. You can find out more about how to use parental controls by visiting your broadband provider’s website.

Direct your child to age appropriate information about relationships and sex: It’s natural for young people to start exploring their sexual feelings online and adolescents are more inclined to take risks. It’s important to understand this and to talk to your child in a positive way. Thinkuknow, Brook, The Mix and Childline all provide age appropriate information about relationships and sex that you can signpost your child to.

Make sure they know about CEOP: Young people can report a concern about grooming or sexual abuse to CEOP at www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ and get support from a specialist Child Protection Advisor.

Support your child with Thinkuknow websites

The age appropriate Thinkuknow websites are a great way to start and continue chats about online safety.

 11-13yrs Thinkuknow website: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_13/

 14yrs + Thinkuknow website – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/14_plus/

Our websites provide open and honest guidance for young people on friends, relationships and the internet, covering topics like dealing with pressure; consent; and getting support when you are worried.

You will find lots more advice on keeping your child safe online at www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents.

If you are worried that a child or young person is at risk of harm online, you should call the police. Young people can make a report to CEOP at https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Other Recommended Resources

Parent Info: Expert information for parents about building their child’s resilience both online and off. Produced by NCA-CEOP and Parent Zone. This free service can be embedded on to your child’s school website. www.parentinfo.org

Brook: Information and advice for young people on sexual health and wellbeing, including staying safe online. https://www.brook.org.uk

The Mix: Support service for young people with information and advice on sex and relationships. https://www.themix.org.uk

Internet Matters: A useful tool showing how to set parental controls across a range of devices and websites. http://www.internetmatters.org/parentalcontrols/interactive-guide/

NSPCC Net Aware: Provides reviews and guidance on the most popular social networks, apps and games that children use. https://www.net-aware.org.uk/

Childnet – Information and advice for parents and carers on supporting people online. https://www.childnet.com/reso urces/supporting-youngpeople-online

How Can I Access Edulink?

EduLink can be accessed on any device – PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device – via the web browser or via the EduLink app. The link to access the EduLink login page on a web browser is www.edulinkone.com

Alternatively, you can download the EduLink App which is available to download for free on Apple or on Android.

Both the App and the web browser will display this log-in screen.

The School ID is ‘Roding’.

Parents/Carers will need to enter the Username and Password they have been provided with and click ‘Log in’.

The displayed is dependant of the platform you are logged in to:

 Via Web Browser

 Via the EduLink App

Navigating Edulink

You are able to navigate each of the following areas in EduLink:

 Achievement: You van view all positive achievements that have been awarded to your child

 Account Information: In this section you can view the current address we have for your child on file, your child’s Year group and the name of their Form tutor

 Timetable: In this section you can view your child’s daily timetable

 Absence Reporting: This feature will allow you to send a direct message to our Attendance Officer, to notify us of any absence for your child

 Linked Resources: This section contains links to all the schools learning resources available to your child both at school and at home

 Update Information: This section shows all of the contact information we hold for yourself and your child. You can review and update this information with any changes that may occur

 Exams: You can see all of your child upcoming exams; your child can also access this information so they can manage their own exam schedule

 Documents: In this section you can view your child’s reports

Parents can access information on all their children currently admitted to Roding Valley High School. If you require any assistance, please contact Mr Vermaak or Miss Stewart (mvermaak@rodingvalley.net or lstewart@rodingvalley.net )


How to Log on to Google Classroom?

Students can log into their Gmail using their school email address and their password. Their school email will be the year they started at RVHS started plus their first initial and surname @rodingvalley.net (example- 19plarkin@rodingvalley.net).

Once your child has have logged in, they will need to click on the google apps button and then select ‘Google Classroom’

Your child will then be able to see all of the classes they belong to. They will then need to click on the class they want to use resources for and take a look at everything that their class teacher has posted for them to work on. They will be able to download items and make comments on them. Teachers will be regularly posting new work on their Google Classrooms.

What to Do if your child is a Missing a Subject their Google Classroom?

If your child is missing a Google Classroom for one of their subjects, they will need to click on the addition symbol, followed by ‘Join Class’ and then enter the Class Code for their missing subject. Class Codes are available from their subject teacher.

Top Tips for Our Students

 Students must keep up to date with their lessons by using Google Classroom every day.

 Use their workbooks to complete the work shown on their Google Classroom.

 Don’t slack on presentation! Keep their notes in order of the lessons on the Google Classroom.

 Year 11 and 13 Students: There will be revision materials available on Google Classroom. Please use them.

What is DODDLE?

Doddle provides students with access to thousands of engaging, formative resources and guides students through the curriculum.

Doddle Progress automatically tracks student attainment in key curriculum skills. Parents can see student attainment and progress through our easy-to-use Doddle Parent feature. Skills within Doddle are rated as red, amber or green. These ratings give a clear indication of how much progress a child has made and highlight the weaker areas to be targeted with revision.

Each student has a personal Doddle account where they can access their homework to-do lists and families can view the work their child has been assigned.

These accounts enable parents to view their child's results and encourage them to better their scores by using Doddle's revision resources.

Find out how to create a Doddle Parent account and then link that account to your child with this short video:

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on how to view your child's due and submitted homework:

Find out how to view and track your child's homework with this short video.

Find out how our school uses Doddle Progress by watching our short video to find out how Progress works.

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on how Progress works and how you can use it to help your child's learning.

We have also included a link to a very useful guide on Troubleshooting

This is a valuable resource that will assist parents in supporting their child’s progression. Please use the following link to the log in:

What is Seneca?

Seneca is a free home learning & revision platform that is very popular with our students. It is based on cognitive science, has adaptive learning and can be accessed by our students via their phones!

What Content is available to our Students through Seneca?

Seneca has resources available for KS3, KS4 and KS5 students that has been supplied to them from AQA, OCR, EdExcel Pearson and IGCSE.

Our students will be able to access content designed for each of their subjects and also for their specific courses. There is so much to choose from.

Some areas are even linked to the Exam Boards Course Specifications.

How to Access Seneca?

Students will need to go to https://www.senecalearning.com/, click try for free and create a log in with their school email address.

Once Logged in

Once they are logged in, students are able to search for different subject areas and learn about their chosen topic. At the end of each subject presentation there will be a quiz on the presentation

This Online tool will enable our students to stay on top of their home learning.

Year Progress Leaders

 Year 7: Miss Reed – hreed@rodingvalley.net

 Year 8: Mr Ryan -fryan@rodingvalley.net

 Year 9: Miss Fazakerley – jfazakerley@rodingvalley.net

 Year 10: Ms Pinches – cpinches@rodingvalley.net

 Year 11: Miss Edwards – cedwards@rodingvalley.net

 Sixth Form: Ms Curling – lcurling@rodingvalley.net

Heads of Faculty

 Creative Arts: Mr Tisdale – dtisdale@rodingvalley.net

 English: Mrs Routledge – lroutledge@rodingvalley.net

 Humanities: Mr Cocker – mcocker@rodingvalley.net

 IT/Business: Mr Hussain – ohussain@rodingvalley.net

 Maths: Mr Edeko – oedeko@rodingvalley.net

 MFL: Mr P Melvin – pmelvin@rodingvalley.net

 Personal Development: Ms Preston – tpreston@rodingvalley.net

 Science: Mr Poovillingham - npoovillingham@rodingvalley.net

 Sports & Nutrition: Mr Jones – ljones@rodingvalley.net

 SENDco: Mr T Taylor– ttaylor@rodingvalley.net

General Enquiries

 office@rodingvalley.net

Sixth Form Enquiries

 sixthformoffice@rodingvalley.net


 finance@rodingvalley.net


 safeguarding@rodingvalley.net

How to contact any member of staff at Roding Valley High School: Initial + surname+@rodingvalley.net

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